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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:20 am
by Zilla
"Oh, Dannie~ ^-^" Lilly says, picking up on the man's name from her friend. "You so sad, so lonely. <:3 You wanna huggle deep down, it show! You just scared! Let make you happy! ^o^ heehee." Lilly slowly advances on Daniel "You open door for Comma Alice, okie? That how you can be happy too, yeah! :D"

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:23 pm
by Roggamer22
Richard gets the walkie talkie out again. "The one we found was a human girl, she says her brother is here too." Richard says to Ryan. "...What do we do now?" He says to Ryan and Karen.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:27 pm
by Harri-chan
Briony twisted as the needle pressed into her almost bare arm, and she felt the tickle of the liquid being injected into her blood stream, "Camille!", she yells, panic starting to spread through her voice. With her laying on her back, and wearing quite a short dress, Camille would get a perfect view of her bikini-cut white satin panties as she struggled in the bindings.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:22 pm
by Miku-chan
Zilla wrote:"Oh, Dannie~ ^-^" Lilly says, picking up on the man's name from her friend. "You so sad, so lonely. <:3 You wanna huggle deep down, it show! You just scared! Let make you happy! ^o^ heehee." Lilly slowly advances on Daniel "You open door for Comma Alice, okie? That how you can be happy too, yeah! :D"

"S...stay back..." Daniel stutters, holding the hypo like a weapon towards Lilly, Kyla and the human girl" Your ki d are the reason I'm alone...Your kind destroyed my freinds, my family...and with this, I can get my loved ones back ..." the manic gleam in his eyes showing how desperatly he believedwhat he was doing is for the greater good

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:37 pm
by Amy-chan
Millinescence wrote:((Don't do the 'nyo's on every sentence, you only have to do so every-other sentence ))

They arrive at the Don-town colony, Genny is still shaking from the company she's with. Nothing felt right about this, she just couldn't put her finger on why. They were her sisters, but she has an inexplicable fear of being so close to them. The truck stops in front of a groups of Ovies crowded around a big box truck full of candy! The crates are being unloaded and forced open with a forklift. The hungry ovies chow down on the sugary foods, chatting, and just being happy and hyper. Hiroko would know that such food trucks come often from the various factories within the city's industrial district.

((Sorry ... nyo? Image))

Hiroko turns toward Genny, "Don't be afraid daughter. Nobody here will hurt you. Go have some candy, it'll make you feel better.

Genny timidly walks toward the group of Ovalisks. One of them sees her and says "Here sis! Have some! Good!"

Hiroko walks into the Don-town colony HQ where Elder Toria was waiting. "Mission accomplished. The General of that bunker is now a young Ovalisk hatchling named Genny. Did the ones we let escape use the radio to contact the main bunker? Is it time for us to contact the main bunker yet?"

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:52 am
by Knight Errant
Millinescence wrote:"Are you serious? Have they really grown to be that smart? How?" The Overseer asks in disbelief.
"Hell yeah we're serious...sir." Grey says. Manny elbows and shushes him before Vic speaks again.

"Perhaps you're right. We can't hide forever. But what could we do? This bunker has a population of over 600 people.

"Bunker 12, Bunker 12...this is Goliath-13, Lakewood. Come in!" Says a paniced voice on the Overseer's radio.
"This is Bunker 12 Overseer. Report Goliath Five."
"Th-those things! They swarmed us, they were everywhere! They jammed the car doors shut! They drove f**kin' trucks, and came in force! It's total chaos, just me and Nate barely managed to escape ourselves! But....they got General Harris..." The voice says. Fear turning into solemness at the last sentence.
"What!?" Brad exclaims, then swears off-mic. "Well...come to the bunker. We've got to work out a way to do something about all this..." He looks very worried now.
"Roger that."
The Overseer pushes the desktop mic aside and tells Vic. "Bunker 13 is gone. General Harris was their Overseer. He always was such a stubborn hardball. Him and his men split off from this bunker when I ordered the development of our labs. We wanted to study the creatures, Harris only wanted to kill them and keep trophies. He was an excellent tactician, and now he's one of them."

"We have two options. These girls are thinking, reasoning beings. And as such... we may be able to convince them what they do is wrong, and negotiate a peace. I have proven with one of them they can be persuaded... at least to reconsider the rightness of what they do.''

"Or... I have learned they have colonies, leaders... we could begin working in the city as a guerilla force. Assassinating their leaders, bombing their colonies... sow fear and chaos among them until their will breaks and they flee the city. Then we move in, reclaim, refortify. With our backs not against the wall we may make a life... perhaps even begin a larger scale war... and wipe them all out."

"To do either of these... I need your support... and that of the bunker."

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:30 pm
by Millinescence
@Zilla & Miku-chan
“How can I?” Susan asks quizzically. She joins the two Ovies in their advancement towards Daniel while keeping her gun level at him. “It’s easy if you think about it. The ovalisks come, and what do we do? We turn tail and hide underground like a bunch of cowards. Living in this bunker isn’t life, it’s just existence. And it’s only a matter time before they get us anyway.” The woman shrugs. “I’m just trying to help nature take its course to a world free of hate and malice, ignorance and indifference, and most importantly…intolerance.” She shows the scientist her emerald snake pendent. It looked familiar to Daniel, but he couldn’t quite place it.
“And we’re going to help lost sister make lots of new friends~! <3” Kyla chimes in.
Daniel finds that he has run out of room as his back presses against the cold steel of the cell-block door. Susan makes a wry smirk as the scientist starts wielding his syringe. “And just what are you going to do with that, hm? Now drop that syringe and open the door!” She orders.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard gets the walkie talkie out again. "The one we found was a human girl, she says her brother is here too." Richard says to Ryan. "...What do we do now?" He says to Ryan and Karen.

“Oh, that’s good to hear,” Ryan says, feeling relieved. “The charges on the stairwells are set to go off remotely. I’ll meet you both upstairs and press the magic button that’ll keep those things out for good.” And with that, he ran up the stairs and half a minute later, the shape of a man can be seen coming down the hall towards the two.
Connie raises her shotgun, but Karen puts a hand on her shoulder. “He’s another friendly. You shouldn’t be so jumpy.” The woman calmly says to the girl. The lights fully reveal Ryan as he gets closer. “See?” She looks at Ryan. “Hey, baby. Ready?”
“Oh yeah,” He grins, his hand on the remote. “Let’s light this candle.” He presses the red button and a deep loud boom was heard, the floor quivering beneath them as the stairs leading to the second floor give way while leaving all other parts of the building intact. “Now we can just pretty much pick a room and make ourselves at home.”
The second elevator dings and opens its doors. After seeing nothing inside, Karen presses the emergency stop button on that one too.

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony twisted as the needle pressed into her almost bare arm, and she felt the tickle of the liquid being injected into her blood stream, "Camille!", she yells, panic starting to spread through her voice. With her laying on her back, and wearing quite a short dress, Camille would get a perfect view of her bikini-cut white satin panties as she struggled in the bindings.

“Oh Briony, no one wants to see that~.” Camille sighs. Finding a white sheet, she gets up and puts it over Briony’s crotch and thighs before going back to her chair. “These injections Doctor Donahue is doing will help build up your immunity just enough for the doozie that will give you the perfect cover for your little spy mission…with many more to come I’m sure.”
“Heh, you didn’t tell her about anything prior this…did you?” The Dr. Donahue asks Camille before placing the next injection at the base of Briony’s neck.
“Well I certainly don’t want to frighten the soon-to-be little girl.” The lieutenant replies with a chuckle.

Amy-chan wrote:
Millinescence wrote:((Don't do the 'nyo's on every sentence, you only have to do so every-other sentence ))

They arrive at the Don-town colony, Genny is still shaking from the company she's with. Nothing felt right about this, she just couldn't put her finger on why. They were her sisters, but she has an inexplicable fear of being so close to them. The truck stops in front of a groups of Ovies crowded around a big box truck full of candy! The crates are being unloaded and forced open with a forklift. The hungry ovies chow down on the sugary foods, chatting, and just being happy and hyper. Hiroko would know that such food trucks come often from the various factories within the city's industrial district.

((Sorry ... nyo? Image))

Hiroko turns toward Genny, "Don't be afraid daughter. Nobody here will hurt you. Go have some candy, it'll make you feel better.

Genny timidly walks toward the group of Ovalisks. One of them sees her and says "Here sis! Have some! Good!"

Hiroko walks into the Don-town colony HQ where Elder Toria was waiting. "Mission accomplished. The General of that bunker is now a young Ovalisk hatchling named Genny. Did the ones we let escape use the radio to contact the main bunker? Is it time for us to contact the main bunker yet?"

((D’awww~ That catgirl’s adorable! <3 *petpets*))

Genny blushes as she accepts the handful of Smarties from her fellow sister. “Uhh…my name’s Genny. What yours? I new here.”

Hiroko would find HQ in a tall office building that was retooled for their purposes with a parking garage right next to it. This garage is where various patrol trucks and scout vehicles would arrive and depart. The plain white walls inside were decorated with murals and paintings of huge flowers of every shape and color imaginable. There was even a depiction of an ovie touching a black-haired office worker in a suit and tie. Multiple pictures came after that to show the Ningen’s transformation into a beautiful pink-haired ovalisk hatchling in a bright purple dress. It ends with the toucher hugging her new hatchling and the words:
Ovies give hugs
Loving change come to all now
Recention is near

Hiroko will find Elder Toria waiting by the elevator that leads to her spot in the penthouse at the top. When it opens, she lets Hiroko in and they ascend. The Elder listens to her words and hugs Hiroko and happily wags her tail. “I’m so glad, Hiroko-chan. People like that general practically cry out for hugs!” She lets go and nods. “Yep! Our long-range radio scanners have picked up their distress signal. We even got to get a trace on the signals~!” She says, clearly saving her serious demeanor for her colony-wide broadcasts. “However, it’s not time to contact them yet *giggle* We should totally do so tomorrow morning. You and me both~!”

Knight Errant wrote:"We have two options. These girls are thinking, reasoning beings. And as such... we may be able to convince them what they do is wrong, and negotiate a peace. I have proven with one of them they can be persuaded... at least to reconsider the rightness of what they do.''

"Or... I have learned they have colonies, leaders... we could begin working in the city as a guerilla force. Assassinating their leaders, bombing their colonies... sow fear and chaos among them until their will breaks and they flee the city. Then we move in, reclaim, refortify. With our backs not against the wall we may make a life... perhaps even begin a larger scale war... and wipe them all out."

"To do either of these... I need your support... and that of the bunker."

The Overseer thought on what Vic said for a minute. “Okay, you have my support.” Says Brad. “Your words and the loss of General Harris tells me that we must act now. I’ll make an announcement to the entire bunker at 9pm to rally them for your support. That should give us enough time to prepare our speeches. Sound alright?” He holds out a hand to shake with Vic.
“Yea-yea!” Grey says, giving some dap to Manny. “Let’s do this thang.”

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:40 pm
by Musashi
Millinescence wrote:The bat is barely within reach, the shock no longer coursing though Jasmine's body as the Ovie gets closer.
"It won't end, things just start over~ :3" The grass-haired ovie chirps almost soothingly. The ovie starts wiping her hands on her dress. She closes her eyes and seems to focus intently on something. A small droplet of fresh hormone starts to glisten from the fingertip of her left index finger. "Great things lie over horizon..." The ovie kneels down next to Jasmine, not noticing that the woman managed to grab her bat! But Grass-hair reaches out, grinning as she is just about to poke Jasmine on the nose with the droplet of hormone...

Jasmine's eyes cross as she watches that finger closing in. For just a small moment, she almost contemplates giving up. So tired of running...
But the thought of her family flashes through her mind, and her grip tightens on the bat.


She swings the bat around full-force at Grassyovie.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:24 pm
by Roggamer22
"Wow... Really?" Richard looks around. "This is it? I never thought we would find a safehouse so easily..." Richard says, sighing. "That was insanely simple compared to what we had to go through just to get here!!" He laughs a bit.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:40 am
by Knight Errant
Millinescence wrote:The Overseer thought on what Vic said for a minute. “Okay, you have my support.” Says Brad. “Your words and the loss of General Harris tells me that we must act now. I’ll make an announcement to the entire bunker at 9pm to rally them for your support. That should give us enough time to prepare our speeches. Sound alright?” He holds out a hand to shake with Vic.
“Yea-yea!” Grey says, giving some dap to Manny. “Let’s do this thang.”

Vic nods, shaking his hand. "Thank you... I promise you this is the right decision. We have a chance at making a real life again..."

"Is there anything else you wish to know? Or shall we leave you to your work."

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:17 am
by Harri-chan
Briony's expression remained puzzled as she struggled on the bed, but her dark brown eyes looked up as Camille and the Doctor began to speak, her chest tightening, and eyes widening as she heard the words spill from her red-haired rival's lips, and all the pieces fell into place, realising what they were going to do with her, "You idiot! This is madness! You're going to kill me, and then I'll kill you all!". Her cheeks went red, and she whined, her energy levels running low as she fought to get free of the bindings, groaning as the needle pokes at her neck.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:43 pm
by Miku-chan
Millinescence wrote:@Zilla & Miku-chan
“How can I?” Susan asks quizzically. She joins the two Ovies in their advancement towards Daniel while keeping her gun level at him. “It’s easy if you think about it. The ovalisks come, and what do we do? We turn tail and hide underground like a bunch of cowards. Living in this bunker isn’t life, it’s just existence. And it’s only a matter time before they get us anyway.” The woman shrugs. “I’m just trying to help nature take its course to a world free of hate and malice, ignorance and indifference, and most importantly…intolerance.” She shows the scientist her emerald snake pendent. It looked familiar to Daniel, but he couldn’t quite place it.
“And we’re going to help lost sister make lots of new friends~! <3” Kyla chimes in.
Daniel finds that he has run out of room as his back presses against the cold steel of the cell-block door. Susan makes a wry smirk as the scientist starts wielding his syringe. “And just what are you going to do with that, hm? Now drop that syringe and open the door!” She orders.

"You speak of ignorance, indifference and intolerance, yet those are the very things these things bring. That which is different ic changed to the society norm. You know what, your no better then the preachings durring the Reign of Nazis during world war two. Fine you want this, then you can have ...THIS!!" in a desperate attempt to act of free will, he quickly squirts half the Ovie hormone in Susans eyes and runs toward Kyla and hoping to avoid Lilly as well

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:15 pm
by Zilla
Lilly jumps at the panicked Dannie.

"Dannie, you're so sad though! No need be so sad! Be happy!"
Lilly remembers something from history. "Not like Nazi, Nazi mean and cruel, we with hugs and love! ^o^"

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:23 pm
by Miku-chan
As Lilly jumps at Daniel, she succeeds at tangling him up and he falls to the floor, the hypo tumbling out of his hand and shattering on the floor, about five feet away..."NOOOOOO!!!!" he screams out hoping someone in the security room remembered to at least leave the audio system working with all the cannibalizing of electronics they were doing.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:19 am
by Millinescence
@Zilla & Miku-chan:
Susan tries to correct Daniel on that statement but before a single word could be uttered, she cries out as Daniel squirts the smelling, concentrated Ovalisk hormone straight at her face before she could react! “AHH! W-what…is…this?” She asks, looking down at her hands as they promptly shrink before her eyes. Susan looks up at Daniel, the world becomes bigger around her. “You…c-can’t be my mommy! Not how works! DX” She can feel the tickling in her mind as her memories change and begin to cutify and erase. The years quickly shave away from the woman’s body, her breasts and hips caving in while Susan clenches her enlarging eyes shut and focuses on her bunker escape plan as hard as she could! She didn’t think of anything else at that point. Other memories get repressed so deeply into her subconscious now, but that memory of her plans of getting Comma Alice and getting her and her sisters safely out of the bunker though the service tunnels stays emblazoned on the front-burner of her mind. The memory training she got from her group of sympathizers did not go to waste! The hormone was much, much stronger than normal, causing her ningen skin to shed, her palms seem to sweat profusely in messy droplets, letting off a familiar sweet flowery scent and covering the pistol still in her hand! “Lilly! Kyla! Get keys from scary lost mommy! Hurry!” She manages as the transformation completes itself and leaves her looking like this.
Kyla nods firmly at her new sister. “Mm…Right!” She runs towards Daniel. “Here I cooome~! <3” And with that, pounces on Daniel like a tiger! This might leave Lilly enough time to grab the keys in his front pants pocket.

“What’s all the ruccus,” Says a voice over lab’s intercom, “Are you guys okay in there? I [i]swear y’all need to be more careful!”[/i] At this moment, Daniel’s prayers seem to have been answered despite all the chaos occurring around him. But then, the stern, intimidating voice of Brad the Overseer comes on the speakers. “Further incompetence will NOT be tolerated! Contain the threat at all costs!”
((Dramatic music~! ^__^))
Just then, the alertness level jumps from yellow, to red, all the way to black in an instant as claxons sound and red lights flash on ceilings all over the entire bunker! “Warnng! Warning! Condition Black has been declared…” Announces an automated female voice that might sound familiar to Lilly. “Security bulkheads, 12, and, 13, are now closed...All personnel are hereby confined to their quarters until further notice. Security bulkheads in, all, sectors, will be closed in, 15, minutes….Warning! Warning!” The voice repeats itself as hurried murmurs and clamoring can be heard far off. The bulkheads that led out of the lab yet again slam shut with that all too familiar loud *Clag!* However, there was something different this time. The innermost door of the lab's airlock with the door to the service tunnel in-between failed to shut all the way. It seems to have been jammed somehow, allowing the ovies just enough space to crawl under. It's a race against time now...

Musashi wrote:Jasmine's eyes cross as she watches that finger closing in. For just a small moment, she almost contemplates giving up. So tired of running...
But the thought of her family flashes through her mind, and her grip tightens on the bat.


She swings the bat around full-force at Grassyovie.

The bat makes a sickening *crack!* as it hits Grassyovie square on the side of her head! The drop of hormone falls off her finger, landing right on Jasmine's neck and absorbs itself into her skin! Grassyovie plops onto the asphalt never to get up again...
"NOOOO!! You kill sister!" Cries and incredulous Becky, the ranger-scout ovie with the taser. She pulls the trigger again to try to shock Jasmine into submission. Faint clicking can be heard instead. "Awww! No battery~ DX"
Just then, Jasmine can feel herself shrinking, her eyes enlarging and becoming a golden color.
"Wait Becky, I-I thinks she did it! Yay!" Says Alana, the driver of the police cruiser. "We're gonna have us a cute boy brother! <3"

Roggamer22 wrote:"Wow... Really?" Richard looks around. "This is it? I never thought we would find a safehouse so easily..." Richard says, sighing. "That was insanely simple compared to what we had to go through just to get here!!" He laughs a bit.

“Heh…hold your horses, man.” Ryan says to Richard. “We don’t know what else, if anything is up here aside from what the girl knows. But for now, we have the chance to rest. We’ll explore after our friend shows us her room.”
“Hm? You want to see our room?” Connie asks, thinking for a bit before nodding. “Okay~ ^_^” She heads off into the direction of the stairwell. “Follow me.”

Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods, shaking his hand. "Thank you... I promise you this is the right decision. We have a chance at making a real life again..."

"Is there anything else you wish to know? Or shall we leave you to your work."

Suddenly another security guard rushes into the office as the bulkhead opens. “Sir! There’s a problem.”
“Yes, what is it?” Brad asks.
“There’s another incident that’s been reported in the labs. Other reports come in that Paul has spotted a traitor in our midst.”
“WHAT!?” He shouts, bolting from his chair. “Have the others in the control room give out a Condition Black ASAP. I want a full lockdown of this bunker! Get me on the lab’s intercom.”
“Yes sir!” The guard says as he leads the Overseer off into the control room.
He looks at Vic and the thugs. “You three; for your own safety, I want you in your quarters immediately until this is resolved.” He then runs off.

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony's expression remained puzzled as she struggled on the bed, but her dark brown eyes looked up as Camille and the Doctor began to speak, her chest tightening, and eyes widening as she heard the words spill from her red-haired rival's lips, and all the pieces fell into place, realising what they were going to do with her, "You idiot! This is madness! You're going to kill me, and then I'll kill you all!". Her cheeks went red, and she whined, her energy levels running low as she fought to get free of the bindings, groaning as the needle pokes at her neck.

((I could totally say something about ‘Madness?’, but I’m not going to :P ))
“Nope, with the immunity boosters, you won’t experience any mental change, only physical ^_~” Camile winks. “Don’t worry, we’ll give you special clothing to wear while here at the base that will prohibit you from changing anyone.”
As Camille speaks, the scientist continues the injections; one in the other arm, and one into her right leg. “Almost done…”
“Good ^^”