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Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:49 am
by Bigmouthstrikes
Neil walked onto the ship and threw his stuff in the bunk. He left and headed to the living room to mingle.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:55 pm
by muffinstud
[Oh, and feel free to post multiple times between my updates. Just don't go crazy, okay?]

Captain Hardy looks up from his smartband and nods at Luka and Koren. "Ah, I was wondering when you'd ask. I'm kind of disappointed the good doctor isn't here either." He shrugs. "All of the medical and scientific facilities are in the cargo bay. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to bring them planetside with us. You are free to bring anything there into your rooms for study or practicing purposes."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:02 pm
by Shy Shay
Luka nods. "Thank you, sir. With your permision, after everyone is set in, I would like to set a regular schedual with everybody on the ship. For mental stability. You included, sir. If that is alright." He dabs his forhead with a napkin.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:36 pm
by Knight Errant
((It is ironic I just watched Pandorum for the first time yesterday... Though hopefully this will not have any cannibalism in it!))

Isaac stows his belongings... a few posters (scantily clad beauties of course), a small rack of compressed media disks holding vast musical and literature libraries, and a few bottles of choice spirits.

He then heads out into the common room, leaning against the wall and looking over the crew.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:21 pm
by Zoey
Markus grins as with his right hand he strokes the cockpit interiors. "Really fancy stuff" he commented before sitting on the pilots seat which is infront of the captains command station in a little pod like area. As he sat down 3 holografic prompts opened up, his fingers quickly checking system info and specs. The pilots area being a hybrid of both old school buttons and levers with high tech holotech... and the seats pretty comfy. "Hehe, this ship is better than I thought" he again commented. "The thrusters should consume alot of power, but the power system here is regulated so there's no over excess of power which makes the reserves last way longer which compensates for the engines needs. Not to mention the tanks are huge" he said as he scrolled around the holografic blue prints. "This girl is gonna fly as fast as Sonic on steroids".

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:38 am
by Harri-chan
Koren nodded his head and wandered away. Finding his bunk, he pulled off the laptop back pack and set it on the bedside table before stretching a little. He couldn't help notice the posters Isaac had brought along, "Aww, man... I had no idea we'd be allowed to bring stuff like that...", he whined, while following him out to th common room. "Could I borrow one of them?".

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:52 pm
by Knight Errant
Isaac looks over to Koren. He raises an eye. "You want one? I'll make a few copies." He pauses a moment, then holds out his hand. "Grumm, Isaac Grumm. Chief Security Officer."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:57 pm
by Blaze
Dean eventually gets up and leaves his room, heading over to talk to the captain.

"Excuse me sir, but may I see the medical equipment I will have access too?"

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:57 pm
by muffinstud
Captain Hardy furrows his brow as he addresses Luka. "That's understandable. Go ahead and book me for your first appointment after we hit the jump." He brings his holotech checklist back up.

"Markus, take her out. And don't go nuts with the speed, that's what the FTL drive is for." He goes back to checking and rechecking the different systems.

"Oh, um... Dean, right?" The captain nods at the doctor as he finishes off his checklist. "Your medical facilities are in the cargo bay. I'd recommend waiting until we hit the jump to go back there to save yourself a jolt."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:00 pm
by Shy Shay
Luka nods. "Ah, yes, sir. Come by when you're first free." He takes out a small notebook and writes down a note. "Ah, see you then, sir." He goes off to try to find his work place.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:28 pm
by Ookalf
*Julian finishes seeting things up in his room (a toolkit, some books, some movies...) and comes back out to the living room.*

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:45 pm
by Harri-chan
Knight Errant wrote:Isaac looks over to Koren. He raises an eye. "You want one? I'll make a few copies." He pauses a moment, then holds out his hand. "Grumm, Isaac Grumm. Chief Security Officer."

Koren smiled and reached out to shake the hand enthusiastically. "Koren Jenkins. I'm the Xenobiologist sent by the academy. Could I get one of those ones in the bra and panties? Nothing too skimpy though... I like looking at the underwear. This is all pretty cool, huh?", he asked, turning slightly to look around. "You come on ships like this often?".

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:53 pm
by Knight Errant
Isaac shakes hands firmly, but briefly. Shrugging slightly. "I prefer to see whats filling the underwear, but that's me." he smirks a bit before continuing. "And I'm often on and off ships, but few like this. I worked for Nova, so mostly the ships I have been stationed on were more... armed."

He says this dismissively, but Koren might have heard some rumors about Nova Private Securities. They are known for being discreet, ruthlessly efficient, and not picky when it comes to 'shady' work.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:36 pm
by Blaze
Dean nods.

"Very well sir. Be honest with me, what are the chances of me being needed for the actual journey? This ship seems safe."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:16 am
by Zoey
Markus grinned. "Aye Aye, sir" he replied as he started flicking through the panel of levers and buttons. The ship would probably shakes and roar to life as he started up all flight systems. Markus then opened the PA system. "This is your pilot Markus. We have sunny skies and the emptiness void of space ahead of us. Please fasten all seat belts and such as we get ready to launch. In others words. Let's get this party started! Hahaha!" he reported as he gribed the thruster handel and pushed it all the way forward.