[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:11 am

"Oh.....Well, it's still pretty spooky...to have someone just be able to creep up on you like that..." Wondering why for a moment the powers of the faculty needed to be kept secret then shaking her head idly "At least that woman who could turn into the dragon had some fairly obvious powers...and she was really strong too" Putting her hand to the collar about her neck, remembing the force with which it was grabbed. As she listened to what their destination was going to be and then tothe question about if her animal form had been effecting her memory. Horo would think on this for a moment, but before he was able to respond to Kara's question, they were teleported and for that fraction of a second she felt as if she really were on a roller coaster, which is never something she was particularly fond of. As they reappeared near the stadium Kara had mentioned, Horo would stumble a little, letting go of the blue skinned girl's hand and fall quite heavily onto her backside, feeling a little nauseated and a little dizzy from the strange ride.

After spending a few moments recovering from the strange sensation of the teleportation, she looked down for a moment at her legs. After seeing her arms becoming so skinny, it should not have been a surprise that her knees and legs were now then same, but as she same them properly for the first time, she was still very shocked at how skinny they had become. After looking at her legs, she would take an oppurtunity to look up at the massive stadium that they had appeared near. If this was still the same town that Daniel had been in, then this stadium was something she had never seen before. As she thought about the stadium, she wondered about what sport they were going to watch, if they were indeed going to watch some sport. She wasn't a huge sports fan in general, but back home, at least when she had still lived in England, Daniel had enjoyed football, watched it on occasion and always enjoyed playing it with his friends. Looking up a moment as Kara and the other girl, Cassie exchanged some words about the teleportation and she found herself agreeing with Kara, it was something hard to get used to.

As the blue skinned girl helped Horo to her feet, she would smile at the blue girl "Thank you" before hurrying after the other three. Catching up with Kara and Cassie, she would look at Kara as she thought about the memory comment from before "I think you are right about my memory, I think it must be quite severe at the moment, since there seems to be a lot missing from my memory right now, names, places, what I should and shouldn't be doing and even people..." she paused for a moment and took a brief chance with something "Like my parents....I mean that's something I should be able to recall quite easily" In her mind, she began to wonder again precisely who this Horo person was again, and the fact that Kara thought it was due too memory lose from being stuck in her wolf form for so long, it gave her a good cover to ask questions and to learn about who Horo was. "Was my memory lose the last time time particularly bad?
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:57 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
“Soo… you’re into American comics now…” Yuna said with a face palm “guess that’s slightly better than the bit you had going with being the next magical girl last month or the sentai bit” she said shuddering at un-wanted memories of excessive embarrassment by association. “eh... sure as long as you don’t get into to the American vampire Goth crazy like the rest of them” she said nodding towards the far back dark corner of the room where several bad cosplays of various vampires was taking place.
Looking at them it suddenly looked like they were about to reenact one of the yaoi scenes as the males began to suddenly make out and strip in the middle of the room, the resulting fan girl screeching was deafening. “Kotetsu, stop them” Yuna said seemingly to no one in particular, the pair suddenly changed to shouting “Don’t tase me bro” as they were interrupted as both males found themselves eating electricity. Just as suddenly the pair disappeared, what could only be described as a ninja maid appearing in front of Yuna the pair on her shoulders “Sigh… take the dumb asses to the nurse” Yuna said the maid disappearing as suddenly as she had appeared. Turning to the crowd and shouting through a megaphone she had somehow acquired striking with a stick to list above the door “As noted, follow the rules!! Rule 12. No yaoi permitted in the main room! You can now return to what you were doing.” she said as the room returned to its regular programming. “Oh hi Maria” Yuna said, the maid in question at some point during all the fuss somehow appearing behind Cat without her noticing.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:57 am

Catalina blushed as Yuna mentioning Vanpires recalled the memory of the topless Twilight character in her notebook, and she squirmed a little at the thought. "You don't understand, the comics are just the inspiration, I really think I can be a su-Oh my god!", she yelped as the two boys began making out in the corner. Her cheeks went bright red, her teen hormones going crazy, and she squeezed Yuna's arm tightly. In her previous life, she'd never watched an episode of anime, read manga, or seen anything like this. Yet, she couldn't take her eyes off them, "Ugh... I was never this boy-crazy before", she whined under her breath, but Yuna was close enough to have heard.

She couldn't believe the feeling of disappointment that filled her when the scene was suddenly broken up with an apparent electric shock for the kissers before a maid appeared right infront of her and Yuna. She tried to pull the girl closer, her mouth hanging open at the display of strength from the woman with two teenage boys across her shoulders. "Wow... ", she whispered, and tilted her head as Yuna ordered the maid to take the boys off to the school nurse, an order of course that was obeyed. She blushed as she realised her relationship with Maria was sort of backwards as it felt like she was the one that had to do what Maria said.

As Yuna slipped away towards the wall chart with her megaphone and stick, Cat tried to grasp at her skirt, but in another display of clumsiness she wasn't used to, she toppled forward off the edge of the desk she'd been sitting on, and crash landed on her chest across the floor. "Oww...", she groaned, pushing herself up to her knees and rubbing her chest. Hearing the name of the maid coming from Yuna's lips, she rolled over and blushed brightly at Maria. "Hi...". Looking up at the older teen, she was suprised to find herself picturing the face of that female cop that had always been making fun of her as an adult. They looked so similar...

In that moment, she realised just how different things were going to be if she couldn't find a way to get everything back to normal. She used to be cool, now she was a huge nerd. She never used to care for men, and hadn't had a boyfriend since high school, but now she found herself obsessed with boys, and maybe even girls. She used to be athletic and graceful, now she was clumsy and easily exhausted, but perhaps worst of all, she used to be independent, now she was under the authority of teachers, a maid... and her new Father. Scrambling to her feet, she brushed off her dress and straightened her glasses. "Are we leaving now?", she asked, hoping Maria had forgotten about her punishment, but reluctant to leave this place where she felt suprisingly like she belonged. She packed her DS and confusing cell phone into the gucci purse, shaking her head at the expense of everything, before turning to Yuna, she grasped the girl by the hand. "Can we go shopping tomorrow?", she asked, and then leaned much closer and whispered. "To buy a costume? I have some ideas...", she smiled. "After school of course. I think I'm in enough trouble for skipping classes, although then we'd be totally like that rich girl in The Breakfast Club that skipped class to go shop... wait... you're so too young to remember that". She bit her bottom lip, and rubbed the back of her neck for a moment, and looked down at her polished black mary janes. "So, are we on for shopping?".
Last edited by Harri-chan on Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:30 am

Mark bit his lip, his right hand a bit shaking. This was starting to get very annoying. "Please, listen to me!" she said making eye to eye contact with Ms. Carosella. Mark sighed, but he had to be stern. "Im not Ming. I don't know who she is, but I'm not her. You gotta belive me! I just woke up in the nurses office with this body" he said trying to keep his cool. "I'm not trying to make an outlandish excuse either to avoid this pseudo-militatistic maid training either. I bet you yourself are thinking that this Ming girl is acting strange, well this is why. Im not Ming. My real name is Mark Habel!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:56 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As they approached the scene, the cops were obviously outgunned if the tank in front entrance was any indication, not that they were really even trying though. The swat team was clearly still in the star bucks still across the street, while most of the normal officers were in the Dunkin Dounts next door. “There working hard as always” Batou said casually, not really surprised that they didn’t even have the perimeter secure. ‘Rookie I want you to infiltrate the building, yes I know your infrared can show you heat signatures of everyone inside but it won’t tell you who’s hostile. I’m going to scout the perimeter to see if I can scourge up something for the tank’ she heard Batou say through internal network communications line before he seemingly disappeared into the crowd.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Upon seeing Hakase’s grin at her suggestion, Mimi felt the cold shiver of doom as if she had walked into his trap. “So you changed your mind about that did you, very well to the Hyperbolic Cave… or was it Bat time Chamber..” he said pausing briefly pondering before slapping his fist into his palm in remembrance “Oh wait we left that in the dressing room.” He said grabbing Mimi’s dragging her quickly with him before she could protest. As they ran, dozens of inventions filtered through her mind as she struggle to remember what device it was, things ranging from capsule cars to persocom’s until her remember as they entered the room. Against the wall was the super suit he had designed for her, the skin tight white outfit had left nothing to the imagination so much so that she would die from embarrassment if anyone saw her running around in it.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:35 am

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Upon seeing Hakase’s grin at her suggestion, Mimi felt the cold shiver of doom as if she had walked into his trap. “So you changed your mind about that did you, very well to the Hyperbolic Cave… or was it Bat time Chamber..” he said pausing briefly pondering before slapping his fist into his palm in remembrance “Oh wait we left that in the dressing room.” He said grabbing Mimi’s dragging her quickly with him before she could protest. As they ran, dozens of inventions filtered through her mind as she struggle to remember what device it was, things ranging from capsule cars to persocom’s until her remember as they entered the room. Against the wall was the super suit he had designed for her, the skin tight white outfit had left nothing to the imagination so much so that she would die from embarrassment if anyone saw her running around in it.

"Excuse me?" said Mimi as she felt a long shiver run down her back. She tried to remember as Hakase was saying something about a Bat Cave or such. She was remembering a few things but wasn't sure what Hakase was referring to. Then before she could react, Mimi felt Hakase grab her by the wrist and was being dragged. Mimi felt like this happens often as she tried to protest.

"Pl-please wait!" said Mimi as she was being dragged. She then notice where Hakase's hand was and slightly blushed. Still she was remembering a lot of things until a white suit had crossed her mind. Still it was too late as now the pair were face to face with the suit that was hanging along with other things in the 'dressing room'.

"Wait? I-I-I mean but-" said Mimi as she was suddenly remembering why she kind of was glad that Hakase had forgot this. Still she looked at his face and saw how happy he looked.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:33 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
The other girls simply bit their lips at Gwen’s one up man ship, knowing full well that she was one of the few people they couldn’t boss around. The shoot proceeded without much of a hitch though still taking a few hours due to the various angles and shots that needed to be done. When they finally finished, Gwen would find that her phone had a text message from MJ to simply ‘meet me at the car when you’re done’.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
The commute to the DA’s office was uneventful, the group took the train as such they were able to bypass much of the city’s traffic. Like usually it wasn’t too big of a surprise as the above group metro passed by a hold bank robbery if the cops were any indication, the only difference from the unusual one was that this group somehow had a tank. Not that it really concerned them Selma and Fei li not really even giving it a passing glance. Arriving at the DA’s office Selma paused turning towards the pair “Time you’re watches like normal you only have 10 minutes after you leave me. Fei Li I want you to make Mr. Harvey really thirsty, no punishment though. Stella go to the office kitchen, like normal dump out the milk and fill it with your 1 minute hypnotic type. When you’re both done just head to O'Malley’s bar down the street like normal and wait for me.” With that said Selma altered the affect of her power, changing the perception from normal to invisible. As such people simply wouldn’t perceive them, though that included the each other as well, the other 2 seemingly vanishing in front of her eyes. Selma meanwhile didn’t like using this version even if she knew other people couldn’t see her it was still embarrassing, as her voyeur instincts flared up she stripped and began to masturbate in front of the entrance.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Ms. Carosella looked at her doubtfully, “Hmm… body swap, extremely rare but not completely unheard of ability. It would be a waste to use it in a situation like this but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t at least investigate.” she said, poking some buttons on the digital pad.”Very well, I guess it would explain the anger rates from earlier but a full brain scan will need to be done to verify. If you’re lying though I’ll make you run through the Comiket course.” She said, all the girls in ear shot gasping in horror at the mention of the course. Ms. Carosella turning towards them “Get back to the drills and head to the coliseum we still have a match to win.” The girls hurriedly returning to their previous actions.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
“Last time you forgot how to speak, so we had to send you to rehabilitation for a week.” Kara said in thought. “As for your parents, I don’t know. Cassie any ideas?” Kara said shrugging innocently turning towards the other girl. Cassie in turn sighed talking in a tone that reflected a lecture “Did you forget already… mutants don’t have parents, at least not in the legal way, the moment there identified they lose all rights. So if you did remember Horo keep it to yourself, they would probably re-process you or even worse just mind wipe you if did remember, which even I wouldn’t wish upon you.” She said simply letting the fact drill into her head. The group eventually approached the gate Cassie turning towards her maid simple saying “Kiwi”, the maid responded by pulling out a set of tickets which were scanned. Afterwards the group had proceeded inside, the sport called Arcana Hearts if the various signs were any indication, as promotions for Queens Blade tournament were everywhere, the various merchandising indicated the schools team name was apparently the Generation Girls.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:28 pm

Mark let out a cheerful sigh. Finally, things started looking his way as Ms. Carosella atleast though his situation was possible. Though she did warn her about if she was lieing, but thats imposible, he knows hes right. Still something worried him alot, Ms. ladyperson said it its probably a body swap, but why? Why would this girl want to swap bodies with Mark? Mark had never blatently used his powers so his identity is well hidden, the only explainable reason is that this girl mustve been desperate and seeing the enviroment, shes not to blame. "Thanks Ma'am" said Mark with a smile, before becoming more serious. "Please, if it is a body swap, I need to go home as soon as posible. Who knows what that girl is doing with my body" he adds.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:39 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
If Yuna overheard the horniness comments or saw cat’s klutziness it didn’t appear to faze her in the slightest, as if was almost usual. “I’ll see tomorrow, not really sure what’s going on with the folks after dinner.” Yuna said clearly being non-committal about it her attention instead occupied by the now whining fan girls and boys in the room. “Anyways works calls… being VP isn’t easy especially when the club pres is such a flake.” she said in an annoyed matter of fact manner before pulling out the megaphone again. Yuna quickly hugged the Cat before speaking “Later oh yeah, I forgot there’s a decent Harry potter twilight slash, I’ll send you the link later.” That said she began chasing the fanboi’s around scattering them with the megaphone voice.
“Milady, I’m assuming you’ve had enough fun for today. Let’s get going.” Maria said cheerfully, as Maria’s constantly smiling face made it hard to properly associate anyone in her previous life.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:55 am

Cat nodded in understanding, but couldn't quite hide the disappointment from her face as Yuna refused to commit to helping her put together a super hero costume. "Harry Potter AND Twilight?". In her head, she wanted to throttle Yuna for even mentioning such an abomination, but her body had a far more positive reaction that sent a pleasant warmth through her.  She wriggled her bottom across the table and slipped down onto her feet, the smile returning as she was hugged.  Lifting her skinny arms, she wrapped them around Yuna and gave her a squeeze. Katherine had never been one for much physical contact, but the warm, soft body of another girl pressed against her felt good, and she found herself brushing a kiss to Yuna's cheek before she went off to restore order in the room. It felt like she was leaving part herself behind as she turned to look up at Maria, but gave her head a little nod. "I'm ready...", she murmured, slipping the strap of her purse up over her shoulder. 

As she followed Maria from the room, her thoughts started to turn to what life at home was going to be like now. "Are we going home before dinner?", she asked, quickly followed by, "Who's driving?".  Her heart sank a little as she considered the worrying prospect of not being old enough to drive.  As someone who'd been quickly approaching thirty, she'd often wished she was younger, although she'd never pictured it being as young as she was now.  She nudged her glasses into place as they walked through the halls of the famous school, and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Maria... how come I'm not dressed like Yuna and the other girls? I mean, I don't want to be or anything, but I kinda stood out back there". Her cheeks suddenly went red.  The thought of uniform was so embarrassing it made her squirm, but at the same time, there was now a growing worry that her different clothes would cause her to be rejected by those she felt most comfortable around. She already knew she lacked friends from the nearly empty contact list in her phone, and if she was going to have to stay like this for a while, that was something she wanted to change. "Uh... well, maybe I do a little... just to fit in with my friends...". Her blush brightened. There were all those college students in her class that she could try and be like, but she didn't feel drawn to them like she had to the younger students in anime club. "Could I wear the uniform tomorrow?". She cringed. Wearing school uniform was embarrassing enough, but here she was asking for it so she could fit in with geeky middle schoolers.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:21 am

Horo nodded as she listened to the explaination of what had happened to her memory "I forget how to talk....Well...I suppose that seems a logical consequence of being a wolf for too long. Too long like that and one might imagine I would go completely feral" She stopped for a moment and looked at Kara "I hope that hasn't happened..." she looked at Kara for a moment, despite on one level not having any idea who this girl was, her body felt this strange inclination towards not wanting to displease her, even if she had seemed to fail thus far. As the attention shifted to Cassie, Horo began to wonder exactly why the raven haired girl seemed to dislike her, suspecting this was another one of the things that had been 'forgotten' during the apparent long stay in the wolf form. She focused her attention on Cassie's lecture for the moment, listening to what she had to say about mutants, parents and the mind wiping.

Horo would stand there, gob smacked for the moment, unsure of how to respond to such a horrifying revealation. After a few moments, The part of her mind that was still Daniel forget the tact and subtelty he had been attempting to hold onto so he could find out more about the situation around would disappear briefly "What....do because there structure of my DNA is slightly different to those of other humans, I am considered something of a lesser being? That's completely heinous!" Almost as soon as those words had left her mouth, she would feel her cheeks heating up as they went bright red, realising how very foolish the comment would of sounded and even put her at risk of getting into further trouble. Clamping her hands over her mouth ,She looked around furitively hoping that no-one around them heard her comment, although she imagined even if no-one had heard it, this strange collar she wore which was capable of recording all sorts of information, probably did. She tried to force down the blush and looked at Kara and Cassie "Oh gosh, I am sorry...I have no idea why I said that...I am really sorry" she desperately hoped they would just put that down to memory problems and move on. As they seemed to move on, Horo would breathe out and pat down the maid dress she was wearing, making sure it was straight before following them.

As Cassie spoke to the blue skinned teleporter, saying the word 'Kiwi' she would wonder if perhaps that was the teleporter girl's name. Watching as the tickets the girl produced were scanned before they headed inside the large stadium. As she headed inside with the small group she was with, her mind was not on the stadium and what was inside for the moment, her mind was wandering back to trying to find a rational explaination for what happened, and how she got here in this unusual place. Immediately her thoughts went to various ideas from movies and TV series she had watched before. What had happened to her here didn't quite fit into any of the scenarios in any of those, but seem to be a strange analagamtion of all the different storylines. Shaking her head for a moment as she thought on this, reaching up to rub the top of her head, then feeling the ears that had relocated to the top of her head now, which was an unusual feeling.

Breaking her attention from the train of thought, she would look about the stadium, looking at the signs which seemed to be advertising the name of the sport, it was not one she had ever heard of, she had been to stadiums to watch various sports before, Football and Rugby when Daniel was still living in England, and had even see a few baseball and American Football games when Daniel had moved to America, but this was one she had never even heard of. Looking at the promotions for the tournament for a moment and simply drew a blank on what it meant. Stepping a little closer to one of the merchandising stalls, looking at the team name and shaking her head slightly as she began to wonder exactly what this sport was. Shrugging a little she would turn and step back towards the Kara, Cassie and the blue teleporter mutant, waiting to see what they were going to do next.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:08 pm

* Gwen continues to work as the shoot goes off. feeling slightly tired and edgy due to the facts the other models, while unable to bring themselves to act against her, she could still feel the emotions slipping away from them, something MJ's presence seems to keep away before. Once she heads into the changing area, she sees the message on her phone. Both filled with anticipation and worry about what she will face once she gets to the car, Gwen takes her time putting herself back together, wanting to be perfect for her lover and hoping she could soon forget the incident happened and share her loves embrace without worry once more.

Walking out of the shoot area, she heads for the car, hoping MJ hadn't moved it from where she parked it...'now was that in the west tower or east tower' she starts to panic a bit having forgotten where they parked the car...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:05 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“But?” he asked not really looking at her to busy prepping the suit; he took the lack of additional response from her as an ok to keep going. As he finished checking up on the specs of the suit he was about to press the on switch before suddenly becoming hesitant turning to her “Uh… I’ll let you change by yourself… let me know when you’re done.” He said before running out of the room. The suit itself was white like she remembered it, honestly despite all the technology packed into it, it still looked like a 1 piece bathing suit.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:45 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“But?” he asked not really looking at her to busy prepping the suit; he took the lack of additional response from her as an ok to keep going. As he finished checking up on the specs of the suit he was about to press the on switch before suddenly becoming hesitant turning to her “Uh… I’ll let you change by yourself… let me know when you’re done.” He said before running out of the room. The suit itself was white like she remembered it, honestly despite all the technology packed into it, it still looked like a 1 piece bathing suit.

"Umm..." said Mimi as her meek self just stood there. She was a bit afraid if Hakase was going to stay but then saw as he got up and left the room to allow her to change. She then stood there as he wonder what came over Hakase. Still Mimi looked at the powersuit and somehow knew it was filled up with technology and such. Reading the specs was easy due to Micheal's knowledge and it carried over to Mimi. Still it looked like a simple white one piece swimsuit.

Mimi then looked at her outfit and looked around at how to take it off. Eventually she slowly slip off the maid outfit and viewed her body. Micheal was conflicted at how to respond to this. He never really seen the personal areas such as the bust in person. It was always via images but never under his personal use. Mimi just stared at her small bust and secretly wished it was a bit bigger but she was content.

Mimi then went over to the suit and guess it was like a simple swimsuit. Still she couldn't quiet get the back to fit right. The girl then walked over to the door.

"I believe I am done," said Mimi in a soft voice with a slight blush on her cheeks. She was trying her best to cover her small body with her arms. Somehow Mimi was feeling so embarrassed to be seen like this.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:16 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
“There are multiple considerations to take into account before anything can be determined. Either way, I have a match to coach. So until the nurse gets here SLEEP” said Coach Carosella, at the last word Mark had a overwhelming tiredness overcome her as she passed out the coach catching her easily with one arm placing her on the bench. When she awoke later she was still groggy, “Guess we’ll have to run a background check while the anima runs a full mind scan to see if we can match up stories.” She could hear in from a bosomed cat girl standing next to her in lab coat. Looking around she was on a device similar to the one earlier though clearly much larger. It started to glow as like before it brought her to a virtualization world, instead of options she could feel as her life seemingly began to play back, the system seemingly error matching the differences in her life.

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
With the entire section of the beach rented the only vehicles in the lot were those of the other employees. Thankfully the new technology namely cell phones contained GPS systems that allowed MJ to know where Gwen was, even if she didn’t know herself. MJ meanwhile was testing the cars limits the empty speedways of the beach allowing her to reach speeds upwards of 200 mph, the blazing fast car clearly obvious in it rider.
Meanwhile elsewhere, in a lab various scientists could be seen looking at some results. The 3 transformed girls in gravity tubes floating “I assume she knows already” one of the shadowed heads said, “Yes, she assumed as much.” Another shadow responded. “What about the other 2” a 3rd shadow asked. “There normal, have them sent to the training facility.” The 1st shadowed

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Cassie had moved on likely not hearing or caring about Horo’s outburst, Kara meanwhile had run off to one of the concession stands and bought ice cream, Kiwi simple said nothing but gave her a quick look as if warning her to shut up for her own good. Eventually the group walked into the main coliseum, the feel of the building like the rest of the campus was ritzy. All the seats in the giant stadium had leather cushions, the inner walk way contained condiments of every culture, and if her eyes weren’t deceiving her the diamond club suites looked as if the windows were made of diamond. The configuration of the field however looked like some odd cross between soccer, basketball. Eventually people began to pile in not just students but adults and kids of various ages like a regular sporting event. There little group was seated in the middle section center rows, with a good view of everything. Eventually it started as they stereotypical sporting announcers at least sounded the same as they called in the teams; the girls on the teams were clearly mutants, each sporting a spandex type uniform. The home team the Generation Girls she had definitely seen some earlier likely when running around the sports fields, while the away team the Hellions. The sport itself was like nothing she had ever seen before, while it retained a ball it honestly felt more like she was watching a Harry Potter quidditich meets rugby meets Pokémon. The rest of the girls had clearly gotten into the match shouting various cheers; even Kiwi was clapping in excitement.

I'm going to assume the MIA people is due to school starting.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
Overlords+Magic+Tropes=TF TG and flying jigglypuffs... among other things
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Derailer (Just Kidding)
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