Tina had decided that she would accompany the migrating resistance rather than go in the jet with the 'VIPs'. The camp was a bustle of activity as final preperations for departure were made but dispite this it was still ordered. One of the individuals who was leading was a tall young man of cacturne descent.
"Are final checks done?" he asked another hybrid who had come to report.
"Yes" said the hybrid, "We are ready to leave"
"Ok then" said the cacturne, "Lets go."
With that the camp emptied and set off. As they walked Tina decided to approach the cacturne. She was not wearing the hooded uniform of the hybrids (she never had) but the cacturne knew or at least had an idea of who she was. This combination sparked his interest and granted Tina enough of his attention so she was not simply dismissed.
"So then" she said, "seeing as you seem to be in some form of charge here. How are you planning to get to you destination any time this week?"
The cacturne narrowed his eyes at her.
"I don't mean any offence" continued Tina, "But theres no way you could have arranged transport for this many people on such short notice."