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Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:35 pm
by Knight Errant
Lily takes a breath... glancing around. "I'm practicing walking in these. I don't know why women decided to goddamn torture themselves with them." She looks back to Diana. "How are you? This whole situation lasted longer than I thought already." She relaxes her stance a bit. Her tone and posture a bit less confrontational and dismissive than earlier. "Might be this is a taller order than I expected..." She admits...

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:08 pm
by Zoey
Diana nods and also relaxes a bit. "Glad to be out of school and doing something more important" she replies, glancing down at Lily's shoes. Thank goodness she didn't have do deal with those... "Look, I don't like this any more than you do... we need a plan to off this guy, we tried to go at it our way last night and it didn't work" she says having to look up at the woman, making her a bit uneasy.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:16 pm
by Knight Errant
A small smile creeps on to Lily's face. Not much escapes her notice. And she sees that looking up to her bothers Diana. It almost makes these silly shoes worth it. But... her features grow serious again as she nods. "Yes... we both tried, both blew it. This is gonna take more than one pair of hands. An I'm interested in endin this dance as quickly as possible." She tugs her hand from her hip... offering it to Diana. "Partners? At least until we put that moron inna ground."

Its fairly bizarre hearing her soft voice use that more rough style of accent, one that comes out when she seems to 'drop the mask' as it were.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:37 pm
by Zoey
Diana's eyes narrow as she notices Lily softening up a bit, but takes her hand. "Partners..." she replies. "So what's the plan, Miss Super Model" she says grinning a bit.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:38 pm
by Abillioncats
Sonia nodded quickly, a lump in her throat forming at the word 'killing'. It made her uneasy, even though it was necessary for the sake of the world. " can I help?"

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:18 am
by Knight Errant
Lily hrms... "Well... I seem to want to get his attention like this. Why not use that? Perhaps if I'm... distracting him... he won't see you coming."

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:30 am
by Zoey
Diana raises an eyebrow and looks Lily up and down. "If.. you wan't. Sure. I'll get the kill while you distract him. Seems easy to me" she replies nodding. "I'd be best if you can get him seated or something" she suggests.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:34 am
by Knight Errant
Lily nods. "I can manage that. When will you be ready...? Just be sure you pull it off this time. So we can all be done with this." She puts her hands back on her hips, leaning forwards and frowning down at Diana.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:54 am
by Zoey
Diana waves Lily off dismissively. "Don't worry I will, I will" she says as she heads towards the mansion. "Come on, we've wasted enough time"

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:12 pm
by muffinstud

As queasy as the idea of killing a man might make her, Sonia does feel a little comfort in knowing that Estelle doesn't want to hurt anyone else. The way her demeanor changed too, it reminds her more of a grim determination than anything else. Estelle must also not like the idea, but is willing to carry it out anyways... for the betterment of all. And that's what she signed up for, isn't it? To help people, to keep bad people from doing bad things? To get this much attention from all of these powerful people, Lance must be a bad person... right?

As gray of an area all of this is turning out to be, there is one thing that is clear. If she can't keep the others from trying to hurt Lance, she can make sure everyone else is safe. She can still protect the people she cares about... possibly even from themselves, if she has to.


Good. Sonia seems to be on the same page. The catgirl being so willing to help is a relief, and also... makes her feel a little toasty inside. "We truly are kindred spirits," a part of her seems to say. Now, if only the other girls would be as cooperative and helpful.

As for the plan, while it may be distasteful to actively try to kill another person, there is still that reward from the briefcase she saw yesterday. She could have everything she wants... go back to who she was. Although, that notion seems a little muddled, what with the second set of memories.

Whatevr and Abillioncats

The two girls make it into the house as they discuss their plans, apparently the first ones home. They'll have time to set up for their plans... both to harm and to protect.

Knight Errant

As much trouble as it had been to walk in the heels, it feels rather... satisfying to peer down at Diana like that. The girl looks younger than her, and she still has some growing to do to match her own curves. Yes, where Diana is a girl, Lily is a grown woman... and it's a boost to her pride to assert herself as such. She wouldn't be able to loom over the girl without the heels though... maybe there is something to them. Maybe... she could wear them a little more often. Hmmm... maybe Lance would like how they look...


It really would be nice to be... normal again. And those girls would make it easy for her. They seem so helpful, so open... so friendly. Diana really is lucky to have met them, isn't she?

As she confronts Lily, Diana can't help but notice how much taller the woman is than her. And how much more... pronounced her curves seem to be. It doesn't seem fair. She's no slacker, she could easily be the prettiest girl in her school. But it just doesn't seem right for Lily to look down at her like that. To treat her as someone less than her. She can prove that she's just as much a woman as Lily... and maybe, in doing so, prove it to Lance too...


Lance walks up to the bus stop, blinking as he hears Teresa greet him. "Oh, hey! I almost didn't see you there." Holding her books up against her chest does seem to help with her quickened pulse. "Nothing too exciting, unfortunately. I was hoping college would be more different from high school." He sighs and gives a shrug. "You look like you're having a good time though. Everyone else I've seen with that many books looks like they want to curl up and die." He smiles and his eyes go wide as he realizes something. "Oh, uh, do you want some help carrying all of that?" Well, the books are heavy, and it would be nice to lighten her load. But letting him carry her books feels... right somehow, like a first step towards something.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:33 pm
by Knight Errant
Lily follows after Diana... slowly walking in those high heels. Strutting, more like it. She'd had plenty of practice on the walk back... and was getting it down. Foot in front of the other... hips swaying, smaller steps... Mmm... it was rather nice being able to put Diana in her place... without even being openly hostile. Anyone who looks at the two can see she's the better... the more confident... in control... Mature, In more ways than one...

That thought... her eyes trail down to her breasts. Maybe them getting bigger wasn't so bad after all... This plan would hinge on her distracting Lance, wouldn't it? Not to mention her 'job' as a model... And if both of those weren't a thing, having more than Diana was just another way to show how better she was... She'd distract Lance much more effectively than Diana would...

She raises an eyebrow as they come across Sonia and Estelle, who had entered the house ahead of them. That was a match...

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:11 pm
by Whatevr89532
"Tonight I'm going to make a large amount of soup for supper. All of it will be poisoned. Teresa doesn't want to kill him, so I can't warn her or she'll try and keep him from eating it. The others..." Estelle paused suddenly, her ears twitching at the sound of someone coming in. As soon as she saw that it wasn't Lance or Teresa, she continued quickly: "The others should know about my plan already. So if you can 'accidentally' keep Teresa from eating it without letting on to her that it's poisonous, and give him yours if he somehow spills his own, that would make things much easier. And of course, don't eat any yourself."

Lucas could tell...Sonia seemed to put things in a way that made her sound like she thought of herself as a hero. As long as she was thinking about protecting the world, not protecting Lance, that should make it easy to keep her on as an ally. The two who'd tried to kill him right in front of her seemed generally bloodthirsty and uncaring about collateral damage, so there shouldn't be any risk of them protecting anyone, which also seemed to be in favor of this plan. On top of a general feeling of kinship, Sonia seemed like someone Lucas could have actually gotten along with outside of this situation, which was also nice.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:19 pm
by Abillioncats
Sonia nodded, trying not to look nervous. The idea of poisoning someone just didn't feel right, even if it was a super villain. It certainly wasn't very heroic like. But then again, she'd seen the videos, killing Lance had proved for all who had attempted it so far to be nearly impossible. Maybe poison was the only way they could succeed.

"Okay, I'll make sure Teresa doesn't eat any, can't let anyone else get hurt." Sonia said in agreement, deep down she still didn't feel right about it, but she pushed those feelings aside. She could worry about the morality of it later. Her ears perked up as she heard Lily and Diana coming from behind.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:16 pm
by Zoey
Diana's expression goes from neutral to a scowl as she hears the constant clicks from Lilys stupid shoes. For some reason her mind is thinking on how Lily was looking down on her and how... for some reason this infuriates her. Getting looked down upon. If only she was also wearing those shoes, she could meet her at eye level. She can be just as good as a woman Lily can. Just some careful clothing choices and... she holds her head and shakes her head.

"Ugh" she grumbles, catching herself. Why in the world was she thinking about this? She needs to concentrate on her target. Lance... and ignore that stupid clicking sound coming from Lily's feet.

As the pair come inside she lets her backpack slide out of her shoulder. "Hey..." she says with such a happy expression about her if this wasn't sarcasm.

Re: Assasination Harem!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:29 pm
by Knight Errant
Lily looks at the pair, then her 'partner'. Putting a hand on her hip, she mmms. "So, Diana. When do you want to do this? I'm thinking I could lure him to the hotspring garden in the courtyard. Get him nice and relaxed, then... you can make your move. Perhaps after dinner? That is if the other's plan fails." She glances to the dog and catgirls.