Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:12 pm

"Not real?" Darkrai says. "Heh, even were that true, it doesn't change anything. Your friends are being tormented within their own minds. And speaking of...Torment." As Darkrai's eyes glow a deep red, a number of horrifying images fill the room. "I am a master of fear. And if you hope to defeat Arceus, you need to be able to deal with anything."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:31 pm

OOC: Ok, sorry. That was not meant to sound like an insult but looking back I can see how it could be read that way. All I was meaning was I was unable to give any suggestions because you had not really given enough information for me to really get a proper grip on the characters, Leo in particular. Here's an idea; in the next one, make a document for you characters where you can note down any idea you get for them so you can gradually build up a developed history for them. Thats what I'm going to start doing with my two sequel participants. Also, for anyone who may get confused (I almost did when I re-read it), Absol was never put in a pokeball in the past, that was the fear part, the way I wrote it made it kind of blend in with the flashback.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:39 pm

Mew nods to the others who close their eyes. < Just stay linked to me and attack where we feel him.> She says in their minds. She feels for him. < There> She fires off her giant Pink beam as Jolt and Undine fire off tehir attacks mixing them together and the combined attack Slams into the fake Darkrai.

Aiko whimpers in her state.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:08 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:"Not real?" Darkrai says. "Heh, even were that true, it doesn't change anything. Your friends are being tormented within their own minds. And speaking of...Torment." As Darkrai's eyes glow a deep red, a number of horrifying images fill the room. "I am a master of fear. And if you hope to defeat Arceus, you need to be able to deal with anything."

"Sorry Darkrai it's not going to work! We are not going to fall for your trap. We defeated Arceus once before, we will defeat him again. Your images don't scare us. We are stronger than you think we are. That is how we defeated all the others. We are not falling for your trap. We are built of sterner stuff than you think. We faced our fears, the others have to face theirs. We are done with your horrifying images. At first we were ready to give up when we first changed, we learned not to give up! That's how I got all my badges, not giving up. These images aren't phasing us at all. We will defeat Arceus, no matter what it takes. Even if we are on the brink of death, we will not give up. We will never give up! It is our duty and destiny to try our best in whatever we do." Erin said.

"Erin-Chan is right! We are here on a mission! We are not going to fail this mission. We are going to accomplish this mission! As Erin said, if we have to go to the brink of death with Arceus, we will do so. We are on a mission, and we will not fail! We are not afraid of you Darkrai! You think just because we are part human we are inferior to you. We have qualities of both human and Pokemon. It is what we are made up of. This is our body, we are not human, we are not Pokemon, we are a combination of both. Just because we are different all of you Legendaries think we are inferior. We will defeat Arceus just like we did last time. We are also a lot stronger than we were when we faced Arceus before! We are on a mission and we intend to succeed. Darkrai, why don't you just accept that we won't be deterred from our mission! We will succeed. I hope the others will be okay. They are our friends!" Leo said.

"Double Mind Reader Double Thunder Ball!" Erin and Leo focussed on the Fake Darkrai and hit him head on thanks to the Mind Reader.

"Time to brighten it up in here more Darkrai! Double Sunny Day! Double Mind Reader! Double Solar Beam!" Erin and Leo said in unison as they hit Darkrai with a bright Sunny Day Attack followed by a Solar Beam. The attacks hit the Fake Darkrai head on.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:25 pm

The attacks hit Darkrai, leaving it beaten up. "Well...seems you are just looking for a fight." it says. "If you think you have the power to defeat Arceus, show me! But beating me will not dispell the nightmare your friends are having. This upcoming battle will be the greatest you'll have so far. You need to be ready for anything. I wish to see if you have what it takes. Dark Pulse!" It says, knocking all of it's attackers back, and also hitting them quite hard.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:33 pm

They get thrown back and fire off their attacks again.

Aiko shakes her head. " This can't be real it just can't." She erupts into her perfect rage form with an aura of pure rage and anger coming off her and her eyes glowing a deep red." YOU!" She screams pointing at the fake Darkrai. " How dare you show me my mothers death. You will pay for that." A giant red orb forms in her hands. " Flames of the Netherworld!" She throws the orb at him it exploding on impact covering the fake Darkrai with fire.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:40 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:The attacks hit Darkrai, leaving it beaten up. "Well...seems you are just looking for a fight." it says. "If you think you have the power to defeat Arceus, show me! But beating me will not dispell the nightmare your friends are having. This upcoming battle will be the greatest you'll have so far. You need to be ready for anything. I wish to see if you have what it takes. Dark Pulse!" It says, knocking all of it's attackers back, and also hitting them quite hard.

*Erin and Leo teleport out of the way.*

"It will be our pleasure! They have to get out of their nightmares themselves we know that, but your Nightmare may be just beginning." Erin said.

"We will do our best to beat you Darkrai!" Leo said.

"Double Aerial Ace! Double Mind Reader! Double Sunny Day Double Solar Beam! Double Thunder Ball!" Erin and Leo say in unison as they continue to fire attacks at the Fake Darkrai along with Mew, Jolt, and Undine.

(Not an attempt to control your character Star-Chan. It's just what Erin and Leo are doing, They are fighting the Fake Darkrai just like your characters are.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:07 pm

The attacks hit Darkrai, leaving him even more beaten up than before. "Heh, strong. But strength won't be all you need. Arceus is omnipotent. He can do many things. Such as creating clones of creatures that already exist." it says. "And things far more gruesome than I can cause you to imagine. Torment!" Once again, the room fills with horrific images, as well as three more Darkrais. "You mind reader won't work any more. Such is the advantage of my dark powers."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:14 pm

Aiko grins and Mew shields the others. "Then eat this then." She grins darkly and floats into the air ignoring them her rage blinding her. " Vortex of Fire!" She spins around in circles making a piller of fire which Bursts out covering the room but not effecting those shielded by Mew
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:19 am

Shadowmaster wrote:The attacks hit Darkrai, leaving him even more beaten up than before. "Heh, strong. But strength won't be all you need. Arceus is omnipotent. He can do many things. Such as creating clones of creatures that already exist." it says. "And things far more gruesome than I can cause you to imagine. Torment!" Once again, the room fills with horrific images, as well as three more Darkrais. "You mind reader won't work any more. Such is the advantage of my dark powers."

(I think Mind Reader is a Normal Power. That's what I found out on Serebii. I could be wrong though)

*The shield keeps Erin and Leo from attacking. Leaving Aiko to fight the fight with Darkrai.*

(I'm getting off for the night.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:40 pm

"Should we step in?"

"I think that would be best."

"It is a shame that we must though. I do not want to put us in a position where she must rely on us every time she faces a challenge."

"True, but this time it is different. You know as well as I do that as strong as they may be, they are still running from their pasts."

Slowly two dark clouds began to form either side of Tina's tortured form. Gradually, they began to take shape, each very different but both instantly recognisable. The first was a dark rounded form, with diminutive arms and legs. The thing's face was positioned in the middle of it's large torso, featuring a huge grinning mouth and large red eyes. Despite their threatening colour, the eyes held a kindness and gentle feel to them.
The other cloud became a tall thin figure which slowly gained human features. It was a tall, teenage bow with long brown hair. His face was grim and his dark eyes cold and as empty as the void itself. For some reason his clothing was damaged revealing a well muscled chest and arms. He looked a bit like Tina would have done if she had human colours.

The pair looked at each other and nodded. While the Gengar stood over Tina, the boy walked over to Absol and knelt down beside her, placing his hand on her head.

Absol fought a losing battle in her pokeball. She was determined to keep her mind intact but it was becoming more and more difficult as her strength waned. Suddenly another voice pierced her mind.

"How long are you going to stay in there?"

She knew that voice.

"You were never here, you are not here now, nor will you be, ever. Do you remember the lake?"

The lake? though Absol

"Remember it, picture it, make it real around you."

The lake.....

The rain fell hard around her as she limped forward. The broken form of the once pure white pokemon, now a dirty grey. She was hungry. She could not remember the last time she wasn't hungry. This year's berries had long gone and she was now too weak to hunt. And it was cold, so cold.

It's over. she thought, I can't go any further forward.

The quiet sobs of a young human child drifted through the air, drawing her closer. Under a make-shift tent at the shore was a boy, he was just as cold and wet as she was but he did have some food. Normally she would have fled at the sight of a human but today starvation drove her, she just could not resist that food. As she drew close the boy turned, his eyes wet with tear and his hair dripping. She sat down beside the boy, curling up next to him to stay warm. A hand on her head startled her slightly, as did the food offered to her. It was just a bit of bread, but it was something. The sad boy shared food with her, kept her warm that night, kept her company and she did the same for him as they both drifted off to sleep.

Morning seemed to come in an instant as Absol got to her feet, her two feet. Looking out across the shore she saw a familiar figure.

"Tom!" she called out, running towards him.

He turned towards her, smiling and holding out his hand. Absol reached out and held onto it tight.

"Let's go" he said

Absol nodded, smiling as they walked out onto the lake, and vanished into the rising sun.

The fires burned intensely, coming ever closer and closer while Tina beat desperately at the window. Fearfully looking back she saw the flames as they seemed flicker and warp into hideous faces; laughing, mocking, lashing her with their tongues of heat. Amid them all was another face, large and clear.

"How long are you going to stay there? How long are you going to let yourself be trapped here?"

"But" gasped Tina, terrified

"But what? The fire? What fire?"

Instantly the flames vanished. Without the flames in the way, Tina saw that the face belonged to Gengar, right down the uncharacteristic eyes.

"What the?" asked Tina

"There was never any fire." said Gengar, "Nor were you ever in this room when you burned it. This is what you have been running from isn't it? This is what made you take up the life you lead."

"Yes" said Tina, "I did everything I could to avoid this place, only for it to be brought to me. I shouldn't be allowed to leave."

"But you will" said Gengar, "You have to. There is far more at stake than your sense of guilt. You were going to try to prevent a disaster weren't you?"

"The battle!" gasped Tina in sudden remembrance and dashed out the door, turning to the right.

"Other way" called Gengar. Two seconds later Tina crossed by the door, this time going the other way.

Slowly but surely the pair returned to consciousness. As each one opened their eyes they were surprised to see their 'guides' still in front of them.

"What the?" said Tina, "How are you still here?"

Absol meanwhile looked up at Tom. He looked different than she remembered him, better built. Her heart thumped in her chest as she struggled to fight back human feelings she was not prepared for.

OOC: Hey guys, I had an idea for Darkrai but I need him to be defeated first. When you do, have it so an orb of dark energy is floating in the air, a sphere none of them can touch or attack. Trust me, I know what I am doing here.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:32 pm

The attack hits Darkrai, knocking him back a bit. "Dark Pulse." he says, hitting Aiko with the attack.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:37 pm

She growls and launches her flames of the netherworld at him again.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:02 pm

*Erin and Leo continue to watch their friend battle Darkrai.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:50 am

As the attack connects, a darkness so intense that it blinds everyone extends from where Darkrai is. "Very strong...very, very strong. Perhaps you do have the strength to defeat him. Though don't get cocky. Your ego shall be your undoing." with that, the darkness faded. Darkrai was gone, and all that remained in the room, aside from the group, was a sphere of dark energy.

"Wh-what is that?" Alana asked, after breaking free from Darkrai's trance.

#197 and #471 stayed quiet, looking quite angry. The master had a smug look on his face.
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