[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Sun May 09, 2010 8:44 am

Daniel was flabergasted at the fool on watch. How could they be so stupid and not keep better security measures for the labs and then blame the civilian science team for it. His anger at the situation was about to explode when the lockdown anouncement came and he watches in satisfaction as the traitor get turned into what she deserves...Wait, what did she mean by he couldent be the mommy? Was that the key to the comunity link? Why hadn't they been told this before? He should have realized they didn't have all the psyke profile information...now it was too late as Kyla pounces on him and knocks both the wind and air out of him causing his head to meet the lab floor in a meaty thump and knocking the stressed man unconcious while Sarah, Lilly and Kyla find no key in his shreded pants pocket...but instead find it in his lab coat pocket
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sun May 09, 2010 11:37 am

Lilly gives the sad man a hug after finding the key. "Thankie sai, scary ningen! Wish I could help you. Be good now, have nice dreams, ~.^" Lilly kisses his cheek, and turns to unlock the door. She slips on the spilled ovie hormone though, and lands in the glass, cutting the palm of her hand. "Owwiee! >_<!" she cries...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Sun May 09, 2010 4:13 pm

Briony groaned as the needle pierced her arm and her leg, her chest heaving up and down, her heart racing as she glared across the room at Camille. Her cheeks flushed red as she realised what was going to happen. "Who's idea was this?! I was on a mission, Camille, and important mission! I'm going to kill you!", she threatened.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Sun May 09, 2010 5:24 pm

Millinescence wrote:The bat makes a sickening *crack!* as it hits Grassyovie square on the side of her head! The drop of hormone falls off her finger, landing right on Jasmine's neck and absorbs itself into her skin! Grassyovie plops onto the asphalt never to get up again...
"NOOOO!! You kill sister!" Cries and incredulous Becky, the ranger-scout ovie with the taser. She pulls the trigger again to try to shock Jasmine into submission. Faint clicking can be heard instead. "Awww! No battery~ DX"
Just then, Jasmine can feel herself shrinking, her eyes enlarging and becoming a golden color.
"Wait Becky, I-I thinks she did it! Yay!" Says Alana, the driver of the police cruiser. "We're gonna have us a cute boy brother! <3"

"A.. wha.... what..?!" Jasmine blinks and rubs at her eyes, trying to process what the ovie just said. Whatever they've done must be messing with her mind.
She reaches back desperately, trying to pull the taser out of her, while using her other arm to slowly drag herself away from the ovies. Tears stream down her face, and she looks over her shoulder to cry out shakily to them.

"W-why?! Why are you doing th-this?! You took my family! You t-took everything!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sun May 09, 2010 6:10 pm

Millinescence wrote:Genny blushes as she accepts the handful of Smarties from her fellow sister. “Uhh…my name’s Genny. What yours? I new here.”

Hiroko would find HQ in a tall office building that was retooled for their purposes with a parking garage right next to it. This garage is where various patrol trucks and scout vehicles would arrive and depart. The plain white walls inside were decorated with murals and paintings of huge flowers of every shape and color imaginable. There was even a depiction of an ovie touching a black-haired office worker in a suit and tie. Multiple pictures came after that to show the Ningen’s transformation into a beautiful pink-haired ovalisk hatchling in a bright purple dress. It ends with the toucher hugging her new hatchling and the words:

Ovies give hugs
Loving change come to all now
Recention is near

Hiroko will find Elder Toria waiting by the elevator that leads to her spot in the penthouse at the top. When it opens, she lets Hiroko in and they ascend. The Elder listens to her words and hugs Hiroko and happily wags her tail. “I’m so glad, Hiroko-chan. People like that general practically cry out for hugs!” She lets go and nods. “Yep! Our long-range radio scanners have picked up their distress signal. We even got to get a trace on the signals~!” She says, clearly saving her serious demeanor for her colony-wide broadcasts. “However, it’s not time to contact them yet *giggle* We should totally do so tomorrow morning. You and me both~!”

((Hmmmm, now where have I've seen something that could have inspired what was written on that last picture ... ;) ))

As they get out at Elder Toria's penthouse, Hiroko hugs her. "I'm so happy that you changed me, Mommy! Even with the times I've gotta be serious, it's a lot better being your daughter. Do I really gotta go start my own colony someday? I'd rather stay with you."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Mon May 10, 2010 12:59 am

Millinescence wrote:Suddenly another security guard rushes into the office as the bulkhead opens. “Sir! There’s a problem.”
“Yes, what is it?” Brad asks.
“There’s another incident that’s been reported in the labs. Other reports come in that Paul has spotted a traitor in our midst.”
“WHAT!?” He shouts, bolting from his chair. “Have the others in the control room give out a Condition Black ASAP. I want a full lockdown of this bunker! Get me on the lab’s intercom.”
“Yes sir!” The guard says as he leads the Overseer off into the control room.
He looks at Vic and the thugs. “You three; for your own safety, I want you in your quarters immediately until this is resolved.” He then runs off.

Vic blinks as the Overseer rushes off, then turns to look at his comrades. "So what do you think... to our quarters? Or do we try to aid the guards here in their search..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Mon May 10, 2010 11:16 am

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel was flabergasted at the fool on watch. How could they be so stupid and not keep better security measures for the labs and then blame the civilian science team for it. His anger at the situation was about to explode when the lockdown anouncement came and he watches in satisfaction as the traitor get turned into what she deserves...Wait, what did she mean by he couldent be the mommy? Was that the key to the comunity link? Why hadn't they been told this before? He should have realized they didn't have all the psyke profile information...now it was too late as Kyla pounces on him and knocks both the wind and air out of him causing his head to meet the lab floor in a meaty thump and knocking the stressed man unconcious while Sarah, Lilly and Kyla find no key in his shreded pants pocket...but instead find it in his lab coat pocket
Zilla wrote:Lilly gives the sad man a hug after finding the key. "Thankie sai, scary ningen! Wish I could help you. Be good now, have nice dreams, ~.^" Lilly kisses his cheek, and turns to unlock the door. She slips on the spilled ovie hormone though, and lands in the glass, cutting the palm of her hand. "Owwiee! >_<!" she cries...

((I don’t know where you’re getting Sarah from. Her name’s Susan :P ))
Daniel is out cold!
As Lilly slips and cuts her palm, some of the concentrated hormone gets into the wound and causes it to heal. Then, she starts to feel a rush of excitement akin to a kid hopped up on sugar! Her skin sheds and she gains an inch in height. Lilly would notice that her hands seem really sweaty now. However she’ll know it’s not sweat once she smells the flowery scent on her hands. She now has the magic Touch!

Ovie Susan (not knowing her name) looks at her lost mommy on the ground and wonders if the scary man is dead. “Hmm…no touch dead ningen.” She says, failing to notice his shallow breathing. She goes to help Lilly up, covering her lower arm in Susan’s hormone. It doesn’t have any further effects on Lilly though.
When Lilly goes to open the cell block door, she will find that everything was just how she left it after her escape. Frank’s key to the control panel that operated the cell doors was still active. Frank is still human and in his haz-mat suit with Alice clinging to his leg. He looks on in disbelief as the three Ovies enter the cell block. The Ovies can't reach the control panel on their own, but perhaps Lilly's hurt-stick can flip the switches again.

Amy-chan wrote:((Hmmmm, now where have I've seen something that could have inspired what was written on that last picture ... ;) ))

As they get out at Elder Toria's penthouse, Hiroko hugs her. "I'm so happy that you changed me, Mommy! Even with the times I've gotta be serious, it's a lot better being your daughter. Do I really gotta go start my own colony someday? I'd rather stay with you."

((*giggle* It was on the Aeternal forums and I liked it, MSF has to see it Image ))

Elder Toria hugs Hiroko, wrapping her tail around her daughter. “You know, we were the bestest friends in our old life here in this building. I just had to give you the Touch before anyone else did.” She giggles, talking in a sort of motherly way. “I’m glad you could be my daughter too, honey.” She says, patting her on the back before walking toward the window behind the boss’s desk and looks down upon the streets below. “We have accomplished so much together. This entire city and its surroundings is now ours. And many special sisters like you have expanded our kind to the reaches of the globe! …I would like it if you could stay too.” She turns and looks at Hiroko. “Sooo~ I was thinking, and even though it’s tradition for you to start the next colony, I will have you stay here at East Donatello with me under one condition.” She holds up her index finger, “That you shall bring into this world another Aeternalisk. Not just any Ningen will do for this though. I want you to give your special Touch to a ningen who is willing to receive it, one who is just as dedicated to our cause as yourself.”

Knight Errant wrote:Vic blinks as the Overseer rushes off, then turns to look at his comrades. "So what do you think... to our quarters? Or do we try to aid the guards here in their search..."

“I say dat we run to yo crib, get heated, and then go look for that mark so we can put a cap in ‘im.” Manny suggests as him and Grey get up from their seats.
“I’m down wit that! Treason’s always punished with death.” Grey says. “Do you think those things can actually sell a dude out? Man, this s**t’s serious!”
At the Atrium, “Yo, V-dawg, where dey say they saw that mark last? The labs? Know where dat’s at?” Manny asks.

((Amy-chan will update the rest of you :3))
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Mon May 10, 2010 2:27 pm

Millinescence wrote:“I say dat we run to yo crib, get heated, and then go look for that mark so we can put a cap in ‘im.” Manny suggests as him and Grey get up from their seats.
“I’m down wit that! Treason’s always punished with death.” Grey says. “Do you think those things can actually sell a dude out? Man, this s**t’s serious!”
At the Atrium, “Yo, V-dawg, where dey say they saw that mark last? The labs? Know where dat’s at?” Manny asks.

Vic nods, having memorized the layout of the base beforehand in case he had to ever escape. "Yes... lets go back and arm ourselves. But hold your fire when we meet them... I wish to hear what they have to say for themselves. If one of the children gets too close, though, drop them. Take no chances with your life."

He hurries back to his room, letting Grey and Manny choose which weapons from his armory that he has, giving them out extra rounds. He sticks with his uzis and pistols. "And no explosives, gentlemen... remember we are hunting inside our home here." He nods to the grenade launcher and bazooka.

He then sets out towards the labs! Going as quickly as he can.
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Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Mon May 10, 2010 2:34 pm

Lilly looks on with disappointment that the guy in the big suit didn't get a real huggle, and even looks dubiously at the prospect of letting him out as he is, but Comma Alice is in there, and she needs to come with.

Lilly skips over to the control panel and flips the switch. "COMMA! ^O^" she giggles with excitement! "Gonna let ya out, okie? ^-^"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Mon May 10, 2010 3:16 pm

Richard shrugs and follows Connie. "Jeez, this building is huge. I just know I'm gonna get lost in here one day." Richard says, joking around and laughing.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Mon May 10, 2010 6:07 pm

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony groaned as the needle pierced her arm and her leg, her chest heaving up and down, her heart racing as she glared across the room at Camille. Her cheeks flushed red as she realised what was going to happen. "Who's idea was this?! I was on a mission, Camille, and important mission! I'm going to kill you!", she threatened.

The scientist picks a final syringe from the tray but Camille motions to him and takes it from his hand. "The camp commander okayed your new mission. It was decided that a spy in the enemy's camp is more value to us than the mission you were on." She leans forward as she presses the needle into Brionys neck but holds back pushing the plunger in for a moment longer as she whispers, "Besides, I'm going to enjoy seeing you as a little girl." She then pushes the plunger home with one smooth move.

Briony can feel the electric tingle of the hormone entering her blood, and can feel it spreading faster than even her racing heart could push it as her body starts to change.

Musashi wrote:"A.. wha.... what..?!" Jasmine blinks and rubs at her eyes, trying to process what the ovie just said. Whatever they've done must be messing with her mind.

She reaches back desperately, trying to pull the taser out of her, while using her other arm to slowly drag herself away from the ovies. Tears stream down her face, and she looks over her shoulder to cry out shakily to them.

"W-why?! Why are you doing th-this?! You took my family! You t-took everything!"

Becky puts her hand on her hips "We gonna give you new family. But you kill your mommy!" Alana puts a hand on one of Becky's arms "We can't be mean. Have to be nice. He'll be sad no mommy!"

Jasmine feels the change racing through her body and mind. She feels her feminine curves flattening. Her body becoming younger. Her very clothing changes. A pink fire washes through her memories, remodeling them. Gone are the sad times, the boring times. Replacing them are memories of fun times, parties, playing with her sisters...

As the physical changes finishes Jasmine now looks like this Image

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard shrugs and follows Connie. "Jeez, this building is huge. I just know I'm gonna get lost in here one day." Richard says, joking around and laughing.

As they exit the stairs onto the third floor, they can hear a noise from a open doorway into one of the rooms. It sounds like a child crying. A young ovie comes slowly out of the room, shuffling her feet and holding her hands up. It can be seen that her hands are dry, with no hormone sheen on them. "please .. don't shoot ... I'm alone ... lost ... do anything you ask ... i ... I can't stand being alone ..." She then sees Connie. "you ... you were ... my daughter? C..connie?"

Millinescence wrote:((*giggle* It was on the Aeternal forums and I liked it, MSF has to see it Image ))

Elder Toria hugs Hiroko, wrapping her tail around her daughter. “You know, we were the bestest friends in our old life here in this building. I just had to give you the Touch before anyone else did.” She giggles, talking in a sort of motherly way. “I’m glad you could be my daughter too, honey.” She says, patting her on the back before walking toward the window behind the boss’s desk and looks down upon the streets below. “We have accomplished so much together. This entire city and its surroundings is now ours. And many special sisters like you have expanded our kind to the reaches of the globe! …I would like it if you could stay too.” She turns and looks at Hiroko. “Sooo~ I was thinking, and even though it’s tradition for you to start the next colony, I will have you stay here at East Donatello with me under one condition.” She holds up her index finger, “That you shall bring into this world another Aeternalisk. Not just any Ningen will do for this though. I want you to give your special Touch to a ningen who is willing to receive it, one who is just as dedicated to our cause as yourself.”

"Oh mommy!" giggles Hiroko, "Can I? I'd love to make a daughter that is like me! Do you know of a ningen that wants to be an Aeternalisk?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Tue May 11, 2010 6:09 pm

Briony looked up, her face twisted with rage as Camille took the syringe from the scientist. Her teeth clench, and she groaned through them as the needle plunged into her neck, her dark brown eyes meeting her rival's gaze as the red-haired woman taunted her before injecting the liquid into her blood. "I'm not going to let you get away with this", she snapped as she felt the hormone begin to spread through her body, and then closed her eyes tightly and moaned in defeat, "I HATE YOU!", she screamed.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Wed May 12, 2010 10:46 am

Zilla wrote:Lilly looks on with disappointment that the guy in the big suit didn't get a real huggle, and even looks dubiously at the prospect of letting him out as he is, but Comma Alice is in there, and she needs to come with.

Lilly skips over to the control panel and flips the switch. "COMMA! ^O^" she giggles with excitement! "Gonna let ya out, okie? ^-^"

Alice runs out of her cell and glomps Lilly! "Yay! You come back Harriet! <3" She giggles.
Lilly's giggles spread infectiously to Kyla and Susan who hug their new friend.
"Huh? Who Harriet? She Lilly." Says puzzled Susan.
"Uhh...Okee. Lilly cuter name~!" Alice nods.
The man in the bulky suit tries to quietly sneak away from the ovies when Susan spots him heading towards the door.
Susan looks over to Frank and then to Alice and Kyla. "Huggle?"
"YAY! GROUP HUG~! <333" The three shout in unison. Frank tries to run away, but the three of them quickly pounce on Frank and knocks him to the ground!
The man thuds onto the ground with a grunt, the Ovies search for any zippers or openings they can exploit. "Ha! These are specially made suits, you can't touch me." Frank chuckles triumphantly. And indeed they were, the suit is zipped on from the back and is connected to the headpiece via metal rings above Frank's shoulders that twist together, the zipper and the shoulder rings are interconnected by a padlock.
"Awww...we never huggle him in time." Susan pouts. "Must leave before lockdown." She then looks at the hormone-soaked pistol she has in her hand. "Shoot to change? That not right..."
"What? No no NO!"
"Lets go." Susan sighs before running off to the jammed, half-open bulkhead. She reaches high up on her tippy-toes and barely manages to swipe the guard's key-card into the door for the service tunnels. The door clicks as the light on the reader turns green. "C'mon! Not much time!" The Ovie shouts to her sisters as she holds open the door.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard shrugs and follows Connie. "Jeez, this building is huge. I just know I'm gonna get lost in here one day." Richard says, joking around and laughing.
Amy-chan wrote:As they exit the stairs onto the third floor, they can hear a noise from a open doorway into one of the rooms. It sounds like a child crying. A young ovie comes slowly out of the room, shuffling her feet and holding her hands up. It can be seen that her hands are dry, with no hormone sheen on them. "please .. don't shoot ... I'm alone ... lost ... do anything you ask ... i ... I can't stand being alone ..." She then sees Connie. "you ... you were ... my daughter? C..connie?"

((Sorry about that, Rog. I'm guessing you were stuck because you were waiting for Karen, Ryan, and Connie's reactions, weren't you?))
Ryan guffaws at Richard's comment as they go up the stairs. "Tell me about it. Well, we'll have plenty of time to explore this place. I'm guessing that there's about several months worth of food in this building alone."
After they spot the lone Ovalisk exit the third floor apartment all three of them raise their firearms! The Ovie immediately pleads for her life and shows she's indeed dry of the transforming hormone.
At the mention of Connie being the Ovie's daughter, Karen and Ryan twist their faces in a mix of confusion and disgust. They both look at Connie, still keeping their weapons level at the Ovalisk.
"What?" Says a bewildered Karen. "N-no way..."
"You...have got to be kidding me..." Ryan incredulously chimes in with Karen.
Karen looks at Ryan. "I know that thing's freshly turned, but still...what are the chances?"
Ryan shakes his head.
"I'm not your daughter!" Connie's shrill voice yells at the curly blond-haired Ovie as she pumps a shell of buckshot into the chamber. She was just about to fire when she suddenly notices something familiar in the Ovie's face. Connie's irate expression loosens as her eyes widen and her jaw drops. She realizes that this Ovie looks alot like the photographs of her mom from when she was a kid. "No...n-no! It can't be...It just can't..."

Amy-chan wrote:"Oh mommy!" giggles Hiroko, "Can I? I'd love to make a daughter that is like me! Do you know of a ningen that wants to be an Aeternalisk?"

"Yup~! In fact I do." Toria grins. "We've recieved word that there is a small group of people who believe in us. They live out in the Harrington subdivision." She takes a slip of paper from her desk and hands it to Hiroko. On it are directions to a few neighboring houses within the subdivision. "This will be the easiest raid ever~! They won't give any resistance to us." The Elder giggles. "You can go to them after the Candlelit Ceremony. Which will start reeaaly soon, so you should go and meet everyone in the Square darling :3"

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony looked up, her face twisted with rage as Camille took the syringe from the scientist. Her teeth clench, and she groaned through them as the needle plunged into her neck, her dark brown eyes meeting her rival's gaze as the red-haired woman taunted her before injecting the liquid into her blood. "I'm not going to let you get away with this", she snapped as she felt the hormone begin to spread through her body, and then closed her eyes tightly and moaned in defeat, "I HATE YOU!", she screamed.

Briony's intense anger towards Camille starts to make her feel sick to her stomach (as it would any ovie) as she shrinks and shifts. Years of aging quickly melts away, the bones in her arms and legs crack as they become shorter and thinner. Her hair turns bright pink, with thick french curls and several long cowlicks of straight hair from the center of her scalp. Briony's clothing feels very loose on her now, her curves caving in. Her eyes grow large and turn from brown to pink, a pink that's several shades darker than her hair. Then, Briony's panties shrink to fit her new form, and so does her now way too big camo top as it reforms into a simple dress ((basically a kid-sized version of this outfit here)). By the time the transformation completes itself, the restraints were loose enough on Briony that she could simply slip out of them.
"Oooh you look so cuuute~!" Camille almost squeals in delight. "Now, for the first twelve hours you'll be completely harmless...of course we'll have to put the gloves on you before then, but we don't have to worry about that right now."
The scientist hands a four inch tall egg-shaped badge over to Camille who pins it to Briony's chest. "This is to tell the others at the base that you're one of ours." Camille says before grabbing a crimper and a round object that looks like an earring from the scientist as well. She puts round thing into the crimper and clamps the object firmly onto Briony's left earlobe. "And that is a tracking tag. We'll know where you are, all the time. So now ickle Briony won't get lost." Camille giggles as she pinches the Ovie's cheek like an older relative.
"I...don't think you should do that," The scientist worriedly says to Camille "You'll make her run a fever, possibly vomit if you make her too angry."
"Whatever." Camile shrugs, stopping her taunting...for now.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed May 12, 2010 12:52 pm

Missed me >_>
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Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Wed May 12, 2010 2:20 pm

Knight Errant wrote:Missed me >_>

((Sorry ^^; ))

Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods, having memorized the layout of the base beforehand in case he had to ever escape. "Yes... lets go back and arm ourselves. But hold your fire when we meet them... I wish to hear what they have to say for themselves. If one of the children gets too close, though, drop them. Take no chances with your life."

He hurries back to his room, letting Grey and Manny choose which weapons from his armory that he has, giving them out extra rounds. He sticks with his uzis and pistols. "And no explosives, gentlemen... remember we are hunting inside our home here." He nods to the grenade launcher and bazooka.

He then sets out towards the labs! Going as quickly as he can.

At Vic's room, Manny arms himself with a shotgun and and .357 revolver. While Grey settles with a 30 aut 6 and Mac-10. Once they make it to the labs, they'll find that one of the bulkheads leading up to them are closed. They find an entrance to the service tunnel, but they'll need a key-card to get in.
"Damn...we're locked out," Gray says somewhat angrily. "What now?"
"Dat mark couldn't've gotten too far." Says Manny. "We gotta do more looking."
"Hey! Just what are you doing?" Yells a guard coming down the hall from behind. "You should be in your quarters."
"Yo man, chill. We're looking for that mark, that busta who turned on us." Grey tells him. "We need to get into the labs, or those tunnels or...somethin'."
"Oh, so you're trying to catch that traitor then? Well, I guess you can help us. I was about to look in the labs when I ran into you." The guard replies. "As for the tunnels, those things need a key-card to get into them. And only the guards and one maintenance worker is authorized to have them." He shrugs. It wouldn't hurt to look there too. They might have taken one of us hostage or something." There was a card reader with a numeric keypad at chest-height near the lab's bulkheads. He swipes his card and keys in his code. "Bulkhead,12, Manual override, engaged." Says the automated voice from a small speaker nearby as the bulkhead opens up. After that one opens, they see another bulkhead. However this one was only halfway open. It makes a loud screeching noise before it finally opens. Once inside, there was no sign of anyone save for two men. One looked like a scientist, while the other wore a bulky haz-mat suit. The haz-mat man can be seen trying to shake the unconscious scientist awake when the bulkhead opens. The man turns around. "I-It's the live specimens! They got away."
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