by Kumi-chan » Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:10 am
(Prepare for long posts.)
( 11:44:04 PM) K: The girl gives Keiko an unpleasent glare. She shouting. "YOU! Give me my clothes! Right now!"
( 11:45:07 PM) Hira Kanaki: "I would but, I have none of my own at the moment." Keiko said trying her best to be calm, but somewhat failing at doing so.
( 11:46:54 PM) K: "How can I get you any if you won't give me my clothes!" The girl grabs for her clothes, nearly jumping onto Keiko.
( 11:48:11 PM) Hira Kanaki: "Well that's fine then, but let's try to be calm about it, and not try nearly jumping on me." Keiko said reacting to the clothes grabbing.
( 11:50:22 PM) K: "Then give me my clothes!" The girl jumps onto Keiko this time, pushing her over, onto the ground
( 11:52:15 PM) Hira Kanaki: "Hey! Not like that, please calm down!" Keiko said while trying to calm the angry girl down.
( 11:54:28 PM) K: "then give me my clothes back." She says now on top of Keiko, sitting on her stomach. "Or would you like me to drag you to my base and let all the guards see you naked?"
( 11:56:10 PM) Hira Kanaki: "Fine I'll give you your clothes back." Keiko said after realizing what she said would mean, and now gives her clothes back.
( 11:59:14 PM) K: She takes back the clothes, getting up and going over to shore, starting to dress in them, glaring back at Keiko
(3/20/2013 12:01:08 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Sorry, then again I had this feeling you'd say no for some reason." Keiko said as she got up as well.
(3/20/2013 12:04:40 AM) K: The girl pulls on her top, looking back at Keiko, sighing. Then walking over to her. "I have some questions. But first... I will get you clothes. Now wait here and don't go anywhere. Understand?"
(3/20/2013 12:05:14 AM) Hira Kanaki: "I understand." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 12:07:09 AM) K: The girl, smiles to her. Keiko cannot help but find her cute when she smiles like that. She going out the way Keiko came from.
(3/20/2013 12:08:16 AM) Hira Kanaki: *She does look cute though, well I guess all I can do at the moment is wait for her to return.* Keiko thought as the girl left.
(3/20/2013 12:12:56 AM) K: Keiko can see the pure crystal clear water in the cave as she waits there. So clean and pure this spring is
(3/20/2013 12:14:49 AM) Hira Kanaki: *The water is very tempting I mean it wouldn't hurt take a dip but then again I have nothing to dry off with afterwards.* Keiko thought as she was looking at the water.
(3/20/2013 12:16:41 AM) K: She remembers that the girl didn't even dry off, she probably didn't care to. But the water looks like it might help her calm down after... dying? Or whatever happened to her
(3/20/2013 12:18:00 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Then again I do need to clear my head after that death experience* Keiko thought as she decide to just go in anyway.
(3/20/2013 12:21:30 AM) K: *the water feels, nice. A bit on the cold side at first, but with how clean it looks it actually feels very nice on her skin. She did die right? If she died what does that mean for her? Is she in a coma? Or is she dead? Well, everything feels real to her, and smells real. She can taste the cleaness of it.*
(3/20/2013 12:23:10 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Hmm, I wonder what happened if did really die, or maybe I'm in some form of coma, or maybe something completely different, but this water is nice.*
(3/20/2013 12:23:29 AM) Hira Kanaki: Keiko thought while relaxing in it.
(3/20/2013 12:27:11 AM) K: It does calm her down, even remembering the accident. All that happened. She feeling the nice, calmness of the water. She laying back against the edge, finding a nice place to sit
(3/20/2013 12:30:43 AM) Hira Kanaki: *That did feel calming, still that incident was a bit jarring. It came all so sudden, I can still remember the feeling of death hitting me hard.* Keiko thought as she continued to relax in the water.
(3/20/2013 12:34:24 AM) K: It feels nice and calm and relaxing. She notices that everything seems real for her now. What has happened to her in her own world will be figured out once she returns. Should she worry about that now?
(3/20/2013 12:38:01 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Still it feels quite real in here. Then again the aspect of possibly being dead in my own world, could be troublesome, of course I should worry about that when the time comes to go back.* Keiko thought while moving her feet slightly.
(3/20/2013 12:39:55 AM) K: She feels the cool water moving around her feet. Keiko suddenly seeing the girl above her smiling at her. "hello!" She is so much cuter being cheerful and happy.
(3/20/2013 12:41:11 AM) Hira Kanaki: "I see your feeling a lot better, so did you find any clothes?" Keiko said turning around to the girl.
(3/20/2013 12:44:04 AM) K: "Of course." She is standing there without her clothes on again. She steps into the water, shivering slightly at the coolness. "But first.... you answer my questions."
(3/20/2013 12:44:39 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Ok I will answer them, as long as they are not too personal." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 12:46:11 AM) K: "Wonderful! Now first. I am Sammie. Sammie Nelson O'hara the third. And what is your name?" Sammie asks the girl.
(3/20/2013 12:47:18 AM) Hira Kanaki: "My name is Keiko Shirayuki." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 12:49:48 AM) K: Sammie nods. "Now for the important questions. This area has only one way into it. This is my preserve. My ark if you would." Sammie's ark? odd name. "How did you get here? and... naked...?"
(3/20/2013 12:56:00 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Well as far getting into "Sammie's ark" I randomly found a hole that was very small, as for the second question, I doubt you would believe this but, I'm actually from a different world, but if you don't believe that, I can can just say wild animals and random mishaps tore my clothes apart." Keiko said, being somewhat blunt about the second part.
(3/20/2013 1:01:53 AM) K: Sammie stares at Keiko for a moment, looking at her seriously. "I believe you." What? How could she believe Keiko?
Sammie then giggles. "No. This forest. This whole place is my ark! The forest and everything in it is all mine to study and watch over. But this little cover is my haven."
(3/20/2013 1:05:13 AM) Hira Kanaki: "I see, so I take it you must really love nature then?" Keiko said asking Sammie said question. *Well at least she didn't believe the whole different world story.* Keiko thought.
(3/20/2013 1:09:29 AM) K: "Well, my mom and dad taught me all about it. Then I completed high school at five and finished my college studies at 10. Now I can study all the plants and animals I want here thanks to the company." Sammie smiles. "It must be protected so when we find a way to save our world I can spread my plants all over it once more!" She beams at the thought.
"What's your world like then?" Sammie asks, changing the subject back to Keiko, seems that is what she was what she believed
(3/20/2013 1:13:40 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Well I guess I should tell her.* Keiko thought "Well if you choose to believe what I said, my world is a bit different, for one thing we don't have domes covering the place, and while we do have forests, we don't have one that's as expansive." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 1:15:07 AM) K: Sammie nods, taking notes in her mind it seems, listening with interest. Wow, she is so cheerful right now.
(3/20/2013 1:16:35 AM) Hira Kanaki: "And from what I've seen so far we don't have bears that have a form of armor plating."
(3/20/2013 1:16:46 AM) Hira Kanaki: Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 1:18:11 AM) K: "Bears? What are bears?" Sammie asks, confused.
(3/20/2013 1:20:38 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Wait don't tell me you have none of them in your world? There honey loving omnivores which are bears are, at least in our world."Keiko said in slight surprise.
(3/20/2013 1:22:13 AM) K: "I see... can you tell me more of these bears later on then?" Sammie smiles. "Tell me more about your home world, please!"
(3/20/2013 1:23:53 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Sure as far as my homeworld is concerened, we have all sorts of people living in it were usually seperated by regions of lands and seas, where I live is more city-ish, but I like it all the same." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 1:27:32 AM) K: "Wow..." Sammie smiles, listening with interest, leaning close to Keiko as she talks. "Most of us come from all over the world. But we have unitted for survival now. Your world sounds just ours was like before... it came."
(3/20/2013 1:28:59 AM) Hira Kanaki: "What do you mean by "it came"?" Keiko said, and asking said question.
(3/20/2013 1:31:12 AM) K: "I..." Sammie seems to be having a hard time with explaining, shaking her head. "Can... Can I have someone else explain?"
(3/20/2013 1:32:16 AM) Hira Kanaki: "You can, I guess I hit something personal, I wont touch on the subject"
(3/20/2013 1:32:22 AM) Hira Kanaki: Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 1:33:39 AM) K: "Thank you!" Sammie hugs Keiko! "How did you get here then my friend?"
(3/20/2013 1:35:04 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Well, I admittedly just like your story it's a bit tragic, I need time to get over the issue, so you can ask me later if that's ok." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 1:39:23 AM) K: "Aww... Alright. I understand." Sammie seems disappointed. "I understand though."
(3/20/2013 1:40:19 AM) Hira Kanaki: "No worries then, so any other questions you'd like to ask?" Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 1:43:00 AM) K: Sammie sits there thinking, soooo darn cute, tapping her chin with her finger. "can we... be friends? I mean we are both girls and you're a little younger than me right?"
(3/20/2013 1:45:23 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Well sure, in fact how old are you? I mean I'm 15." Keiko said to Sammie said before thinking. *I really hope she doesn't figure out another mishap revolving around my current gender.*
(3/20/2013 1:57:07 AM) K: Sammie blinks at Keiko, having thought she was younger than that "I'm 15 also. I thought you were younger."
(3/20/2013 1:59:03 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Well I guess there's no problem in that then, and I'm used to being called a bit younger usually." Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 2:01:25 AM) K: Sammie smiles, taking Keiko's hand. "I have to get back to the base now. Coming?" She gets out of the water, still holding onto Keiko's hand, bringing her along
(3/20/2013 2:02:30 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Sure, still can I put on the clothes first then go with you?" Keiko said.
(3/20/2013 2:05:17 AM) K: Sammie nods, going over to a small little hole up on the wall. She pulls out two bags of clothes, holding out a bag towards Keiko
(3/20/2013 2:07:28 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Keiko takes the bag and opens the bag and looks at the contents inside.*
(3/20/2013 2:08:24 AM) K: *Inside is a plan yellow dress, with yellow bra and panties along with them, no shoes however.*
(3/20/2013 2:12:52 AM) Hira Kanaki: got d/c'ed
(3/20/2013 2:13:09 AM) K: (3/20/2013 2:07:28 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Keiko takes the bag and opens the bag and looks at the contents inside.*
(3/20/2013 2:08:24 AM) K: *Inside is a plan yellow dress, with yellow bra and panties along with them, no shoes however.*
(3/20/2013 2:15:03 AM) Hira Kanaki: *Not my usual style but I'll take them.* Keiko thought as she put on the clothes. "I'm ready to go now." Keiko said towards Sammie.
(3/20/2013 2:17:51 AM) K: Sammie was dressed back in her own clothes. She looked kind of boyish in them, however, that dress would look cute on her. But seems she doesn't wear such things often. "Lets go then." Starts to head back through the entry crack.
(3/20/2013 2:20:00 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Right." Keiko said as she followed Sammie back while doing so, she thought. *Sammie would probably look cute in this, then again maybe she doesn't like the whole girly girl look often given the nature of her work...*
(3/20/2013 2:21:38 AM) K: Sammie steps out from the crack, offering her hand to Keiko then. "Just follow me Keiko. Okay?"
(3/20/2013 2:23:01 AM) Hira Kanaki: "I will." Keiko said while grabbing Sammie's hand.
(3/20/2013 2:26:40 AM) K: Sammie leads Keiko to the base, heading down pass the guard. "She with me. She is my friend." Samii speaks to the guards, they don't remember Sammie going out with a friend. But do not question her. She's the boss after all. "And tell no one of this."
Sammie leads Keiko towards the biggest tend all the way in the back of the tent.
(3/20/2013 2:28:00 AM) Hira Kanaki: "So I take it your probably one of the higher ups in this place?" Keiko said as she continues to follow Sammie.
(3/20/2013 2:29:59 AM) K: "Remember, this is Sammie's ark." Sammie smiles, leading Keiko into the tent. "I'll work on getting you up top and out of here. Would you like to come with me?"
(3/20/2013 2:31:09 AM) Hira Kanaki: "Yes of course." Keiko said, as she still followed Sammie.
As Sammie reaches the tent a woman, looking much older than the young girl is waiting in the tent. "Sam. It is about time your returned. We have to talk." She gives Keiko a odd look, seeming to be annoyed with the fact that the other girl is even there. "I know you are in charge here but that doesn't mean you can just sneak your girlfriends down here without clearing things with the company first. They won't like that at all."
Sammie lets the women speak to her, motioning Keiko toward the back of the tent, speaking softly to her. "Shoes in the box back there." Sammie turning back to the older woman and blankly says one thing. "She just arrived here and wanted to see me. That is all. If you have other important matters then bring them up at the next group discussion tomorrow morning."