by Musashi » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:02 pm
Musa, who was still glaring DEATH AND DOOM AND YOU RUINED MY HAWT YAOI MOMENT at Yuki, perked up upon "seeing" Sca. He wiggled his kitty ears and waved. "Hi Sca~"
Yuki discarded his bloody tissue and practically pranced over to the cowgirl-in-a-vagabond. "Silly thing, we've been looking all over for you! We weren't able find you when we went into... what, is he like your dad or something? Anyway, we couldn't find you inside his head. So we had him bring you out. And now that you're here.. how would you like your very own body, kiddo?!" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Item 1: ShounenAi Badger Badge
2: God of Bishounenkind Badge
3: FtM Badge
"Yer so funny in a harmlessly psychotic way ;-p" - Coru-moose
"You're like a ninja ferret on crack." - Zack
Dubbed "Moon Master" by Kata