Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:53 pm

#197 chuckles. "Don't worry, I won't look." he says.

"#471, would you please bring our newest member to get some clothes that will fit her?" The master asked as he walks over to Aiko as #471 brings Mew to get clothes. "A very innovative idea. If we can find a way to replicate the formula, perhaps even better it, we will have yet another advantage over the humans."
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Postby Sasha » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:59 pm

136 nods. " Thanks sir."

mew finishes getting changes letting 197 see again and looks around a bit.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:06 pm

The master walks over. "You are able to speak, aren't you?" he asked.
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Postby Sasha » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:08 pm

Mew nods. " yes." she says softly with a small blush.
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Postby AshK » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:12 pm

*The Four Agents Arrive near Lillycoves coast and teleports there. All four of them get strange looks.*

#196: So like what are you looking at Humans. We don't like being stared at that way!

#470 : Stop it now or face the consequences.

#123: So tell us how to get to Team Aqua's Hideout. We know that it is off the Coast of this City inside a cave.

#467: Tell us now!

Human Lillycove Citizen #1(Male): We will never tell you anything you work for that Hybrid Organization everybody is talking about.

#196: Do we like have to take some extreme measures?

Human Lillycove Citizen #2(Female): We are staying quiet.

HLC #3(Male): Yeah!

HLC #4(Female): You can't make us!

#123: I think we could change your mind. *Sticks a Syringe in a Males Arm.

#467: Soon you will be joining us! *Sticks anothe Syringe in a Females Arm.

#196: You will tell us. Welcome to the Organization. *Sticks another Male in th arm with the Syringe.

#470: You will serve our master like we do. *Sticks the Syringe in another Female's arm.

*Soon the Humans were Transformed. The Males became a Female Sceptile Hybrid(1) and a Female Feraligatr Hybrid(3). The Females Remained Female. One became an Infernape Hybrid(2), while the other one became an Empoleon Hybrid(4).

#196: Now will you like cooperate with us?

#470: We know you will.

#123: You have no choice.

#467: That's right.

*The Four Hybrids Complied and told them the location. #196, #470, #123, and #467 were then teleported to the Entrance along with the new Hybrids. The Eight Hybrids then went inside the base and started taking out all the Grunts.*

OOC: Four Lillycove Citizens were in the Four Agents way so they were transformed and are now part of the Team. I figured with Lily and Mel still near the Magma Base, the other four could use some help. Is that okay Shadowmaster?
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:18 pm

OOC: I have no problem with changing them, but I don't really think they would have heard of the hybrids. It's only been maybe a day since the takeover of Kanto. Johto may have heard something, due to how closely connected the two regions are, but I doubt Hoenn would know much about the hybrids.

IC: A few Team Aqua members are seen by the entrance to a cave some distance from Lilycove city.
"Good, I see the process worked perfectly. I'll be going to see the scientists now. You may all do what you please for now." The master said as he teleported away.
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:40 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: I have no problem with changing them, but I don't really think they would have heard of the hybrids. It's only been maybe a day since the takeover of Kanto. Johto may have heard something, due to how closely connected the two regions are, but I doubt Hoenn would know much about the hybrids.

IC: A few Team Aqua members are seen by the entrance to a cave some distance from Lilycove city.
"Good, I see the process worked perfectly. I'll be going to see the scientists now. You may all do what you please for now." The master said as he teleported away.

OOC: Well some Rumors could've spread, that's just how I see it. Those four are my characters now the ones I just transformed. I guess 123 and 467 could be considered mine for right now anyway.

IC: #196: Like look there are the Team Aqua Members let's get them. Everyone Let's like go! Teleportation.

*The Eight Agents teleported right in front of the Aqua Grunts and started attacking them.*

#470: Double Team Leaf Blade!

*Several Aqua Grunts were knocked out.*

Empoleon Hybrid: Take this pathetic humans the Master Demands it. Aqua Jet!

Infernape Hybrid: Fire Punch!

Feraligatr Hybrid: Whirlpool!

Sceptile Hybrid: Double Team Hyper Beam!

#123: X-Scissor!

#467: Hyper Beam!

*All of the Attacks hit the rest of the Grunts dead on. The Eight Agents tied them up and headed inside the Cave.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:53 pm

Archie is waiting just inside the cave. "Hybrids, eh? Isn't it enough you boss used us to get Kyogre's DNA?" he asked.
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:21 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Archie is waiting just inside the cave. "Hybrids, eh? Isn't it enough you boss used us to get Kyogre's DNA?" he asked.

#196: That is exactly what Maxie and Tabitha said. Your Grunts have so totally been knocked out. Every single one of them.

#470: It's time for you to surrender Archie. Team Magma couldn't handle us so now they have been eliminated.

#123: So Surrender your team and your plans to flood the world.

#467: Do we have to take this base by force. *Snaps Fingers the Four New Hybrids come up.*

Empoleon Hybrid: Our Master would like to discuss matters with you.

Sceptile Hybrid: We are ordered to take you down!

Infernape Hybrid: Our Master I believe has plans for Hoenn.

Feraligatr Hybrid: Give up Archie and Shelly. We are to take you to our master!
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:12 pm

Mew nods and looks at the others. " Now what?"

136 checks the sheet. " Well We have someone else waking up soon So i guess we should go get them. Its the last one today."

Mew nods. " Can I come?"

136 shrugs. " I don't see why not."
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:22 pm

"I will never surrender to you! You freaks!" Archie said as he sent out Crawdaunt.

"Say goodbye freaks!" Shelly said as she sent out Poliwrath.

"Pathetic water types! We will so like stop them go Espeon I choose you!" #196 said as she called forth her Pokemon.

"You don't stand a chance Team Aqua! I choose you Leafeon!" #470 said.

"Go Scizor!" #123 said.

"Go Magmortar!" #467 said.

"Go for it Sceptile!" The Sceptile Hybrid said.

"Feraligatr I choose you!" The Feraligatr Hybrid said.

"I choose you Infernape!" The Infernape Hybrid said.

"I choose you Empoleon!" The Empoleon Hybrid said.

"Hyper Beam!" Everyone said.

*The Attacks hit Shelly and Archie head on as well as knocking out their Pokemon. Before Archie and Shelly lost consciousness, they recalled their Pokemon. They then went unconscious.

"Return everyone!" Everyone said as they recalled their Pokemon.

*The Eight Agents tied Archie, Shelly and the Aqua grunts up and immediately teleported back to the Boat with their four new Team Members as well as an Unconscious Team Aqua.*

OOC: Shadowmaster do we already have Hybrids with the numbers of the new Hybrids or can I go ahead have them be assigned those numbers? I didn't give any of the four new transformees names. What do you wish for me to do? You are the GM afterall.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:25 pm

OOC: Unless there have been hybrids of that type already, then no. Also, I did say I was going to control the leaders of Magma/Aqua for a reason...I'll let it go this time, but next time please wait for me to post.

IC: "Well, we should probably get going then." #197 says.
"Well, we'll be departing for the Kanto region now." the captain of the boat said. "Should we stop to pick up the friends you left at magma's base?"
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:34 pm

136 nods. " 215 ( lets go grab the lats one and get back. Plus we we see you know who again I'm Sure our new ally will have some fun."

Mew giggles. " I'll show My clone who the best is and teach him a lesson for leaving me balled up."
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Postby AshK » Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:45 am

Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: Unless there have been hybrids of that type already, then no. Also, I did say I was going to control the leaders of Magma/Aqua for a reason...I'll let it go this time, but next time please wait for me to post.

IC: "Well, we should probably get going then." #197 says.
"Well, we'll be departing for the Kanto region now." the captain of the boat said. "Should we stop to pick up the friends you left at magma's base?"

OOC: Okay Shadowmaster I guess I forgot about that. I will wait for you to post next time.

IC: "Yes we like probably better go pick up our friends. We should've made sure they were with us." #196 says.

*#470 pulls out his Comlink.*

"Leo to Mel-Chan and Lilly-San come in. We have taken down Team Aqua and have captured them. We are returning to the Magma base to pick you up. Over" #470 said.

"Welcome to the Team #395(Empoleon Hybrid), #392(Infernape Hybrid), #254(Sceptile Hybrid), and #160(Feraligatr Hybrid)." #196 said as she handed them Comlinks.

"Thank you Ma'am" #395, #392, #254, and #160 all said in unison as they bowed.

"Like just call me Erin or Erin-Chan." Erin/#196 said.

"Just call me Leo." Leo/#470 said.

"You still have to call me #123." #123 said.

"And call me #467." #467 said.

*The boat heads off to where their friends were left.*

*Erin/196 Activates her Comlink again.*

"#196 to the Master. Operation Aqua Ambush is accomplished. We are headed back to get #133 and # 53, then we will head back to Kanto unless of course you like have other plans for us to do. Over." #196 said.
Last edited by AshK on Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:04 pm

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Lilly grins. " Hunting supplies. You never did get to be in one yet and I'm sure Hoenn will not miss a few people."

"True they wont, but the question is what type of poke hybrid will they become?" Mel said.
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