by Shadowmaster » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:53 pm
Mel, Andrew, and Alisha- "Damn it..." the winged man says. "The old woman's a dangerous witch, I was bringing her to the city to be locked up. I was attacked by the one winged demon and I guess they both took off." He slowly stands up, wincing as he does. "Now I have to go track them down..."
Cylestea- Azrael nods. "Most of the demons down there are relatively weak, but there are a few higher leveled ones there. Altogether, though, their auras combine and can be pretty overwhelming." he says, drawing his scythe. "Keep your guard up, and be ready for trouble." He then heads toward the city.
Charlotte- "Tell me about it. I've never been a fan of them either." Ash says. ""We can see about getting you something better to wear once we reach the city, if you want." she adds. As the two of you reach the front door, she picks up a sword that was leaning by it. "Don't wanna be caught unprepared. Let's go." she says, opening the door.
I am a ninja, zam.