by Gee-chan » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:46 pm
"It isn't so hard to believe when you know that the hybrids kidnapped a celebi hybrid who was with us in the safe-house. Right now I doubt anyone could stop me from investigating this right now." said Tina, she held out the telepathic recorder, "Take this, it's something I picked up while I was with Team Rocket. It is a recorder tuned into my thoughts and my powers allow it to receive information from a distance. I will keep you updated through it if I find anything out."
The woman takes the recorder.
"Be careful" said Tina, "They won't have brought Palm back out of the goodness of their hearts. They brought him back for their own gain and if they were willing to sacrifice Lyon to do it then I doubt they will have any qualms about betraying you as well."
Tina looked up at the darkening sky. "Nights falling" she said, "This will make things easier on me." With that she left the camp for the shadows of the woods, and vanished from sight.
It did not take Tina long to reach the HQ and it took even less time for her to walk inside. As she made her way to The Master's office she spotted Mew dragging a rather dazed looking girl behind her. At the sight of this Tina was forced to stop and look in surprise at the odd sight. When the girl looked at her Tina recognized her as an Absol hybrid until she was dragged round the corner and out of sight a second later. After a few seconds Tina shook her head and continued to her destination.
When she reached the office she found The Master alone at his desk looking through some papers. Tina walked up to the desk and tapped the table to get The Master's attention.
"I think you and I need to have a talk." she said
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!