[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Mon May 03, 2010 10:24 am

Camps had been set up around the country, where they could bring in survivors and allow them to live safely inside the walls. This was a new camp however, not quite finished yet. The walls were of course, they always got completed first. The barracks had gone up too, as well as the Military command center. It was the civilian buildings that were still going up.

The thumping of a helicopters blades cut through the air as the craft descended inside the walls of the base. There were three landing pads, and the other two already had black military choppers sitting on them. The third came into land, and before the blades had even stopped spinning, a girl jumped out, ducking her head as she ran towards the main military building. Briony Cole had joined the army a few years before the Ovalisk outbreak. She'd not had contact with any of her family since, and could only imagine the worst. She was in her early twenties, quite short, and very thin, with brown hair cut short to her chin. She wore a brown and green camo pattern dress, with short sleeves, quite snug, that reached down to mid-thigh, a pair of heavy black leather boots coming up to her knees. Across her back was a black rifle.

Once clear of the helicopter, she jogged across the large open space where the military trucks were parked up, towards where a red-haired woman seemed to be giving instructions to four female soldiers. The red-haired woman was taller than Briony, with more curves too. She wore a camo-print camisole top, which was very tight around her full chest, with straps over her shoulders, her flat tummy left bare, dog-tags hanging down against her breasts, and a pair of camo-print hot pants, so short and tight around her hips and her bottom, leaving most of her long legs bare, while she wore the same knee length black boots as Briony did.

"Camille, I got word you were calling me in for a special mission. What's this about? I was in the middle of my own mission!", she snapped at the red-haired woman. Camille, the red-haired woman, smirked and nodded, and the four female soldiers rushed forward to restrain Briony, who tried to fight them off, but cursed as they easily over-powered her. "Bring her to command center... ", purred the attractive woman, and then turned, leading them towards the large building.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Mon May 03, 2010 6:46 pm

Millinescence wrote:"Yeah! Ah agree." Manny says.
"Let's go to the head of this place and tell them what we know." Says Grey. "Where they at?"
Vic would know that the Overseer's office is at the bottom floor of the Atrium on the opposite side of the medical wing down a corridor on their left, down a set of stairs several yards to the right, inside the security station.

Vic nods, standing up. "Let us get working, then. Follow me." He stands up and begins making his way to the Overseers office.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Tue May 04, 2010 4:22 am

Roggamer22 wrote:(I know you were talking about the thread, just joking around. XP
Also, I like your new icon. ^^)

"I'm guessing from those bodies that there was somebody here... Let's hope they're either gone or not insane." Richard makes the elevator go up to the second floor and gets out when it reaches it, looking around to make sure there isn't any movement.

((Aww~ thanksies ^w^))

"Yeah, let's hope so," Karen says. "The least we can do though is thank that someone for doing our job for us." The elevator dings and opens up on the second floor, the brunette presses the emergency stop button and disables the elevator. As Karen and Richard step out, they find themselves in the middle of a long corridor that branches out into several other hallways. Doors to apartment rooms line the walls. Only half the florescent lights on this floor remain on, the rest have either burned out or flicker like candles in a light wind. Karen calls the other elevator to the second floor so she can stop it too.
"Okay, I'm almost done with the first stairwell" Richard says over their walkie-talkies. "The charges will be put on a remote detonator. Once I'm done, I'll meet you two upstairs and press the magic button."
Karen gets on her walkie-talkie and says. "Copy that, see you upstairs honey." she puts the walkie-talkie back and looks to the right of her down the hall. "What the heck...?" The shadowy form of a little girl of about 12 can be seen walking slowly towards them down the corridor. Neither Karen nor Richard could tell if it's an Ovie or human. flickering lights illuminate blond hair with pigtails but nothing else...

Amy-chan wrote:The Ovalisks outside swarm the men coming out of the main exit. Several of the Ovalisks go down truly dead from single shots to the head. The rest just redouble their effort to touch their skin to the skin of the men. Some of the men struggle to get the doors of the vehicles open until they feel the touch of cool Ovalisk skin to theirs.

As the general prepares to fire his rifle and bring down an Ovalisk with cat ears that he sees giving orders to the other Ovalisks, he hears “Gotcha!” as he also hears a sort of ‘chuff!’ sound. A net hits him and wraps around him, giving him electrical shocks that bring him to the floor. As he lays on the floor, muscles still convulsing from the continued shocks, he sees a ruby slipper clad foot kick his rifle out of reach .

“Hi, I’m Hiroko-chan, and I’ll be your Ovalisk today.”, giggled Hiroko. “You’ve been a baaaad Ningen, so they decided I get to change you. See, I can control my change-hormones a lot more that most other Ovalisks.” She wiped her left hand dry on her dress and concentrated really hard. A single glowing drop appeared on the tip of the index finger. “Now this won’t hurt a bit … “, she said as she bent to touch the drop to the general’s forehead.

"GAAAHH!!! THE F***!!??" The general shouts as he's brought down by the electrodes of the capture net! Fear crossing his face at Hiroko's words and obscenities come from his mouth as he tries to escape the drop, but with his muscles spasms, that's not going to happen. "N-no! NOOO!!!" Cries the general as the drop falls onto his forehead. He quickly starts getting smaller and younger, his bulging muscles disintegrate into soft, smooth skin as his eyes get larger and become a shade of green. General's screaming increases in pitch as his manhood is drawn into her body. She continues shinking...until she assumes the appearance of a flat-chested, ten year old girl. He stares blankly as his memories are suppressed, buried and cutified. Fear and confusion crosses her face now as she starts to cry. "AHhhhhHAaahhHH~ Mommy! I don't wanna~! ...so scaAahhhAared~! DX"

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel slips as the sound of pounding and the voice distract him, accidentally cutting into the gland he was working on removing...

Ovie hormone squirts of the gland briefly, it smelled...somewhat flowery with a hint of body odor...Daniel would associate it with gym socks and air freshener. And more importantly for Daniel the spurt of the potent hormone missed his face and hair by mere inches! The rest of the hormone now slowly oozes out of the gland in it's highly concentrated form. The pounding from the containment cells continue, a man's muffled plea for help can still be heard.

Zilla wrote:Lilly cringes back as the mean men approach. She doesn't wanna hurt anyone! But they're going to hurt the nice lady!

"Noooo! >_<" she yells, poking the guard's hand with the cattle prod, causing him to drop/toss the baton away as he jerked his hand back. She hopped Kyla would take it and keep him from using the whack-stick. She didn't like the way the other big scary man was smiling, it wasn't a really happy smile, it was a sick smile. Lilly could almost feel the taint touching her own happiness, and could tell the huge, huge difference between her love and this man's hate.

"You big meanies! You need help!!" She darts around Paul and starts poking in the back, deftly dodging his flailing grabs. "I dun wanna do this, hurts me too, but you being bad, and try to hurt good people. This is way less pain happen."

"What the-OW!" The guard exclaims as the cattle-prod shocks his hand. He drops the baton.
Kyla was a bit hesitant at first but takes the baton from the guard before he has a chance to pick it up. With his melee weapon compromised, he draws his sidearm!
"No wait! I said don't harm my spe--!!" Paul shouts, stopped in mid-sentence as Lilly shocks him with her cattle-prod. "Gah! ...s**t!
With the guard distracted by Paul, Kyla was able to whack the guard's pistol right out of his hand and across the room. Seeing the opportunity, Susan joined in on the fray and jumped at the pistol. Doing a roll, she aimed it directly towards both men!
"Alright! Into the X-ray room, both of you!" Susan demands of the two ningen.
Astonished looks cross the faces of Paul and the guard as they reluctantly put their hands up.
"Yaay! We win~ :3" Kyla giggles, hugging Lilly while still holding her new whack-stick.
"Do you really think you're going to get away with this, Susan?" Paul spat, furrowing his brow. Susan gets up and walks up to the men, keeping the 9mm pointed at them the entire time.
"Well, I'm sure as hell gonna try." Susan says, "They're much safer in my hands."
"You're completely crazy, lady. You know that?" The guard tells the woman.
"Heh...you have no idea...Now stop stalling and give me your key-card."
The guard shakes his head, a pained expression on his face when he takes the key-card out of his shirt pocket.
"Thanks. Now go to the X-ray room! Both of you." Susan slides the key-card into the shallow side-pocket of her bluejeans.
They walk forward to the end of the infirmary past the beds. There was a small room situated in the corner with a window, a control panel can be seen under said window.
"Open the door and get inside...Now." Says the armed woman. The men comply. Susan then shuts the door and locks the men inside. "Heh, Suckers..." Susan chuckles, taking Kyla by the hand. "Alright, sisters. Let's go bust out of here~. ^_^"
She leads them out of the infirmary and down the corridor and into another door labeled 'maintenence' She puts the guard's key-card into the electronic reader and go into a service hall.

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Camps had been set up around the country, where they could bring in survivors and allow them to live safely inside the walls. This was a new camp however, not quite finished yet. The walls were of course, they always got completed first. The barracks had gone up too, as well as the Military command center. It was the civilian buildings that were still going up.

The thumping of a helicopters blades cut through the air as the craft descended inside the walls of the base. There were three landing pads, and the other two already had black military choppers sitting on them. The third came into land, and before the blades had even stopped spinning, a girl jumped out, ducking her head as she ran towards the main military building. Briony Cole had joined the army a few years before the Ovalisk outbreak. She'd not had contact with any of her family since, and could only imagine the worst. She was in her early twenties, quite short, and very thin, with brown hair cut short to her chin. She wore a brown and green camo pattern dress, with short sleeves, quite snug, that reached down to mid-thigh, a pair of heavy black leather boots coming up to her knees. Across her back was a black rifle.
{... ... ...}
"Camille, I got word you were calling me in for a special mission. What's this about? I was in the middle of my own mission!", she snapped at the red-haired woman. Camille, the red-haired woman, smirked and nodded, and the four female soldiers rushed forward to restrain Briony, who tried to fight them off, but cursed as they easily over-powered her. "Bring her to command center... ", purred the attractive woman, and then turned, leading them towards the large building.

The building was five stories tall and made mostly of reinforced concrete. "We've got a little suprise for you Briony." Camille says with a smirk. "You're going to help us with something really huge. Our scientists have made a breakthrough, a special serum, and we want to test it out on you." They bring Briony inside the building and up a few flights of stairs. She would recognize this floor as a sort of lab area.

Knight Errant wrote:
Millinescence wrote:"Yeah! Ah agree." Manny says.
"Let's go to the head of this place and tell them what we know." Says Grey. "Where they at?"
Vic would know that the Overseer's office is at the bottom floor of the Atrium on the opposite side of the medical wing down a corridor on their left, down a set of stairs several yards to the right, inside the security station.

Vic nods, standing up. "Let us get working, then. Follow me." He stands up and begins making his way to the Overseers office.

The two thugs follow Vic to the Security Office of the small Administration wing. They were greeted by a security guard.
"Hey there, what can I help you three with?" The guard asks Vic. "If you're here to see the Overseer, the bunker is on condition yellow and he's a bit busy right now..." He pauses before asking, "Is it something important?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Tue May 04, 2010 10:33 am

Lilly follows Susan for a while, taking her hand, but then she stops suddenly. "Wait. Comma Alice still here, still locked in cell with lost sister," Lilly says. "We go get her too, ne? :3 Comma Alice very special friend!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Tue May 04, 2010 12:25 pm

Millinescence wrote:The two thugs follow Vic to the Security Office of the small Administration wing. They were greeted by a security guard.
"Hey there, what can I help you three with?" The guard asks Vic. "If you're here to see the Overseer, the bunker is on condition yellow and he's a bit busy right now..." He pauses before asking, "Is it something important?"

Vic nods. "Yes... it is. I have discovered something important while out scavenging, and he must know. It concerns the safety and future of everyone here."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Tue May 04, 2010 4:23 pm

Briony looked stunned as she was dragged into the large building, led by her rival, Camille. She struggled against her captors, her dark brown eyes watching the red-haired woman's bottom sway from side to side as Camille walked ahead of her in those snug shorts. "What are you talking about?", she growled, "Tell these idiots to let go of me!".
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Tue May 04, 2010 5:11 pm

Richard aims his weapon at the girl. "Is she human or one of them? I can't see..." He whispers to Karen. He then gets out the Walkie Talkie and talks to Ryan. "We found someone... But we don't know if she's human or not. Be careful down there, just in case there's anything else in here." He says, putting the walkie talkie away and then going back to aiming at the girl in case she tries anything.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Wed May 05, 2010 4:17 am

Zilla wrote:Lilly follows Susan for a while, taking her hand, but then she stops suddenly. "Wait. Comma Alice still here, still locked in cell with lost sister," Lilly says. "We go get her too, ne? :3 Comma Alice very special friend!"

Susan blinks as she looks down at Lilly and listens to her. "Alice...? Like from the intercom?" She wonders if Lilly was once Harriet the mechanic, but soon shakes the thought from her head. "Ugh! We don't have time....we've got to get out of here." She facepalms. Susan then looks around, seeing if there was any way she can get to the lab. She knew that her and the ovies need to keep to the service tunnels to escape unharmed. Then she sees a sign on the wall with arrows pointing in both directions.
It reads:
<-- Atrium, 50ft
<--Garage, 127ft
Medical Wing: ext.2, 15ft -->
Laboratory, 64ft -->

Susan thinks for a few seconds and says. "Actually, that just might be doable..."
"Comma Alice is Lilly's mommy. I saw." Kyla says to Susan.
"Well...it's a risk I'm willing to take. Now let's go." the woman drags Kyla along with her as the three quickly make their way to the labs... "I just hope I still know what I'm doing after I'm touched. If we can't make it out this bunker, we're dead meat."

Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods. "Yes... it is. I have discovered something important while out scavenging, and he must know. It concerns the safety and future of everyone here."

The guard nods. "Okay, come with me." The two thugs follow Vic and the guard into the security office, past a bulkhead and down a small hall. A bulkhead blocks further progress, however, the guard presses an intercom button into the office. "Overseer, there are three people who want to see you sir. They say it's really important."
"Alright, just one second." Says the Overseer. The steel bulkhead buzzes before being lifted. A graying man in his 40s is seen sitting in an executive chair behind his desk putting down the intercom's mike. A long range CB radio is on his desk. He motions to the three smaller seats in front of him. "Good evening, sit down." Grey and Manny sit at the seats. "So...what do you three want to see me about?"

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony looked stunned as she was dragged into the large building, led by her rival, Camille. She struggled against her captors, her dark brown eyes watching the red-haired woman's bottom sway from side to side as Camille walked ahead of her in those snug shorts. "What are you talking about?", she growled, "Tell these idiots to let go of me!".

"Ohoho~ temper, temper." Camille purrs as they continue walking down a corridor. She stops and opens the door to an operating room type place. A brown haired man in a white labcoat waits for them. A series of syringes and liquids lay on the table. Camille's goons put Briony on the operating table and strap her down. "Okay Briony, we're going to run a series of injections before we send you on your next mission. You're going to be a spy, you will go behind enemy lines and report back to us in three days. You'll be given more details at your briefing."
"Alright miss, this isn't going to hurt a bit..." Says the brown haired scientist as he preps the syringe.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard aims his weapon at the girl. "Is she human or one of them? I can't see..." He whispers to Karen. He then gets out the Walkie Talkie and talks to Ryan. "We found someone... But we don't know if she's human or not. Be careful down there, just in case there's anything else in here." He says, putting the walkie talkie away and then going back to aiming at the girl in case she tries anything.

"I can't make her out." Karen whispers back. "But if she has large eyes, I'm shooting."
"Alright, copy. You be careful up there. I'll keep a sharp eye out myself." Ryan replies.
She steps closer, more into the light. A flickering florescent stays on long enough to reveal a dazed and worried looking human face, and something long in her hands. Karen breathes a sigh of relief, but then gasps at what else the lights reveal. The twelve year old girl is armed with a 12-guage shotgun!
"What are you doing up here? I said I don't wanna play with you!" The young girl says distraughtly as she squints her watery eyes, failing to fully make out the silhouettes that stand before her. "You-you never play nice...*sniff* you never!" She aims her weapon in the direction of the two of them!
"No! Stop! We're human!" Karen shouts at the girl.
"Wha? ..." She blinks, lowering her shotgun at the sound of Karen's adult voice. "B-but you're too late. I-I saw them take mommy away. I won't let them take my little brother too!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Wed May 05, 2010 10:21 am

Lilly follows the big girl happily. "Yayy! Gonna see Comma Alice!!! ^o^" she says, skipping alongside Susan.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed May 05, 2010 12:22 pm

Millinescence wrote:The guard nods. "Okay, come with me." The two thugs follow Vic and the guard into the security office, past a bulkhead and down a small hall. A bulkhead blocks further progress, however, the guard presses an intercom button into the office. "Overseer, there are three people who want to see you sir. They say it's really important."
"Alright, just one second." Says the Overseer. The steel bulkhead buzzes before being lifted. A graying man in his 40s is seen sitting in an executive chair behind his desk putting down the intercom's mike. A long range CB radio is on his desk. He motions to the three smaller seats in front of him. "Good evening, sit down." Grey and Manny sit at the seats. "So...what do you three want to see me about?"

Vic sits down, and spends a moment gathering his thoughts before beginning. "These children we face... they are intelligent. Intelligent enough to drive, intelligent enough to manufacture and use sleeping gas grenades... and intelligent enough to overcome instinct and converse. At gunpoint I began talking to one... by the end of the conversation she came into the back of my car willingly. We spent more time talking, and I dropped her off when we were done."

He pauses, letting that sink in before continuing.

"They are people... though they think differently than us. Many even regain their memories from being human. And as such... I believe we cannot remain as we are. Sitting here and waiting them out. If we do nothing, either they will either permanently take hold of the rest of the world... cursing us to live in this bunker until we die of old age... or they become organized against us as a seen threat... and tear this place down around us until we have nowhere to hide."

"We must go on the offensive. We must either attempt to come to some kind of peace with them... or wipe them out."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Wed May 05, 2010 2:55 pm

"Don't Shoot!! I'm a human!! ...And also male!!" Richard says, setting his gun on the floor. "I'm Richard and that's Karen. Who are you? Is there anybody else here besides us?" He says in a calm voice.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Wed May 05, 2010 4:04 pm

As Camille mocked her outburst, it just made Briony even more angry. Although trying to wrestle free from four other women had drained quite a lot of her energy by the time they dragged her into the operating room. Her brown eyes glanced towards the syringes, a worried expression on her face, before they forced her onto the table and strapped her in place.

"Camille... ", she hissed through clenched teeth, "If this is your idea of a joke you can cut it out right now and get me off this thing!", she yelled, her heart racing, her chest heaving up and down as she watched the man in the labcoat bring the syringe towards her. "CAMILLE!".
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Wed May 05, 2010 11:38 pm

Millinescence wrote:"GAAAHH!!! THE F***!!??" The general shouts as he's brought down by the electrodes of the capture net! Fear crossing his face at Hiroko's words and obscenities come from his mouth as he tries to escape the drop, but with his muscles spasms, that's not going to happen. "N-no! NOOO!!!" Cries the general as the drop falls onto his forehead. He quickly starts getting smaller and younger, his bulging muscles disintegrate into soft, smooth skin as his eyes get larger and become a shade of green. General's screaming increases in pitch as his manhood is drawn into her body. She continues shinking...until she assumes the appearance of a flat-chested, ten year old girl. He stares blankly as his memories are suppressed, buried and cutified. Fear and confusion crosses her face now as she starts to cry. "AHhhhhHAaahhHH~ Mommy! I don't wanna~! ...so scaAahhhAared~! DX"

Hiroko turns a switch on the net projecting gun that remotely turns off the electric shocks in the net. She then bends down and hugs the new Ovalisk. "Shhh, daughter. I'm here. Everything's okay. You need a name. Hmm, you were a general, so how about Genny?"

The Comma who was in charge of the raid comes up to where Hiroko is calming her new daughter. "Its time to go, nyo. We've destroyed all the guns and ammo, nyo. We're taking the vehicles, nyo. ... it seems wrong but we gotta leave the heads of our poor dead sisters on the wall, nyo. That way other Ningen know why we do this, nyo!"

Hiroko helps Genny up, and they follow the Comma out to the truck and head back to Don-town Colony HQ to drop off the new hatchlings and pick up some more items to help them recover more lost sisters.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Thu May 06, 2010 8:18 am

@Zilla & Miku-chan
They run down the hall as Susan follows the signs to the labs. Eventually she stumbles upon the door. She draws her pistol and barges in, knocking over a supply shelf! She points her gun at the man dissecting an Ovalisk on an examination table (Oh Daniel~). "That is just disgusting..." She says, angered by the sight. "Stay back! I've got a gun and two Ovalsiks and I'm not afraid of using any of 'em! Leave the panic button or your dead!" She sternly demands from the scientist. "Now open the cells." She points to the steel door leading into the cell-block.
Kyla holds out her hands playfully towards the man. "Open them, Dannie! Open them~! Want Comma Alice ^_^"
Daniel Recognize Kyla as the ovie lab specimen who's hormone gland he personally removed himself. And therefore he knew she was harmless. The other Ovie (Zilla's character) he hasn't seen before.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic sits down, and spends a moment gathering his thoughts before beginning. "These children we face... they are intelligent. Intelligent enough to drive, intelligent enough to manufacture and use sleeping gas grenades... and intelligent enough to overcome instinct and converse. At gunpoint I began talking to one... by the end of the conversation she came into the back of my car willingly. We spent more time talking, and I dropped her off when we were done."

He pauses, letting that sink in before continuing.

"They are people... though they think differently than us. Many even regain their memories from being human. And as such... I believe we cannot remain as we are. Sitting here and waiting them out. If we do nothing, either they will either permanently take hold of the rest of the world... cursing us to live in this bunker until we die of old age... or they become organized against us as a seen threat... and tear this place down around us until we have nowhere to hide."

"We must go on the offensive. We must either attempt to come to some kind of peace with them... or wipe them out."

"Are you serious? Have they really grown to be that smart? How?" The Overseer asks in disbelief.
"Hell yeah we're serious...sir." Grey says. Manny elbows and shushes him before Vic speaks again.

"Perhaps you're right. We can't hide forever. But what could we do? This bunker has a population of over 600 people.

"Bunker 12, Bunker 12...this is Goliath-13, Lakewood. Come in!" Says a paniced voice on the Overseer's radio.
"This is Bunker 12 Overseer. Report Goliath Five."
"Th-those things! They swarmed us, they were everywhere! They jammed the car doors shut! They drove f**kin' trucks, and came in force! It's total chaos, just me and Nate barely managed to escape ourselves! But....they got General Harris..." The voice says. Fear turning into solemness at the last sentence.
"What!?" Brad exclaims, then swears off-mic. "Well...come to the bunker. We've got to work out a way to do something about all this..." He looks very worried now.
"Roger that."
The Overseer pushes the desktop mic aside and tells Vic. "Bunker 13 is gone. General Harris was their Overseer. He always was such a stubborn hardball. Him and his men split off from this bunker when I ordered the development of our labs. We wanted to study the creatures, Harris only wanted to kill them and keep trophies. He was an excellent tactician, and now he's one of them."

Roggamer22 wrote:"Don't Shoot!! I'm a human!! ...And also male!!" Richard says, setting his gun on the floor. "I'm Richard and that's Karen. Who are you? Is there anybody else here besides us?" He says in a calm voice.

The girl drags her shotgun behind her as she comes closer, wiping the wetness from her eyes. "Uhh...I'm Connie. My little brother Dan, he's on the third floor." She tells the two. "We don't know who's here, we never looked at the whole building~."

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:As Camille mocked her outburst, it just made Briony even more angry. Although trying to wrestle free from four other women had drained quite a lot of her energy by the time they dragged her into the operating room. Her brown eyes glanced towards the syringes, a worried expression on her face, before they forced her onto the table and strapped her in place.

"Camille... ", she hissed through clenched teeth, "If this is your idea of a joke you can cut it out right now and get me off this thing!", she yelled, her heart racing, her chest heaving up and down as she watched the man in the labcoat bring the syringe towards her. "CAMILLE!".

"There's a series of five injections before the big one. Enjoy~" She sits in a chair and watches.
The scientist places the first injection of a clear liquid into her arm and wipes the injection site with alcohol.

Amy-chan wrote:Hiroko turns a switch on the net projecting gun that remotely turns off the electric shocks in the net. She then bends down and hugs the new Ovalisk. "Shhh, daughter. I'm here. Everything's okay. You need a name. Hmm, you were a general, so how about Genny?"

The Comma who was in charge of the raid comes up to where Hiroko is calming her new daughter. "Its time to go, nyo. We've destroyed all the guns and ammo, nyo. We're taking the vehicles, nyo. ... it seems wrong but we gotta leave the heads of our poor dead sisters on the wall, nyo. That way other Ningen know why we do this, nyo!"

Hiroko helps Genny up, and they follow the Comma out to the truck and head back to Don-town Colony HQ to drop off the new hatchlings and pick up some more items to help them recover more lost sisters.

((Don't do the 'nyo's on every sentence, you only have to do so every-other sentence :P ))

They arrive at the Don-town colony, Genny is still shaking from the company she's with. Nothing felt right about this, she just couldn't put her finger on why. They were her sisters, but she has an inexplicable fear of being so close to them. The truck stops in front of a groups of Ovies crowded around a big box truck full of candy! The crates are being unloaded and forced open with a forklift. The hungry ovies chow down on the sugary foods, chatting, and just being happy and hyper. Hiroko would know that such food trucks come often from the various factories within the city's industrial district.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Thu May 06, 2010 10:07 am

Millinescence wrote:Ovie hormone squirts of the gland briefly, it smelled...somewhat flowery with a hint of body odor...Daniel would associate it with gym socks and air freshener. And more importantly for Daniel the spurt of the potent hormone missed his face and hair by mere inches! The rest of the hormone now slowly oozes out of the gland in it's highly concentrated form. The pounding from the containment cells continue, a man's muffled plea for help can still be heard.

Daniel winces at the smell..."Con Funk"...He thinks as old memories stir. Just what the hell was going to happen. He missed his old leisure time activities since the Ovie threat started. The muffled cries from the rooms brought Daniel up from his musings grumbling. Interrupt him while doing important research work, he would show them. Heading over to the drawer, he opens up a sterile needle pack and takes it to the Ovie he was working on. where the secretions were pooling, he draws them into the syringe and examines it, making sure it was usable for his purpose. Heading back to the holding areas, he finds the door with the pounding and the pleading man...

(Ooops, missed your post...)

At the sound of the others entering the room, Daniel turns holding the concentrated hormone filled hypodermic..." I Know you, your the one who destroyed my friends and team members." he says to the Ovie girl before turning to their Human companion/..."Do you realize what these ...things...have done to humanity. How can you be such a traitor to your kind?" the guns not even phasing him in the least
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