The Transformist (IC)


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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:57 pm

Holy crap.

Jamie slowed down herself, watching the kid exit the police car with bulges in her coat and waistband.

Did that girl just rob a police car? Holy holy holy crap.

That's serious business.

Jamie fingers the cell phone in her pocket. She could report this... but she would have to go back to being Jason on the phone. It'd be a lot of hassle... Surely someone else saw that, right?

Jamie pulls over for a moment to think this through. She stops near a construction site next to the mall that she was going to hang out in during her free period. She would have to be Jason soon again anyway, so... She could just get out and walk to the mall, and call the cops on the way.

Jamie killed the ignition and pocketed her keys. She took out her cell phone, took a deep breath, and dialed 9-1-1. The door opened, and as she exited, she retreated inside of that lonely exterior of a 17 year old boy. All that was left to seal her inside was the operator on the other end asking her for his name...
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:09 pm

The little girl smiles as if she'd been told she was cute by her grandmother. "I just wanted your 'tention," she says. "D'you like candy, mister?"

The ribbon seems to stop moving when Carter starts pulling it out, but it's decidedly much longer than it was before. The first tug on the end isn't even enough to get all of it out of his pocket. While he pulls on it, his hair turns a slightly lighter shade and grows a few inches in length.

If she's looking, Karen might notice McNeil's car coming close, and at least one person, who happens to be on the phone, who's been watching her.

The woman on the other end of the line with Jason/Jamie just says, "Hello, 911," followed by an expectant pause. There's another police car coming into view on the nearby street.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:15 am

The rest of the city would just see a little girl in Karen's place, but inside the regressed cop's head she was certain someone was going to realise what had happened. Her eyes darted nervously from person to person, her cheeks rather red. The sight of the other cop car turning the corner and coming towards her offered hope. That was until she noticed what at first seemed to be a boy, watching her while on a cell phone. "Oh crap...", she muttered to herself.

She'd been sure that hanging around while Officer NcNeil inspected her car would be the best way to try and figure this out. She could listen to his radio conversations and even chip in with her own questions without him knowing who she was. If this boy had seen her inside the car, it would ruin everything. He might tell Officer NcNeil, and then she'd have a very awkward explanation to do. If she ran, where would she go? Her fashion model house mate would probably be home, so she couldn't go there as that too would lead to an embarrassing explanation of what had happened to her.

Sliding down off the wall, she dropped to her feet and started to run away from McNeil's car, which meant she was going towards Jason!
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:08 am

"Hello," Jason said. "I'd like to report a..." Jason thinks for a moment. What do you call that? Theft? Breaking into a car? "a... girl who broke into a police car." Jason looks around, checking the street names of the intersection. "I was driving down 18th when I saw this girl exiting a police car, from the driver's seat. She was wearing..."

Jason turns to try to jog his memory, and sees the girl headed for him!

"Agh!" he shouts in surprise, walking away and trying not to look like he'd been watching her. "She's got a bright red and yellow scarf, a... maroon jacket, and a green skirt."

Jason stays on the line, waiting for any more instructions from the dispatcher, as she passes by a construction site. Somewhere, his subconscious mind notices one of the construction workers staring at a long red ribbon, and that subconscious part of his mind thinks about the peculiarity of such a manly man playing with such a... delicate object, on a construction site. It takes a bit for that to register to his conscious mind, which was focused on getting away from the potentially armed and dangerous criminal girl.

When it does click, he does a double-take. A part of him can't help wondering if this guy... has something in common with himself. He nearly forgets that he's still on the phone, or that he may be being pursued, and slows, stealing glances at the man now and again as he walks.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Windyuki » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:31 am

Whatevr89532 wrote:The little girl smiles as if she'd been told she was cute by her grandmother. "I just wanted your 'tention," she says. "D'you like candy, mister?"

"No, no scram brat before I toss you in that dumpster." Tim once again tries to extricate himself from the girl and keep on walking.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:46 pm

[Oops, didn't notice the update...]

Carter swallows his bite of sandwich and continues pulling on the ribbon. "What in the world? It's like one of those magic tricks..." He looks around self-consciously in case any of his co-workers are looking.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:58 pm

"Don't be silly! Everyone likes candy." The little girl sniffs Tim's breath and harumphs. "Smoking makes you weak, mister. Betcha can't even pick me up!" She isn't holding on to him, but doesn't seem to be going away, either.

While he's busy pulling on the ribbon, Carter manages to somehow get it tangled around his arm, about at the elbow. He does find the other end of the ribbon, but the end he'd started off pulling somehow escaped his attention. At least it isn't in his pocket anymore? His hair is feeling a little bit heavier now, as it continues to grow, and though he doesn't see it his face starts to get a little bit smaller and rounder in shape.

((Applies to Karen and Jason:))
The voice on the other line responds to Jason: "Did you get the license plate of the police car in question, sir?" As for the guy Jason noticed..his hair seems longer than before. But it's a good ways off, it could just be the light playing tricks or something. Meanwhile, the police car--McNeil's--pulls up next to Karen's car and stops, the man inside looking around as if expecting to find someone nearby.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:00 am

Karen scowled at Jason as she passed him, and then spun around to look back down the street, her green skirt swishing up a little, and squinted at Officer McNeil's car as it pulled up to a stop beside her abandoned one. Her heart raced inside her chest as she stood there, but she knew now that this guy had called the cops on her, she couldn't stick around. Her short brown hair flicked across her face as she turned and started to run again, weaving through pedestrians. She felt a little dizzy from the shock of suddenly finding herself a little girl, and wasn't even sure where she was running, she just wanted to get away.

Karen didn't stop running for several blocks, and by the time she did, she didn't really recognise where she was. Her wide eyes looked around at the buildings, but everything seemed so much bigger. It was then a familiar voice made her chest tighten. A gorgeous looking woman with thick brown hair in her mid twenties walked out of the building she'd stopped infront of, almost falling over Karen. "Watch where you're standing, kid. Shouldn't you be at school?", she asked, looking down at Karen, and for a moment she seemed to notice something, and looked confused before shaking her head, and walking off down the sidewalk. She wore a very snug white tank top, her large breasts straining against it, and then a multi-layered pale blue cotton skirt that wasn't even mid-thigh in length, leaving most of her gorgeous legs on show, with a pair of strappy white heeled sandals on her feet, and a white leather purse hanging from her shoulder. This was Emma, Karen's fashion model house mate. The young girl stared at Emma's rear for a moment in suprise, before twisting her head and turning to look up at the building, and saw it was the modeling agency. In a panic, she hurried off after the woman, trying to follow her without being noticed...
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:47 pm

"This thing has a mind of its own..." Carter grabs onto the one end and tries to free his arm by tugging and twisting and turning as best he can. Fully invested in untangling his arm, he doesn't notice the change in volume of his hair, nor is he watching out for others who might be looking on.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:05 am

The kid blows by Jason with a dirty look on her face. "Uhhh, I think the plate said POLICE?" he says, absently to the phone. He looks behind him and sees another squad car pull up to the first one, off in the distance. "Ah, looks like you guys have it covered, bye!" he hangs up the phone with a click, not even waiting for more questions.

He watches the girl take off running in front of him. He doesn't particularly want to get involved with catching her any more than he already has... She looks so young... What the hell was that kid up to? The mere fact that she had a gun... Jason feels entirely conflicted about it. She could really hurt someone... herself included... his nobler side told him. But on the other hand, the further I am, the less likely I am to get hurt, his more preservative side counters.

Jason picks this moment to glance at the construction worker, who is struggling clearly with a red ribbon tied all around his arm.

No. That's not normal.

Jason skids to a halt and glues his eyes onto the construction worker. His hair seems longer than before... Jason is riveted to the scene. Just what the hell is going on?
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Emma is on her lunch break, a somewhat late one at that, and isn't about to be bothered by some kid wandering the streets. She isn't watching her back nearly as well as Karen's watching it, and hasn't noticed the girl following her yet.

Pulling on the ribbon has the effect of making it tighter on the arm. The sense of tightening against his arm is a little odd, though, as it seems to apply to the whole arm rather than just where the ribbon is; comparing the two, Carter might even notice the entangled arm has gotten thinner than the other one. Soon a fair length of it is now coming from the end Carter's been pulling on, and has piled up on his lap. The denim under said pile feels a bit softer and looks a bit more faded, but it's barely noticeable. The hair is now long enough to be just shy of his shoulders, and a little it of it in his eyes as well as framing his face. It's turned a moderate blond shade now.

After a moment of looking around, McNiel gets out of the car and starts looking for someone to ask about what's going on. Jason might not notice this, though, given his present focus.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:49 pm

Karen trailed her house mate down the street, ducking around other people in an attempt to avoid being spotted. Emma's voice spoke over and over in her head, making her even more nervous. Were more people going to ask why she wasn't in school? And how the heck was she supposed to explain that. Other issues began to run through her head... like what happened if Emma went to lunch in some place that didn't allow kids? Karen knew she sometimes went with girlfriends for sandwiches and cocktails at some trendy nightclub that opened up during the day as a cafe, but was hoping that since Emma was on her own, she'd be going somewhere a lot more simple.

One hand rested on her waist, on top of the slight bulge caused by the gun tucked into her skirt as she hurried down the street, blushing at the feel of the short and loose skirt swishing around her legs far more than the snug one that made up her uniform ever had. She glanced back down over her shoulder and tugged on it, but couldn't help worry about her underwear peeking out.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Sun May 01, 2011 11:48 am

Carter keeps tugging until he has to brush some of the hair out of his eyes. "Wait, what?" He stops fussing with the ribbon and runs a hand along his bangs, then tugs at the length of hair that's reached his shoulder. In such close proximity, he notices the difference in his arm, and sets the two next to each other with a gasp. "This is trippy!" He shakes his head to clear his thoughts, only making his hair swish about and tickle his cheeks. "Ah!" He slaps himself and looks at his arm again. "Okay, so maybe this is real..." He inhales deeply and carefully tries to unravel the ribbon from his arm.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Sun May 01, 2011 3:02 pm

Jason... Jamie is mesmerized by the scene before her. Could it be...? she thinks. She doubts and doubts, because this just wasn't something that happened... but... if it was possible... this is the closest she had ever seen it to being real.

She watches, in a trance, completely fixated on the struggle taking place before her.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Ookalf » Sat May 07, 2011 5:49 pm

(So... Been a while since I posted in this thread...)

*Back at the store, the dispute between the manager and the crazy customer has been resolved by the latter storming out of the building without any of her purchases, and Pat has retired to the backroom to enjoy his lunch break.*
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