Strange Shifts


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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:44 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:Unlike Douglas, Lindegreen High was far from your regular highschool. Many of its students later went on to become prominent members of society, with many of them going to work at Next Shift, Inc. just several miles down the street. To this school of elites, to be merely average was to fail. This attitude was why many of Douglas's classmates pushed by him, uncaring, to pile into that dreaded Algebra class, ready to add yet another A to their long list of perfect scores.

At the head of the room sat Mr. Carroll, an incredibly unlikeable teacher who still managed to be treated like a king by his sycophantic students. He also happened to be quite handsome with his full black hair and well-shaped chest, which was probably why he still kept his job even after numerous complaints of excessive, unrelenting class difficulty.

"Alright, boys and girls, this is it. The test that will weed out the weak from the strong." He held up a huge stack of papers in his hands. "God help you if you have trouble with this one, because things are only going to be uphill from here. I hope you studied hard and fast, because I guarantee this will take everything you've got to finish."

Slowly, he begins to hand out the test to each student, and with each step he takes, he gets closer to Douglas...

Douglas manages to avoid sighing as the teacher approaches him. Sometimes, he swears Mr. Carroll says stuff like that specifically to annoy him... Either way, he gets his pencil and calculator out, and prepares to just barely pass yet another test.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:12 am

"Ellie? That's a lovely name!" The boy-girl can feel the mother stroke a hand against his soft, blushing cheeks before a polite cough from the photographer draws away her attention.

"I know the kid is cute and all," he starts, his voice just as rough as his appearance. "But if you folks wouldn't mind, I'd like to get things rolling. For the first scene..."

Soon, the family was all lined up for a picture. The brown-haired father, wearing a nice and clean business casual outfit perched at the head of a dining table while Ellie and the mother sat across from each other. The woman had a spoon full of cereal in her hand, frozen in mid-air as she pretended to guide it into her child's waiting mouth.

"Great. Now, hold that pose." The photographer, who seemed to be taking ages in Ellie's mind, brought his camera to the ready while Lisa stood behind him carefully blocking out the sunlight with a shade. "Three... Two... One..."


Mr. Carroll took a moment to pause at Douglas's desk, giving the student below him a look of disappointment. It was no secret that the teacher had it out for him, and it was for one petty reason only: He hated mediocrity. With a sigh, the older man prepared to slap the test right down and move on.

And reality shifted.

Douglas instantly felt lower in his seat, and locks of brown hair fell on top of his eyes. There was a strange softness around his chest and rear, and as his smaller legs shifted around on the wooden seat, he could feel a disturbing absence beneath HER boxers. But if she wanted to investigate, she'd have to wait; a loud shriek shot through the classroom, and if the student turned to the side, she'd see the source. A woman dressed in men's clothing stood in Mr. Caroll's place!
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:35 am

Elliot would probably be one of the easier little kids the photographer had worked with. Not only did he understand exactly what the man wanted from his shot, but wanted this done as quick as possible. The dress felt even shorter as he was sat in the adult-sized dining chair, and he was glad for the cover of the table itself as he leaned forward towards the spoon full of cereal that was being held out in front of him. Despite the best intentions, Elliot found it wasn't actually as easy as it sounded to stay still. His own outfit, the frills on the panties, the short, swishy dress, all seemed to gently brushing and rubbing at bare, sensitive skin, even the tug from the twin tails at his scalp reminded him of having his hair played with. He blushed brightly as his butt squirmed back and both pigtails flopped forward a little, a guilty look spreading across his face as he turned his head slightly towards the man with the camera.

"S-Sorry... ", he murmured, and even shot Lisa an ashamed glance before he tried to compose himself, and took up exactly the same pose again once the redness had faded away from his slightly rounded cheeks, and his blue eyes focused on the spoon in front of him.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:01 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:Mr. Carroll took a moment to pause at Douglas's desk, giving the student below him a look of disappointment. It was no secret that the teacher had it out for him, and it was for one petty reason only: He hated mediocrity. With a sigh, the older man prepared to slap the test right down and move on.

And reality shifted.

Douglas instantly felt lower in his seat, and locks of brown hair fell on top of his eyes. There was a strange softness around his chest and rear, and as his smaller legs shifted around on the wooden seat, he could feel a disturbing absence beneath HER boxers. But if she wanted to investigate, she'd have to wait; a loud shriek shot through the classroom, and if the student turned to the side, she'd see the source. A woman dressed in men's clothing stood in Mr. Caroll's place!

"...Uh?" Dumbfounded by the sudden shift, Douglas sat with her mouth agape as she tugged at her hair. "Buh...?"

Before her investigations could go below the neck, though, she was distracted by the sudden scream. Looking to the side, she saw the woman standing in Mr. Carroll's spot, wearing his clothes. This odd sight sight finally drew words from her mouth, though not partricularly complex ones. "What... What the hell?"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Kether » Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:39 pm

She blushes at a mix of arrousel and embarassment of the whole situation. She then looks around to see if there's any one else equally confused and out of sorts
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:34 am

None of the adults seemed to mind Ellie's little squirms and flops. In fact, before the little crossdressing boy could even correct himself, he heard the loud click. The photographer actually took a shot of him while he was blushing!

"Perfect." The older man looked down at his camera's screen, smiling to himself for a moment before waving the family back over. "Alright, let's try this..."

Again, family stood posed for another picture, though this one was far more dynamic. Ellie, acting as an energetic little girl, was to bounce off a comfy, springy coach into the arms of his father while his smiling mother watched from a nearby seat. It would be a complicated shot, but...


The woman who seemed to replace Mr. Carroll was quite beautiful with her short, stylish hair and curvy figure, but the fact that she was screaming her head off right next to Douglas probably killed any sort of attraction the boy-turned girl might have had towards her.


After another wail, she stumbled away, almost tripping over herself as she exited the classroom. The moment she left, the students around Douglas sprung from their desks and gossiped amongst each other. She could just barely hear what some of them were saying...
"Did you just see that? Miss Carroll just started flipping out!"


No one else around Jackie seemed to be experiencing her plight, though quite a few of the men were eying the obvious nipples on her feminine chest...
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Kether » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:40 am

She blushes again and angrily heads into the lab area continuing to watch for anyting particlarly out of the ordinary
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:14 am

Elliot felt so embarrassed at having to keep up the act of being a little girl, but it seemed like his only choice. They'd never believe his story, and it would only disrupt and extend the photo shoot. He blushes brightly as the next shot was explained, involving behaviour that was definitely befitting of a child and not an adult.

He lifted up a knee to start climbing on the couch, the dress swishing up a little. With the soft cushions sinking beneath his feet, it was a little awkward to try and stand up while keeping his balance, and he felt his bottom pushing out behind him as he grasped the back of the couch with his hands to pul himself up. He felt a little dizzy as he caught Lisa's gaze when turning around.

Biting his bottom lip, he looked towards the handsome Man that was playing the father of the young family. He was only a little older than Elliot should have been, he noted. His blonde pigtails swished as he started to bounce up and down on the couch, and sucked a deep breath before leaping forward, arms reaching for him as he felt the dress swishing up again in mid-air.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:38 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:The woman who seemed to replace Mr. Carroll was quite beautiful with her short, stylish hair and curvy figure, but the fact that she was screaming her head off right next to Douglas probably killed any sort of attraction the boy-turned girl might have had towards her.


After another wail, she stumbled away, almost tripping over herself as she exited the classroom. The moment she left, the students around Douglas sprung from their desks and gossiped amongst each other. She could just barely hear what some of them were saying...
"Did you just see that? Miss Carroll just started flipping out!"

"...Uh?" Douglas just sat there and watched Mr. Carroll go, her brain still trying to process what happened... Then she heard the others talking. "...Miss?"

Douglas uncertainly stood up and turned to face the chatting students. "Did... Did you just say Miss Carroll?" Douglas had to have misheard that... right?
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:53 pm

Jackie's keycard granted her easy access into the research center, but she couldn't find anything particularly interesting quite yet. All she could see was a fairly plain and rather small entrance lobby with some chairs and tables propped up on the side. A woman, young, bored, and jaded, sat behind a white marble desk, her long painted nails drumming against the hard counter. She turned to look up at Jackie as she walked in, her lips opening to say something...

But then reality shifted.

Her roomy shoes felt tighter and much less comfortable than before. A quick glance downwards would show why: Her frumpy clothes had been replaced by a far sexier outfit! Her feet clicked at the ground with black high heels, while her legs stood bare to the air in a extremely revealing leather mini-skirt. A little black tube-top just barely contains her bust, though the long white labcoat slung over her shoulders helped preserve some of her dignity.


It was only a short hop for Ellie, but it seemed to feel like ages while he soared through the air, the short skirt of his dress doing little to hide his pale legs and pretty little panties. The camera beside snapped with each split second of his descent until he finally fell into the waiting arms of the father, who quickly hugged the little child to his hard but comforting chest.

"Good, good..." Again, the photographer's eyes flicked down towards his screen, and Ellie could almost see a flash of some color in his eyes... sky blue? Oh no! "I believe we have time for one more shot, then we'll call it a day."

This final scene was more intimate. Now, Ellie and her mother sat in front of a white wooden dresser, sunlight streaming behind them, while the larger woman gently ran her fingers through her child's long hair, a brush in her hands. All Ellie had to do was sit still...


One of the gossipers, a redhead with frizzy hair and lightly freckled cheeks, rolled her eyes at Douglas's question. "Yeah! Miss Carroll! Our teacher! Who else could we be talking about?" With a sigh of disgust, she turned back to talk with her other friends.

Some of the students, still confused by what happened but seeing an opportunity in their hands, left the classroom, and soon more and more of Douglas's classmates were shuffling their way out...
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:11 am

Elliot blushed brightly as he was caught by the arms of the father, his arms reaching up around the man's neck, his legs having wrapped around his waist as he was caught, and he buries his face into that firm chest. A little murmur escaped his lips as he was held a moment before being lowered back down to his feet. It too had felt a lot nicer than he'd have liked to admit. With an embarrassed expression, he watched the photographer examine his shots before the next shot was set up.

Climbing into place beside the Mother, she felt a pleasant shiver run down her spine as the fingers began to brush at her long blonde hair. Closing her eyes, she could feel sleepiness starting to set in for real, each pass of the woman's fingers making her feel more and more relaxed to the point she was barely aware there was a camera and several people watching this. Curling into the woman, she presses her face to the woman's sky blue blouse and feels herself nodding off....
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Kether » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:32 am

Mystic Mina wrote:Jackie's keycard granted her easy access into the research center, but she couldn't find anything particularly interesting quite yet. All she could see was a fairly plain and rather small entrance lobby with some chairs and tables propped up on the side. A woman, young, bored, and jaded, sat behind a white marble desk, her long painted nails drumming against the hard counter. She turned to look up at Jackie as she walked in, her lips opening to say something...

But then reality shifted.

Her roomy shoes felt tighter and much less comfortable than before. A quick glance downwards would show why: Her frumpy clothes had been replaced by a far sexier outfit! Her feet clicked at the ground with black high heels, while her legs stood bare to the air in a extremely revealing leather mini-skirt. A little black tube-top just barely contains her bust, though the long white labcoat slung over her shoulders helped preserve some of her dignity.

There are distinct limits to the mind and body, and Jackie was hitting one hard. She was to herself still Jack. Still Jack in memories. Still Jack in Skills and so on and so forth. Now with that in mind the scene plays out, for contrary to the beliefs of those who've never worn them all those tight revealing dresses are work to move in, vs the comfort of far more roomy things. Of course that would have been something that she could potentially worked around slowly but the shoes, those would be just too much. Much like the dress, walking in high heels is a skill, its an even more complex skill rather.

So lacking these things, lacking a feel for her body Jackie gracelessly goes tumbling to the floor giving off a particularly embarassing shot to any and all around her.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:39 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:One of the gossipers, a redhead with frizzy hair and lightly freckled cheeks, rolled her eyes at Douglas's question. "Yeah! Miss Carroll! Our teacher! Who else could we be talking about?" With a sigh of disgust, she turned back to talk with her other friends.

Some of the students, still confused by what happened but seeing an opportunity in their hands, left the classroom, and soon more and more of Douglas's classmates were shuffling their way out...

"But, that's..." Douglas trailed off as the girl turned away from her. Could they really think that was normal?

While Douglas tried to figure out her next move, she noticed the other students starting to abandon the class. Figuring that was as good an idea as any, Douglas too left the classroom, moving slowly as she adjusted to her new body. As she wandered through the halls, she kept her eye out for "Miss" Carroll, or anything else unusual, really.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:16 am

And reality shifted...

"Ellie? Ellie, wake up," A familiar voice, Lisa's, called to the child. When he opened his eyes, he'd find her smiling down on him as she cradled his little body against her plush chest. He dozed off! "You had me worried, silly! You almost fell off your chair..."

But there was something different about his busty brunette friend. She somehow seemed a little larger than before, though Ellie still appeared to be just as small, and there was a mature, maternal glint in her eyes. Even her clothes had changed, becoming longer in some areas, more conservative, but they did little to hold back her still-curvy figure as she rose to her heeled feet and approached the photographer, who was busy eying his camera's contents.

"I'm so sorry about that! She woke up a little early today, so she's still tired." She rubbed at her hair, a nervous smile on her face. "If you'd like, we can stay for more-"

"That won't be necessary, miss," the older photographer interrupted, his hand held up. "Your daughter did a fine job. In fact, I'd say her antics made the shots much more... natural. We should be done here. You two can head out now."


The girl at the back didn't flinch at all when Jackie tripped to the floor, though her bright green eyes turned down to linger on the woman's very visible, very skimpy black panties as she continued with what she was saying.

"Jackie. Appropriately dressed as always, I see." With a smile and a wink, she pressed a button on her desk, unlocking a set of glass doors to the right of the man-turned-babe with a loud click. "There you go... but please, try to control yourself this time. Management is already getting enough complaints about your flirting."


Miss Carroll was nowhere in sight, but there were plenty of Douglas's classmates still milling about the halls, waiting for their next period to start. As usual, no one paid much attention to the student... except one. Yoko Kaku was waving over to her.

Yoko, as her name suggests, was a Japanese girl; her family moved into Lindegreen just two months ago, so she was still trying to adjust to a whole new home and culture. Unfortunately, her natural shyness meant she was doomed to be alone… until Douglas broke her out of her shell.

“Diana!” she shouted, her long straight hair waving through the air as she ran over to give her friend a hug. Her voice had a strong but understandable accent. “I love what you did with your hair!”

She ran a hand through Douglas’s (or is it Diana’s?) short brown locks, which floated to the sides to frame her face cutely. That, combined with her still-boyish clothes, made her look very much like a tomboy… A very pretty tomboy.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:54 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:Miss Carroll was nowhere in sight, but there were plenty of Douglas's classmates still milling about the halls, waiting for their next period to start. As usual, no one paid much attention to the student... except one. Yoko Kaku was waving over to her.

Yoko, as her name suggests, was a Japanese girl; her family moved into Lindegreen just two months ago, so she was still trying to adjust to a whole new home and culture. Unfortunately, her natural shyness meant she was doomed to be alone… until Douglas broke her out of her shell.

“Diana!” she shouted, her long straight hair waving through the air as she ran over to give her friend a hug. Her voice had a strong but understandable accent. “I love what you did with your hair!”

She ran a hand through Douglas’s (or is it Diana’s?) short brown locks, which floated to the sides to frame her face cutely. That, combined with her still-boyish clothes, made her look very much like a tomboy… A very pretty tomboy.

"Oh, Yoko! Boy, am I- ...Diana?" 'Diana' once again found herself at a loss for words as her friend hugged her and started playing with her hair. Even with all the weirdness that was going on, that definitely wasn't a reaction she'd expected... Before asking any questions about the day's events, though, there was one thing she wanted to get out of the way.

"Uh... Yoko?" Diana asked. "Could you... let go? You're a little close..."
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