Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby AshK » Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:18 pm

*Thanks to the combination of the attacks of Protect, Double Team and Hyper Beam 196 was unharmed.*

*196 telepotred also before the hit. and ended up behind the Exploud Hybrid.*

*196 did an acrobatic flip and exposed her tail.*

"Agility Iron Tail Combo Attack." 196 said as she did a flip and used Irontail straight on top of the Exploud Hybrids head knocking him a bit silly but not out.
Last edited by AshK on Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sasha » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:12 pm

Mew grins a bit. " Mewtwo Mewtwo Mewtwo. Your so sad this barrier is just like your old one where mine are so much different. I bet you already feel your old mine slipping away don't you." She teleports out of it and behind Steven." As for you I think its best you forgot everything that has happened lately." she hits him over the head erasing his mind of the past few days as well as any knowledge he had of soon to be transformed people, the location of the base, and ever having Mew or Mewtwo and knocking him out cold. " Also Mewtwo That barrier is only made for pokemon not hybrids so you still have a lot of work to do and learn about your new abilities. " She uses hypnotize on Mewtwo.
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Postby Gee-chan » Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:50 am

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Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby Sasha » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:05 pm

((uhhh gist edit that the rockets can't spy on the hybrid base.))
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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:45 pm

One of the Palm's allies throws something that attaches to Mew. "Ha, that will cancel out your psychic powers and only we know how to turn it off." he said. "Now Mewtwo can finish you off."

Mewtwo shakes off the hypnosis and walks over to mew and looks at her for a moment before unlocking the device.

"M-mewtwo?" the man asked. Mewtwo looked up at them and tossed a powerful Shadow ball at them.

After the attack, a few of Palm's allies began to retreat, but many still stayed.
The Exploud hybrid shook his head. "All of these attack combinations are clever." he said. "But sometimes, just one attack will work, like Sing." he said as a melodic song could be heard by all in the area.
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Postby Sasha » Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:06 pm

Mew grins and encases him quickly in a bubble before it starts to effect her and makes it sound proof. " I recommend you drop the subject. Mewtwo can you erase this guy and the retreating one's minds? Our little scuffle made me a bit weak." She says to Mewtwo in her mind.


136 grins. " Looks like Mewtwo is now yours master."
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Postby AshK » Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:39 pm

*Thanks to Mew's Soundproof Bubble 196 and the others were unaffected by the Sing Attack.*

"Thanks Mew-Chan. I really appreciate that. So what do you think I should do now?" 196 thought telepathically to Mew.

"This will take a while, but it's worth a try. Future Sight." 196 said as her eyes and Jewel Glowed.

"Also take this! Confusion!" 196 said as she sent another attack toward the Exploud Hybrid that was encased inside a Soundproof Bubble. Confusion it the Exploud Hybrid but didn't phase the bubble one bit. She also used her Psychic abilities to make sure that the Future Sight Attack when it hits won't phase the bubble either.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:54 pm

Mewtwo turns toward the rest of Palm's allies, who in turn flee as quickly as they can. The Exploud hybrid takes the attacks and uses a Hyper Beam to break out of the barrier. "Hmm, seem we aren't winning too many of these scuffles." he says. He turns oward Erin's group. "We'll meet again. Sooner or later." he said before he ran off.

"They are becoming steadily more annoying." The master said.

Mary walks over to Aiko. "They're gone." she said. She then looked up at Lee. "Will you let him go now?"
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Postby AshK » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:11 am

Shadowmaster wrote:Mewtwo turns toward the rest of Palm's allies, who in turn flee as quickly as they can. The Exploud hybrid takes the attacks and uses a Hyper Beam to break out of the barrier. "Hmm, seem we aren't winning too many of these scuffles." he says. He turns oward Erin's group. "We'll meet again. Sooner or later." he said before he ran off.

"They are becoming steadily more annoying." The master said.

Mary walks over to Aiko. "They're gone." she said. She then looked up at Lee. "Will you let him go now?"

"Well it looks like we won this battle, but I know there will be more." 196 said as the Future Sight Attack Hit the Exploud Hybrid before he could flee, but he was able to get away alive.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:13 am

136 nods. " As promised."

Mew gets those mew two missed and sighs. " ok then." she moves the bubble to the ground and lets lee out. "

136 looks a lee. " well will you join us or do we need to whip your memory also?"
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Postby AshK » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:30 am

*196 teleports her group to the ground and lands next to Mew wanting to stay clear of 136 as much as they can before she beats them to a pulp.*

"So Master what do we do now? Oh and in case you are wondering where Lily and Mel are, well we tried to get them to come back with us, but they decided to stay behind in Hoenn and make more Hybrids to serve you Master." 196 said.

"You seven stay here." 470 said to 123, 160, 254, 257, 392, 395, and 467.

"136 we are sorry for what we did to your hometown. Go ahead and deal with us the way you want to. We honestly forgot you were from Lillycove City." 196 said while holding onto 470 for dear life.

"That is the full truth 136. We are really sorry for what happened we really did forget that Lillycove City was your Hometown." 470 said as he too grabbed onto 196 for Dear life.

"Yes sir, yes ma'am." The Seven other Hybrid Agents of Erin/196 and Leo/470's group said.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:39 am

136 grins darkly and cracks her knuckles. " Now about that." She grabs them both by a ear and drags them into a nearby room and shuts the door with her tail. Soon loud crashes and bangs can be heard and soon a very loud crash is heard and 136 walks out showing a broken room behind her and 196 and 470 ling in a hole in the ground beaten. " I feel better now."
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Postby AshK » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:04 am

*196 and 470 wake up with huge splitting headaches. 196 holds on to her love and shouts out a healing move after she teleports her and her Boyfriend out into the sun while hugging her love.*

"At Least the Sun is still Out. Please be okay Leo-Kun. Morning Sun!" 196 said as she healed both her and 470. They still had some scrapes and Bruises, but at least they could walk.

"Okay 136 we shouldn't have transformed for Lillycove Citizens. Were they friends of yours? We are so sorry! Gomen Nassai Gomen Nassai." 196 said.

"Gomen Nassai 136 Gomen Nassai. All we wanted was some information and when they wouldn't give it to us we did what we had to do. Forced them to give it to us. That was the first thing that came to our minds was to transform them. Do you forgive us 136?" 470 said as he and 196 Bowed Deeply toward her in apology.

"Are you two okay?" 123 asked.

"You took quite a beating." 160 said.

"i'm glad we didn't have to be exposed to that." 254 said.

"As am I." 257 said.

"You said it!" 392 said.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side 136." 395 said.

"I am glad I didn't have to take the beating as well." 467 said.

*196 and 470 continued to bow apologetically to 136.*
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Postby Sasha » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:15 am

136 huffs a bit. " Next time remember where someone is from and follow your orders next time." She walks back off to gather the rest of her team to head back to the Johto base.
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Postby AshK » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:21 am

"Okay Okay 136. We understand." 196 said as she stood up with 470.

"So Master what do you want us to do? Do you want us to set up a base somewhere in Hoenn? The Old Aqua Base will be a perfect base for us." 470 said.

*The other seven were wondering the same thing.*
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