[FFRP] Curses for All


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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri May 28, 2010 9:55 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki: The only door leads into the back, where a terrified girl has barricaded herself inside, probably not thinking about how the creature she was trying to get away from would only be slowed by such efforts.

"Excuse me girl," said Micheal as she grabbed Kyle and used him to move the girl out of the way to rush pass her.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Fri May 28, 2010 11:35 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Millie: As Tomie pulls on the life force, Dona can feel it.
Jackie starts to feel uncomfortable, as if something wrong is happening.
Mean while, outside, the Nova starts up, and begins driving towards them, despite the wall separating them.
Just then, the phone rings.

Dona and Jackie start to feel off, for different reasons. Dona felt her life force being tugged on and made her shudder. Jackie meanwhile had an ominous feeling as she hears the sound of the Nova's engine coming closer to the house!
"Tom! Stop doing that." Dona says, glaring at Tomie.
Tomie dropped the the string of life force after he heard the engine and Dona's cries.
"Yeah Tom, you might not want to do that..." Jackie says with worry in her voice.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby ZeroForever » Fri May 28, 2010 11:49 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Zero: Ellen voice echoed in a manner that did not seem natural; everyone in the room could feel their very being shake from the single word's power.

Kat feels absolutely revolted by the unknown speach, despite having no clue what it ment. But it also caused a paralyzing fear to well up inside her young body.

Mitch had a feeling that the word should have had more of an effect on herthen it did, which was to say, she felt its power, but nothing else. Especially considering how her wife was reacting to it.

For Billy, it was as if some one had put her cryastal ball on spin cycle. Though brief, it was incredably disorienting

A sense of uforia washed over Ellen upon speaking the single, simple word. The closest english counterpart to it would be 'from' but the language seemed to somehow twist and pervert it.

Mitch simply shrugged it off, heading back to billy with Kat in tow not really sure why she looked displeased.

Kat meanwhile knew there was something inherently wrong with the words uttered, though she could place it in words.

"Ughh... i think I'm gonna throw up... not cool sis..." Billy laminated.

Ellen knew that it shouldn't feel so good... and there was clearly something ulterior going on... other then causing Billy Nausea, curiosity satisfied for now she returned to Billy's orb cage.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Sat May 29, 2010 6:10 pm

Knight: the policeman nods a little, "Um, it's alright, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to go home or wherever it is you came from. No offense, but you are causing quite a stir." gestures to the watching populace. A few cars have stopped in the middle of the road. More then a few people have started to take pictures, mostly with cellphones, but one guy has an actual camera.

Miki: (sorry, I meant she'd closed the door and barricaded it, so you couldn't go that way)

Millie: The car stops, not quite causing any damage to the yard yet.

The phone continues to ring.

Jackie, being the responsible little girl she is, has a strong desire to answer the phone, or atleast make sure it gets answered.

The wrining, while not truly frightening for Dona, for her it lends a creapy atmosphere to the room for her, like how a room with out lights on is just that tiny bit more creepy (for most people). Oh ya, lights are already off... so I guess she finds it even freakier now.

The tampering with the life string seems to have had some adverse effects on little Tomie. Her voice seems to have gotten even quiter, going from someone talking quietly to an honost whisper. Also, she's less visible. While her new ability to interact a little with the physical world is still the same, she seems to have become harder to sense through sight and hearing.

Zero: Soon the family finds itself together around the current daughter.

The word that Ellen had read slowly started to glow a dark blue.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Sat May 29, 2010 10:59 pm

Tim nods. "Okay... I'll go home. Sorry again..."

The large slime girl turns and slithers down the street, heading for her house. She dosent know how she is going to explain this to her parents, but... she has to try.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat May 29, 2010 11:53 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:
Miki: (sorry, I meant she'd closed the door and barricaded it, so you couldn't go that way)

(Oh. Okay.)

Micheal was a bit upset and shook her head. She just sighed and guess she should wait or something. Even she knew when it was best to try to find a way out another way.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby ZeroForever » Sun May 30, 2010 10:19 am

all_knowing_frog wrote:Zero: Soon the family finds itself together around the current daughter.

The word that Ellen had read slowly started to glow a dark blue.

Meeting up the Mitch up Kat on her shoulder and began looking to see if he could pull the orb out of the ground. Billy noticing the glowing word brought it to the attention of the others. "This can't be good" Mitch said simply the rest just nodding in agreement.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon May 31, 2010 8:07 pm

Knight: The trip home is quite uneventful, all things considered. Mostly, people just stare at her until it is established that she isn't doing anything harmful, then slowly continue their day to day business. The sight of a giant blob girl is just so wierd, they don't know how to really react.

Miki: The slime girl seems to have left during their attempt to escape. Two cops enter the deli, noticing the two girl, they approach, "Excuse me, Miss? Are you two alright? Do either of you need some help?"

Kyle looks over her shoulder at the cops briefly then starts to relax in Micheal's arms, turning her head back towards the fairy. Soon she's asleep, the day's events taking their toll.

Zero: Ellen finds that she likes the glow, it's beutiful, and seems to have some kind of connection to her. She can't help but look at it upon occasion, atleast.

The other three have no such feelings, Billy feeling sick just looking at it, Kat finding it horrifying, as if it was a bloody corpse, Mitch, like before, feels indiffrent.

The stone woman does, however, get the feeling she should make sure that nothing else is in this dungeon like building that was once their house. No telling what's appeared or happened with the changes. She needs to keep her family safe, especially during stressfull times like now.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon May 31, 2010 8:40 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:
Miki: The slime girl seems to have left during their attempt to escape. Two cops enter the deli, noticing the two girl, they approach, "Excuse me, Miss? Are you two alright? Do either of you need some help?"

Kyle looks over her shoulder at the cops briefly then starts to relax in Micheal's arms, turning her head back towards the fairy. Soon she's asleep, the day's events taking their toll.

"Miss?" said Micheal who was a bit unsure on how to respond to that. She was a miss right now due to her predicament but wasn't expecting this. She then gave a nervous smile and then said, "Yeah. We are mostly. I may need some help but none that you could give me sir."

Micheal notice that Kyle was now asleep and tried to shake her awake. Still she guess this would be an excellent time to make her leave. Micheal then said, "Still do you mind if we leave? My little sister is kind of tired and it be best if we could go home please."
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Mon May 31, 2010 8:49 pm

Tim slithers up to her house... hesitating... but takes a deep breath and presses the doorbell button.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:26 am

Miki: the man nods, but takes out a note pad, "Sure, but I'm going to need your name and number, incase we need to contact you about the... slime... girl."

Knight: Soon Tim's mother answers the door, "Ye- oh my god!" the door slams shut again. Shortly following this it opens again, slowly. This time her father's there. He also looks shocked, but manages to control himself, "Is there something we can help you with?" grimaces when he sees the partialy 'eaten' sandwich.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:36 am

Tim winces as her mom screams and shuts the door. That hurt... as her dad answers it, she tries holding onto hope. "Dad... i-its me... Tim."
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:44 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki: the man nods, but takes out a note pad, "Sure, but I'm going to need your name and number, incase we need to contact you about the... slime... girl."

Knight: Soon Tim's mother answers the door, "Ye- oh my god!" the door slams shut again. Shortly following this it opens again, slowly. This time her father's there. He also looks shocked, but manages to control himself, "Is there something we can help you with?" grimaces when he sees the partialy 'eaten' sandwich.

"Umm..." said Micheal as he realized that this was a bad moment. He then gulpped and said, "Mich- I mean Michelle Anderrun. My number is 452-451-4521. Is that fine? So can I leave now?"
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:40 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Millie: The car stops, not quite causing any damage to the yard yet.

The phone continues to ring.

Jackie, being the responsible little girl she is, has a strong desire to answer the phone, or atleast make sure it gets answered.

The wrining, while not truly frightening for Dona, for her it lends a creapy atmosphere to the room for her, like how a room with out lights on is just that tiny bit more creepy (for most people). Oh ya, lights are already off... so I guess she finds it even freakier now.

The tampering with the life string seems to have had some adverse effects on little Tomie. Her voice seems to have gotten even quiter, going from someone talking quietly to an honost whisper. Also, she's less visible. While her new ability to interact a little with the physical world is still the same, she seems to have become harder to sense through sight and hearing.

Tomie looks at her fading hands! "Wh-what? Why am I fading?" She looks around for light sources and didn't find any other than the life-forces of her friends.
"I'm sorry, but...would someone get that phone?" Jackie says, pointing at it as it rung. "Uhmm...I don't know. I drew the blinds, and I didn't turn any lamps on or anything."
Dona sighs. "I'll get it...=3=." She thinks that if she answers the phone, she'll sound just like her sister. She runs to the end-table next to the stairs. Dona with her small size is barely able to reach the phone with the table almost as tall as she was. Her reaching resulted in knocking the phone to the ground and the receiver off the hook. The small demon girl quickly reaches over to grab it. "H-hello?" Dona answers.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:16 pm

Knight: Her father stares for a bit then, surprisingly, acts as if she had just come home at two in the morning rather then as a giant slime girl. "Tim, you have some explaining to do." sounds upset. "...meet me in the backyard." closes the door mummbling how he's too old for his son to spontaniosly become slime and female.

Miki: The officer nods, writing down the number. "You can go now, but an employee was the one who called us, do you know where they are?"

Milli: Unlike previose times that Tomie had faded, she 'feels' no diffrent and her is just as defined, mearly more transparent.

(I don't believe the name of the sister was said, or her current location, so I'm improvising)
"Tricia? I thought you were on that school outing this weekend. Your brother didn't forget about that did he?" her mother's voice does wonders for her nerves.
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