Family Bonds


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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:12 am

"Believe me, it's very real, Matt. This is going to be your home for the forseeable future." Vernon waves his arms around the quaint setting. The living room is just spacious enough. "But I bet you'll want to see your room, won't you? After all, it's where you'll spend a decent amount of your time." He heads up a somewhat narrow flight of stairs, Matt's legs and the rest of him in tow. There is a bathroom with yellow tile up there, along with a master bedroom to one side, and two rooms on the other. One room is unpainted and empty. The other... Vernon takes Matt into the other room. The walls are a light shade of purple, matching the pillowy soft bed. There is a toy chest at the foot of it, and a row of short bookshelves full of picture books. Stuffed animals line the bed, in their rainbow of colors and shapes.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:18 am

Matt peered through the open doors of the bathroom and the master bedroom, before being led into the room with purple walls. He looked around in confusion, staring at the stuffed toys and the picture books before turning to Vernon. He looked lost, and even a little frightened.

"Just tell me what the hell is going on here...", he said with a slight groan.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:30 am

"You'll know in a minute or two." Vernon smirks and taps his finger on Matt's head. A strong sense of vertigo sweeps over him, throwing him off balance as the walls seem to bounce around. In order to keep looking at Vernon's face, Matt has to crane his head back, looking... up? He seems to be getting taller and taller. A wave of cool tingles hits Matt's scalp, and it crashes down over him, reaching his toes. Another wave hits, and another. Each time the coolness passes over him, he feels a tightness in his skin all over. His face, his arms, his legs... even his insides feel tight, like they're squeezing together to take up less space in his gut.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:39 am

As Vernon tapped his head, Matt turned to face him with an angry look, but it lasted a second or two at most. He stumbled slightly to one side, leaning against the bed for support while it felt like the room was turning and shifting around him. He lifted his head to look at Vernon... not realising he was having to lean his head back. He hasn't adjusted himself for such a thing, and stumbled back, losing his footing, and crashed down onto the floor, landing on his backside

He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath, twitching and squirming as the tingling sensation spread down from his scalp to his toes. An arm wraps across his chest, and he moaned as he felt the restricting sensation, the pressure on his internal organs, while the other hand feebly grasped at Vernon's leg.

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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:58 am

Vernon leans over to watch once Matt falls on his back. "I am helping."

Everything around Matt still seems topsy turvy as the waves flow through him. Even his clothes seem to flutter with the feeling, to the point that his pants start to rustle about his legs. He feels to pinches at the back of his head, one on each side. The arm over his chest seems to be so much more slender than it had been before, the fingers short and dainty. Under his arm, he feels two quick little twinges in his chest, and then his whole torso seems to lose all definition under his shirt. The black jacket turns pink, now feeling more like a sweater. His white shirt still has long sleeves, but is a simple cotton tee. His socks creep up his legs, feeling thinner as they go. The ruffles of his pants exaggerate themselves to the point that they detach altogether, shortening into what looks like... a skirt? It has two layers, each of purple and pink polkadots in alternating schemes.

Now that his pants have been destroyed, Mat can see that his socks have gained purple and pink stripes all the way up to his knees. His black sneakers turn brown, clamping down over his feet and making them look much smaller. Reformed into brown boots now, they have ribbons at the top instead of any laces. The strangeness of his clothes, the wobbliness of his center of gravity, the increased height of everything around him, it all points to something. That something finally caves in, as the churning in his gut pulls hard. Matt's underwear, now soft and snug all around, lays flat against a newly feminine pelvis.
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:15 am

Matt lifted an hand, and started to reach to the side if his head where he'd felt the pinch, only to stop and stare at his raised arm and how skinny it was! Matt had never been very strong or big, but he could see that something was very wrong. His gaze drifted along his arm, to the small hand at the end... and wriggled the fingers to see if it really was his own!

Another gasp spilled from his lips as he felt his torso... deflating. There was no other word for the strange sensation, and he cried out when he looked down to see his jacket had turned pink! He was tugging on it when something in his peripheral vision grabbed his attention, and his gaze darted to his thighs, watching his pants unfurling into a ruffled, layered skirt, which revealed the knee-high matching socks that cling to his slender legs.

Both hands grabbed at the pink and purple cotton, pulling on it in disbelief as a bright red colour exploded across his face, and he stared down, wide-eyed, mouth hanging open, at the skirt, even as his sneakers were transformed into little brown boots. He swallowed a deep breath as he felt a pulsing sensation beneath the skirt, and his heart started to race! He squeezed his thighs together, as if he could protect his maleness, but even as he did do, he could feel it slipping away with the sharp tug, and his scream filled the room!
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:21 pm

Matt's shrill scream sounds exactly like that of a distressed little girl. The fluffy skirt doesn't hide her white and pink striped panties very well as she lays on the floor. Vernon sighs and grabs Matt by the armpits. He easily picks Matt up, lifting her up to be at eye level with him. "It's okay, little one. You haven't been hurt, you're still you. I know you're confused, but you're safe here with me." As he talks to Matt in a quiet, soothing voice... he pulls her in for a hug. Matt's feet dangle at his belt line. As he holds her to him, he begins to rub her back in slow, circular motions.

It's almost like Matt is being enveloped in a warm blanket, comfortable and familiar. The man continues to speak quietly, trying to soothe her with the sound of his voice. The oddest thing about all of it is that the warm embrace, the rubbing, the quiet talking... it does feel soothing and calm.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:57 pm

Matt seemed to be hyperventilating, her chest rising and falling unevenly beneath her white cotton t-shirt as she sat on the floor, clutching the frilly skirt around her thighs. She let out another gasp as she was suddenly, and so easily lifted right up off her butt, leaving her skinny legs dangling, and found herself looking right into Vernon's eyes. Shock and embarrassment was plastered all over her face, and she moaned softly as he pulled her into a hug.

She felt her eyes closing as he spoke softly to her and began to rub at her back, but she made little distressed noises as she squirmed and her new skirt swished about her legs. Slowly, her heart rate and her breathing began to slow to something a little more regular, one of her small hands grasping Vernon's shoulder as she stared down at the young body that somehow belonged to her.

"H-How... ?".
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:29 pm

Vernon chuckles. "If you haven't noticed yet, my dear, I'm somewhat magical. Usually, when I do such things, I make it so that people don't notice. You, however, I intend to show everything. You see..." He smiles, continuing to rub her back. Why does it feel so comforting? So... familiar? "You are now my daughter. You'll live here with me, and your new mother, Charlene. That way, she can still love you as much as she does now, and you can learn to love her just as much. You can learn and share this love, while Charlene has an opportunity at the family life you would never give her." He smiles, and kisses Matt on the forehead. It feels genuine, caring... paternal.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:47 pm

Matt winced as Vernon's breath washed against her face when he chuckled, although when he spoke, he had her complete attention. Her face seemed so full of emotion, so many different little reactions from the widening of her eyes to the parting of her lips. She blushed at how calm she felt, despite what had happened to her body and her clothes, and that she was in the arms of a guy that had stolen her girlfriend. Her chest tightened as he mentioned Charlene and her desire for a family, and now looked a little ashamed of herself.

"D-Daughter? But I have a life... my company... ", she started to say before being cut off as he kissed her forehead, and she just gazed at him in surprise.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:38 pm

"You have a new life. Your company has been sold to a major retailer that will make it grow fantastically. All the profit from it is in a trust fund you can access when you turn 18. If you're wise with your money, you could live your entire life living very comfortably off of the interest." Vernon grins. "You have so much to learn about life and love. I wouldn't want something as petty as money to get in your way. Besides, I want only the best for my little girl."
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:25 am

As the words 'my little girl' passed over Vernon's lips, Matt felt a stab of embarrassment, and she let out a soft groan, gazing at the smirk on his lips as he held her. She wanted to get angry, to scream and shout and even swing a little fist right into his amused face... yet she felt so calm and docile, and was even enjoying the sensation of having her back rubbed!

"I'm n-not your little girl... I want to see Charlene... ".
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:04 pm

"Charlene will be here soon enough. First, we need to establish some rules." Vernon walks over and sits on the purple, fluffy bed. He doesn't stop hugging Matt, instead now resting her in his lap in a very snug, cozy manner. "First, you need to call me father or dad or something. It's disrespectful to talk to your parents using their first names." As he says it... it seems to make a lot of sense. If he made Matt into a little girl, then there was no reason he couldn't make that little girl into his daughter. "Second, you need to use your new name. You're now Myria Bond." Wait, she couldn't call herself... whatever her old name was? Her mind gets so fuzzy when she tries to remember. But when Myria comes to mind, it seems right. "Lastly, you need to learn and play as a child your age would. No cheating and relying on knowledge you had beforehand. Okay?" He nods, and as he does, Myria can't seem to remember all the business practices she used, her education, her street smarts... She still remembered her old life, but all the things she learned from it just aren't coming to her.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:02 am

Not used to wearing a skirt, Matt's skinny legs dangled either side of Venon's lap, and her layered, ruffled skirt was all bunched up around her waist, but she didn't seem to notice as she was looking into his eyes again and blushing as he began explaining the rules she was going to need to follow. Her expression shifted slightly, showing defiance at first, but as she felt her mind go a little tingly, she lifted a hand, and pressed her palm to her forehead with a gasp before giving him a pleading look.

"No... ", she weakly protested, barely a whisper as he bestowed her with a new name, and briefly there was panic in her eyes as she struggled to recall her own name. She clutched at her dark brown hair and winced when she realised it was gone. Not even lingering there at the edge of her mind or the tip of her tongue, but... gone.

Her brown eyes widened slightly as Vernon began too explain the third and final rule, and she gasped, reaching out to grab at his shoulder.

"Please Daddy!", she found herself crying, but her mouth remained open, and she let out a quiet wailing sound as she felt it slipping away, all the things she'd worked so hard to learn.
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Re: Family Bonds

Postby muffinstud » Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:08 pm

Vernon's eyes soften a bit and he pulls Myria closer into a hug. "It's okay, darling. It's for the best. If you want, you can learn all the things you had before. You can learn something else too. You can be whoever you want to be." He kisses her head through her hair. "You're still just as smart, just as cunning as before. I wouldn't ever take away what makes you unique." He continues to hug her, console her through the tears. "I want you to know, that no matter how much you might resent me for this, it's for the best. I'm doing this to help you." He tugs her away from his shoulder and gives her a meaningful, caring look.
"I love you with all my heart."
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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