[FFRP] Curses for All


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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed May 26, 2010 5:54 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki and Knight: Kyle struggles briefly with the can, not used to its seemingly larger size. When she finaly opens it, she hands it back to the slime girl while wincing at the divet created from the pressure she'd applied to her delicate hands. When Tim 'drinks' the liquid instantly combines with her gelatinous body, the massive amounts of sugar and energy supplements causing a giant increase in her size, so much so that the can falls into her, adding to the increase.
Soon Kyle is squeeling in panic as she starts to be enveloped by the gooey body.
"Stop! Help! Get it off of me! It's eating me! Help!"
the excelerated growth results in Tim's body temorarily becoming a shapeless mass, and soon the blob is so big it completely covers the little girl. Only her head occasionaly popping out, thankfully the the size increase seems to have finished. Though the fancy clothing on the elf doesn't seem particularly slime resistant. The other BFC Monster cans are bobbing about inside Tim, still closed, thankfully.
The girl behind the counter screams and runs into the back of the store, the door slamming shut. By this time, the slime girl has regained control of her body. When she reforms her head reaches the cieling easily.

Micheal panic and at once grabbed the broom that Kyle was holding on to. She at once shot it into the slime form and yelled, "Grab on it if you want to live!"

MIcheal at once waited for Kyle to grab on and was going to fly out as soon as she could see Kyle hold on to it.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby ZeroForever » Wed May 26, 2010 6:02 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Zero: Billy will find that she can see many diffrent room, all similar to the throne room. They all have a dungeon like feel to them, and she can sense many traps through out them. One room appears to be the entrence to what was once their house, large oak doors with strange symbols on them.

As Ellen looks around, she'll notice that the walls have many peculiar designs, and while they are unfamiliar, she can some how read them, but not very well at this distance.

Kat experiences ever increasing pain as electricity flows through her small body. As Mitch approaches, the electricity stops, but by the time she's gotten there, Kat is quite burnt.

Mitch attempted to pull Kat off the wall I mean might as well use that in-human strength, Kat was rather injured and abstained from moving lest it hurt more for the moment.

Billy pondered at what she saw ..... 'hmm... parallel universes or something' she pondered either way getting home seemed like the best idea so she focused on the house like door before shouting to Ellen.

Ellen squinted at the glyphs adorning the walls, one part curious the other part cautious about the ability to read them.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Wed May 26, 2010 7:04 pm

Miki and Knight: Kyle desporetly reaches for the broom, eyes wide in panic. The moment she's able to get a grip on it though, Tim regains control of herself and expells the small elf, causing her to slam into Micheal with a wet smack. The slime seems to have destroyed most of the dress she was wearing, what's left clinging to her body. There's enough left of it to keep her desent.
Kyle clings to the fairy crying from the ordeal, constantly readjusting her grip as the slime causes her to slide off. "Oh thank you! I thought I was going to die! I've never been so scared in my life! Waaaaaah!"

Zero: The metal strains under Mitch's streangth, eventually pulling free of the wall, chains and all. The sudden lack of resistance causes her to become unbalanced as Kat lands against her stoney chest, chains clinking.

Billy will find that she can actually open the doors, and through the door, she can see the neighborhood, as if she was looking through their normal front door.

Ellen can make out that most of them seem to refer to calling things, the names of which don't sound pleasent. Others seem to refearing to opening things. Something inside her tells her that she should repeat some of the things she's reading. She needed to build up her forces, wait what?
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed May 26, 2010 7:16 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki and Knight: Kyle desporetly reaches for the broom, eyes wide in panic. The moment she's able to get a grip on it though, Tim regains control of herself and expells the small elf, causing her to slam into Micheal with a wet smack. The slime seems to have destroyed most of the dress she was wearing, what's left clinging to her body. There's enough left of it to keep her desent.
Kyle clings to the fairy crying from the ordeal, constantly readjusting her grip as the slime causes her to slide off. "Oh thank you! I thought I was going to die! I've never been so scared in my life! Waaaaaah!"

Zero: The metal strains under Mitch's streangth, eventually pulling free of the wall, chains and all. The sudden lack of resistance causes her to become unbalanced as Kat lands against her stoney chest, chains clinking.

Billy will find that she can actually open the doors, and through the door, she can see the neighborhood, as if she was looking through their normal front door.

Ellen can make out that most of them seem to refer to calling things, the names of which don't sound pleasent. Others seem to refearing to opening things. Something inside her tells her that she should repeat some of the things she's reading. She needed to build up her forces, wait what?

"Wahh!" flies back Micheal as she was rubbing her head and notice the little elf girl in her lap. She looks down at her and then said "Yeah....Glad you are okay Sugarplum. We are in this stupid dream together I guess so it would suck if you got eaten. Still your dress sucks now."

Micheal tries to get her footing as she got back up.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Wed May 26, 2010 7:24 pm

Tim blushes as she sees what she did to Kyle. "I'm sorry... my body started growing so fast I couldnt control it..."
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Thu May 27, 2010 1:38 am

all_knowing_frog wrote:Milli: As the three girls sit in despare, a memory begins to surface in Dona's head, her parents had told her a story when she was little... the last time she was little. It was about how they'd met, that her mom had found a cursed mirror, that had pulled her inside. Her dad had found it later that day and had managed to break the curse releasing her. Perhaps that had been more then just a bedtime story. If so, maybe they could help!The best part about it was they wouldn't need to go out into the scary world. She'd be safe even if she, god forbid (irony), shrank even more.
In the mean time her tiny stomach gave a rather high pitched rumble.
Jackie was also starting to feel hungry.
Tomie would be able to see a trail of life force leading from Dona to the Nova, imbuing it with life energy while draining hers. Though it soon slows and stops, even as she watches, but the connection's still there.

"Hey, I just remembered something," Dona squeaks. "My parents told me a story and, considering what's happened to us, then perhaps it's more than just a story." Her stomach growls. "Oh...We should get...something to eat." At this point, Dona notices how her size has changed the pitch of her voice.
"A story?" Tomie asks, confused by Dona's vague statements. "What do you mean by that?"
"We should wait for my parents to get back. I think they'll know how to help us." Dona says, going to the kitchen. She pries hard at the refrigerator door, barely managing to open it as she sees what's on the lower shelves. Dona finds a bunch of bananas on the bottom shelf and grabs one for herself and Jackie. The tiny demon girl then goes and hands the second banana to Jackie before peeling open her's and taking a bite.
"Thanks." Jackie says. She peels her banana and starts eating. "Yeah, hopefully they could. If not, we're screwed. I don't even think we should go to school anymore."
Dona nods, knowing full well that they'll definately look out of place in high school.
Tomie had noticed Dona's life force extending out towards the car. She didn't say anything about it having been debriefed on the car-binding. She floats towards the string of life force and tries pulling on it away from the Nova just to see what would happen.
Dona looks at Tomie strangely as he seems to be pulling on an invisible rope. "Hey Tom? ...What are you doing?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Thu May 27, 2010 12:27 pm

Miki and Knight: Kyle only continues to cry, clinging to Michael, small bits of slime dripping off. In the distance, sirens can be heard.

Millie: As Tomie pulls on the life force, Dona can feel it.
Jackie starts to feel uncomfortable, as if something wrong is happening.
Mean while, outside, the Nova starts up, and begins driving towards them, despite the wall separating them.
Just then, the phone rings.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Thu May 27, 2010 2:07 pm

"..." Hanging her head, she turns and heads out of the door. She had a feeling they wouldnt want her around anymore.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu May 27, 2010 3:08 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki and Knight: Kyle only continues to cry, clinging to Michael, small bits of slime dripping off. In the distance, sirens can be heard.

Millie: As Tomie pulls on the life force, Dona can feel it.
Jackie starts to feel uncomfortable, as if something wrong is happening.
Mean while, outside, the Nova starts up, and begins driving towards them, despite the wall separating them.
Just then, the phone rings.

"Oh fudge," said Micheal as she was getting up. She could feel Kyle was holding on to her and at once heard the sirens. She frowned and shook her head. "Time to get out of here kid. I don't think we want to be here for much longer."

At once Micheal held on to Kyle and made a run for it to avoid the cops.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Thu May 27, 2010 4:04 pm

Miki and Knight: Unfortunetly, the slime girl is currently taking up the entire entrence way, her vastly increased mass having to squize its way through, un able to pass through all at once.
The sirens are drawing closer.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu May 27, 2010 4:15 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki and Knight: Unfortunetly, the slime girl is currently taking up the entire entrence way, her vastly increased mass having to squize its way through, un able to pass through all at once.
The sirens are drawing closer.

"Oh fudge," said Micheal as she looked a bit worried and decided to run towards the back with Kyle hoping for the back exit or a fire escape. She went for the whatever was closer and force open the door by side tackling.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Thu May 27, 2010 4:21 pm

Tim squeezes her way through, and hears the sirens coming closer. So...

She waits.
O Muse!
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Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: Curses for All

Postby ZeroForever » Thu May 27, 2010 7:17 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Zero: The metal strains under Mitch's streangth, eventually pulling free of the wall, chains and all. The sudden lack of resistance causes her to become unbalanced as Kat lands against her stoney chest, chains clinking.

Billy will find that she can actually open the doors, and through the door, she can see the neighborhood, as if she was looking through their normal front door.

Ellen can make out that most of them seem to refer to calling things, the names of which don't sound pleasent. Others seem to refearing to opening things. Something inside her tells her that she should repeat some of the things she's reading. She needed to build up her forces, wait what?

Kat looked at her husband or would that be wife "Took you long enough" she muttered resting against her hard chest.

Billy wasn't really sure what was going on exactly given the current situation "Err... Mom, Dad" she shouted this time not really wanting to interrupt there mushy moment.

Ellen knew that it was a bad idea... but curiousity and all that... he then said just muttered one of the smaller words before turning back to Billy's call from earlier.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Fri May 28, 2010 4:00 pm

Miki: The only door leads into the back, where a terrified girl has barricaded herself inside, probably not thinking about how the creature she was trying to get away from would only be slowed by such efforts.

Kyle continues to cling to her, but atleast she's stopped crying.

Knight: TIm can see the flashing red and blue lights of a police car as it pulls around the corner, quickly comming to a stop to stare at her. Along with a number of other people who had been walking about. Most began to slowly step away.

The cops got out of their vehicle, one with a radio in hand talking into it, occasionaly nodding. The other approaches, cautiosly, hand on his gun.

The one with the radio, puts it away, and then quickly catches up with his partner. When they're about 20 ft. away from her (by the way, she's like 10 ft. tall right now) they stop. The one with that had been talking on the radio then steps a little closer then calls to her, "Do you understand me?" sounds worried, and slightly disgusted. At least he's dealing with her appearence better then one of the woman on the street, she had fainted upon site of the massive blob girl.

Zero: Ellen voice echoed in a manner that did not seem natural; everyone in the room could feel their very being shake from the single word's power.

Kat feels absolutely revolted by the unknown speach, despite having no clue what it ment. But it also caused a paralyzing fear to well up inside her young body.

Mitch had a feeling that the word should have had more of an effect on herthen it did, which was to say, she felt its power, but nothing else. Especially considering how her wife was reacting to it.

For Billy, it was as if some one had put her cryastal ball on spin cycle. Though brief, it was incredably disorienting

A sense of uforia washed over Ellen upon speaking the single, simple word. The closest english counterpart to it would be 'from' but the language seemed to somehow twist and pervert it.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Fri May 28, 2010 9:43 pm

Tim sighs... staring at the ground. Her face wears an expression of sorrow. At the policeman's question, she replies. "Yes..."

She looks up at the policeman. "I didnt attack anyone! I was just so small... I wanted to get bigger. But I started growing so fast..."

She looks down again. "I'm sorry..."
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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