[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:55 pm

Millinescence wrote:"Wooow...that's tight, dawg." Manny smirks. "A neat stockpile."
Grey whistles. "Yo Manny, check out the rocket launcher."
"Dang, Vic...did you raid an army base or some s***?"

"No.... these are from my private collection. I have led... an interesting life. If you gentlemen have any skill with a particular weapon, feel free to borrow it. I will be glad to see them used..." He looks back at them. "Perhaps you would like to talk in my room? I would not mind."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:03 am

Andrea Anikerina wrote:The interior of the office within the electronics store is strewn with microwavable food containers, from Spaghetti-O's, to corn, to a single Lean Cuisine pizza. A name placard is prominently displayed, the slate reversed and "Walter" written neatly on the backside, and reinserted. The backup generator whirs as a man with dark hair types at his console, a large stock of both energy drinks and cola beside the desk, a crazy straw inserted into one of the cans. Outside the office lies the break room and door to the storefront, the cartoon DVDs looted, and break room strewn with candy and soda wrappers, only the mixed nuts left alone in the machine. His computer beeps, and he promptly picks up a security walkie-talkie, and cycles through the frequencies, giving out the distress signal:

"Attention to whomever is on this frequency! My name is Walter, I'm barricaded inside an electronics store office, and an Ovalisk is threatening my life. Please send help immediately!"

Walter turns off the walkie-talkie, and after hearing a slight giggle, quickly saves his work and shuts down the computer, barricading the door to the office.

Having been hours since they last heard from 'Big Fella', Red Leader and his convoy have moved on. They are now at the Boulevard, they pulled in to the electronics store. Their CB radios weren't able to pick up Walter's signal, so they didn't know that anyone was there. Red Leader and his convoy get out of their vehicles with various guns and weapons (they're a 5-vehicle convoy, a total of 14 survivors) and go into the store in search of anything useful.

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel grabs a new manipulator style forceps down into the Ovalisk's skin, trying to finish removing the gland that causes the transformation. one slip at this point could be a disaster if he came in contact with its secretions. He knew he shouldn't be doing this alone, but with the recent accident and Paul off in the directors office, there wasn't much choice, hopefully, nothing else would happen...

Just then, Daniel can hear a man's muffled cries for help followed by faint pounding. It was coming from the right of him, behind a thick steel door in one of the Ovalisk containment cells. Daniel has a key on his person that can open the steel door to the small hallway of containment cells. However, the switchboard control panel that could open the cells can only be activated by another key that he doesn't have.

Zilla wrote:"It okay, right Kyla?" Lilly says. "We have friend who can help you. Or can wait, then I can help you~ :3"

"Thanks you two..." Susan says, looking over at the ovies. "I've always wondered how the other half actually lives. How long has it been since you turned Harriet? Or were you Alice? Hmm...no worries."
Kyla giggles. "Her name Lilly. She became sister uhhh...twenty minute ago?"
"Oh...hehe...okay." She smiles. "I'm willing to wait awhile."
Suddenly there was a banging on the door. "Hey, anyone in there? Why is this door locked." A man's voice shouted into the room. "Bunker security, open up."
"...oh crap. go! hide!" She whispers. "Sorry about that, I'm opening the door now." She answers the guard as she stands up off of her stool.

Roggamer22 wrote:"Haha... Yeah, we figured that out when we were driving through the freeway. Karen took care of most of them though." Richard laughs a bit. "Wish I knew about this alternate route, none of those things is better then having to drive through a horde of them."

"You know it." Ryan grins. "Hardly anything around here. You're in good hands, man. Karen here is just about as good a shot as I am."
Ryan speeds the truck down the road, he knew every inch of these parts. There were a few Ovies on foot here and there, but the truck was going too fast for them to pursue. Eventually they stop at an almost secluded apartment complex right outside the city. There were three, ten-story buildings grouped together around a courtyard and parking lots. He pulled the truck up close to one of the buildings. "Alright...this is place." He says as he gets out. He closes the door and looks to Karen. "Get the dynamite for me babe."
"Alright," She says, going around to open the back.

Amy-chan wrote:Once inside Hiroko-chan walked over to the pink haired Ovalisk. "This is the last group Comma Betty.” says Hiroko. "Good, the other groups of sisters are already in position.” she replied, "I see that you brought more of the smoke grenades too. We can’t just use the sleep gas on the locked bunker, because we need to be able to touch the Ningen. Now, here is the plan and your part in it …”

The bunker is located in a small town called Lakewood. It's an old nuclear bomb shelter built under an automotive repair shop. About six reinforced vehicles are parked in the parking lot.

Knight Errant wrote:"No.... these are from my private collection. I have led... an interesting life. If you gentlemen have any skill with a particular weapon, feel free to borrow it. I will be glad to see them used..." He looks back at them. "Perhaps you would like to talk in my room? I would not mind."

"Heh, I'll say." Grey says with a smirk when Vic said he led an interesting life.
"Yeah, yeah, of course ^^." Manny says as both of them step into Vic's room.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:17 am

Lilly giggles a little, knowing it's time to play hide n' seek, as she scoots off into a cabinet.

"She so sad!" Lilly thinks to herself. "Wanna huggle!!! Wanna huggle so bad!!!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:28 pm

"Nice looking place here. I wonder if anyone is in there..." Richard gets out of the truck. "Want me to get the weapons and put them inside our new home?" He says, grabbing his shotgun.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Sat May 01, 2010 1:03 am

Millinescence wrote:"Heh, I'll say." Grey says with a smirk when Vic said he led an interesting life.
"Yeah, yeah, of course ^^." Manny says as both of them step into Vic's room.

Vic pulls out a chair for each of them, sitting down on his bed himself. "So... tell me what you think. Of both plans."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sat May 01, 2010 2:56 pm

((Alright, c'mon people...let's get this ball rolling~! Image ))

Zilla wrote:Lilly giggles a little, knowing it's time to play hide n' seek, as she scoots off into a cabinet.

"She so sad!" Lilly thinks to herself. "Wanna huggle!!! Wanna huggle so bad!!!"

Kyla runs off as well, hiding behind one of the privacy curtains surrounding a bed. After seeing that both Ovies are well-hidden, she opens the door.
"What are you doing in here?" The guard asks, looking around.
"I'm a registered nurse, my shift starts in five." Susan says, lying about her work schedule. She points to a nurse's uniform that just happens to be on a table to her right. "I was about to change into my uniform, do you mind?"
The guard blanches a little. "Oh...okay, sorry to interrupt ma'am. Things have been a bit hectic with the entire bunker on condition yellow."
"No, it's quite alright." Susan tells the guard with a half-smile. "You're just doing your job."
"Thanks, carry on." The guard says before leaving. Susan closes the door behind him.

"Okay he's gone, it's safe to come out now." The woman says to the two Ovalisks. Kyla runs to Susan and hugs her. Susan smiles and strokes Kyla's yellowish-orange hair. "There's something I want to show you." She reaches into her top and pulls out a silver pendant. On it is a somewhat chibi-ish emerald snake with an obsidian eye. The snake forms a circle around the pendant with the tip of it's tail pointed at it's nose. "You know what this is? This says that I belong to a group of people who understand your intentions to start the world fresh. And it means that I will help you any way I can. And that if it's necessary, I'm willing to become one of you as well." She explains to Lilly and Kyla. "I'm going to do what I can to help you escape this bunker, and I'm coming with you."

Roggamer22 wrote:"Nice looking place here. I wonder if anyone is in there..." Richard gets out of the truck. "Want me to get the weapons and put them inside our new home?" He says, grabbing his shotgun.

"Well, we're here to find out." Ryan answers. "Sure, just put them in a hall on the second floor somewhere." He reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out a map of the complex and unfolds it on the hood of his truck. "But first let me tell you our plan. All three of these buildings are identical in their basic layout. There are two stairwells: here, and here." He points out the stairwells on the map. They're on the left and right sides of the main lobby, with two elevators in the core of the building. "I'm going to set the charges in the stairwells. Karen, I want you to go with Richard and use the elevators to go to the second floor, I'll meet you up on the second floor when I'm done. The colony's main power grid stretches all the way to the north and south ends of the city, so this complex should still have all the standard utilities. Oh, and there's some walkie-talkies in the back of my truck we can use to keep in touch."

Knight Errant wrote:Vic pulls out a chair for each of them, sitting down on his bed himself. "So... tell me what you think. Of both plans."

"I'm down for the 'shock and awe'." Grey says, popping his knuckles as they sit down. "I wanna make dem snake bitches wish they neva came here."
"Yo dawg, settle down. I'm sure someone in this bunker know 'bout how to capture them things." Manny says. "Hmm...there's no way we can do both plans at the same time, ah know dat..." Manny chuckles as a light bulb lights up in his head. "Okay I got it, we can try doing the 'catch and release' plan first. And if that don't work, then we do the 'shock and awe'! How ya like dat?" He smirks.
"Maaan f'get that!" Grey says, furrowing his brow. "Those things ended the world, dey ain't wit us. And if dey ain't wit us, dey against us!"
"How the f*** do we know that, Grey?" Manny nearly shouts as he grabs Grey by the collar of his shirt. "The least we can do is try. Even if we get this entire bunker to roll wit us, those things still outnumber us ten-to-one homie. This isn't da ghetto anymore, man! What our man Vic is talkin'bout is a full-scale war in da shadows. Iraqi s**t, dawg. And what we're fighting has the ability to turn our allies against us in an instant."
"Okay, okay! I get da point, now get off mah case, homie."
Manny lets go and nods. "Alright."
Last edited by Millinescence on Sat May 01, 2010 8:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sat May 01, 2010 3:55 pm

Lilly jumps up to huggle the woman too, squeezing her nice and tight. "Hooray! You wanna help make everyone happy!!" Lilly squees. "You're best big sister! But... we need to run away? So many sad sad people here, wanna huggle! Wanna huggle best friend, make everyone feel nice!" Harriet thinks about Anthony, somewhere inside Lilly. Lilly wants to huggle this person that she vaguely remembers. So melancholy...

Lilly looks at the pendant. It's so cute! "So cute~! <3" she says. "Any more?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sat May 01, 2010 7:49 pm

Millinescence wrote:The bunker is located in a small town called Lakewood. It's an old nuclear bomb shelter built under an automotive repair shop. About six reinforced vehicles are parked in the parking lot.

Several Ovalisks, dressed in camouflage instead of something cute for once, sneak up to the parking lot. Two of them take each vehicle, jamming small wedged headed steel spikes into the doorjambs to make them impossible to open without considerable and lengthy work.

Larger groups of Ovalisks sneak into position at the various exits that the Ningen have been seen using. This bunker had been under observation ever since some Ovalisk scouts had followed some of the Ningen back to it.

A last few position themselves with the backpacks of smoke grenades by the air intakes for the bunker, and opened the grills on the intakes. They each wore a large butterfly faced watch, and when the big hand was on the 12 and the little hand was on the 7, they started pulling the pins on the grenades and lobbing them down the intakes.

Inside the bunker, smoke starts billowing out of the vents. Smoke detectors and automatic fire alarms start going crazy.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Sat May 01, 2010 8:15 pm

Millinescence wrote:"I'm down for the 'shock and awe'." Grey says, popping his knuckles as they sit down. "I wanna make dem snake bitches wish they neva came here."
"Yo dawg, settle down. I'm sure someone in this bunker know 'bout how to capture them things." Manny says. "Hmm...there's no way we can do both plans at the same time, ah know dat..." Manny chuckles as a light bulb lights up in his head. "Okay I got it, we can try doing the 'catch and release' plan first. And if that don't work, then we do the 'shock and awe'! How ya like dat?" He smirks.
"Maaan f'get that!" Grey says, furrowing his brow. "Those things ended the world, dey ain't wit us. And if dey ain't wit us, dey against us!"
"How the f*** do we know that, Grey?" Manny nearly shouts as he grabs Grey by the collar of his shirt. "The least we can do is try. Even if we get this entire bunker to roll wit us, those things still outnumber us ten-to-one homie. This isn't da ghetto anymore, man! What our man Vic is talkin'bout is a full-scale war in da shadows. Iraqi s**t, dawg. And what we're fighting has the ability to turn our allies against us in an instant."
"Okay, okay! I get da point, now get off mah case, homie."
Manny lets go and nods. "Alright."

Vic holds his head in his hands... thinking deeply. "I want to try the peaceful option... I do. Morally, I see it as the way we should proceed." He looks up, around at the walls covered in weapons. "Peace... is not my first nature. And I know I would be better at war. As well, to spend time and resources on a cause that may be impossible would harm our efforts to wage a shadow war if we find peace is unreachable." He sighs... thinking... then nods.

"I know what must be done. Either way we must have the support of the others here. I say we bring the matter forward... see who is with us... then among those we vote on which plan to go forward with."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sat May 01, 2010 8:32 pm

(WHERE IS THIS NON-ROLLING BALL THAT WE MUST ROLL!? ...I suddenly feel like playing Katamari now... Huh...)

Richard nods and picks up all the weapons he can carry as well as the walkie-talkie. "Alright, I'll message you if I find anything." He says before walking into the building and calls the elevator, stepping in when it gets there and waiting for Karen to get in before going up.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sun May 02, 2010 6:53 am

((I was talking about the thread lol. I'm trying to keep things moving =P))

Zilla wrote:Lilly jumps up to huggle the woman too, squeezing her nice and tight. "Hooray! You wanna help make everyone happy!!" Lilly squees. "You're best big sister! But... we need to run away? So many sad sad people here, wanna huggle! Wanna huggle best friend, make everyone feel nice!" Harriet thinks about Anthony, somewhere inside Lilly. Lilly wants to huggle this person that she vaguely remembers. So melancholy...

Lilly looks at the pendant. It's so cute! "So cute~! <3" she says. "Any more?"

"Awww~ But yes we do, they don't understand. They'll want to hurt you both." Susan tells the Ovies. "If your touch can't change, you can't heal yourself from harm. If they hurt you really bad then you will die. I don't want that to happen." But how are we going to get out of here? Thinks the woman. The whole bunker is on condition yellow which means security is on high alert.

After Lilly asks about more pendents. "Oh yes, there's more. They're outside the bunker, living in a few suburban homes like nothing's happened. Now once we're out the bunker we're going to need transpo--"
Without warning, the door slams open, Paul and a security guard stand inside the doorway!
"Ha! I've had my suspicions at first, but now I've caught you red-handed you traitor!" Paul smirks menacingly at Susan. The guard moves to hit the panic button in the hallway outside but Paul stops him. "Now, now...don't be hasty. Those two specimens are from my lab and I want them unharmed. But the woman however...hehehe..."
"You meanie!" Kyla cries out, holding her arms out as if to shield Susan. "No hurt big sister!" She grunts a bit, sick to her stomach from feeling so much anger.
"Oh? What are you going to do?" Paul chuckles, moving in closer. The guard follows, drawing his baton. But Lilly still has Frank's cattle-prod with her...

Amy-chan wrote:Several Ovalisks, dressed in camouflage instead of something cute for once, sneak up to the parking lot. Two of them take each vehicle, jamming small wedged headed steel spikes into the doorjambs to make them impossible to open without considerable and lengthy work.

Larger groups of Ovalisks sneak into position at the various exits that the Ningen have been seen using. This bunker had been under observation ever since some Ovalisk scouts had followed some of the Ningen back to it.

A last few position themselves with the backpacks of smoke grenades by the air intakes for the bunker, and opened the grills on the intakes. They each wore a large butterfly faced watch, and when the big hand was on the 12 and the little hand was on the 7, they started pulling the pins on the grenades and lobbing them down the intakes.

Inside the bunker, smoke starts billowing out of the vents. Smoke detectors and automatic fire alarms start going crazy.

"What the? There's a fire!" One of the men yells in panic at the smoke.
"No, that's impossible, infrared sensors aren't picking up anything over room temperature, sir." Says another looking over a control panel.
"Can someone tell me what the hell's going on!?" The general shouts.
"It seems like something is trying to smoke us out, sir!"
The general looks at the man in disbelief. "That can't be those snake's. They're not capable of this! Get in Goliath and send a distress signal to the main bunker. Tell them exactly what you see!"
"Sir, yes sir!" The men outside the control room are panicking, as if oblivious to protocol. The general tries to calm them down, but they don't listen. The Ovalisks have brought a small bunker of 20 people to chaos!
"What are you going to do sir?" One of the men asks with a cough. The general replies simply, "...I've got a score to settle." Most of the men come out of the main exit, guns blazing as they rush towards their vehicles! They were excellent shots, bringing several Ovies down with just one round apiece...but it was not enough. The general and his two companions scramble towards an alternate exit. The Goliath sits majestically on a ramp that leads into the repair shop's garage. Their leader pushes the button that opens the doors once his two men were inside. "Sir! They're coming inside, you gotta hurry! ...Dammit!" The big truck speeds off out of the garage before the Ovies got too close, aiming to hit as many of those snakes as they could! The two men inside Goliath make a successful getaway.
Yet the general was stranded! He aims his rifle...

Knight Errant wrote:Vic holds his head in his hands... thinking deeply. "I want to try the peaceful option... I do. Morally, I see it as the way we should proceed." He looks up, around at the walls covered in weapons. "Peace... is not my first nature. And I know I would be better at war. As well, to spend time and resources on a cause that may be impossible would harm our efforts to wage a shadow war if we find peace is unreachable." He sighs... thinking... then nods.

"I know what must be done. Either way we must have the support of the others here. I say we bring the matter forward... see who is with us... then among those we vote on which plan to go forward with."

"Yeah! Ah agree." Manny says.
"Let's go to the head of this place and tell them what we know." Says Grey. "Where they at?"
Vic would know that the Overseer's office is at the bottom floor of the Atrium on the opposite side of the medical wing down a corridor on their left, down a set of stairs several yards to the right, inside the security station.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard nods and picks up all the weapons he can carry as well as the walkie-talkie. "Alright, I'll message you if I find anything." He says before walking into the building and calls the elevator, stepping in when it gets there and waiting for Karen to get in before going up.

Richard would find the lobby quite roomy and even looked upscale despite neglect. But it also smells a little rotten when he sees several motionless ovies, a couple even missing their heads as if a shotgun was used on them at close range. The words 'Tenpenny Towers' can be seen on a wall behind the receptionist's desk. Ryan comes inside with det-cord, tools and a plastic grocery bag of dynamite, the words 'have a nice day' clearly visible. And Karen with her M4 carbine and ammo crate walks into the elevator with Richard, setting the crate down as they go upto the second floor.
Last edited by Millinescence on Sun May 02, 2010 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sun May 02, 2010 11:37 am

(I know you were talking about the thread, just joking around. XP
Also, I like your new icon. ^^)

"I'm guessing from those bodies that there was somebody here... Let's hope they're either gone or not insane." Richard makes the elevator go up to the second floor and gets out when it reaches it, looking around to make sure there isn't any movement.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Mon May 03, 2010 1:20 am

Millinescence wrote:"What the? There's a fire!" One of the men yells in panic at the smoke.
"No, that's impossible, infrared sensors aren't picking up anything over room temperature, sir." Says another looking over a control panel.
"Can someone tell me what the hell's going on!?" The general shouts.
"It seems like something is trying to smoke us out, sir!"
The general looks at the man in disbelief. "That can't be those snake's. They're not capable of this! Get in Goliath and send a distress signal to the main bunker. Tell them exactly what you see!"
"Sir, yes sir!" The men outside the control room are panicking, as if oblivious to protocol. The general tries to calm them down, but they don't listen. The Ovalisks have brought a small bunker of 20 people to chaos!
"What are you going to do sir?" One of the men asks with a cough. The general replies simply, "...I've got a score to settle." Most of the men come out of the main exit, guns blazing as they rush towards their vehicles! They were excellent shots, bringing several Ovies down with just one round apiece...but it was not enough. The general and his two companions scramble towards an alternate exit. The Goliath sits majestically on a ramp that leads into the repair shop's garage. Their leader pushes the button that opens the doors once his two men were inside. "Sir! They're coming inside, you gotta hurry! ...Dammit!" The big truck speeds off out of the garage before the Ovies got too close, aiming to hit as many of those snakes as they could! The two men inside Goliath make a successful getaway.
Yet the general was stranded! He aims his rifle...

The Ovalisks outside swarm the men coming out of the main exit. Several of the Ovalisks go down truly dead from single shots to the head. The rest just redouble their effort to touch their skin to the skin of the men. Some of the men struggle to get the doors of the vehicles open until they feel the touch of cool Ovalisk skin to theirs.

As the general prepares to fire his rifle and bring down an Ovalisk with cat ears that he sees giving orders to the other Ovalisks, he hears “Gotcha!” as he also hears a sort of ‘chuff!’ sound. A net hits him and wraps around him, giving him electrical shocks that bring him to the floor. As he lays on the floor, muscles still convulsing from the continued shocks, he sees a ruby slipper clad foot kick his rifle out of reach .

“Hi, I’m Hiroko-chan, and I’ll be your Ovalisk today.”, giggled Hiroko. “You’ve been a baaaad Ningen, so they decided I get to change you. See, I can control my change-hormones a lot more that most other Ovalisks.” She wiped her left hand dry on her dress and concentrated really hard. A single drop appeared on the tip of the index finger. “Now this won’t hurt a bit … “, she said as she bent to touch the drop to the general’s forehead.
Last edited by Amy-chan on Mon May 03, 2010 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Mon May 03, 2010 4:56 am

Just then, Daniel can hear a man's muffled cries for help followed by faint pounding. It was coming from the right of him, behind a thick steel door in one of the Ovalisk containment cells. Daniel has a key on his person that can open the steel door to the small hallway of containment cells. However, the switchboard control panel that could open the cells can only be activated by another key that he doesn't have.

Daniel slips as the sound of pounding and the voice distract him, accidentally cutting into the gland he was working on removing...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Mon May 03, 2010 10:23 am

Lilly cringes back as the mean men approach. She doesn't wanna hurt anyone! But they're going to hurt the nice lady!

"Noooo! >_<" she yells, poking the guard's hand with the cattle prod, causing him to drop/toss the baton away as he jerked his hand back. She hopped Kyla would take it and keep him from using the whack-stick. She didn't like the way the other big scary man was smiling, it wasn't a really happy smile, it was a sick smile. Lilly could almost feel the taint touching her own happiness, and could tell the huge, huge difference between her love and this man's hate.

"You big meanies! You need help!!" She darts around Paul and starts poking in the back, deftly dodging his flailing grabs. "I dun wanna do this, hurts me too, but you being bad, and try to hurt good people. This is way less pain happen."
Head of the Haven of Aeternalae forums. Now 80% less threatening, 150% more cute, and 200% more loving!:D
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