[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:18 pm

Mark snapped out of her tranced when they started to talk about her especially when the coach came into vision. She quickly tugged down her small skirt and blushed, still not used to her new body, but her curiosity peaked when the guy... err female coach heard news not only new to the coach but to herself aswell. "Wait, what do you mean hacked?!" she quickly jumped into the converstation. "Im a robot?!" she asked, her look switching between the girl man and the gu-, eeer female coach.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:29 pm

(Sorry I got a bit ahead of things...)

Gwen nods as she heads over to the shoot area, her thoughts awhirl about how she let MJ down and made her angry. As she got closer to the shoot area though, her thoughts soon quickly gave way to the happy aire of the tease for the camera once more. Watching the crew avoid wanting to ask what was going on with the helecopter in the area she just left. As she sit in the make up chair, she puts everything else out of her mind, for now...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:54 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
“No need to be so formal Horo, it’s not like schools still in session. Just because you got some demerits doesn’t mean me need to go through this conversation again” Kara said as she typed some stuff into her cell phone intently, obviously in a conversation if the speed she was typing was any indication. After a few moments she stopped texting looking around as if waiting for something, the something was a poof of displaced air behind Horo, as the smell of sulfur and brimstone filled the air, the maid and the raven haired girl from earlier appearing. “Took you long enough to find her.” The raven haired girl said looking somewhat annoyed “Anyways grab on already, we need to get there before the lines get any longer.” She said, the blue skin maid holding her arm out for them to grip.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:27 pm

Horo would feel herself relax slightly as Kara told her not to be so formal, She took this chance to look over herself again to see how much it compared to her 'male form'. His male form had always been lanky and tall but this was rather different from his male body, everything on 'her' now was skinny and dainty. She almost felt like she was all skin and bones. This change confused her much more than the presence of the furry ears and the tail, at least those were part of her wolf form and after seeing the bird girl from the inspection that had occured earlier change into a humanoid form but kept the bird wings, she assumed the keeping of the tail and ears was, while not something that had happened before, quite possible. The change into a different gender did not seem to be part of the powers her seemed to have, though her experience with this shape shifting power was limited, in her mind she had only discovered them recently so it was also possible she didn't know the full extent of her abilites. Still, being able to change gender seemed an unlikely power.

Looking about slowly from her thinking, looking towards Kara smiling still. She was able to tell what Kara looked like but the colour of her hair, skin, eyes, all those colour details were lost upon her because of the colour blindness she seemed to have inhereted from the her wolf form. She would brush down the front of her maid outfit, the feelings he would still have as being a male suddenly decided to reassert themselves for a moment as her cheeks went rather flushed and red as she seemed to feel rather embarrassed as the feelings within her own mind that still thought it was male found it embarassing to be wearing a dress like this one. The warmth from the blush on her cheeks remained for just a moment before she bite on her lower lip and fought it down. Smiling at Kara again "Umm...I have a question...I mean..if you don't mind me asking, It's about one of the other..well...maids here, I think her name is Roberta" she asked the question carefully "While I was waiting around for, she managed to sneak up on me and I didn't even get a trace of her presence, scent, noise...anything...How can she do that?" she asked, though trailed off slightly as she watched Kara focusing on her phone.

Watching as Kara looked up and around, the furry ears twitched idly as she heared the strange displacement of air from nearby and the strong smell of sulphur and brimstone wafted about from nearby. She wasn't quite prepared for this and the smell tickled the sensitive nose and then the nose would twitch a few times before she managed to cover her nose with her arm as she sneezed because of the strong smell. She rubbed her nose a little before looking about to see who it was. It was the other maid, the teleporter and the raven haired girl. Listening as the girl complained and noted she looked rather annoyed at something, Horo would bow slightly "I am sorry, I forget where I was supposed to go" she looked at the girl again, getting the impression after the first meeting that this Raven haired girl probably didn't like her. As the raven haired girl said something about needing to get somewhere before lines got any longer "Umm...Where are we going?" asking as she reached out with her dainty, thin hand and took hold of the blue girl's arm, wincing a little as she prepared for the teleportation.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:43 am

Bubbles is about to start in on the ice cream, but looks up at the waitress when she speaks up. She nods, and beams cutely. "Sure! There's nothing better than making a fan happy! What would you like us to sign?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:24 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
The traffic however didn’t seem to let up, as the minutes flew by and bumper to bumper tensions flared. The guys soon got bored of idle chat as well, Batou turned on the radio “What the Bob is going on out there.” He said clearly annoyed.
“There’s apparently a robbery at 6th and Madison, at the IBank it has traffic blocked in all directions sir.” The female voice over the radio responded back.
“@#$@!” Batou said, clearly annoyed before his annoyance turned into a smirk, “Private take the wheel and get the car to the expo, Rookie prep up and turn on your cameo effect were going to test on some live targets today. “ he said as he put the van in park before exiting.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
The more Stella emo’ed the hornier she found herself getting, her hormones designed to drive her into mindless lust instead of sad.
Fei li looked at the profile briefly before tossing it to Stella “Judge by profile I guessing we do a Coffee job for this one.” She said in a horrible chinegish accent before shaking her head and muttering in chinese under her breath.
“Pretty much, main issue is that we only have the afternoon to get it done, if we had all day this would have been easy as the morning schedules are pretty standard.” Selma said. “Either way easiest method would be to have Selma spike the milk, since he’s a coffee drinker the rest will take care of itself.” While she spoke she carefully shifted her cloths, various bondage ropes clearly evident underneath.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
“Thank you so much” the girl said clearly surprised she had said yes. She fumbled around looking for something for them to sign before settling on her cell phone, given that the uniform wasn’t hers and she wasn’t carrying anything else of value. Blossom however spared no time digging into the food while the others talked with the fan; the speed at which she ate was monstrous to say the least. ‘Best Wishes PPG’ Buttercup wrote rather quickly before signing it, after handing it to Blossom who scribbled illegibly, it then passed it to Bubbles.
“You’ll have plenty of time to sign stuff at the meet and greet girls.” Ms. Utonium said at some point having dialed a phone number and was chatting on the phone at the same time.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
“She wanted to check out the dojin room” Yuna said without looking up to busy checking the various stats in the game before eventually closing up the DS.
“You ok? You never forget stuff like that.” she said look at the phone, before touching Cat’s head accidentally rubbing against the lump she had obtained earlier with her attempted acrobatics. “You bang your head against the desk again? Seriously classes aren’t that bad you know.”
“Anyways I got dinner with the folks tonight, Dad’s and Mom are both in town today so the usual blah blah, so sorry.” Yuna said
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:51 am

A somewhat confused look spread over Cat's face as she knelt upon the table, watching Yuna as she spoke of a dojin room while checking out her DS. Her eyes widened as the girl reached up to brush over her head, which felt rather nice, and brought a smile to her lips until Yuna's fingers brushed against the lump, sending a sharp pain through it, and once again this subject of her skipping class was brought up again. No wonder Maria seemed annoyed at her. "Oww... ", she winced, and reached up to poke the lump with her own fingers. "Don't you start... I wasn't feeling well, I had to get out there... I only left five minutes early, but Maria thinks it's worth a punishment. She's thinking one up right now. And I didn't bang my head on the desk. I must have hit my head when... practicing". After drawing a deep breath, she bit her bottom lip, gazing down at this girl she'd only met five minutes ago, but already felt so attached to.

"Actually... that's kinda part of what I wanted to talk to you about. I read this comic... and these five super heroes had their minds messed with, to make them think they were just normal high school girls. One was a Cheerleader, one a Prom Queen, there was the Emo girl, you know, all the usual suspects... ", she explained in a hushed voice, and then leaned forward, her bottom pushing out behind her as she moved her face closer to Yuna's, "What if that has happened to me? Well, apart from the high school bit", she said in a slightly nervous tone, knowing that after feeling the lump on her head, there was every chance Yuna was going to think her delusional, but there was so much going on in her head, and she felt that if she didn't talk to someone about it, wether they believed her or not, then she really would go insane.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I have a really strong feeling about this... I'll show you the comics. I mean, look at me. I'm a total dork, like Spider-Man.. and... ", she glanced at the school badge on Yuna's jacket, poking her finger at it, and then pointed at the ridiculously expensive purse she had, ".. really rich family, like Batman and Iron Man, and there's a character in Young Avengers who's got no powers, and she's got a rich Dad that sends her to this really prestigious school... sound familiar? She even wears a uniform like you". She smiled at Yuna. It felt good to be able to openly talk about her nerdy hobby without worrying about ruining her reputation. "And Cassie Lang joined the Young Avengers when she was fourteen, so it's not like I'm too young", she murmured, blue eyes glancing down at the skinny body inside the white dress, still not even sure just how young she'd ended up.

Her shoulders slumped a little when Yuna said she was going to be busy for dinner, but she nodded her head in understanding. Nudging her glasses against her nose, she looked over Yuna's school uniform. She didn't understand why she didn't have one too, but she sure was thankful that she didn't. She felt childish enough without being stuck in uniform too. Shifting her weight, she tugged her legs out from beneath her, and pushed them forward to dangle over the edge of the desk as she sat facing Yuna. "I think I'm supposed to become a super hero... just like in the comics", she explained, blushing and mumbling slightly, poking at her phone in confusion as it sat there between them. "You don't have to believe me, but I could really use your help... ". She winced. Her heart was racing and her stomach felt unstable from all the nerves as she risked making one of the only friends she had think she'd gone cuckoo.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:28 pm

Stella catches the profile and squirms in her skintight suit, her erect nipples visible under the fabric as she grows more and more horny. She looks down and turns red... crossing her arms in front of her chest to conceal them.

Looking back up to the others. "Um... sounds good..." She didnt want them to know... this was embarrassing enough. Why did her body have to do this to her? She tries her best to act like nothing is wrong. "So... um... where are we headed first?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:10 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“Why would I do that? that would involve going outside.” Hakase said the teen boy looking like a promising crazed scientist with his brown hair sticking up in every which way, sooty/grimy stains, and a lab coat 3 sizes too big for him. The jelly substance finally settling down after several minutes, Hakase simply took a spoon out and plucked a chunk out into a bowl “Hmmm cherry jello I do say is the best flavor” he said eating some while offering her some as he waited for her to get up on her own violation. “Anyways what do you want to work on today? I mean we still have a bunch of unfinished projects.” He said, the project spring to her mind at the mention honestly the list nigh endless, far too many things usually ending up only half done because they ended up distracted with something else.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:56 am

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“Why would I do that? that would involve going outside.” Hakase said the teen boy looking like a promising crazed scientist with his brown hair sticking up in every which way, sooty/grimy stains, and a lab coat 3 sizes too big for him. The jelly substance finally settling down after several minutes, Hakase simply took a spoon out and plucked a chunk out into a bowl “Hmmm cherry jello I do say is the best flavor” he said eating some while offering her some as he waited for her to get up on her own violation. “Anyways what do you want to work on today? I mean we still have a bunch of unfinished projects.” He said, the project spring to her mind at the mention honestly the list nigh endless, far too many things usually ending up only half done because they ended up distracted with something else.

"Well because umm...that may actually be good for you to do," said Mimi as she was patting herself down to get rid of any jello that was on her. She then notice that Hakase was offering her Jello. She slowly got up and patted herself down one last time. She felt a bit flushed when the young boy was offering her Jello but couldn't stop herself from inwardly happily eating the jello. She took a bite of the offered jello and her cheeks seem a bit red. She then said in a polite tone, "Thank you. It is very tasty."

"Maybe make a retrieving device that is-" said Mimi but was stopped midsentance as her mind was hit with several ideas at a time. Hakase had reminded Mimi or at least made Micheal aware of all the projects they have midway completed. She felt stupid for doing such a thing and shook her head. Mimi then said, "Well umm...how about we finish one. Like umm...the one that well....involved.."

Mimi felt a bit fluster and then said, "Sorry for being vague but there are so many of them. Still as I was said before. We could like finish one from before like the one from earlier this week."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:06 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
The men were efficient if nothing else the bodies loaded swiftly as the helicopter took off only moments after it landed, leaving the area with seemingly no trace that anything had happened. MJ however remained on the phone talking to various people, her hand giving the signal that the shoot should continue without her.
The makeup artist was swift and skilled, as were the other workers, the guys however were clearly ogling her as they worked, as they had her change the normal method in a bikini within the mini changing room they had built by the shore.
In the distance the sounds of other photo shots being taken could be heard, it was accompanied by diva complaining, the various other models clearly being bitches.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
‘Well at least she’s as stupid as ever’ Ms. Carosella thought to herself at Ming outrageous response, meanwhile she read up the most recent report from the nurse on Ming. “Ming stop being outlandish, I see you already have remedial classes scheduled from the nurse, given that we have a match scheduled though it’ll definitely conflict.” Ms. Carosella said pondering on another possibility. “Ming run through the warm-ups, after the warm-up we’ll run a spar, if you’re not in the condition to play then I’ll send you back to the remedial sessions.” She said in a no argument tone, turning towards the other girl “Chun get going, even if you’re a starter you’re not exempt from warm-ups.” the other girls in the club were already starting laps around the field despite being in maid clothes.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
“Well let’s head over to the DA office first, then we’ll work with what we have honestly we’ll likely have to wing it.” Selma said grabbing her purse before heading towards the door before activating her power; Selma’s power was the ability to manipulate the perception or people and things within a short range. In this case she manipulated the perception of their clothes, instead of outlandish people would think it was normal when looking at them. This ability however affected everyone other then Selma, as such Fei li and Stella weren’t exempt from the affect the pair no longer finding their clothes strange for daily purposes.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:08 pm

The men were efficient if nothing else the bodies loaded swiftly as the helicopter took off only moments after it landed, leaving the area with seemingly no trace that anything had happened. MJ however remained on the phone talking to various people, her hand giving the signal that the shoot should continue without her.
The makeup artist was swift and skilled, as were the other workers, the guys however were clearly ogling her as they worked, as they had her change the normal method in a bikini within the mini changing room they had built by the shore.
In the distance the sounds of other photo shots being taken could be heard, it was accompanied by diva complaining, the various other models clearly being bitches.

Gwen hides her frown as she watches MJ continue on her clean up detail and leaving her to the whiny Divas on the beach to share camera time with. her mood now soured to the concept of beachtime fun with MJ. Why did she halv to be such a chore for her lover? putting on the outfit was slightly mechanical whole hidden within the changing.booth. Once she steps out, her actions are those of the fun time bimbo no one can touch and she heads over to the shoot area, and to those who know her, they can serene is no longer 100 percent into the shoot, but the pro she is, she makes the whiny divas look like rank ametures as she does the shoot without complaint or flaws...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:11 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
“Roberta? No clue, the faculty level abilities are only on a need to know basis” Kara said simply “As for where were going the stadium silly, did being in animal mode to long mess with your memories again.” Kara said as she grabbed on as well. With a poof the group teleported, a the sensation of being moved though space lasted only a fraction of a second but it was more than enough to make one nauseated as if they had been put though a whole roller coaster ride in the time same time frame. The school stadium in question was giant, the outdoor arena looking like something pro-sports teams would play at, the lines however weren’t that long yet however as noted were being to form.
“I really don’t know how you get use to that Cassie” said as she Kara winced a little from the motion, “Eh… it’s not that bad once you do it enough, anyways let’s get going before more people arrive.” Cassandra said grabbing Kara’s hand as they walked towards the entrance, the blue skinned girl helped Horo up before quickly following, not that they got very far landing in line regardless.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:50 pm

Sandra disembarks from the car without a word, mentally sighing as the assignment got more complicated than it needed to be. She switched on her camouflaging power, hoping that he didn't mean some kind of "guest appearance" effect and was using some funky term for camo.

"Live targets?" she sent to Batou. "Testing? This doesn't sound good, boss, I hope you know what you're doing." She began to wonder again just what the goals of her 'employers' were...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:18 am

Stella nods, relieved they didn't seem to notice. She quickly follows Selma out of the door, blinking as her power washes over them. She forgets about the fact it is Selma's power, and finds herself relaxing a bit. Now being dressed in 'normal' clothes... at least for her.

She wonders about the plan... how it might go wrong... they were pretty much kidnapping the DA and bringing him to an auction. She couldn't begin to count how many ways that might go bad... in fact she probably literally couldn't. She takes a deep breath and calms herself. She couldn't worry about her body or what might go wrong... they had a job to do, she had to focus on just that. She owed it to her friends.

So she does... pushing the other thoughts from her mind as she focuses on the now.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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