RMFH - Apartment 2


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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:00 pm

Ookalf wrote:
Rodney wrote:"No, you were not my customer, beside, what are you complaining about ? you still have a room !"

Yeah, but I was starting to like that one.

'Well, I salvaged what I could. Just go and have a look at it, to see if it fits you' Inferno Denfert points to the former bathroom door.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Ookalf » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:02 pm

Right... *Coby enters the ex-bathroom.*
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:03 pm

Danielle lets out another little murmur as she felt her head being stroked, and she seemed to be growing tired, her small body twisting a little to face James, feeling her tummy getting full from the milk as she continued to suckle, her diapered bottom pushed out a little behind her.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:27 pm

Ookalf wrote:Right... *Coby enters the ex-bathroom.*

The room looks very tiny. The chair and desk is half the size it used to be, also the bed looks very small.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Jacqueline » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:32 pm

While the children feed, James is lost in the pleasant sensations coming from her chest. Who knew that being a woman felt this nice?
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:34 pm

Eventually, with her tummy feeling full, Danielle pulls her mouth from James' breast, her cheeks bright red as her eyes opened to look up at the woman who had just breastfed her. She whimpers a little at the embarassment, both hands grasping her diaper as she squirms.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Ookalf » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:46 pm

Rodney wrote:The room looks very tiny. The chair and desk is half the size it used to be, also the bed looks very small.

Man, everything's so small now...
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Marky » Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:51 pm

Rodney wrote:In the room there was a large breasted woman attempting to breast-feed two babies, her roommate trying to save his belonging from a strange man.
And a student's favorite : pizza. ((OOC : don't worry, there will be more to do later. Sorry if you feel left out for the moment))


Looking around at all of the madness that she wasn't used to, Clay went over and got a slice of pizza and began eating it.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:54 am

@Ooklaf :
'Small ? Well that's all the room there is... but I could do something for you. Let me try this !'
The man raises one hand in the air and a wand pops from his sleeve. He holds it, pointing it toward the ceiling and some smoke starts pooring from it.

Marky wrote:Looking around at all of the madness that she wasn't used to, Clay went over and got a slice of pizza and began eating it.

The pizza tastes quite good. Clay could try talking with the busty woman. They could discuss names, afterall Helena warned them that they should pick one.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:21 am

Danielle turns her head, watching the pretty red-haired maid take a slice of pizza. She blushed to think just a little earlier she'd been flirting with the boy that the maid used to be. She blushes, letting out a little gurgle in Clay's direction.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Ookalf » Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:12 am

Rodney wrote:@Ooklaf :
'Small ? Well that's all the room there is... but I could do something for you. Let me try this !'
The man raises one hand in the air and a wand pops from his sleeve. He holds it, pointing it toward the ceiling and some smoke starts pooring from it.

Hey! What're you doing?
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:56 am

'I'm not doing much, I'm just downsizing you.'

The smoke from the wand starts falling back onto the man. 'I'm also getting inspiration from your poster'

The man looks a bit taller to the poor student as something starts pushing from his chest.

Meanwhile, Dani's stomach makes rumbling sounds.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:04 am

Danielle looks down in confusion. She'd just fed, and her tummy was full, so she didn't understand why it was making noises. Her hands reach down, holding her tummy through the shirt with blue spots on, and she gurgles questiongly.
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Jacqueline » Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:07 am

James smiles down at the two kids in her arms. "Are you two full?"
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Re: RMFH - Apartment 2

Postby Rodney » Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:09 am

A strong need to burp starts taking hold inside the little baby girl with the 'Dani' bib.
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