[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:09 am

Millinescence wrote:Alana keeps a sharp eye on Jasmine as she drives closer to her, making sure to match the speed of the car with the speed of the running ningen. Once they got within 13 feet of Jasmine, Becky takes aim and pulls the trigger of her taser! The tethered prongs fly out and pierce through Jasmine's top and into her back, sending a non-lethal yet muscle-spasming amount of voltage through her system! Once Jasmine was hit and on the ground, Alana slams on the brakes. The Ovies watch as their Grass-haired sister moves in for the glompage!

Jasmine gasps for breath after slamming to the ground, and tries desperately to at least move her arm and grab her bat. Her eyes focus on the grass-haired Ovie, widening with fear.

"N.. no... no..! It won't end like this!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:13 am

Millinescence wrote:"Fo'sho dawg, I'm down." Says Big Manny, raising his cigar. "For Loc and Carl, for 5th Street...for all of us."
"Yea-yea! For 5th Street..." Grey and Manny do a fist-bump. "So what's the plan, Vic?" Grey asks. "What work you got in for us?" They take another puff, waiting for Vic's answer.

Vic glances around, leaning in and whispering to the two. Once he is done, he leans back. "So what do you think?" Glancing around. "Do you suppose I should ask the others for help..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:05 am

Lilly moves around to the other side of the woman to sandwich her in between herself and Kyla. "Sissster~ <3!" She cuddles around her waist. "Don't worry, we make you feel nice with warm cuddles~. :3"

Lilly feels like something isn't happening that should be, as she stares at the woman. She feels a powerful need for something to happen to her, that isn't happening.

"Mm? Kyla, what wrong?" she says, it still not sinking in that they can't change the sad ningen.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:15 pm

"Dynamite? That's a little risky..." Richard watches them go to the garage and thinks for a moment. "Probably not a good idea to go out there alone... Then again, too big of a group is bad too..." Richard nods to himself. "It'll probably be safer for all of us to stick together, right?" Richard says nervously.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:40 am

Musashi wrote:Jasmine gasps for breath after slamming to the ground, and tries desperately to at least move her arm and grab her bat. Her eyes focus on the grass-haired Ovie, widening with fear.

"N.. no... no..! It won't end like this!"

The bat is barely within reach, the shock no longer coursing though Jasmine's body as the Ovie gets closer.
"It won't end, things just start over~ :3" The grass-haired ovie chirps almost soothingly. The ovie starts wiping her hands on her dress. She closes her eyes and seems to focus intently on something. A small droplet of fresh hormone starts to glisten from the fingertip of her left index finger. "Great things lie over horizon..." The ovie kneels down next to Jasmine, not noticing that the woman managed to grab her bat! But Grass-hair reaches out, grinning as she is just about to poke Jasmine on the nose with the droplet of hormone...

Knight Errant wrote:Vic glances around, leaning in and whispering to the two. Once he is done, he leans back. "So what do you think?" Glancing around. "Do you suppose I should ask the others for help..."

"This is bigger than the three of us, dawg. We'll need more people in on this." Grey whispers back.
"I don't know man, you were lucky she didn't reach over and grab you..." Manny says, whispering also.
A security guard can be seen walking up to the thugs. He hands them a slip of paper. "I'd like to welcome you aboard." Says the guard. "We have two rooms that just opened up for you. All cleaned and ready to go." Manny and Grey look at the paper, it has directions to the rooms. As the guard turns and walks away, Manny passes the paper to Vic. As Vic looks at the paper, he would notice the rooms are across the hall from his, two doors down on either side of Vic's room. If Vic knew Harriet and Alice, he would recognize the rooms as once belonging to them. Grey takes the paper back after Vic gets a good look at it.
"We can talk at my place, I call 218." Grey says, motioning Vic to follow them to their rooms.

Zilla wrote:Lilly moves around to the other side of the woman to sandwich her in between herself and Kyla. "Sissster~ <3!" She cuddles around her waist. "Don't worry, we make you feel nice with warm cuddles~. :3"

Lilly feels like something isn't happening that should be, as she stares at the woman. She feels a powerful need for something to happen to her, that isn't happening.

"Mm? Kyla, what wrong?" she says, it still not sinking in that they can't change the sad ningen.

"We're dry, touch no work." Kyla says.
"W-wait...you can't change people?" The woman asks, seemingly in disbelief.
Kyla shakes her head 'no'.
"How did you get here? This place isn't safe for your kind." She glances around in every direction to make sure it's clear. Not surprisingly, there was little activity in the medical wing since the lab accident. "Come with me. Uhh...I'm Susan by the way." She leads the Ovalisks into a nearby room and locks the door behind her. Susan sighs, stroking her long brown hair nervously. "I know this sounds...absolutely stupid. But I'm very curious about your species."
Kyla tilts her head to the side. "Curious?"
The room they are in is one of the many small infirmaries with several beds, the privacy curtains partially drawn. Susan knew the room was completely empty. "Yes," Susan admits. "I don't know why...I can't say I'm proud of it. But it just boggles the mind how something so cute can strike fear into the hearts of men." She sits down on a stool near a counter. It has a sink and some medical supplies on it. She hangs her head, the two ovies sense strong sadness within her. "I know I was scared at first, but I must say that life in this bunker is pretty bland...I just don't want to live like this anymore."

Roggamer22 wrote:"Dynamite? That's a little risky..." Richard watches them go to the garage and thinks for a moment. "Probably not a good idea to go out there alone... Then again, too big of a group is bad too..." Richard nods to himself. "It'll probably be safer for all of us to stick together, right?" Richard says nervously.

"Yeah, Ryan said you can come with us after all." Karen says as they get into the truck. "Do you want to take your truck or do you want to ride with us?"
"And don't worry," Ryan tells Richard. "Before all this went down, I was a demolition man. Dynamite is my bread and butter."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:59 am

Millinescence wrote:The truck makes it to the west-bound side of the highway and drives towards the boulevard. Lots of cars could be seen parked along the shoulder for a few miles by pilots. A couple vehicles still litter the roads here and there, but not enough to impede the truck's patrol route. As they go further down the highway, a couple Ranger Scout ovies can be seen in a decorated police cruiser waiting on the shoulder next to some parked cars.
"Where are we going, mommy?" Kaney asks as he cuddles Hiroko.

"We're going to go try and help some lost sisters. Some silly Ningen are hiding together. And they don't understand, so they might hurt us iffen we just try to swarm them. Sooo, we gonna drop some smoke-making cans in the things that draw air into where they all hiding. Hope some of then run out so we can hug them. You not able to change Ningen yet, so you stay with truck, okay?" She ruffled hs hair, "I no want son-brother to get hurt."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:42 pm

Millinescence wrote:"This is bigger than the three of us, dawg. We'll need more people in on this." Grey whispers back.
"I don't know man, you were lucky she didn't reach over and grab you..." Manny says, whispering also.
A security guard can be seen walking up to the thugs. He hands them a slip of paper. "I'd like to welcome you aboard." Says the guard. "We have two rooms that just opened up for you. All cleaned and ready to go." Manny and Grey look at the paper, it has directions to the rooms. As the guard turns and walks away, Manny passes the paper to Vic. As Vic looks at the paper, he would notice the rooms are across the hall from his, two doors down on either side of Vic's room. If Vic knew Harriet and Alice, he would recognize the rooms as once belonging to them. Grey takes the paper back after Vic gets a good look at it.
"We can talk at my place, I call 218." Grey says, motioning Vic to follow them to their rooms.

Vic's heart drops... open rooms only meant one thing, more people lost. Just another reason he had to get working. He grabs his scavenged ammo crate and silently walks along with them, even more convinced he had to work soon... or there may not be anyone left to save.

As they get near his room. "One moment, gentlemen... let me stow this." He opens the door to his room, revealing a space almost cluttered with weapons. Hooks are drilled into every wall to hang them, and even so more lean up against the walls, cabinet, and bed. There is armor too... and gas masks. As for the weapons, Vic has everything from handguns to high powered sniper rifles and bazookas.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:47 pm

Name: Dr Daniel Parker
Age: 38
Appearance: Dark Blond hair, green/blue eyes, arround 5'11
Occupation: Reseaerch physisist
Personality: hyper and obtuse, seem to miss what happens around him when working on projects
Skills:Genetisist and chemist, building contasinment aparatus for capturing the creatures for study without making contact physicaly
Other: Dr. Parker was one of the first to witness the creatures as they landed and watched in horror as his team was conscripted by the group. Somehow, he was able to escape from them and found refuge in the labs of the underground bunker...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:05 pm


"2 cars probably aren't a good idea to travel with. I'll ride with you guys, if you don't mind. Some other survivor can take the rest of the weapons in my truck if they pass by here, I guess." Richard shrugs and looks at the truck that he found. "So, let's go if you guys are ready."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:20 am

Amy-chan wrote:"We're going to go try and help some lost sisters. Some silly Ningen are hiding together. And they don't understand, so they might hurt us iffen we just try to swarm them. Sooo, we gonna drop some smoke-making cans in the things that draw air into where they all hiding. Hope some of then run out so we can hug them. You not able to change Ningen yet, so you stay with truck, okay?" She ruffled hs hair, "I no want son-brother to get hurt."

"I can't huggle? Awww....okaaay, I stay with truck." Kaney says. An overturned semi blocks futher progress down the highway. The truck takes an off-ramp and proceeds to go down the back roads past the mall.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic's heart drops... open rooms only meant one thing, more people lost. Just another reason he had to get working. He grabs his scavenged ammo crate and silently walks along with them, even more convinced he had to work soon... or there may not be anyone left to save.

As they get near his room. "One moment, gentlemen... let me stow this." He opens the door to his room, revealing a space almost cluttered with weapons. Hooks are drilled into every wall to hang them, and even so more lean up against the walls, cabinet, and bed. There is armor too... and gas masks. As for the weapons, Vic has everything from handguns to high powered sniper rifles and bazookas.

"Wooow...that's tight, dawg." Manny smirks. "A neat stockpile."
Grey whistles. "Yo Manny, check out the rocket launcher."
"Dang, Vic...did you raid an army base or some s***?"

Miku-chan wrote:Name: Dr Daniel Parker
Age: 38
Appearance: Dark Blond hair, green/blue eyes, arround 5'11
Occupation: Reseaerch physisist
Personality: hyper and obtuse, seem to miss what happens around him when working on projects
Skills:Genetisist and chemist, building contasinment aparatus for capturing the creatures for study without making contact physicaly
Other: Dr. Parker was one of the first to witness the creatures as they landed and watched in horror as his team was conscripted by the group. Somehow, he was able to escape from them and found refuge in the labs of the underground bunker...

Daniel would find the labs in good condition despite the recent accident. Paul, the head lab technician had been sent to the Overseer's office for questioning and to file an accident report. In the main part of the lab, there is plenty of equipment to work with. A dead Ovalisk lies on a metal examination table with it's internal structure on display and awaiting further dissection.

Roggamer22 wrote:(DEMOMAN)

"2 cars probably aren't a good idea to travel with. I'll ride with you guys, if you don't mind. Some other survivor can take the rest of the weapons in my truck if they pass by here, I guess." Richard shrugs and looks at the truck that he found. "So, let's go if you guys are ready."

"Okay, you ride in my truck then." Ryan says, motioning towards the back with his head. "We're taking the weapons with us though. We need enough ammo to last us awhile." And with that, Ryan stops by Richard's truck and loads the weapons over into his truck. Ryan then takes an alternate route out of the suburbs and uses the back roads. "You gotta stay as invisible as possible. You can't take the freeway, those things would be waiting..." The roads he took had no cars blocking the road. There were some on the shoulders occasionally though. They head north a little ways before heading eastbound towards the city.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Andrea Anikerina » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:46 am

The interior of the office within the electronics store is strewn with microwavable food containers, from Spaghetti-O's, to corn, to a single Lean Cuisine pizza. A name placard is prominently displayed, the slate reversed and "Walter" written neatly on the backside, and reinserted. The backup generator whirs as a man with dark hair types at his console, a large stock of both energy drinks and cola beside the desk, a crazy straw inserted into one of the cans. Outside the office lies the break room and door to the storefront, the cartoon DVDs looted, and break room strewn with candy and soda wrappers, only the mixed nuts left alone in the machine. His computer beeps, and he promptly picks up a security walkie-talkie, and cycles through the frequencies, giving out the distress signal:

"Attention to whomever is on this frequency! My name is Walter, I'm barricaded inside an electronics store office, and an Ovalisk is threatening my life. Please send help immediately!"

Walter turns off the walkie-talkie, and after hearing a slight giggle, quickly saves his work and shuts down the computer, barricading the door to the office.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:02 am

Millinescence wrote:Daniel would find the labs in good condition despite the recent accident. Paul, the head lab technician had been sent to the Overseer's office for questioning and to file an accident report. In the main part of the lab, there is plenty of equipment to work with. A dead Ovalisk lies on a metal examination table with it's internal structure on display and awaiting further dissection.

Daniel grabs a new manipulator style forceps down into the Ovalisk's skin, trying to finish removing the gland that causes the transformation. one slip at this point could be a disaster if he came in contact with its secretions. He knew he shouldn't be doing this alone, but with the recent accident and Paul off in the directors office, there wasn't much choice, hopefully, nothing else would happen...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:03 am

"It okay, right Kyla?" Lilly says. "We have friend who can help you. Or can wait, then I can help you~ :3"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:39 pm

"Haha... Yeah, we figured that out when we were driving through the freeway. Karen took care of most of them though." Richard laughs a bit. "Wish I knew about this alternate route, none of those things is better then having to drive through a horde of them."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:51 pm

In a relatively small bunker, about 20 miles nothwest of Don-town, and 30 miles north of the original bunker, in a rural, countryside type area, a hard looking man wearing a paramilitary type uniform strides down a corridor. He enters a room where several other men wearing the same type of uniform, and looking just as hard, are studying a large scale map that is tacked down to a table. Several sites on the map have been marked in various ways . There are notations like “15-pit“ in red, “7 sighted, possible pit” in orange, “12 killed, 3 men lost” in black, and “Traces” in yellow. On the walls of the room, were several taxidermied Ovalisk heads, mounted like big game hunters used to display the heads of their kills.

The man who had walked into the room snaps to attention in front of an older, even harder looking man. “General, Assault Group Alpha 6 reported back, sir. When They got to the confirmed 10-pit at Sepultiva and 12th, the snakes were gone. The pit site had been emptied of anything useful.” The older man swears for awhile. “That’s the fourth dry pit in a row. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the snakes were organized, and warned the targeted pits.” One of the other men in the room said “Maybe they’re smarter than we think, General sir.” The General gave the man a hard look. “They’re just mimicking human intelligence. You’ve seen the films of how easily they’re distracted. The only real dangers the snakes pose are numbers and the way their vile touch replaces a human with another snake.”

Outside the bunker, an orange haired Ovalisk is pulled back into deeper concealment in a ruined building. “You know not s’posed to look out without special hat!” another Ovalisk said, handing the first an old army helmet that had pieces of building debris affixed to it. "Special hat ugly, not cute!” said the first. "You not care what cute with hole in head!.” said the second.

Another Ovalisk with pink hair and cat ears watched the byplay from nearby. "Shss! We don’t want to be heard by the mean sisters!” she said. She walked to the part of the building facing away from the bunker, and picked up a pair of binoculars to watch for the last of the assault group to arrive.

The truck that Hiroko was riding in pulls up and parks several streets over. "We park, walk from here. Keep hidden, nyo!” says the Comma through the small panel into the back. The Ovalisks climb out of the truck carrying gaudily decorated backpacks, except for Kaney, who stays with the truck. They find it hard not to skip, play, and giggle, but a few "Hush!”s and "Shh!”s from the Comma and Hiroko-chan keep them in line. They instead make a game of keeping low and darting from one place of concealment to another as they approach the building where the pink haired Comma was waiting.

Once inside Hiroko-chan walked over to the pink haired Ovalisk. "This is the last group Comma Betty.” says Hiroko. "Good, the other groups of sisters are already in position.” she replied, "I see that you brought more of the smoke grenades too. We can’t just use the sleep gas on the locked bunker, because we need to be able to touch the Ningen. Now, here is the plan and your part in it …”
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