Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Sasha » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:25 am

Aiko hears that and lets off a low growl. " you do that just make sure you don't change anyone there again unless ordered to. No more wrecking my home town." She turns to mew and hands her a hyper potion to heal up."
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Postby AshK » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:30 am

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Aiko hears that and lets off a low growl. " you do that just make sure you don't change anyone there again unless ordered to. No more wrecking my home town." She turns to mew and hands her a hyper potion to heal up."

"Okay Okay 136. We understand. It was our bad! Please Forgive us Gomen Nassai!" 196 begged as she bowed to 136.

"We won't change anyone unless ordered to. Gomen Nassai." 470 begging as well and bowing to 136.
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Postby Gee-chan » Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:38 am

Consider this post deleted
Last edited by Gee-chan on Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby Sasha » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:43 pm

((Gits have you read anything i have sent or told you? You can not spy on them or mew or mewtwo so team rocket knows NOTHING about them let alone where their base is so they can spy on it. Tina had already left the rockets while you where gone and join the hybrids. Absol is also with the hybrids he/she never went with the rockets after the fight. All you doing is ingoing my posts. Your the one to change your posts Not Erin. You went MIA to long and we took control like you asked and i was made th new co and you had the title taken away. It is to late to change anything so stop telling Erin she is wrong when you are. This is your 1st warning. Also Erin and I are NOT posting till you edit Gits so the longer you take the longer it will take the rp to get moving again. If you take to long or ignore this once again Erin will get Full control over Tina. Finally the rockets where dropped from the RP after ya went mia meaning no one cares about them anymore thus they are not in the rp anymore right now.))
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:37 pm

OOC: Okay...I guess I'll try to get this going again.

IC: Lee looks at Aiko. "I'll never join you..." he says.

Mary looks nervous. "Please, can't you just let him go? He obviously can't do anything..." she said.
The master looks over at Erin and Leo. "I haven't decided what your next mission will be. For now, just go get the prisoners you took and place them in the dungeon." he says.
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Postby Sasha » Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:43 pm

A136 laughs darkly. " I think not. If i do it will me without a memory of anything so he'll just be a mindless person. Thou Mary if he doesn't join us I want you to punish him. Remember you swore yourself to us."
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Postby AshK » Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:55 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:The master looks over at Erin and Leo. "I haven't decided what your next mission will be. For now, just go get the prisoners you took and place them in the dungeon." he says.

"As you wish Master, it doesn't matter whether you call me 196 or Erin, I will respond to either one." Erin said.

"We will go get the prisoners as you command Master. Also you can call me either 470 or Leo." Leo said.

"Okay let's take the Prisoners to the Dungeon all of us." Erin said as her, Leo and the others grabbed the Prisoners and teleported them to the Dungeon.

*The members of Team Aqua and Team Magma were now in the dungeon.*

*Erin and her group teleported back.*

*Erin, Leo and their group bow to the master.*

"Do you wish for us to go back to Hoenn and bring back Lilly and Mel, or do you want us to wait a while?" Erin asked as her and her group bowed to the master.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:25 pm

"You two may do as you please for now. When I have a new mission for you, I'll let you know." he said. He then walked over to Aiko. "Forget about him for now, throw him in the dungeon. We may be able to get some useful information out of him."
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Postby Sasha » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:47 pm

136 nods. " Ash you wish master." Mew teleports him to the dungeon. " Shall we return to the Johto base now master?"
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:45 pm

"I believe that may be a good course of action. When you have located all of the new hybrids on your list, return here." The master said. "If you wish to bring any more operatives with you, let me know before you leave."
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Postby Sasha » Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:06 pm

136 nods. " We'll be fine master If Erin's group wants to come after us they can but we'll go back now. We have to get ready for the next part of our plan there. But We'll take Mary here with us." With that Mew teleports them back to base.
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Postby AshK » Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:04 pm

Master which city or near which city is Aiko-Chan' base in? Erin asked telpathically to the master.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:03 pm

"I can teleport you to their location, if you like?" the master said to Erin.
"So, where to now, #136?" #9 asked.
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Postby Sasha » Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:16 pm

136 looks at 9. " Dinner should be ready now we should eat. We got everyone that was suppose to awaken today unless you wanna go hunting later."
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Postby AshK » Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:42 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:"I can teleport you to their location, if you like?" the master said to Erin.
"So, where to now, #136?" #9 asked.

"I would like that. We would want to stay with Aiko-Chan and her group until you figure out another Mission for my group and me." Erin said.

*The rest of the group nodded in agreement.*

*Erin, Leo, and their group bowed to the master.*
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