Holy crap.
Jamie slowed down herself, watching the kid exit the police car with bulges in her coat and waistband.
Did that girl just rob a police car? Holy holy holy crap.
That's serious business.
Jamie fingers the cell phone in her pocket. She could report this... but she would have to go back to being Jason on the phone. It'd be a lot of hassle... Surely someone else saw that, right?
Jamie pulls over for a moment to think this through. She stops near a construction site next to the mall that she was going to hang out in during her free period. She would have to be Jason soon again anyway, so... She could just get out and walk to the mall, and call the cops on the way.
Jamie killed the ignition and pocketed her keys. She took out her cell phone, took a deep breath, and dialed 9-1-1. The door opened, and as she exited, she retreated inside of that lonely exterior of a 17 year old boy. All that was left to seal her inside was the operator on the other end asking her for his name...