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Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:43 pm
by Nosnits
'I don't know.' Andrew thinks at the voice. 'He could be. Just don't kill him, okay.'

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:44 am
by Musashi
TKC wrote:
Inside the house was certainly disorganized, with dishes and various items scattered about, and quite dusty from lack of use, but other than that it seemed not that bad. There was a bare bed over near a good sized fireplace, which had a stack of wood and pot near it. A rough dresser sat near that. In fact all the furniture was rough, probably not purchased from any kind of merchant.

"Well, welcome to my home," Eric said as he guided Maewyn inside, "Sorry about the dust, it's been a while since I last stayed here..."

OOC: Gah, so sorry I'm so behind! o__o Offline stuffs have been getting in the way of online stuffs, and my internet has been super wonky lately x_X
Aaand editing for posts that I missed XD

Once she stepped in, Maewyn snapped right into caregiver mode. "No problem! I'll take care of it all. Where do you keep your cleaning supplies? And I want YOU, mister, to get into bed. I'll get a fire going and get all of this cleaned up..." She rubbed her hands together, and was about to dive right in, when Danny appeared. She stayed quiet, listening to their conversation, feeling a little uneasy around this fellow. She gave him a distrustful look.

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:34 am
by Gee-chan
Calon hung in the air, struggling for all he was worth. He could feel the thing holding him, pressing him from all sides, restraining him, yet still he struggled. His body throbbed as h forced more and more effort out of his muscles with a stamina that was incredible yet pitiably desperate.

Just below him lay a shining object on a broken chain. It was the crystal he wore, yet even under it's protective aura, bolstered by the wards of the caravan, the mists seemed to be drawing closer to him, or was it he was willing himself towards them. His soul cried out to them, long for them to touch him, to reach inside of him, to blanket him in their all encompassing haze. They would act as a fuel for his rage, his hate, keeping him going while body wore weary. His limit had been reached already, but he still forced it to move.

It was sudden, as though he had been suddenly been rendered unconscious, yet his eyes still burned. His body suddenly went rigid, before collapsing, motionless and limp despite his will. His mind screamed in frustration, but even then he could feel the fires fading. The flame which burns twice as bright, lives for half as long, and he had made himself an inferno. Before his mind began to swim, he could see the eyes of the mists, watching him, judging him, and then turning away in rejection and disgust.

He had lost. All there was now was to die and be eaten. Such was the way of the forests, of his home.

OOC: Sorry, for taking a while.....I don't really have an excuse other than being lazy......

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:34 pm
by TKC
OOC: No worries Musashi, glad to have ya back. :)/OOC

~~Moridin's Forge: Mines~~

Mi'drani turned and looked at first Gorten, and then Evra with a small frown on her face, "Not very... polite... you are?"

Ignoring their questions, and the miners who were quickly backing away behind Gorten, she turned her attention to Romeo and smiled at him, "You spoke... of a shop? May we... see?"

~~Loriae: Rescue Caravan~~

The cries of the advancing mist spawn grew even louder as they burst out of the mist. They charged from the front, straight for Jace and the other guards.

"Keep your backs to the wagons boys! Let them come to you!" Michael's voice rose above the noise as he pulled a bow from out of the wagon and began to fire at the mist spawn advancing from the mists. They slowed somewhat, but there were too many, and they continued their charge towards Jace and the other guards.


"The horn," Andrew heard in his mind, "I will return."

As Calon can hear the mist spawn starting to attack at the front of the wagons the force around him vanished, along with the figure in the mists. He didn't see the figure walk away, it was just gone. Now limp, Calon fell heavily to the ground, his body just a foot or two short of the solid wall of mist before him

~~Loriae: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"Of course, of course!" The merchant said with a smile, pulling a pair of gold pieces out of the pouch on his hip and handing them to Erik, "This should cover it. I will return in 3 days time to see if you are done."

Sheathing and returning the katana to Erik he turned his attention to Triana, "Come Triana, let's go see if that new dress is ready for you."

Reluctantly Triana handed the sword back to Erik before turning and following after the merchant.


Eric gave a little sigh at Danny's suggestion, "You don't understand Danny, this was a big attack, bigger than anyone has seen. People are talking about whether or not caravans will even run anymore. It's probably just best for you to hide somewhere for a little while, this attack will probably get you forgotten quicker than normal."

Turning away from Danny he smiled a little sheepishly at Maewyn, "Ah... I don't really have cleaning supplies. Usually I'd just use an old shirt or something... And why don't I help you? I've still got one good arm, and I don't want you having to carry anything heavy or the like."

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

Inside the building Ash found shelves lined with all sorts of strange items, most of which he had no clue what they were for. There were some signs declaring the use of this or that, but most of the items were unlabeled. In the back of the room was a large counter, covered in items, where an old man sat muttering over a gem he held in his hands.


"Don't lie to me!" the woman shouted angrily, the hot, sultry tone of her voice now gone, "You were willing to do anything I asked, even come in here!

For a moment there was silence, and Bishops eyes slowly adjusted until he could see the faint outline of the woman on the other side of the room, "I'm tired of men like you thinking you can do whatever you want. So I decided to take things into my own hands..."

~~Deep Water: Docks~~

Rina nodded and smiled at Virgil, "Yes, it is as I have heard then. The world of you legged ones is very different from ours."

Her eyes trailed to the fishing rod, and her smile grew a little wider, "Enough rippling though, may I see fishing?"

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:40 pm
by Shadowmaster
Ash glances around the shop a bit before walking over to the counter. "Hey, old man." he says, trying to be nonchalant. "You ever hear of the Key of Heaven?" he asks.

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:45 pm
by Jacqueline
Jace had not truly believed the mist spawn would attack until they actually did. But now that he was comitted however, his mind quickly shifted into the comfortable imperatives of combat. Keeping his back to the wagons and his fellow guards, he raised his sword to catch the first spawn on its tip.

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:28 pm
by Marky
Seeing Calon fall down to the ground, Justin cursed to himself. Damnit. He needs help. But...the other side of the caravan is being attacked. Gah, what to do?!

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:18 pm
by Nosnits
’Horn, what horn?’ He thinks back, but doesn’t expect a reply. ‘Great, now I have to find a random horn for an……Acient. I better document this.’ Despite the attack going on outside, he starts to write down the recent events; however, he writes the events in his mind on a separate piece of paper and hides it in his pocket

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:15 pm
by Zoey
"Romen!" calls out Gorten still holding his axe defensively. "What the hecks going on here? Who is she?!"

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:24 pm
by Rodney
" I don't know ?! She just appeared from nowhere just after you left. " he shouted to Gorten and turned to the girl :
" Ah yeah, my shop, you can see, I have no problem with that, but it's a bit far from here. In Loriae to be precise. "

Something was very unsettling about the look the woman gave him, if that was a woman he was talking too. Her eyes looked stange, he couldn't place his finger on why though. The whole scene and the quietness of her voice compared to the miner's and his own agitation, everything felt a bit surreal to Romeo. Scary even.

" If I may ask, could you explain me what you were doing in the mine ? And where are your clothes ? ".
He removed his coat, considering giving it to the apparition.

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:20 pm
by Falka The Bat
"Big?" Danny asked. "Are we talkin' army of mutant goblins big, or 'giant monster that ate the whole caravan' big?

"Right, well, sorry for buggin' ya, but as of right now, there are people in town who want to kill me. Any thoughts, Eric old chum?"

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:04 pm
by Mystic Mina
"Whoa, whoa, wait a second! L-Look, I'm sorry, ok? I've learned my lesson! I won't be like that anymore! I swear!" Bishop backed away from the woman as buckets of sweat ran down his face. Oh, why didn't he listen to his boss and stay in the shop!? NOW HE'S ROYALLY SCREWED! "Don't do anything to me, please! I'm sorry!"

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:30 pm
by Evra
Evra stand there holding the hilt of his sword

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:24 pm
by AshK
TKC wrote:~~Loriae: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"Of course, of course!" The merchant said with a smile, pulling a pair of gold pieces out of the pouch on his hip and handing them to Erik, "This should cover it. I will return in 3 days time to see if you are done."

Sheathing and returning the katana to Erik he turned his attention to Triana, "Come Triana, let's go see if that new dress is ready for you."

Reluctantly Triana handed the sword back to Erik before turning and following after the merchant.

"Thank you very much sir." Erik says taking the gold pieces from the merchant. He also takes the Katana and the Wakasashi from the merchant and Triana respectively.

Re: Mists of Arlis

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:47 am
by Gee-chan
Calon lay limp, drowned in the low of an adrenaline hangover. He had lost, left for dead, now there was nothing left. His rational, human mind took control once more and his instincts lay themselves to rest. Why had he let them go so far? Even under the mist he had restrained himself so as not to wind up like this, but this time...

His mind scanned the events of what had happened, trying to rationalise itself. The image of that metal being recurring in his head, but he did not have the energy to properly hate it. The forest, the caravan, the metal, the beast......the horn. The recollection of it's sound was like a hot blade to his mind. That is what had driven him so, that is what was so wrong with the forests. It was not watchful quiet he had felt before, it was a restful silence in the aftermath of the horn and the fatigue that followed it's call.

The memory of it's sound echoed in his mind. Drawing back up those instincts which had just died down with remarkable effectiveness for just a mere recollection. It drowned out the cries of his limbs as they creaked into motion once more, dragging him to the other side of the caravan. It started with a stagger, then a walk, but before long he was in a wild run. The path he took sent him plunging into the mists, covering him like a blanket, touching his limbs and body, stinging, burning, nurturing. Behind him, lay his crystal amulet, yet somehow they were still warded away from the top of him, something else kept them at bay, protecting his face, and also his right shoulder.....

He could now see the tide of warped flesh and fur and teeth descending on the startled caravan defenders, he could smell the blood of those already slain or injured, he could hear the howls and cries of both sides....he could feel the heightened fury, the amplified aggression, it flooded into his mind, saturating his being once more, a self perpetuating onslaught which would only be sated by death, time or feast, and it was the latter that was on their minds.