[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:34 am

Mark was completely caught off guard as she suddenly appeared in that strange Matrix machine again. She looked to sides before noticing the cat girl, as per usual her face got red at the sight of the sexy cat girl in a lab coat. "Uhhhh... ooookaaaaaaaaaaay..." she replied as the machine was started and was sent into the virtual world. The weird feeling in being in a virtual world hadn't changed, but more wierd was seeing her life play infront of her eyes. "What the hell...?" she said to herself. At that moment, she blushed yet again. They were scanning her lifes memories and at that moment she knew that included some parts which... weren't so decent. She paniced a bit hoping it was the machine working and not some living being.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:22 pm

Horo would breathe a sigh of relief as she looked around,it seemed that no-one had noticed her indignant outburst. Cassie had wandered off and Kara was buying ice cream. She noticed the look Kiwi gave her and without another word pushed her lips together tightly for a moment and nodded a little at Kiwi "I'm sorry, that was really stupid of me" she murmered a little. She wondered for a moment why Kiwi didn't seem to speak but would shake it off a moment later and move off after Kara to see if she could be of any assistance to her, Horo was supposed to be a maid, after all. As she approached the concession stand, waiting for Kara to finish her purchases of ice cream, Horo would inwarldy admonish herself for the outburst and remind herself that, without really knowing why, she had already gotten herself into trouble multiply times today and with at least two people who were both far more dangerous than she was. The dragon lady, who's name she had never learned, her powers were at least obvious. it was Roberta that had her perplexed, how was it possible that the woman could have snuck up on her like that. Roberta could have been upwind from Horo so her scent would have been hidden but that she could get so close and Horo could not hear anything, after all, her hearing was far more sensitive that most, that was shocking. The curious part of her mind and that small part of her mind which was still the wolf wanted to know how she did it, so they would not be surprised again.

As she waited for Kara to finish purchasing the ice cream, Horo would take a chance to look about at the stadium they were in. Most stadiums she, or Daniel, rather, had visited certainly did have seating but all this leather seating in a stadium this size was almost mind boogling given how much it must have cost to pay for it, to maintain it must have been astronomical. This impression was further reinforced when she looked about the vast collection of concession stands that ran throughout the stadium. It took a moment of realising, having being distracted by her own thoughts but the scents from the different stands hit her nose with great strength. She could pick up a jumble of scents from all over from different cultures. It was overwhelming at first, causing her eyes to water from the smell. She took a few deep, long breathes and attempted to shut it out or at least limit the number of scents bombarding her sensitive noise. As Kara finally finished her purchase and began to move towards the stadium seating, Horo would follow quickly, looking at the other points of the mind blowingly oppulent stadium. She could see the various different groups of people of all ages entering the stadium. As they passed the diamond club suites, even though her ability to differentiate colour was limited because of the canine colour blindness had, it was not hard to tell when they passed close, the opaque windows were made of diamod. Such a display of wealth and oppulence was gawdy, something Daniel had never witnessed. Her thoughts went to wonder who exactly owned this stadium.

As the group made it's way to the seats, Horo would look down over the field and notice it's rather odd configuration of the field, seeming like a hodge podge of two different types of game field. As the group found the seats, Horo would smooth down the dress under her so it didn't get caught or crumpled up as she sat and pushed the tail to one side as she sat so it was resting on the seat, with little chance of being trodden on or caught in anything. As the players of this strange sport gathered onto the field, she could make out that some of them were clearly mutants, she leant slightly forward wondering if these mutants also wore the same type of collar as she did. It seemed that this strange place, wherever it was seemed to put mutants to all different uses. Thus far she had seen them as maids and now as the players of sports but she imagined that there was certainly going to be more to it than just those two aspects. Puting it to the back of her mind for the moment she would watch the sport as the teams began to play and it quickly began apparent that she had no idea how this game worked. As the match went on and the level of noise from the spectators increased, Horo would quickly find that her ears that the noise was almost overwhelming, the sensitivity of her lupine hearing meant that the noise felt as if it were boring into her mind. She raised her hands to her furry ears and covered them, hoping to block out some of the noise as she continued to watch this unusual sport.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:44 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
“Talkative today aren’t you, then again I guess its better that you’re paying attention instead of walking into pitfalls while playing your games. Anyways were heading to the mall first to meet up with the PPG after their signings done.” Maria said simply. As the approached the road side a limo pulled up as if waiting, the doors opening automatically. “Don’t think I forgot about your punishment either.” Said Maria as they boarded.
“If you keep blabbering on about school uniforms I’ll make you wear ‘it’” Maria said inside the limo, the ‘it’ clothing clearly a threat to her vanity as Cat found everyone including herself gasping in shock even though she had no clue was it was. Surprisingly the limo didn’t need any directions, instead driving less than a minute the pair arrived at what had to be an on campus landing pad, a helicopter waiting in the wings.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:59 pm

Stella blinks as her friends vanish in front of her eyes. She is about to speak out when she remembers... ten minutes... She looks down at her watch and sets it. She cant mess up now... she has to do this for her friends.

Nodding to herself, she begins heading into the building. Being invisible had its ups and downs... and she does her best not to bump into anyone in the busy office. She holds her breath one moment as she turns the corner and runs into a man carrying a stack of papers. His papers go flying, and she dashes past, leaving him looking around with a puzzled expression... looking for the soft and firm thing he had run into.

Finally she gets to the kitchen. She is relieved to find it empty... quickly, she goes to the fridge, takes out the milk, and dumps it down the drain. Running the water for a moment to erase her action, she pauses... looking from her breasts to the empty milk bottle. How is she supposed to do this? Her friends spoke of it as a plan they had done before... but when it came to it she was unsure how to use her own powers. She strains her mind... the memory had to be there somewhere...
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:47 am

Cat blushed as the maid commented on how much she was talking and made a little dig at her clumsiness. It made her wonder about this predetermined relationship with the maid, wether there was a genuine bond, or if it was just a job to Maria. "What kind of place are we eating at? Will I need to change?", she asked, lightly tugging the loose skirt of her white dress. Being a rich girl was very different to her original teenage years, the clothes especially. "Can we go to the comic book store?". Cat's eyebrows knitted in confusion as Maria spoke of going to meet people after they were done signing... something, but before she could ask about it, the limo pulled up infront of them. "Woah... ", she gapsed. She'd figured out that her new Father was rich, although perhaps she hadn't quite realised just how rich yet. Her eyes widened behind her glasses as the reflective windows of the car acted like mirrors, and gave her a first proper look at herself. "Oh my god.. ". Leaning forward a little she squinted, "I still look like... me!". She'd slowly been adjusting to the fact she'd somehow being transformed back into a kid, although it seemed to make it even more embarrassing to see her own face on that kid's body. Well, a much more youthful version of her face. She recalled how her reflection used to look, tall, curvy figure dressed in smart mature business clothes... and it made her current situation even more cringeworthy. Her cheeks went red, and she squirmed a little, brushing a hand down over her hip, "I'm so skinny... ", she murmured as the doors opened, and she was pushed inside. Once more, her not being used to wearing such loose fitting clothing meant that as she climbed in, with her bottom wiggling infront of Maria, it was only her white tights that stopped her showing off her underwear to the maid.

She was stunned at the interior, and didn't think she'd ever been in such a nice car. Her hands brushed the leather seat she was sat on, and then she leaned over to inspect a TV that was behind the driver, which seemed twice the size of the one she'd had at home before this! She knew she needed to be careful or she might actually start enjoying being a dorky teenager. "I hope our house isnt too awesome", she muttered to herself, but found her mind drifting to those huge houses at the edge of the city, on the hill above the beach, with their outdoor pools and tennis courts in the back yard that overlooked the ocean. She'd often gazed upon them from the beach below and wondered what it would be like to live in them. Her blonde pigtails flicked about as she quickly snapped her head back to Maria when the maid spoke of her punishment, and she found herself wincing. "I was just asking. I probably stand out from these kids enough because of my accent... so wearing different clothes to them is just going to make it worse. Pleeeease, Maria?", she found herself whining a little as she wriggled her bottom across the leather seats to grasp at the maid's dress. "I really need help from those kids tomorrow... I need to fit in, not making them think I feel superior... ", she muttered. She'd decided she could poll kids in anime club, or even on that facebook thing from her phone, about colours for her new crime-fighting outfit. That should help her become popular again instead of just having people make fun of her costume like those newspapers had done before. Of course, it would make her target audience of fans school kids, which was a little embarrassing, but surely that was better than NO fans. She frowned a little as the maid threatened her with her with... it, and then rolled her eyes. "My punishment is clothes? Ohhh, thaaaat will sure teach me, huh?", she said sarcastically, still of the belief she didn't deserve punishment. She'd never had to deal with much authority before, but after briefly glaring at the maid, she looked away, blushing, realising Maria really was the one in control here.

Wriggling around, she sits up on the seat on her knees, and starts poking around at the side, finding a pair of white earphones. Examining them curiously, she slips them on, and then pokes a button with the familiar 'play' icon on the pad. Her eyes widen, and her mouth falls open, her head turning a little to glance back at Maria. The volume had been previously set pretty loud, so she may be getting a little of it. It was the Glee cover of Don't Stop Believing. Cat had heard the song before... well, she'd heard the PROPER song before and had liked it as a kid. Her adult mind started to cloud with rage at the sugar-pop cover... before she noticed she was tapping her feet to the music and patting her hands on the leather seats. Her wide blue eyes looked down, her lips soundlessly forming the words to the song. She quickly pulled out the earphones, looking frightened... like she'd seen a ghost, and poked the button to make the music stop. "Ugh... ", was all she could say, her cheeks bright red as she looked at the maid, when the car came to a stop.

"We're here already?", she asked, pushing her face up against the glass and cupping her her hands around her eyes as she looked outside. "Huh, we're still at school? Oh... somebody's helicopter is blocking the way. I wonder if it's someone famous", she pondered out loud, and then lowered her voice to mutter, "Or just a kid more rich than the rest getting picked up from school... damned spoiled brats".
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:28 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
“Thank you so much” the girl said clearly surprised she had said yes. She fumbled around looking for something for them to sign before settling on her cell phone, given that the uniform wasn’t hers and she wasn’t carrying anything else of value. Blossom however spared no time digging into the food while the others talked with the fan; the speed at which she ate was monstrous to say the least. ‘Best Wishes PPG’ Buttercup wrote rather quickly before signing it, after handing it to Blossom who scribbled illegibly, it then passed it to Bubbles.
“You’ll have plenty of time to sign stuff at the meet and greet girls.” Ms. Utonium said at some point having dialed a phone number and was chatting on the phone at the same time.

"It's our pleasure!" Bubbles giggled, signing '<3 Bubbles' in messy, loopy, girly handwriting. She nods at Ms. Utonium's words, and says to the waitress "I hope you can come to the meet and greet and signing, too!" before starting in on the giant mound of ice cream. there's nothing quite like a satisfied fan. Or good ice cream, either!
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:41 am

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
The memory surfaces as she found herself getting horny as the power triggered upon thought, it had apparently took some experimentation to figure out the actual contents coming from her. In the end over the years they realized it was determined by a combination of how aroused she was and what she had been eating before milking. Which is why she usually found herself kept on a very limited diet, as the effects could get dangerous. Things like carrots were eaten usually because it would cause the drinker to become scatterbrained for a few minutes and very susceptible to suggestion, while stuff like beef they found would cause extreme BE regardless of gender for a period of time. Her nipples engorged within seconds as before she could moan more then once, the milk carton was already filled to the brim.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
As she signed, she seemingly tasted the lust the girl was emitting, her body/mind seemingly relishing the feeling as she felt her body seemingly eat some of the aura. The waitress was gone right after that and the sensation passed, as she dived into the ice cream, the food was so good that the euphoria it caused was as good as sex putting her into a happy high.
Ms. Utonium simply dragged the 3 by there ears while they were still drunk off the feeling. The trio found themselves on a table in the mall proper the lines of fan boys and girls out the door, with countless stacks of memorabilia to sign, however after each signature she could feel a portion of her hunger sated off the various emotions they emitted be it love, lust, admiration, etc...

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
The machine was quite thorough as Ming’s more intimate details from his first porn to his first crush were glossed over. The mental review quite thorough all and all as even things he had forgotten weren’t missed, though the speed at which it occurred made it feel like he was watching it in super fast forward mode.
After it finished she found herself waking up, the super hot cat woman was looking at a face in a screen panel on the wall next to her. Ming’s body however still felt lethargic to the point that speaking was effort much less getting up.
“Hmm well on the positive side, there are signs that she wasn’t lying but it’s not a psychic swap, if anything the energies we’ve read is more like a dimensional quantum overlay.” Dr. McCoy said to the person on the screen, the response illegible to her. “Looks like she’s awake we’ll review this later.” The cat woman said before approaching, on her lab coat the name ‘Dr. McCoy’ could be seen next to her gravity defying breasts. “Compound 123: off” she said as Ming felt the lethargy lifted. “Well Mark Habel apparently you were partially correct, however until we clear up this ‘partially’ portion you’ll need to be put under observation.”
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:25 pm

Mark beathed deeply trying to recover from the mind machine thing. By this point she thinks it's normal for this lag to take effect after the machine finishes, but be damned the annoying thing. After the effects wore off however, she rubbed her neck grunting as she tried to stand up. "You know... You should look into that lag... thing..." she said before getting another glimpse of the sexy cat lab coat breast woman doctor Melons person Gazongas.... ANYWAYS appart from the wellendowed individual, Mark also saw the name tag, which struck her as odd. Not to mention some crazy stuff about Quantum stuff. Additionaly, thank Bahamut that it wasnt a body swap, but more of a time quatum... stuff thingy. The point is somehow she became this asian girl called Ming. She was very happy though that atleast these people would now know she wasnt the person they thought. "Thanks Ms.Melons-ER, I miss Ms.McCoy!" said Mark embbaresed and blushing waving her arms up defensively at the inpolite mistake. Though she was happy her male akwardness was still intact... even if that just got her a nice hit in the face. So in an attempt to save her sorry butt she quickly tried to follow it up with something totally unrelated. "Miss... Uhh... This Quantum thingy... What exactly does it mean? Am I in like some bizarro world of my reality? Cause before I came here I was with some other people before a light or shift or something happened and I poped in this body..." she said, before rememebering the lovely Miss Harrison. "Have you heard of other casses like mine!?" she quickly added. "Cause when it happened I was with this librarian woman with blonde hair and glasses, and a really nice suit called Miss Harrison. Maybe she came here with me? Hell, I saw a girl that reminded me of her in the hallway an hour ago or so. She looked just like her... but she was in her early teens, or maybe even younger. She was still blonde and with glasses, but she was in a white dress and white tights, and she had a maid with her... " Mark said in the effort to shed more light to this strange happening. "I thought... that looked just like a young Miss Harrison!".
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:14 pm

Stella moans as the arousal and memories fill her, even as the milk gushes from her nipples, filling the carton. This was... interesting to say the least. She wonders if her powers work on the other mutants... remembering her current invisibility she guessed yes. She giggles at the thought of Fei Li drinking her milk for breakfast... and having her breasts swell to gigantic proportions. She wonders a bit if it would work on her as well...

Glancing at the milk carton, she realized now wasn't the time to dawdle. She closes it up and puts the milk into the fridge. She grabs a napkin, toweling stray milk from her chest before making her way out of the office and to the bar they are to rendezvous at. Glancing at her watch, she has twenty seconds left as she slips into the bar, grinning.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:25 pm

As Bubbles eagerly and happily ate ice cream, then hungrily drew in the aura of positive fan emotions as she signed and signed and signed things, in the back of her mind, the part that was still basically Lucius was worried. This is not good. This is worse than I thought. This popstardom is fun and everything, but, but, is this really happening? That's stupid, of course this is happening! I'm a godsdammed psychic vampire! This is not good! Despite these thoughts, she kept excitedly signing and drawing in energy, buoyed by both her desire to make fans happy, and the satiation of the huger she'd be unable to place up til then.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:17 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase walked in looking at her fun before simply asking “Why didn’t you just use the auto fit option.” Memories of how that option made the clothing fit every nook and cranny a bit too perfectly entering her mind, how it definitely forgot the comfort portion passed through her mind. Before she could say no however, Hakase had already walked over and simply pressed a button on chest, the clothing re-fitting against her skin like a body suit.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... /Mimi4.jpg
As the various system active, there were several options that she remembered and some new ones that she didn’t… obviously Hakase had been working in his spare time on it. It was more comfortable but still rather drafty… the mecha magical girl look however Hakase had fitted it down perfectly. “I still think we should add jet packs” Hakase said critically looking at her.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:46 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase walked in looking at her fun before simply asking “Why didn’t you just use the auto fit option.” Memories of how that option made the clothing fit every nook and cranny a bit too perfectly entering her mind, how it definitely forgot the comfort portion passed through her mind. Before she could say no however, Hakase had already walked over and simply pressed a button on chest, the clothing re-fitting against her skin like a body suit.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... /Mimi4.jpg
As the various system active, there were several options that she remembered and some new ones that she didn’t… obviously Hakase had been working in his spare time on it. It was more comfortable but still rather drafty… the mecha magical girl look however Hakase had fitted it down perfectly. “I still think we should add jet packs” Hakase said critically looking at her.

"Ah ah ah AH~" yelled Mimi as she felt the body suit fit to her body. She at once began to cover up between her legs remembering that like most of Hakase's involvement in inventions in the comfort department. She had a deep red blush on her face and wonder how come she agree to these things when she had her own powers that would fix some of the discomfort of this outfit. She looked down at the powersuit and remember most of the things. It seems like the activation of this outfit had told her what it does along with the new changes that Hakase included which she guess was during his free time. Still this powersuit did felt drafty seeing that she was wearing no stockings or skirt of any sort. Though she was kind of happy that Hakase did what she requested by making it look like a mecha magical girl look. THough Micheal was very surprise in remembering that but she guess it came from her memories of Mimi.

"Do you th-th-think we could also add like maybe a skirt or-or some when we add the jet-jet-jet pack? It could fit in the design." asked Mimi as she spoke softly. She did felt a bit stronger but still Mimi mostly felt naked due to how close it was to her skin and the lack of anything to cover her bottom half of her body.

(Props to the image. It looks almost like the image of Mimi in the maid outfit but this time with the powersuit. Nice.

Also are you going to PM me the abilities of the suit or just reveal them piece by piece?)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:48 am

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Some of the powers displayed in the sport itself were impressive from shape shifters, to energy beams, to flight, they ran the full gambit. As she watched it was very clear direct attacks weren’t allowed as all the action in the field took place between several different types of balls 3 clearly just used to attack opposing players while another 2 were for points. She found herself getting into the action despite not really knowing how things functioned due to spectacular the game looked when in action.
As she cringed, Horo felt a pat on her head “Whoops forgot about that” Kara said as she poked the collar. Horo felt her body shift slight more too full human the noise of the crowd and game though still loud was no longer deafening. By this point though it was already half time and the generation girls were down by 5 points. Kiwi was apparently doing a concession stand run, if the smell of sulfur, the new hotdogs on the seat, and lack of presence was any indication. Cassie meanwhile was talking Kara about some gossip, apparently one of the starters ‘Ming’ was disabled earlier in the day, initially fainting and then needing to be taken to the facility so there was a lot of talk about possible sabotage.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
The bartender didn’t even look up despite the emptiness of the place “Access to the back is in the usual place.” he said the memory of said room flashing through her mind. “BOO!!” Fei li said spooking her from behind, the sudden motion enough to get her boobs bouncing again. “Stand around bad, Selma be soon here let’s go.” she said in broken English, grabbing her hand pulling her towards the bathroom. “Easy job, DA cute make easier.” Fei li said as she fixed her make up in the mirror, Stella found herself having the urge to do the same, vanity concerns bubbling in her feminine mind.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:51 pm

Horo would keep watching the sport even as she covered her ears with her hands, trying to block out the great deal of noise coming from the stadium, The extra noises coming from the various mutant powers on the pitch were not helping either especially the noises of the energy beams as they were fired off by the mutants on the pitch. Watching the two teams play this game with the various different balls that each seemed to serve different purposes, she was simply unable to figure out what exactly was happen, the combination of a strange pitch, far too many balls and mutant powers made the game entirely confusing and to her mind a little random, but the seemingly violent nature of the sport did seem to have the affect of getting her blood rushing, and the increasing heart rate that came with the surge of adrenaline because of the violent action that was occuring down on the pitch. She leant forward a little and looked at the mutants on the field to see if she could discern which ones had what particular powers. Her focus went primarly on the shape shifting mutants to see what sort of form they had and too see if any who were still in humanoid form retained characteristics of their animal forms and also to see if these mutants wore the strange control collars, like the one she was wearing. She kept her hands over her furry ears as she examined the players, despite covering her ears it was nearly impossible to block out the sound, the range of her hearing as she was at the moment was greater than a normal person so the noise would flood past her hands.

A moment later, she felt a hand patting her on the head gently, the furry ears would twitch once as this happened and Horo would look around slowly, moving her hands away from her ears, noticing that it was Kara patting her on the head. It was a strange sensation, she felt almost as if she was being treated like she was a pet dog, the patting of her head like this but on the other hand, it felt rather nice, perhaps Kara wasn't quite so angry for all the trouble that Horo had gotten herself into today. Moving her head a little, pressing gently against the patting hand and enjoying that sensation for a moment, then as it dawned on her what she was doing, she would freeze a moment and her cheeks would go completely red. She'd acted just like she was Kara's pet, enjoying that patting the way she had. She bit on her lower lip idly as she looked sideways at Kara, noticing the girl was playing around with the collar. She felt an odd sensation around the place her ears were and then after a few moments the sensation would stop as would the overwhelming din coming from the surrondings. Her hearing was normal again, trying to fight down the blush at her behaviour moments before she looked at Kara and smiled weakly "T..thank you.."

Looking back towards the field, relieved that she was no longer being battered by the intense noise around her, it was a relief to have normal hearing for the moment but she was a little alarmed by her reaction to being patted on the head, for a brief moment she had become a fawning pet. She gripped the seat for a moment as she fought the blush away. Looking up a moment later she would notice that the strange sport seemed to have reached half time and one side, The Generation Girls seemed to be losing, although she still had no idea what was happening in this sport. Suddenly a smell hit her sensitive nose and she looked around to where Kiwi had been sitting before and noticed the hotdogs that had appeared in place where Kiwi had been. She licked her lips once slowly as she looked at the hotdogs, she hadn't eaten much so far and even after the fish that Kara had given her earlier, she was still hungry. She restrained herself from taking anything, looking at Kara and Cassie for a moment to wait and see what they would do. Listening to their conversation about a person named Ming who seemed to be something to do with game and while she did not understand too much of it, it was clear that something had gone wrong with this Ming person and how some thought it might have been a sabotage. She licks her lips again as she looked at the hot dogs from the corner of her eyes, she felt as if she might start salivating at any moment.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:19 pm

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
The signing literally stretched on for hours, eventually bubble’s hand got sore and felt like she had been punching bricks with it. On the other hand however she was being sated in another manner spiritually per say; the energy she could feel mending the physical discomfort in her hand steadily. By the end she was in better shape then when she had started, the group leaving via one of the back exits. Buttercup stretched out yawning, “Finally, time for dinner! Let’s go Cat’s probably waiting for us.” Blossom said before grabbing her and Buttercup’s hands and dragging them along energetically.


General Notes: Issue one technically ended when the dimensional warp occurred. I’m ending issue 2 with roughly the start of the evening time frame. If you didn’t notice I’ve been trying to keep everyone roughly equivalent in time frames.
Either way these are the last series of posts before scene changes.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
Overlords+Magic+Tropes=TF TG and flying jigglypuffs... among other things
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