Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:45 pm

((I am highly offended by that remark Tina where i asked you nicely the first few times you did stuff like that. So i resulted to telling you to change since can't you can't listen what i asked you nicely the 1st few times.))
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:43 pm

OOC: Okay, I don't want these arguments to get in the way of the RP, so I'm going to try and clear some of the issues up.

Most of the time when I talk to Naomi, its over AIM while I have talked to Tina over the PM system, which may explain why quotes may not be able to be provided.

Next, in the RP itself, I want to let veryone have some freedom. If someone asks me to do something in the RP, so long as it doesn't interfere with the plot set by me or with anything someone else ants to do, I'll let them do it. Such as Aiko being a double agent or Tina being against the hybrids. No real plot conflict, so no issue. I think this makes the plot more interesting. It would be prety boring if everything went as I had planned out.

As for NPC type characters, which seems to be a big problem here, I'm instituting a new rule. I will be the only one to control these characters. So if you didn't create the character at the start or check with me first, you can't control them. These characters would include Mary, The Master, Lee, etc... Hopefully this will cut back on some of the arguments.

If anyone has any other issues to discuss with me, I will be on AIM later. Probably not for a few hours though. There are some people on the board, including Naomi, who have my AIM address if you need it. I wish I could get on before then to figure everything out, but I have other things to do right now.

I really don't want this RP to end on a bad note, or at all right now, so hopefully we can work this out.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:24 pm

OOC: Ok now that that has been cleared I shall respect these rules and continue from when the issue arose and my post stopped being constructive. Despite how it may be good therapy to vent in a good argument I don't like these kinds of row, they just cause more problems. So Naomi, Truce?

"I know why you have joined and continue to follow the hybrids, Erin" said Tina, "I understand and respect that choice. If you want to know where it is I am am going then I shall tell you the same thing I told Mary. I am going somewhere were I will not be found, nor can anyone spy from. The offer is still standing and I shall be leaving tonight." Tina was going to add an objection to Joule calling Team Rocket evil but she decided against it. In truth Rocket only wanted to research the hybrids and sell whatever information they deemed would not disrupt the balance (without the balance no-one would come to them to buy information).
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:28 pm

((not yet because shadow and I have yet to talk thus your post is still void.))
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:35 pm

OOC: So you're refusing the truce?
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:41 pm

(no just saying we can't make one till I talk with shadow tonight thats all.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:43 pm

OOC: Bah...*chough* Obviously I didn't just say that.....don't look at me like that
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:25 am

OOC: Tina has a contract with Erin and Leo, just like Joule does with Jolt. Tina can't leave the Hybrids. Tina, Edit Please.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:42 am

OOC: Right ok, Shadow has PMed me and in accordance to this I have come up with an idea that shouldn’t conflict with anyone. That being said, if it does then PM me with details and I’ll think of a way to change it.

Tina walked away and left the building. Elsewhere a hooded figure put down an ear-piece and turned to another figure.

“Report this to The Master” he said, “also put the Gengar on watch. We can’t let her leave.”
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:29 pm

OOC: Tina edit now please all your posts inculding the one you just made. I'll talk to you on yim.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:03 am

OOC: After a long and bitter conversation with Naomi on MSN it seems that the only problem (other than those two extra characters who are debatable) is that I am actually thinking for myself rather than following Naomi like a sheep. If this is really the kind of RP that this is then I don't see why I would want to be a part of it. (this does not say I am quitting, just that if it continues down this path then it will be a genuine option)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:04 am

OOC: After a long and bitter conversation with Naomi on MSN it seems that the only problem (other than those two extra characters who are debatable) is that I am actually thinking for myself rather than following Naomi like a sheep. If this is really the kind of RP that this is then I don't see why I would want to be a part of it. (this does not say I am quitting, just that if it continues down this path then it will be a genuine option)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:46 am

OOC: 1. Watch the Double Posts Tina, 2. Naomi and I both asked you nicely to edit your posts. Naomi told me on AIM what Shadowmaster said. Shasowmaster said this: Tina cannot leave the Hybrids, she has a contact with Erin and Leo. Please edit your posts.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:07 pm

OOC: Well shadow has said that I can leave the hybrids but not yet because there is an event going. Hence the listeners who have got me put on surveillance. So I'll make a post where Tina notices that she is being watched and rather than arising more suspicion she decided to call off the exodus for now.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:33 pm

Tina the Gengar wrote:OOC: Well shadow has said that I can leave the hybrids but not yet because there is an event going. Hence the listeners who have got me put on surveillance. So I'll make a post where Tina notices that she is being watched and rather than arising more suspicion she decided to call off the exodus for now.

OOC: Okay. If that's what Shadowmaster said. Then what he says goes, but I had Tina join the Hybrids to be with her Friend Erin. That's why I had her join them. I thought that since TR just left her alone, I thought she would be mad and want revenge against them. That's all and also Tina is one Erin's Best Friends as well, at least Erin thinks so. Has Tina been turned back over to you? I am not quite sure if she has or not.
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