Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls


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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Florina » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:35 pm

"Ooh, that's wonderful! I was hoping I would get a roommate." She smiled; a cute, genuine smile the likes of which the shy male Takashi would never have allowed to grace his visage. "So, uhh... What do we do-" Her sentence was cut off by Michelle's protest. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were there... Wow, two roommates!" She spun gracefully on her heel - like a dancer - and curtsied to her second roommate in a swift motion. "Morioka Takara, as I just finished saying to Felina-chan. Didn't mean to wake you!" Her japanese-american accent (she had been raised in a bilingual home) seemed out of place between Michelle's obvious french and Felina's prominent british.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Nikki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:40 pm

"Make that three" Felina says gesturing to Sasha. "This is Sasha. And sleepyhead over here is Michele"
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Sasha » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:41 pm

Sasha looks over and smirks and flicks her tail. " Hi i'm Sasha." She says in her Russian Accent.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Florina » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:44 pm

"Well aren't we just a multicultural tag-team?" Takara giggles, repeating her greeting to Sasha. I wonder if my parents know where they shipped me off to... She ponders, And if so... Why me? Why'd they send their 'prodigy' to get turned into a girl and learn something that's not supposed to exist? Hmm...
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Nikki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:48 pm

"We should get ready for breakfast" elina says as she starts to strip off her nightgown.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:48 pm

THe girl named Takara then looked at Michelle and said, "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were there... Wow, two roommates!" There was then a paused in speech as Takara spun around but Michelle was unable to see it since she still had her eyes half awake. Takara then said, "Morioka Takara, as I just finished saying to Felina-chan. Didn't mean to wake you!"

Michelle rubbed her eyes a bit. She had heard what Takara had just said and rubbed them a bit. Soon Felina's voice was heard, "Make that three. This is Sasha. And sleepyhead over here is Michele"

Lastly Sasha's voice was heard, " Hi i'm Sasha."

MIchelle then got up from her bed and said, "We have a new roommate? Oh?" Her eyes were finally awake but she still was a bit sleepy. She then said, "Bonjour. Good morning Morioka." She then grabbed her camera and said, "Désolém sorry, about that. It takes me a while to wake up." She then looked at her roommates and said, "Desolem." She then looked at Takara and said, "Umm..." MIchelle was a bit nervous and said, "Do you mind if I take a picture of you?"
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Sasha » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:50 pm

Sasha nods and gets changes and sits down on her bed and works on brushing her tail ears and hair. "Such a pain." the wolf girl mumbles.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Florina » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:53 pm

"Huh?" Takara questioned, already halfway out of her nightgown. The thought of changing clothes in a room with three other girls hadn't even occurred to her; it seemed natural, comfortable. "I suppose, but you may want to wait until I'm not standing here in my underwear," she giggled as she began to pull her school uniform on.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:58 pm

Michelle was fully able to open her eyes and said, "OH! Désolém! Sorry! I didn't see that." Michelle nodded and said, "OK. I got that."

She then got out of her own bed and walked to a closet. She looked around to see that her roommates were well ahead of her in changing. Michelle then began to remove her sleepgown and pulled out the black uniform. She slip it on and held the blue (OOC:?) bow in her hand. She had no idea how to put it on. She then looked at Sasha and said, "Do you need some help Sasha with your umm..." MIchelle then stopped in order to not address the ears and tail.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Sasha » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:00 pm

Sasha giggles. " Nah i'm good. Its just a pain thats all they get knotted in my sleep."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:04 pm

Michelle looked at Sasha and said, "Oh ok." She then walked over to the mirror that Sasha was at and said, "That use to happen to me a lot too when I started to put my hair in braids." She then place her her hands to her braids that were rolled up in two buns on each side on her head. "Then I began to wrap them up before I sleep so they don't go all over the place." She then smiled and said, "It really helps out a lot."
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Nikki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:06 pm

Felina finishes putting her uniform on.
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Florina » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:10 pm

"I don't know -what- to do with my hair in the mornings," Takara sighed, struggling to run a brush through her waist-length raven hair. She was trying desperately not to look like a fool... As far as she knew, she was the only one in the dorm who hadn't originally been a girl. "My parents won't let me get it cut, though. They say that a girl should have long hair." She wondered what it must look like to the other girls. There she was, sitting on her bed, clad only in a short skirt and her underwear (she had not yet donned her shirt or jacket), attempting to tame her ridiculously long hair. What if they found her out? What if they thought she was some sort of freak?

Her visage retained its look of frustration, but the reasons were not limited to her unruly hair.

(( Sorry; I tend to ramble. Let me know if I'm being too long-winded. x_X ))
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Sasha » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:12 pm

Sasha giggles. " here Takara. let me show you a Veela trick." she slips Takara's brush out of her hands and works on her hair. " See do it like this its much easier. "
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Re: Waghorts Magical Academy....for Girls

Postby Nikki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:13 pm

Takara suddenly starts to remember how to style her hair.

"I think you look cute but you need to remember to take your ribbons out before bed" Felina says
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