Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:01 pm

She huffs back at him in her head. ' true but then again if not for him you'd still be dead in that ice tomb.' She replies back and is cut off by a soft glow which startles her and a small veil of dna she hand in her shirt falls out and lands on her mother making a blinding glow. When the glow fades her mother is now a ho-oh hybrid looking a lot younger and her eyes open softly. " ho-oh the pokemon of life. No wounder the dna never worked."

Renako looks around and blinks. " urg I'm alive what happened."

Aiko smiles and glomps onto her mom. " Mother."

Renako smiles and hugs her child close to her.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:08 pm

Dark Scout Darkstar wrote:Aiko doesn't say anything and motions at them to leave her be but Palm hears something in his head form Aiko. ' I heard that.'

*Erin and Leo take the hint and leave her alone. They wonder what to do next.*

Dark Scout Darkstar wrote:a soft glow which startles her and a small veil of dna she hand in her shirt falls out and lands on her mother making a blinding glow. When the glow fades her mother is now a ho-oh hybrid looking a lot younger and her eyes open softly. " ho-oh the pokemon of life. No wounder the dna never worked."

Renako looks around and blinks. " urg I'm alive what happened."

Aiko smiles and glomps onto her mom. " Mother."

Renako smiles and hugs her child close to her.

"Oh wow that is so awesome! I am happy for Aiko-Chan and her mother now." Erin says as she glomps onto Leo lovingly.

*Returns the loving glomp to Erin.* "That is quite amazing! I'm happy for Aiko-Chan and even happier for her mother who gets a new lease on life and now has a longer life." Leo said as he held Erin.

*Erin and Leo applaud their friend and her mother.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:06 am

What no-one had seen, just before Mew had evacuated the tower, was that Absol had taken something. The Azure Flute had lay abandoned ever since The Master had been obliterated until Absol had been knocked backwards to it's resting place by Tina's fall. She did not just take it on a whim, it was almost as if it was calling to her, telling her it would be important some time in the future and right now, as it nestled in Absol's pocket, the turns of fate it would bring about were still shrouded in the mists of time.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:28 am

(not obliterated he was banished didn't you see what Aiko said when Alana asked that?)

Aiko smiles. " Mom you been threw a lot why don't you go rest on the plane we will be leaving soon."

Renako nods and does so followed by Jolt and Undine and Mew who are complaining they are tired.

Aiko walks over to Absol. " Is Tina ok?"
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:35 pm

*Erin and Leo walk over to Tina.*

"I hope she is. I am so worried about her." Erin said.

"As am I Hun, as am I." Leo says.

*Erin curtsies toward Aiko and Leo bows.*

"Mistress Aiko what is it you wish we do now?" Erin asked as she curtsied.

"Your wish is our command our leader." Leo said as he bowed to Aiko.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:46 pm

Absol glared at Aiko. "This is all because of you!" she spat, "All she wanted was for you to stop! Yet you wouldn't. You should know how foolish she can be when she sets her mind on something, and this was the only thing she had come here to do!"

Secretly, she was relieved that Aiko at least cared about Tina's safety and about the fact that she would be able to recover, but for now, she wouldn't let that show.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:49 pm

Aiko looks down. " i wasn't in control of myself and was controlled by my rage." Aiko bends down and puts a hand on Tina and it glows softly. " There she should be better and should awaken soon."


meanwhile the rockets are found by a hybrid scout and captured and turned into loyal hybrids.

(this last part singles Git's side story is over since he was trying to put stuff in the rp there he was told was never in it and told his side story was banned. Kate story is over)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:15 pm

OOC: Ok, thats it. I'm calling this one out in order to protect the rights to my story and my characters. I know this may cause some strife but I am going to ask that Shadow reads through this final post in Kate's story and openly says if there is or isn't anything wrong with it, but posts this to everyone. I am sick of my decisions on my characters being over-ruled when this is meant to be an RP, not a pre-written book. If Dark puts in an objection then that is her problem and I will not be responding to it. I am aiming here to end this argument once and for all, just as this RP ends, because what is a book without a satisfying ending and what is an RP when you cannot take your role's decisions. Take in mind though, that if this is proven to be fine then I shall have proven that Dark is going too far on the whole authority thing. I'm sorry I have to do this, but I have little other choice.

The rain and the storm that carried it, blew over as dawn broke, leaving only the fresh sea air. The trip to the suspect island was quick and without issue and they arrived on the rocky shore in no time at all. Systematic searches of the island brought forth nothing. There was nothing odd about this rock. Their lead here had come to a dead end.

"Don't worry, Kate" said Paul, "there are at least a dozen islands out here, perhaps we just got the wrong one."

"No" said Kate, "It's pointless, I may as well turn back now."

"I will not have you say that" said Paul sternly, "You have the determination to put aside all regrets on this, I will not let you give up so easily."

Kate was silent as the sea breeze flowed past them, echoing on the rock. However something other than the wind was in the air. It could not be seen, but it saw soon heard.

"What is that?" asked Lucy.

"I have no idea." said Harry, "but whatever it is, its getting closer."

It was indeed getting closer. The noise grew reaching a tremendous volume, however it was a sound the group soon recognised.

"That's an engine" said Chloe, "It must be some kind of cloaked vehicle!"

"Go! Noctowl!" yelled Harry, releasing his pokemon. "Where is that coming from?!?"

The bird's sharp eyes and honed senses spotted the source immediately. Hovering in the air was an arial transport slowing heading towards the mountain. Also, hidden was a large opening into the rock, into which the transport glided and vanished.

"Noctowl says that it was a plane or something" said Harry, "It went into the mountain through a disguised entrance."

"looks like we found our way in" grinned Paul, "Blastoise! Get us up there!"

As all of them huddled on the great turtle's back, it withdrew into it's shell and fired itself upwards towards the mountain with a hydro-pump. When the group dared to open their eyes, they saw that they were in some sort of hanger. In front of them, hybrids ran from the scene as a call for security was broadcast over the intercom.

"So much for not being noticed..." said Chloe, but she quickly quietened down when a burst of fire shot past her. Standing in front of them was a tall woman with piercing, hawk-like eyes and red tufts of feathers around her wrists. Her stance was very familiar and the heat emanating from her was intense.

"It's him" said Kate

"You sure?" asked Paul

"Female Blazeken hybrid, sounds about right." said Kate, "Plus that stance is unmistakable."

"What we going to do then?" asked Chloe, "she doesn't look to happy to see us."

"Joe!" cried Kate, "Joe, it's me!"

The girl stopped.

"Kate?" she asked

"Joe." said Kate

"Kate?" said Jo, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to rescue you" said Kate. She got off the Blastoise and began to walk towards her lost companion.

"Rescue? Me?" asked Jo in disbelief, "HA! I don't need saving."

"Really?" asked Kate, "Joe, you arn't yourself. You abandoned you friends and comrades. You abandoned me."

"I need none of them!" yelled Jo defiantly, "I have been reborn! Reborn in the glorious service of-"

She stop mid sentence. Perhaps it had nothing to do with it or perhaps it was the cause but it was at the moment that The Master had been wiped from the face of the earth.

"In the glorious service of...."

"Of who?" asked Kate

"I...I can't..." stuttered Jo.

Taking her chance, Kate walked up beside the blazeken girl with a device of some sort in her hand. Activating it, she felt Jo go limp as she passed out on the spot.

"I'm sorry, Joe" said Kate, dragging her unconscious form back to the others. "Let's get out of here. There will be other coming and I don't think we should wait for them."

By the time more combat hybrids arrived, the active members of Team Rocket were long gone.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:16 pm

(your post is Void since your story is over gits i already talked to shadow. Its over your post is illegal and void and OVER.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:28 pm

(Uh, I know that this may be none of my business, but isn't voiding his post simply because it doesn't fit with what you want your story to be unfair? I mean, what is the point of RPing with other people if you're going to force them to do whatever you want them to do? Might as well be RPing with a cardboard box....

RPs are meant to be open-ended. Forcing players into roles that they don't want and preventing them from expanding on the original story's universe goes completely against what an RP is supposed to be in the first place.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:05 pm

(doens't matter he broke teh ruels and is being punished for it end of story his post is void and his story ended before he posted)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:55 pm

"No," came a voice, "She will not recover like this"

"Who's there!" demanded Absol.

In front of them, the ground grew dark as a huge black shape snaked it's way out of the ground. Before them was Giratina in all the glory of his origin form.

"The girl cannot recover here" it said, "Her exertions have damaged her very soul and while you may have been able to restore her body, fledgling, you do not have the knowledge required to treat her further. I shall take her with me, she shall rest there and when she awakes I shall get and answer I seek."

A dark circle appeared on the ground right on front of Absol

"No" said Absol, "She's staying with me."

"While your devotion is admirable, child," said Giratina, "her blood will be on your hands if you do not let her go. Would you be able to live with that?"

Silently, Absol placed Tina on the darkness.

"Thank you" said Giratina

"If you do anything to her," said Absol, "I will make you suffer for it."

"I do not doubt it" said Giratina, "But no harm shall come to her, for I need her just as much as she now needs me."

With that, the great beast burrowed back into the dark, taking Tina with it far away from the realm of mortals.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:59 pm

Aiko pats Absol on the head. " She'll be fine don't worry. You been threw a lot why don't you go rest with the others? I have two things to do still before we go." Aiko places her hands together glowing with light light. " Those sent away before the fight began return now in front of me." A vortex of light appears dropping the legedaries out form where arc sent them. " Welcome back to the world of the living."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:32 pm

Absol got to her feet and began to walk away. Her clothing was smeared with blood and her face weary and saddened. She did not know where she would go, somewhere alone, somewhere quiet, yes, that sounded nice. Not once did she look back, and not once did anyone try to stop her, she needed to be alone, alone for a long time. In her hand was the Azure Flute. Energy seemed to flow through it in perfect harmony with itself, what else was to be expected of an object that could open the path to the gods.
Raising it to her lips, she blew into it and received a soft note; kind and sad. The last thing the group heard from her as she vanished into the woods, was a beautiful but sad song that brought peace to all that heard it as it echoed across the timeless hills, which wept with the passing of the old world which would never be seen again.

Tina roused in the world of the forgotten. Her wounds were gone and she felt the strength of the lonely world around her soothe her beaten soul.

"So you are awake" came the voice of Giratina

"Yes" said Tina, "Not that I deserve it."

"And why is that?" asked Giratina

"Because I failed." said Tina, "I went there to stop him from dying, yet he was still slain."

"But that isn't what you went to do is it?" said Giratina, "You went there to stop anyone from dying, that is where you failed. Someone was bound to die in the place but you did not have the resolve to decide who it was."

"What are you saying?" asked Tina

"You did not have the resolve to kill either of them." said Giratina, "If you wanted one to live then in return you must wish for the other to die."

"But thats monstrous" gasped Tina.

"That's the way it is" said Giratina, "The world does not try to be kind, it just does what it needs to do, one way or another."

"Then why did I even need to be there!?" yelled Tina

"Because you had to bear witness." said Giratina, "If you were not willing to open the wound that would allow one to die, then you must be there to see how it ended without you. Now, the time of decision has come. The old world is fading and I am not longer fit to watch over this place. Will you take up that mantle? Will you become the one that keeps this, the most savage of worlds in check?"

Tina was silent. She had failed at what she had hoped to achieve, yet with this she could make up for it. Bud did she deserve to have such a role in fate? Did she want such a responsibility to rest on her thin shoulders?

She raised her head and looked Giratina in the face. "I shall accept your offer and shall take my duty. Take me and train me as you see fit."

"Very well" said Giratina as all the lofty heavens and cavernous hells bore witness to the acceptance of the crown of thorns that this world was to it's protector.

OOC: And here we have it. This is the conclusion of Tina's and Absol's roles. I'm still waiting on Shadow to judge the other post, but I'm done till next time. Now I have to get to work on my entry posts for the next one. Oh, I will also hopefully be getting LOZ back up and going again soon now that I have some semblance of an event order planned out for the next part or so. Until then, enjoy this little gift: http://photobucket.com/image/evil%20togepi/shadow_wolf_86/Pokemon/EvilTogepi.jpg?o=3
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:44 pm

(Hey Gits, my characters created Jo and turned her into the Blaziken Hybrid. Jo is my character or did you forget that?)
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