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Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:52 pm
by Ookalf
Knight Errant wrote:It takes some looking, but apparently its in one of the sub basements of the administration building. Deep within the utility section. He might be able to find access from within the tower...

"Hm. Down there, huh...?" Alex thinks a moment, then goes back to the receptionist. "Any way you can let me in the tower?"

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:13 pm
by Knight Errant
Ookalf wrote:"Hm. Down there, huh...?" Alex thinks a moment, then goes back to the receptionist. "Any way you can let me in the tower?"

She glances over at him. "You again?" She frowns... tugging her collar. "I'm already risking a lot just by talking with you this much... you sure you need it.?"


The overseer grumbles, back in the ship. The point defense turrets had kept things at bay... whatever they were. But he was losing radio contact, and hearing really... odd reports. He gets up, heading back into the crew deck of the ship. He knocks on the door to Hank's room. "Oi, Connor. Get your ass up. I got a job for you."

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:55 am
by Abillioncats
"Yes sir!" Connor replied as he scrambled out of his bunk. Within two minutes he was out of his room and in uniform. "Ready sir!"

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:25 pm
by Knight Errant
The overseer paces back and forth... gnawing on a cigar as he speaks.

"We've lost contact with three of the squad. Two of them mentioned something about a monster before cutting out. I want you to get out there, find whatever it was that attacked them... and put a big hole in it. You got me, Connor?"

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:47 pm
by Abillioncats
Connor grinned, this was the sort of situation he'd signed up for, monster hunting was just up his alley. He raised up his high powered laser rifle and patted it. "You want a big hole in it? You got it sir." This monster was going to be extra crispy when Connor was done with it.

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:00 pm
by Knight Errant
Mack nods. "Good. And don't get yourself eaten. It would look bad on my annual review."

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:48 pm
by Abillioncats
"We wouldn't want that now." Connor resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but his sarcastic tone was probably not missed. "Alright I'm out of here. I'll bring back our missing squad members, or what's left of them." With that he headed off the ship and into the docking station, his weapon armed and ready in his hands. He had a cocky attitude, but he knew not to take whatever had managed to eliminate three of his squad out lightly. Whatever this monster was, it was formidable. He had to be ready at all times.

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:00 pm
by Ookalf
Knight Errant wrote:She glances over at him. "You again?" She frowns... tugging her collar. "I'm already risking a lot just by talking with you this much... you sure you need it.?"

"Unfortunately, I'm quite sure. So, can I get in, or do I need an appointment or something?"

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:16 pm
by Harri-chan
The gap between Charlie's glances towards the woman got a big bigger as he became engrossed in the colouring, and thoughts of that woman... Mommy. His fingers roamed over his face, but he couldn't tell if she looked like he did... and he looked close to what he should have done, or if he now looked like her, instead of what he was meant to be. The whole thing made his mind feel a little hazy. Finishing up the colouring, he climbed back to his feet and started to creep closer to the door...

Clarke couldn't figure out if it was the shoes or the suit, but there was no altering that way. Alice gave him a sad look and nodded when he said he'd come on the repair ship, but she bit her bottom lip when he asked if there were tools.

"Haven't you listened to anything I've said about making this worse?", she asked in a hushed whisper. "I've seen how bad things can get... ".

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:18 am
by Kether
She continues carefully looking over the implanted skills, are they just basic tricks or has the computer decided to really up her game? Can she recruit for the club? Would she have access to records to do so?

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:22 pm
by Knight Errant
Abillioncats wrote:"We wouldn't want that now." Connor resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but his sarcastic tone was probably not missed. "Alright I'm out of here. I'll bring back our missing squad members, or what's left of them." With that he headed off the ship and into the docking station, his weapon armed and ready in his hands. He had a cocky attitude, but he knew not to take whatever had managed to eliminate three of his squad out lightly. Whatever this monster was, it was formidable. He had to be ready at all times.

Mack nods. "Good luck..." He says, as the armored bulkhead door closes behind Connor. He finds himself in the docking area... the same disarray from before, but with fresh scorch marks from the Hidden Blade's automated turrets. He has the transcripts of the radio messages so far, the downloaded blueprints, and the layout of the casino. Where does he go next?

Ookalf wrote:"Unfortunately, I'm quite sure. So, can I get in, or do I need an appointment or something?"

She frowns. "Like I said... you'd have to sign in." She taps her pen against the pad. "Maybe I can sign you up into the system. That might trick some of the systems..."

Harri-chan wrote:The gap between Charlie's glances towards the woman got a big bigger as he became engrossed in the colouring, and thoughts of that woman... Mommy. His fingers roamed over his face, but he couldn't tell if she looked like he did... and he looked close to what he should have done, or if he now looked like her, instead of what he was meant to be. The whole thing made his mind feel a little hazy. Finishing up the colouring, he climbed back to his feet and started to creep closer to the door...

Clarke couldn't figure out if it was the shoes or the suit, but there was no altering that way. Alice gave him a sad look and nodded when he said he'd come on the repair ship, but she bit her bottom lip when he asked if there were tools.

"Haven't you listened to anything I've said about making this worse?", she asked in a hushed whisper. "I've seen how bad things can get... ".

From what he remember seeing in the reflection earlier... his soft... girlish face looked a bit like hers... Regardless... as he creeps closer to the door, the woman eventually glances up from her magazine. "Ooooh? Hello sweety. Do you need something?" She says, thinking he was trying to get her attention...


Clarke frowns. "How bad could it get? I mean... we can't just... do nothing..."

Kether wrote:She continues carefully looking over the implanted skills, are they just basic tricks or has the computer decided to really up her game? Can she recruit for the club? Would she have access to records to do so?

She finds a variety of simple and complex tricks are available... from sleight of hand to using miniature holographic emitters built into her costume. As for recruiting... yes. She can look through employee records, guest records, and there is a worrying clause about 'acquiring intruders and putting them to use for the good of the casino'. Luckily, it seems to be up to her to decide where exactly she'll get her staff.

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:13 pm
by Kether
She tries putting in two requests: One to see new recruits to the casino in general and perhaps access to some form of technological upgrades after all transforming people in magic boxes would both be a recruitment statement along with being an impressive stage trick. She pauses and takes a gulp putting in a final suggestion/request That perhaps making her bunny parts real might be an improvement for the theme of the club and as an attraction, it wasn't the best of ideas but.. as long as she gave something back as long as she seemed to be working hopefully that should make any unusual request seem reasonable.

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:32 pm
by Abillioncats
Given the information Connor has available to him, he decides the wisest course of action is to head straight towards the administration section of the station. If he was going to locate whatever it was that had been taking out his fellow squad mates it was the mostly likely place to find out where this thing was lurking. He just needed to find where the station's security room was and get access to the cameras, maybe find his fellow teammates while he was at it.

He stayed radio silent as he made his way as stealthy as he could, his rifle charged and ready to fire at anything that moved too quickly towards him. He wasn't taking any chances, with anyone. Not till he figured out what the heck was going on. He wasn't going to end up like the rest of the squad...whatever it was that had happened to them couldn't have been good.

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:43 pm
by muffinstud
Knight Errant wrote:"Mmm... serve them drinks, massage, apply facials, mani/pedi , some hairdressing. We also might want to get rid of that accent... But they might find it cute." She says, considering.

Vasily frowns at that last one. "Accent? What do you mean by accent?" She looks over the spa area. She... will have to learn these things if she wants to get this woman off her back. It couldn't be that hard, could it?

Re: Starlight Casino

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:51 pm
by Ookalf
Knight Errant wrote:She frowns. "Like I said... you'd have to sign in." She taps her pen against the pad. "Maybe I can sign you up into the system. That might trick some of the systems..."

"..." Alex eyes the pad as he replies. "Very well then. So, do I just need to sign that, or what?"