TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence


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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:06 pm

Melk is REALLY taken aback by this, and is clearly surprised. "Well... sure, I would love to."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:11 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"Well...I wanted to find out who was behind the virus. The person's name," said Michelle as she looked at Addison.

"Well who is it? Also why would he steal female hormones?"

Melkorios wrote:Melk is REALLY taken aback by this, and is clearly surprised. "Well... sure, I would love to."

Addison blushes even deeper red if that's possible. "Th-thank you Melk." Addison said as she gave him a hug. "Would you still want to go out with me even when you become female?"

The second question that was asked seemed like Addison was scared that the answer might be no to that part.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:16 pm

"I figure you would know," said Michelle as she looked at Addison. "Apparently they want revenge."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:11 am

Melk looks at Addison and gives a smile. "For a girl as beautiful and as kind as you? Anything." he said with a soft smile, holding Addison closer.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:22 am

"Oh like really? Thank you Melk." Addison said as her heart skipped a beat and she laid her head on Melk's shoulder.

Addison then turns to Michelle. "Why the heck would someone want revenge on me?" Addison asked. "If you like ask me, that pervert of a scientist got what he deserved. I still can't believe he erased his own existence."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:36 am

"Don't worry Addison. I'll protect you and I promise that we'll stop this before it gets too bad. So, what should we do now?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:13 pm

"Well what is his name? Clearly he is upset with you so maybe that is why he wants revenge," said Michelle as she looked at Addison.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:28 pm

"Thank you Melk." Addison said as she kissed Melk on the lips then turned back to Michelle. She thought back then realized that the scientist never gave his name. "I don't know his name, he like never gave it to us. He just sent out a bunch of mutants to attack the town and he also wanted to destroy the human race by turning all the guys into girls. There were very few girls that were turned into guys. He like just wants revenge because My siblings an army and me defeated him and sent him to prison for life. Evidently he broke out and went after the same targets again. You'd think they would like know that he was going to try to burgle the medical facilities again."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:53 pm

Melk's eyes go wide as he is kissed on the lips. Even as she pulled away, he was in sheer bliss. "It's like Christmas, but better... it's like Explosion Day, but with kisses..." with that, he snapped out of it. "Ah HA!!! If he's hitting all the same places again, we just find where he's gone and where he hasn't, and catch him at his next target!"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:59 pm

"Right....Okay," said Michelle as she listen to what Addison was saying. Her distrust to the girl was growing. It sounded unbelievable that the girl wouldn't know the name of the person behind this and the past events especially since she was the one that help put this man behind bars. She nodded and added, "Alright."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:03 pm

"The problem like is that he covers his tracks very well. " Addison says as she drags Melk over to the computer by the hand and types on some keys while standing really close to him. "We don't even have any data on his plans. He has also erased all trace of his existence. He even bypassed the fire walls to threaten me and Michelle earlier. I fixed the fire walls and they keep all hackers away from this database. It like also seems he has hit all of his targets, they are completely out of female hormones. This guy is Psycho, but totally smart." Addison finally finishes.

Addison then notices the distrustful expression on Michelle's face and is concerned. "What did I like do this time Michelle-Chan?" Addison asks worriedly as she leans up against Melk.

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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:19 pm

Melkorios looks at Michelle and sighs. "Listen, I know Addison isn't being the most helpful, but I know she's doing her best to help. We're apparently dealing with somebody very intelligent, and it will do us no good to be fighting amongst ourselves. Let's come up with some kinda plan, and act on it." he extends his hand to Michelle in a friendly gesture. "But let's get to know each other first. The name's Melkorios, it's a pleasure." he allowed a gentle smile to come to his lips.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:31 pm

"Nothing. Nothing at all," said Michelle as she looked at Addison. She then sees the new guy and his hand. She slowly outreach the hand and said, "Hello. My name is Michelle."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:35 pm

"Well there is something I could try, but I am not sure if my password I had for it three years ago will work now. Do you remember the password Melk, in case I like forget it. I think their might be some info in the really old archives. I am making no guarantees though. It's been three years since I've looked through them. Maybe they may have a name." Addison said.

Melk then realizes he does remember the password and will give it to Addison if she needs it.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:34 pm

Melk smiles, as he goes ahead and tells Addison the password. "Alright, let's just hope this is enough..."
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