by Maiden Miki » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:38 pm
"Aww, thanks, Michelle-chan! And call me Takara," said Takara as she fixed her hair into two pigtails. SHe then looked at Michelle and said "Alright, I'm ready for a picture now!"
Felina then said, ""We might as well all be in it. The previous picture is no good anymore"
Michelle looked at Takara and said shy, "Ok? But isn't that a bit too formal Mori- I mean Takara? Isn't Takara your last name?" Michelle had asked this since she didn't know that in the Japanese culture the last names are said before first names. Michelle then heard what Felina said and then reply back, "You are right! That means we have to do it over again." She then looked at Sasha and said, "Still that is if Sasha is ready." She then saw that Sasha was ready and said, "Ok. I guess everybody needs to pose." Michelle then began to set her camera and set the timer. She then said, "Everybody say fromage."