Mists of Arlis


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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:50 am

Ash pauses for a moment, considering his options, before sighing and pulling the rod into full view. "I know about it because I...acquired it earlier today." he says. He almost asks the man about the itching feeling, but decides it would be best to wait and see what he has to say.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:02 pm

Gorten makes way for the woman and Romeo. "I don't belive in that" he says to the miner. "I don't trust spirits that just go claiming what they are without any proof. If Romeo dies then it was because of him and I will have no part of it" he adds as he lowers his pick axe. "Lead them outside and then get back to work, got it?!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:26 pm

Romeo refrains from shrugging as he passes Gorten. Obviously, while they both shared the same passion over gems, they had very little in common. No way this minner could ever sell any stone, precious or not, to a customer as his manners were as rough as what he mined.

His mind wandered, reminding himself that the man he usually bought stone from was at least a lot more polite. He concluded that stones traveled from men to men and refined according to the one working of them, from the rough state of the mine, to their delicate, well cut status at the end of their travel. He congratulated himself for being the last middle man in this trade, the pinnacle of stone expertise and education.

Not paying much attention to the girl, Romeo took her hand as one leading a child would do and followed one of the minners.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:18 pm

Evra starts drawing his weapon "who are you " he says looking around trying to spot the one speaking
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:47 pm

Bishop, reeling from the strong slap by the woman, backs into the large box from before. Despite the pain, however, he stands his ground.

"I'm.... Not going to let you enjoy this....."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Alissa of Someday » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:50 pm

"Are they tasty?" Rina asks as she uses her tail to push herself out of the water enough so she can lean on the dock with her upper torso, revealing the small, barely descent shirt that she wears, whose wet fabric clings to the every curve of her breasts beneath.

"Well--if you're a..."

/Virgil trails off for a moment, his eyes drawn to Rina's chest. After an extended--awkward--pause, he shakes his head clear./

"...fish. Th-they're not good for people like you and me..."

/HE trails off lamely, and then looks back down, stringing another worm onto the unwieldy line./
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Musashi » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:20 pm

Maewyn gasped and dropped the dirty shirts, and ran to Eric's side, trying to hold him up. "See, I told you you need to rest! Let's get you to bed..." She attempted to carefully lead him that way.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:11 am

~~Loriae: Rescue Caravan~~

Justin dodges to the side at the last second as the creature lunges, and with a quick motion of his sword he neatly removes the mist spawn's head. As the beast falls though he feels a sting in his side, and if he looks down he can find that the mist spawn had just barely managed to slice at Justin's side, leaving little more than a scratch.


Andrew manages to dive out of the way of the flying creature, tumbling to a rather ungraceful stop on the other side of the wagon. The mist spawn gives a cry of anger as it flies back up and into the mists. After a few moments with Andrew standing back up he can hear the flying creature up above, shrieking, as if preparing for another strike.


Jace brings his daggers up, and is able to defend himself for a few moments. Just when it looks to be dangerous though the creatures around him starting collapsing to the ground, gasping for air as they die outside of the mists.

~~Loriae: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"Maybe you're right," Eric says softly as he leans against Maewyn, letting her lead him to the bed, "That's really weird..."

Staggering back and forth Eric followed Maewyn to the bed, and then lay down on it heavily, "Thanks Maewyn," he said with a weak smile, his face starting to grow flushed.


"Truly? How very odd," said the man with a frown, "Well, I only have need of one weapon, so I'll wish you a good day sir.

Turning away the man began to carefully make his way away from the store.

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets(And nearby buildings)~~

"By the creator," the old man exclaimed as he saw the rod, "How on earth did you acquire something like this miss?"

The old man reached out for the rod slowly, and Ash felt a flash of jealousy and protectiveness, not wanting to let the man touch the rod.


With a rage filled scream the woman slapped at Bishop again, but this time her aim was off, and she instead sliced her fingernails along his cheek. She swung her hand again, aiming to backhand Bishop, but missed completely, the force of her blow enough to turn her to the side and cause her to fall to the ground, sobbing loudly.

~~Moridin's Forge: Mines~~

"Yes boss!" says the bravest of the miners, quickly moving forward to take the lead of Romeo and Mi'drani, while the other two quickly make their way back to where they had been working. As everyone starts to leave Gorten notices that the shards of the broken crystal are still glowing faintly.


Mi'drani lightly held onto Romeo's hand, though she cocked her head slightly at it, "This is... common... for your people?" she finally asked after a few moments as they made their way after the miner.


"A name for me? Well let us see. She was named, when she was tamed. They tried to clasp, beyond their grasp. No name for me, me always free. What name for you, you who are new?" the voice almost seemed to be rambling on as it spoke, like an old man addled by his age.

~~Deep Water: Docks~~

Rina blinks at Virgil's pause, looks down, and then giggles softly, "Do you like them? I'd heard that the legged ones were very fond of them."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Marky » Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:56 am

TKC wrote:~~Loriae: Rescue Caravan~~

Justin dodges to the side at the last second as the creature lunges, and with a quick motion of his sword he neatly removes the mist spawn's head. As the beast falls though he feels a sting in his side, and if he looks down he can find that the mist spawn had just barely managed to slice at Justin's side, leaving little more than a scratch.

Seeing the scratch on his side, Justin frowns, but decides to ignore the scratch for now, as it's only causing a stinging sensation. He's had worse, before. Looking around, Justin scans the area for either more mist spawn, or any of his allies that are in need of some assistance.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby AshK » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:16 pm

TKC wrote:"Truly? How very odd," said the man with a frown, "Well, I only have need of one weapon, so I'll wish you a good day sir.

Turning away the man began to carefully make his way away from the store.

"Hold on sir! slow down. I can sell you a single weapon perhaps I could interest you in a Katana Blade or a Wakasashi. Those can be sold as single weapons." Erik says trying to get the guys attention before he got too far away.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:22 pm

Ash pulls the rod away from the mans reach. "I came across someone who wanted to part ways with it, and I was more than happy to take it off his hands." he says, giving the man a curious look. "Wait...miss? What's that supposed to mean?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:15 pm

Evra stands there listening to the voice"when she was tamed what do you mean and my name is evra now i demand to know your name"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:43 pm

Bishop felt something akin to pity when he saw the woman who was trying to kill him just moments ago sobbing on the floor. What could have caused such a beautiful gal such as herself to become so filled with rage?

"Look, miss.... I don't know why you're so angry, but.... I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to treat you like that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:40 pm

Gorten grins as he sees the shards on the floor. "Well, well look what we have here" he says as he picks up a shard and inpects it. "I could probably sell you for a pretty buck". Gorten then turns his attention to the remaining miners. "Go back to work!" he orders them.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Jacqueline » Fri May 01, 2009 3:33 am

Jace cautiously keeps up his guard as the mist spawn starts to fall down. After he is sure that he is no longer in danger he sheats his daggers and retrieves his sword. Looking around the area, he feels a powerful surge of... regret. He would very much like to take the spawn that's still alive and bring them back into the mist, but any one of them is likely to take his arm off when he comes to close. Not to mention that going into the mists would be... unwise.

With a sigh Jace pulls his thoughts back to the situation at hand, the part that he can actually do something about. He turns to look over the caravan and see what happened to it and if there is someone still needing assistance.
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