[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:27 am

"Ouch!" Bubbles exclaims in response to being smacked with a piece of chicken. She grabs a napkin and rubs the affected spot. "You got grease in my hair! That was mean, I was just trying to share something I liked..." she pouted. Meanwhile, in the back of her mind, the basically-Lucius part pondered.Why am I still hungry, I've eaten tons! Must have something to do with that weird feeling from the signing, but... ug, I need to get to the bottom of this! She dug in to some mashed potatoes, hoping it'd satiate the strange craving even a little.

She couldn't help but overhear Cat as the girl got more excited describing her plans though. "I'd be careful if I were you, Cat being a super hero is bound to be, well, really hard and dangerous!" And don't I know it.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:42 pm

Hime smiles and puts on a friendly face for the children. They do get on her nerves some, but not as much as the smug students who don't really care about what she's showing. The kids are interested in the displays, with pure, unrestrained curiosity. Kids are easy to read... open, honest...

She glances at the other robots working the booths... noting their differences from herself. Of course, it's highly unlikely that any of them were anything but machines, though she has to wonder... Has anyone else here gone through that change like myself?
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:35 pm

Horo's attention was drawn as the smell of food approached the table, the rich desserts the two girls had ordered as well as something that more appealed to her at the moment. As the rare steak was placed in front of her, she would look at it for a moment and then licked her lips in what could only be described as a rather wolfish manner. She did not seem aware that she did it either. After looking at the stake for a moment more, resisting the strangely compelling urge to just eat it with her hands, she would pick up a knife and fork and begin to eat the steak, savouring the taste of the steak. As her mouth opened to take a bit of the steak, another facet of her mutant power would show. Her teeth, while mostly normal would have slighty longer and more pointed canine teeth though they did not look particular sharp or even that dangerous. In some regards the presence of the those small but still pronouced canine teeth might have been considered rather cute. Despite using the knife and fork provided and taking her time over eating the steak, it would be gone very quickly and soon the plate would be left empty. Licking her lips again slowly, her mind drifted slowly, it was a strange world indeed. Mutants it seemed were clearly under the control of normal human beings but apart from a few earlier threats and the mention of having her mind wiped, she and Kiwi seemed to be treated quite well by the two girls. She looked at Kiwi briefly and smiled at her, taking a curious peak to see what Kiwi was eating.

Drawing her attention away from Kiwi for a moment, though she still wanted to have a chance to speak to her, since hopefully Kiwi would be able to fill in the memory gaps that 'Horo' was currently having. She sat back slowly and relaxed against the seat. Looking down at her body for a moment, resting her hand on her stomach for a moment and rubbing it slightly, Daniel was surprised that such a skinny body could have eaten so much. Her attention was drawn then away from that line of thought back towards Kara and Cassie and how the spoke of the desserts they were having. They clearly both enjoyed the food and Horo could tell why, the scent of the desserts was very rich. As Kara made the comment regarding the dessert, Horo couldn't help but giggle a little at the way Kara chose to describe the sensation then she tried to hide the fact that she had laughed at it. She let out a breath after a few moments, looking between the other three at the table for a moment before retreating back a little into the seat, trying to relax a little and hope that Cassie didn't decide to tell her off as she had already chided Kara for the manner in which she described the food. She would continue to listen to the conversation that Kara and Cassie were having about what they were going to do next. She listened as they spoke of the I-Expo and while she was not overly familiar with what they were talking about, Horo imagined it was linked to the I-phones and the related technology where Daniel was from. The mention of the I-Gun struck Horo as a little unusual, sounding like it may be a toy of some description.

A moment later, Horo became aware of a vaguely familiar scent, a person she had met briefly. Perhaps the bird girl she had seen when there had been that strange inspection of the various shape shifting maids in the school. She thought on it for a moment and shook her head, not her, then she thought it could have been that maid she saw briefly when the two maids in charge, Roberta and the other, were talking about something. Shifting slightly on her seat she would look down to the lower level of the cafeteria, tracing the source of the scent. Noticing the two people there, the 'girl' she picked up the familiar scent with in a rather peculiar outfit. She thought it could well have been the maid from before, but she wasn't entirely sure. Her gaze moved onto the girl's companion, the male. She focused on him for a moment, his appearance seemed to show him as a little bit of an nerd but it wasn't this that caught her attention. Despite the nerdy appearance, he was rather attractive and cute. Without realizing it, she spent a while looking at the boy, not noticing anything going on around her.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:24 pm

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
“Silly horny bimbo drinky is uh…” Fei li said clearly stuck on the word “Alcohol.” Selma finished for her; the hangover from this morning somewhat dull in the back of her mind came forth at the mention of the word as if something was off. Though however much she thought on it, it just wouldn’t come to her instead the memories flittered away. “Anyways finish up your food I want to shower before our shift starts.” Selma said interrupting her thoughts as she finished up her hamburger.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase laughed nervously at the request quickly switching the topic to “Anyways let get back the lab before it gets too dark out.” Not that lack of light would stop them as the suit could out glow a Christmas tree if need be but either way he quickly tossed out the leftovers making note to pocket the napkin he had scribbled on. Mimi meanwhile due to her modified mental influences can’t really understood why people were always avoiding her cooking; it always came out good… admittedly with some help from Maria. (realistically Mimi is poor at directions and a klutz, as such has cooking skills on par with Akane… aka poison maker. Maria pulling a Kasumi is what prevents tragedies from occurring… not that Mimi knows that.) Not letting her stew on the fact he quickly grabbed her hands and dragged her along.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:42 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase laughed nervously at the request quickly switching the topic to “Anyways let get back the lab before it gets too dark out.” Not that lack of light would stop them as the suit could out glow a Christmas tree if need be but either way he quickly tossed out the leftovers making note to pocket the napkin he had scribbled on. Mimi meanwhile due to her modified mental influences can’t really understood why people were always avoiding her cooking; it always came out good… admittedly with some help from Maria. (realistically Mimi is poor at directions and a klutz, as such has cooking skills on par with Akane… aka poison maker. Maria pulling a Kasumi is what prevents tragedies from occurring… not that Mimi knows that.) Not letting her stew on the fact he quickly grabbed her hands and dragged her along.

Mimi took another bite of the chicken fingers as Hakase laughed nervously. She looked up expecting him to say something as accepting the invite but was surprise that he had concerns to get to the lab before it got too dark. She understood the idea since maybe they want to most likely keep most of the things in this suit secret.

As the maid in the power suit put her items away while making sure Hakase put his stuff away (something that surprise Mimi since not many do in the presence of a maid) Mimi wonder why he avoided the request. Clearly it would save them time from traveling and allowed Hakase more time to work on their current project. Then again this wasn't the first time somebody avoided the subject of her cooking. Then again this happens a lot and Hakase was just another string in this. Mimi always thought her cooking was okay especially since she is a bit of a klutz though Maria had always helped her. She was going to ponder the question and even follow up with Hakase on the request but before she knew it the young man was already pulling her along.

"Ahhh~" epped Mimi as she was being grabbed by Hakase as she was trying to balance herself and still follow along with Hakase as he was dragging her.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:23 am

Mark was already blushing red as she came out of the bathroom, but she saw people waiting for her she blushed even deeper. "Dr. Big boobs?! I swear I didn't see nothing! I was looking up the whole time, I saw nothing I swear!" she said in a panic as she thought she did something wrong, but she quickly turned to the scribbled face that greeted her. "Huh?! I didn't see anything!" she said to the wall still blushing.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:58 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
“Nope never heard of an x-men movie… is that another one of those Japanese hentai’s you’re always going on about.” Blossom said dead panning. She was somewhat sad that the bean project was on halt… she so wanted to get Buttercup back with that. As Cat went on about the outfit she could only think to herself… ‘I thought she lost interest with magical girls… ugh I wonder what show got her interested again… sounds like a dark magical girl.’ meanwhile she occupied her hands with food.
As she got into the cars “I don’t know… after the recent fiascos they’ve been cracking down on celebrities lately at least more then normal. Mainly because of the media but I don’t think they would bend the driving age for you.” Bubbles said looking at the car.
On the other side of the table Bubbles carving was diminished by the various fatty foods, as buttercup excused herself heading towards the bathroom. As she butt into the other conversation Blossom slipped her with one of those ‘ugh don’t integrate her’ glares. Before they could go into detail though the PPG’s cell phones beeped as an incoming message arrived ‘5 minutes before we need to get the arena to prep’ from Ms. Utonium who was still talking to Maria.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Her staring did not go unnoticed, as Kara glanced over curiously “Whatcha looking see girl” Kara said like one would speak to a clever pet. Due to the distance the other girls couldn’t make out any details very well. “Looks like a geek and his lady gaga friend.” Cassie said as she finished off her food. It didn’t really help that the boy she was staring out was suddenly seemingly in a rush to leave, as he grabbed her hand and left the cafeteria.
The food finished sooner than later, as they finished up the food they paid and left, standing outside “The expo isn’t too far but we would need to jump like a dozen times… given that we just ate that would be a bad.” Cassie said simply looking at Kara. Kara took a second before realizing what she meant before clapping happily turning to Horo “Horo time for a ride… no running though.” She said as she poked some buttons on her collar. “You really should just link that to your cell phone you know that.” Cassie said however it came out garbled as Horo’s began to shape back into wolf form, the hair bursting throughout the pores of her body as the clothing receded. As her arms and legs bent and lowered instead of loosing height she seemingly gained a few more as she grew the entire while, as it became evident where all the food she had ate was going. By the time it finished she was a wolf the size of a horse, and had a saddle like one as Kara and Cassie hopped top of her just as suddenly gripping the collar generated seating.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:33 pm

She nods. "Oh..." So that explained why her chest was so large recently... she went on a bender last night. How strange the ways her body reacts to things...

"Sorry... I... seem to still be kinda fuzzy from last night." She buckles down and finishes her food as asked... wondering what she would do with the time before their 'shift' whatever that was.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:31 am

Cat blushed at first when one of Blossom's band mates spoke to her, but the informal use of her name, as if the sexy older girls really were her friends, along with the input on her plans made her smile. "I know the idea of a teenage girl fighting crime sounds a bit dangerous, but...", she trailed off and looked thoughtful for a moment, "I was working on modifying the genetics of food, right? Why not go further? I could modify my own DNA and give myself all sorts of powers", she said, trying to keep her voice low enough so Maria and the smartly dressed woman wouldn't hear, as she had a feeling her babysitting maid wouldn't like any of this. "Like super-human strength, or the grace and agility of a cat!". Her mind was racing now, and she put her burger down and flipped the page over to begin scribbling. "This is the genetic make-up of a human, and this is a cat", she explained, showing her workings to the band. It was all coming so easily. "A cat girl like my professor at school would have DNA like this...", she continued with more scribbling, and then begins crossing through sections. "I wouldn't want a tail, or the ears.. or any cosmetic features, but if I used this part and this one...", she said, circling sections, "... I could survive falls way further than any human and always land on my feet. I could call myself.... Cat Girl...". She didn't realise how fast she'd been talking as she looked up for a reaction from the pop stars, her cheeks going red at how much of a nerd she felt right now, accompanied by a shy smile at the revelation of her own intelligence.

However, her excitement faded a little at Blossom's lack of enthusiasm for her super hero idea, "Uh... I'll show it to you sometime... ", she muttered when asked about the movie. She watched the other blonde girl eating for a moment, admiring her beauty, her pigtails swishing about as she tilted her head to one side. It was kind of funny how close her interests were to the nerdy things that Cat was supposed to like, but while the world saw Cat as a nerd, she doubted very much that's what they thought of Blossom. She cringed as Blossom confirmed she was even too young to legally drive, but took note that her age would be the main stumbling block over the car, rather than it's cost. Just how spoiled was Catalina that her Father would buy her such thing? "Well, that's the point of the blacked out windows, so nobody would see I wasn't... wait, did you say celebrities? ME? I count as ... a celebrity? So... rich, famous, genius... ohmygosh, I'm like a schoolgirl version of Tony Stark! But what the heck did I do to get famous?", she asked, looking back and forth between the girls, missing the glare that Blossom gave to Bubbles. When all their phones all beeped together, she leaned in towards Blossom, her arm pressing against the girl's side, to peer at the message. "Oh... you have to go?". Her voice dripped with disappointment. First Yuna, and now the girls. Each time it felt like she had people to talk with, it never lasted long before they had to go. She was quickly learning that while Cat was rich and smart, she was likely very lonely too, just as the tiny contact list on her phone had suggested. "Oh!", she perked up, and tore two pages from her notepad. "Could I get your phone numbers? I could call you up to chat about my project... and Blossom, I could let you know if I have any of those beans back at home", she said, setting a page down infront of the blonde, and then she got to her feet and hurried over to Bubbles, clutching the paper in her hand, but in her hurry, she caught her knee on a chair chair beside the table, and sent her staggering forward on a collision course towards the table Maria and Ms. Utonium were sitting at with a cry of, "Ahh!", before landing on her chest, across the table, knocking glasses of wine over and sending food tumbling to the floor. Her pristine white dress was now covered with grease stains and wet with spilled drinks, and Blossom and Bubbles both got a view of her wriggling bottom as she tried to get back down onto her feet, "Uh... sorry... ".
Last edited by Harri-chan on Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:35 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Like normal the symbiote formed ‘clothing’ to her mental specification, after all it wasn’t like it would be a huge issue to change cloths later. She would find outside in the dining hall there was a full sized dinner, pretty standard 16 oz steak, potatoes, and the standard salad depending on her mood; Given that she had informally fed earlier she wouldn’t have hunger pangs so the food wasn’t really needed. Lilly meanwhile was waiting in uniform at the door.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
(it’s shadowed face so you can’t see any physical details and scrambled voice)
Dr. McCoy simply sighed at the stupidity of the nickname from the boy… though the brain of the body he inhabited wasn’t very bright either so it may have a carryover effect of making him dumber as well, hopeful it wouldn’t make it to difficult to work with. “Calm down Mark” the screen projection said waiting for the girl to be ready before continuing. “I’ll make it simple, you’re not the only one in this situation.” They said slowly letting the information sink in. “Before you ask given the scope of the change and lack of information, we’re not sure who’s responsible so for now we’re acting on discretion. So until further contact we’re going to need to remain as your alternate ego Ming and spy on a certain organization for us.” The shadow said “We won’t demand it, however do know if you proceed the way you have we won’t be able to protect you.”
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:48 pm

As soon as the figure said that Mark wasn't the only one his situation she quickly calmed down and looked way more serious, letting the figure talk. "What do you mean alternate ego? What about Mings family, do they know about this?" asked Mark before going straight to another questions. "And what exactly is this organization you want me to spy on? Why do you belive they have a thing to do with this?" she asked.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Miku-chan » Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:09 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Like normal the symbiote formed ‘clothing’ to her mental specification, after all it wasn’t like it would be a huge issue to change cloths later. She would find outside in the dining hall there was a full sized dinner, pretty standard 16 oz steak, potatoes, and the standard salad depending on her mood; Given that she had informally fed earlier she wouldn’t have hunger pangs so the food wasn’t really needed. Lilly meanwhile was waiting in uniform at the door.

Gwen looked at the outfit in satisfaction before heading out to follow Lilly to the dining area. Looking over the Food offered, she decided to try out the steak first before starting out with the diner conversation..."So, how was everything for you today?" she asks in general, wondering if Lilly ever had real talks with any one instead of her servant role...a role she could have hound herself in...that thought stopped her, how could she have been like Lilly or Amber or even...Gwen shook her head to clear the name of another maid from the household staff...'What was going on, now I am starting to remember names of staff members. Maybe I need to talk with MJ about this?'...she thinks while absently finishing the meal in front of her...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:29 pm

Horo blinked a moment, then she came back to her senses as Kara seemed to be talking to her. She blushed a little at the fact she had been noticed staring at the geek boy on the floor below "Ummm.....I just thought I got the scent of someone I recognized.." Brushing down the front of the maid's dress for a moment, still slightly embarrased that she was caught staring. She cast a sideways glance at Cassie as she commented about the geeky boy and the strangely dressed girl with the vaguely familiar scent. "Nothing wrong with being a geek, and he's pretty cute too" she said as she looked over at the pair again although she would pout just a little as she noticed the pair left the cafeteria, perhaps a little jealous that the geeky boy seemed to be holding the hand of the girl dressed in the strange outfit as they left "Awww....." sighing a little now she would turn about in her seat and sit properly, brushing down the skirt part of her dress again as it had become rumpled when she had positioned herself to look at the geeky boy and the Lady Gaga style girl. She would go quiet again and watch the others girls would finish their meals. In the back of her mind, she had taken a note of the scent of the geek boy so with any luck she might be able to find him again. Horo was drawn and attracted to intellectual types, Although she didn't know if that was really how Horo felt or Daniel.

After the food had been finished and paid for, Horo would follow the others outside of the cafeteria though she was quite for the moment. She was thinking about that boy still though she wasn't sure why. She stood there, still quiet, as Kara and Cassie spoke about the I-Expo that had been mentioned before and how they were going to get there. As they mentioned that to 'jump' to the Expo they would need to do it too many times to make it feasible especially after how recently they had all eaten. Horo imagined it would also been a tremendous strain on Kiwi as well, since she had already teleported the four of them twice and she'd no doubt done it other times while Horo was helping the other maids clean and during the strange inspection. She watched the exchange between Kara and Cassie, at times she got this vague inkling that Cassie was the one who was in charge, Kara seemed to follow suit. Horo turned to look at Kara as the blonde girl came closer and spoke. A confused and rather quizzical look crossed Horo's face at the words Kara spoke to her, about the ride and no running made no sense to her, but then when she saw Kara messing with the strange electronic collar, Horo would wonder what else this collar had done to her mutant powers.

Horo would hear Cassie say something to Kara, although all she heard was cell phone before becoming distracted by the transformation of her body began. Feeling a brief touch of cold on her body, instinctively she went to cover her body with her arms. As she looked down at her skinny arms which were now covered, like the rest of her body, in soft grey fur though the fur over her chest and stomach was white as well as a few other patches of white. After the fur had change, the next part of the change would begin as the strange and not quite comfortable sensation of her body changing shape began to take over and she doubled over onto all fours while the other associated changes were happening. In a few moments she was a wolf again, but something felt odd about it this time. She looked around slowly, over to Kara and Cassie and released she was standing taller than they were, which was unusual since in the wolf form she was smaller than a human. She looked about a few more times, everything seemed smaller than it did when she was in a her human shape. She caught a glimpse of herself in the window of a nearby parked car and turned slightly, she padded her way over to and looked closer. She could not believe how big she had become, she had read stories and legends about wolves of huge sizes, Dire wolves, Fenris from Norse myths but she never expected to be one of such size. Then she noticed something rather peculiar on her back. A saddle. If her face would have been capable of showing colour under the fur, it would have been red. This was rather embarrasing, she was going to be used like one would use a horse. She winced slightly as she felt the two girls climb up on her back onto the saddle but she did nothing about it...because of the collar, she couldn't resist. She waited then, for Kara or Cassie to direct her in which direction they wanted, remembering Kara's words about not running.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:33 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As if from a scenario out of a dream Hime recognized one of the people walking around, even with the mental training she could feel the urge to cry out. After all it’s not often one sees one’s parents after dying, there facial features a few years older but indistinguishable. Realistically it shouldn’t have been too surprising as they lived in the area and the size of the expo was one of the largest in the world with tens of thousands of visitors daily. The major difference however was the fact that they were accompanied by a young girl she didn’t recognize. Though the facial features were so similar it was likely new child or aka her younger sister, the family smiling and proceeding with life happily as if she was never there. Her family approaching by the booth coming closer and closer.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:32 am

Bubbles gives Blossom a somewhat hurt look. "Whaaat?" I take her side and she's still mean? All this fame must be cause these two excess stress...

She looks at Cat and bites her lip. "Weeeell, what I meant was that you're kinda young to do that kinda thing, but its probably totally possible with your dad's money!" She nods once. "Phone number, well, I think I'd have to ask..." but Cat's tumble interrupted her. Bubbles rose to her feet with a start. "Are you ok!?" she exclaimed. Hehe, as pratfalls go, though, that one was classic.
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