by Mitera Nikkou » Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:07 am
When Dan's mother reacted as she had, Deheune dropped her human appearance and assumed her natural, faery form. She didn't expect the situation to get better, but she was ready and waited only because she wanted to allow Dan to handle the situation that she had put herself in. Unfortunately, Dan wasn't capable of accepting the course of events well and did nothing as her father arrived. Even when her father made to attack her, she was unable to act.
Deheune, on the other hand, decided that the situation had degenerated more than enough. She swiftly took Dan into the air even as she scooped her up into her arms, moving her out of harms way and into the relative safety of the sky. Below her there was some commotion, with a few more windows in various homes casting light out into the twilight.
She remained quiet as she left the limits of the village and entered the forest, knowing that there was nothing to say to Dan until she gave her a reason to reply to her. She, no doubt, had much on her mind to wrestle with, anyway.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.