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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:52 pm
by Maiden Miki
ZeroForever wrote:
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
It would be quite a few minutes before the power came back on in full, and a few more minutes after that before Hakase would return. By the time Hakase had returned enough of Mimi’s original memories would have returned that she would understand the implications of what had happened, after all as a information broker he had read more than enough about reality changes, though the scale and effects was beyond anything she could imagine as the current world was just as normal as the original world to her. As Hakase returned clearly tired but not so much that it would stop him from talking as he began spouting/ranting information about the fixing the electrical systems remotely, as he finally stopped he looked at her remembering something “Mimi you ok?” he asked simply.

Once Mimi saw that she couldn't get up for the time moment. She just lay in bed. Slowly it seems like things were running at full power but at the same time she was seeing more memories. Eventually things were piecing together and she was understanding what had or is happening. Mimi could tell that the memories with the man in front of the computer was actually her and that she was basically a man named Michael Anderson. Both Micheal and her had the same powers but the only difference was that she knew that as Michael that her powers were nowhere as developed as Mimi's. Still Micheal knew so much such as the effects of reality changes which is clearly at play here. Both Michael and Mimi were in awe at how big this reality change was.

Mimi then saw Hakase returning and wonder who he was before this reality shift. The problem was that what can she do. As a hero she has to do something but the problem was what. She was going have to develop some sort of plan and figure out who was at the center but that is hard. One option was to tell Hakase about this since clearly he could help out with his massive mind. If anything she and Hakase were the perfect team. Hakase could come up with ideas while Mimi can implement them using her power. Mimi was going to say something but she remembered something, the collar.

The collar Mimi was thinking could be a problem. She knew little about it but clearly it could record information. Mimi was wondering if it could record audio and if so then it was going to be hard to tell Hakase what has happen.

Mimi looked up and her thoughts were broken bu Hakase's question. She may know about her old memories as Micheal but she was still a girl who mostly seem to have lived a normal life as a female maid.

"Mostly," said Mimi as she seem a bit unsure in how to answer this. "I am very unsure...I am not sure how to say this but that last experiment....It...What happen? What was it?"

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:00 pm
by Knight Errant
Stella blinks... looking around at the standoff... making a mental note of the guns on display almost subconsciously. She hovers in the doorway... wary of walking out into such a scene... but something compels her.

Her heels making muffled clicks on the floor, she heads over to the nearest table. She puts on a smile and her best soothing voice. "Calm down, boys... I'm sure its nothing to worry about... and if it is, I know you will be able to handle it..."

She leans forward a bit, her cleavage jutting out. "So why don't you put those guns away? You wouldn't want them to go off accidentally and start a scene, would you?"

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:53 pm
by Zoey
Mark had been looking at the figures, managing to understand what she could before the power came back. Mark looks around glad that the power game back and surprised when Dr. McCoy came back in a rather foul mood. She turned to her. "Uhh.... Is everything ok?" she asked before stepping up, brushing some hair behind her ear. "And I think I'm ready, this isn't something you do everyday. But as long as you don't do anything freaky on my head I'm fine" she adds looking at the doctors eyes.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:02 am
by Danarth
As the electronic collar device that Horo was wearing seemed to lose more power, the presence of the wolf in her head became stronger and stronger. Daniel tried to resist it's attempts to assert itself and take over control of Horo's body. Daniel could feel the anger and frustration of the repressed wolf mind trying to claw it's way free of the restraints that had been placed on it, and it was winning at the moment. The only outward sign of this internal struggle was Horo wincing but this would be lost as the changes overcame her body. Daniel thought back as he strove to not be overwhelmed by the wolf, he had thought before that it was his own willpower that had kept the wolf from dominating his and consequently the body of this girl Horo but now it would seem to him that it was more likely to have been the electronic collar that had really been suppressing it so now with the collar device seemingly effected like the rest of the technology, at least in the immediate area. Daniel thought of trying to get the collar off for a moment, hoping that it may placate the wolf a little but he knew little enough about it so it might become dangerous even in it's malfunctioning state. Touching it for a moment, then looking down at her hand, it was starting to shrink, becoming rounder. Her vision would swim for a moment as her body continued to change at a quicker and smoother rate now until her body was once again that of an adult grey wolf. Shaking her lupine head for a moment and then taking in the world around her from the altered prespective for a moment, before the wolf mind took over, seeming to be even stronger when in the wolf form.

While he was no longer fully in control of the body, he could still freely understand everything the wolf's natural senses were picking up from around them as well as being able to tell what the wolf was thinking. Daniel had began to realize that this wolf felt different to when he had changed in his own world, though he had only experienced the change twice so he supposed he could be imagining things. He watched and felt as the wolf began to sniff around for the quickest way out of the building. It seemed to be tracing a path along one of the walls of the expo building until it had discovered a low gap, probably a ventilation shaft to keep the expo area cool with so many people in it. The wolf ducked down the shared body slightly so it could fit properly into the vent, and shuffled inside. As they were entering, the sharp hearing of the wolf picked up on some snippets of conversation between the machine and the man on the stage, in between the sounds of bullets and explosions. Daniel managed to pull the wolf body to a halt for a moment so he could hear what was being said, but he wasn't able to get a clear fix understanding, just that the robots were accusing the man of something. A moment later the wolf managed to pull control back away from Daniel and continued on through the vent duct and finally wriggling out of the other side, out into the outside. The wolf looked about for the moment as it got outside. Daniel noticed that whatever had affected the power and electronics on the inside of the expo was also effecting things outside. He could only sit back for the moment and watch the wolf decide what to do and where to go and given it's new sense of freedom, Daniel couldn't quite predict what it might do, hoping it would go somewhere it was familiar with. He tried to claw back a little control from the wolf for a moment, trying to at least influence it to track down Kara, Cassie and Kiwi, since he was concerned for their well being. He could pick up vague traces of the three in the air via the wolf's sense of smell, so he tried to influence the wolf to at least check on them since they were the people even the wolf would have been most familiar with. As he watched through the eyes of the wolf, what it was doing, Daniel's mind drifted back to the battle and the words exchanged. He found himself wanting to know what was going on in this weird place though he was at a loss for the moment, so he just waited to see what actions the wolf mind took.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:12 am
by ZeroForever
(hmm so i have 2 people afk i guess, anyways I'm going to try to get less strict after this chapter with how/where the story flows.
Also bonuses if you can guess all the major villains introduced thus far and who there source references are... doesn't have to be now but before the Issue ends)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Cat would find herself waking from her ‘nap’ in one of the scariest and most forceful ways she could image as the side of the hover jet was torn open with a shuddering whoop as the cabins de-compressurized the air sucked out of her lungs as bitter cold freezing air of thousands of feet off the surface bit into her skin. The only thing preventing her from being dragged out from the wind pressure was her seat belts.
Just as suddenly from this makeshift hole a group of black clad figures with guns of varying sorts boarded the craft. Looking around she wouldn’t find Maria the jet mostly empty except for the black skinned maid that instantly launched herself at the black figures exploding ones head with a gun far too large for someone of her size to be wield she was like a spinning ball of death, as she moved from one to another literally ripping off ones scalp in a solid motion. However the automatics they wielded weren’t to be underestimated either as it Swiss cheesed the plane, eventually tagging the maid and ventilating her body but not before totaling the area that made up the front cabin as the plane suddenly began its nose dive the controls busted. This however happened in a span of seconds, Cat mind still groggy from its forced sleep could barely comprehend the violence much less the horror as the earth rapidly approached, the plane crashing with a deafening boom her life partially flashing before her eyes before everything turned to chaos.
Seconds later as Cat’s mind realized she wasn’t dead if anything her chair and herself untouched by the crash but the rest of the plane looking like it had gone through a Michael Bay movie with flames, metal, and body parts of the various people lined around her.

As Horo sat there struggling with her inner wolf, it suddenly shouted out with its survival instinct to run for its life, as it could see something large approaching from the night sky. Thankfully the object in question passed over her as she felt its sonic boom, the object however crashed into one of the expo pavilions, while there weren’t many people in that section as most of the occupants had already fled for their lives from the fighting robots. It soon became apparent that it was a plane the carnage was something else as the smell of blood, flames, and death filled the area rousing her feral side even more. With her advanced inhuman vision she could see what seemed like a young girl walking untouched from the carnage of the wreckage body parts around her as if a scene from a horror movie.
Plot choice - I’m letting you choose your actions here and they will heavily effect the remainder of the rp.
A) wolf/feral wins
B) you successfully repress
There is no middle road for it. Both has it’s up’s and downs but I’m not going to state what they are, you can ask/pm if you really must know before choosing.
Zilla force –You would find your systems had a aircraft detection system, however that wasn’t enough time to warn much less move everyone in that area to safety however you could move a small group namely your family as you quickly grab them lifting them like rag dolls you jumped out of the impact zone just in time as the plane impacted. Dropping them off in the parking lot, however you would find extreme guilt for the other deaths/people you didn’t save. As such after your father paused to say some comforting things to you “You remind me of my daughter” instead of replying you immediately returned to the impact site.
The crowds even more hysterical now that planes were literally falling from the sky as the mass went from semi organized panic to Wal-Mart stampedes of doom people literally running over and on top of each other to get away.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Oh yeah forgot to mention in the previous post the action/option is a
Plot choice - I’m letting you choose your actions here and they will heavily effect the remainder of the rp.
A) you give in to lust and join in feeding.
B) you refuse
Both has it’s up’s and downs but I’m not going to state what they are, you can ask/pm if you really must know before choosing. There is no middle road for it.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:37 am
by Miku-chan
((Sorry, RL kicked in leaving me no time to do stuff, I will catch up later today though...))

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:52 am
by Harri-chan
Cat's eyes opened, groggy as if waking from a dream, convinced she must be curled up in bed, only to find the view of the moonlit city below through the gaping hole in the jet, and she felt the stabbing pains of panic in her chest as it took a few moments to realise where she was. The girl cried out as she felt the force trying to suck her right out of the jet, the straps digging into her while they held her in place. The short sleeves of her blouse and tiny skirt left most of her arms and legs bare, the freezing cold biting at them painfully as fear started to spread through the former hero, while the breath was literally sucked from her lungs. As the black-clad figures came into the jet, her pre-teen emotions got the better of her. Used to fighting bad guys every day, Cat was now experiencing the sort of terror she'd not known since childhood, and it brought tears to her eyes. She tried to call for Maria, but all that came our was a choking sound as get body struggled in vain to draw breath while the wind, whipping around her, dragged her long blonde hair across her face. She could only watch, helplessly strapped into her seat as the sole maid took on the bad guys, writhing as she started to feel faint from the lack of oxygen, tears blurring her vision before rolling down her cheeks. The black-skinned girl's impressive fighting skills gave her a moment of false hope, before her defeat brought a horrified cry from the schoolgirl.

The sound of crackling electronics reached her ears, and turning her head to look over the damaged control panel just made her feel even worse. The sudden sensation of falling made her stomach churn, and for a moment it felt like she was going to lose her dinner. The fear became unbearable as the jet plummeted, glimpses of the ground coming closer seen sporadically through the hole in the side of the craft making her so scared she could literally have wet herself. She felt her pale blue plaid skirt being pushed up her thighs, her body starting to numb as what seemed to be a certain death grew closer. Her skinny legs twitched, muscles tightening and spasming in the fear. Her glasses flew off and the straps dug into her shoulders and waist at the sudden impact, and she screamed as her vision was entirely consumed in the explosion.

Time grew hard to judge. Cat couldn't tell if had been seconds or hours between the plane crash and her realising she wasn't dead. Her legs felt numb and heavy, while her hands trembled and her arms flopped around as she tried to find the buckle on her safety straps, utterly perplexed at how she was still alive. "Hello?", she groaned, her terrible eyesight without her glasses making the whole experience even more frightening. "Maria?", she called, the smoke tickling the back of her throat, making ger cough violently, her hands tugging on the buckle, trying to free herself from the seat. With a click, it opened, and she crumpled like a rag doll to the floor. Dragging herself to her knees, Cat crawled around, fumbling about before finding her glasses. Placing them back on, she was horrified at the scene around her, and even more unsettled that she'd not only survived, but hadn't even broken any bones. Pressing a hand across her mouth and nose, she grabbed her expensive bag from the floor beneath her seat, and climbed to her feet, her knees shaking so much she felt like a toddler taking her first steps as she climbed out if the wreckage, her hair, skin and clothing slightly blackened from the smoke and soot, a dazed look on her face as she emerged, coughing, into the expo hall. Almost stumbling over a severed leg, she gagged, and turned away only to see an arm laying in a pool of blood. There was a tug in her stomach, and a sudden thrust upwards as she doubled over, her mouth being forced open as she threw up onto the floor. Disorientated didn't even begin to describe how she felt right now. Only having woken moments ago, she'd nearly suffocated, fallen out of the sky, survived an explosion, almost choked on smoke, couldn't find anyone she recognised, and was now having her last meal force it's way out if her stomach.

For those in the area around the expo that might not have been following Cat's story, she was now a girl of around ten or eleven, that had retained the looks of her previous adult form, for those who had known her as Katherine Harrison. Her previously short blonde hair was now long, to her waist, and she still wore glasses over her blue eyes. Rather than a smart suit, she was dressed in a school uniform, a short-sleeved white cotton blouse, a pale blue plaid tie and matching skirt that covered half her thighs, leaving much of her childish and unflattering legs bare. White socks came up just below her knees, and polished black mary jane shoes completed the outfit. Under one arm, she was clutching an expensive looking black leather gucci purse.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:28 pm
by ZeroForever
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase squirmed looking away before admitting embarrassed “Actually I’m not sure… at least about that feature that you used, pretty sure it wasn’t in my blue prints so it was probably a side feature on your end though it was pretty interesting I mean never really thought you could use tachyon particles as--” his technically jargon was interrupted by a star trek ring tone. Looking at his cell
“Mom?” he said before picking it up “Yes I’m still at the school Mom…”
Mimi would have memories of the mother who seemed like a nice fairly ordinary lady, single hard working mom who had come to the lab a few err… a lot of times to drag Hakase home for dinner/bath/sleep.
“Why? What? Attack at the expo? I’m perfectly safe Mom, probably more so then you… the lab does have special safety features.”
“Ok ok fine bye” he said hanging up before turning “Mimi give me a second something’s apparently happening outside.”
“Computer bringing up Ariel view of the expo area” he said as one of the walls suddenly turned into a projection screen of the recently opened expo. “A live satellite feed of the expo grounds looking chaotic as the flames of a jet torn a huge chunk of ground through the park while the middle/center area was seemingly scrambled the area littered with holes made by explosions however as a teeming mass of human flesh fled from the area “Interesting someone has a scrambler that even works on sky nets optics.” he said
Mimi however would find her eyes glued to the area of the jet crash despite the flames she could make out a figure after all her mistress did have a very specific look, her mind screaming at her to do whatever she could to help her, the urge almost unnatural to Michaels portion of her mind.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:26 am
by Maiden Miki
ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase squirmed looking away before admitting embarrassed “Actually I’m not sure… at least about that feature that you used, pretty sure it wasn’t in my blue prints so it was probably a side feature on your end though it was pretty interesting I mean never really thought you could use tachyon particles as--” his technically jargon was interrupted by a star trek ring tone. Looking at his cell
“Mom?” he said before picking it up “Yes I’m still at the school Mom…”
Mimi would have memories of the mother who seemed like a nice fairly ordinary lady, single hard working mom who had come to the lab a few err… a lot of times to drag Hakase home for dinner/bath/sleep.
“Why? What? Attack at the expo? I’m perfectly safe Mom, probably more so then you… the lab does have special safety features.”
“Ok ok fine bye” he said hanging up before turning “Mimi give me a second something’s apparently happening outside.”
“Computer bringing up Ariel view of the expo area” he said as one of the walls suddenly turned into a projection screen of the recently opened expo. “A live satellite feed of the expo grounds looking chaotic as the flames of a jet torn a huge chunk of ground through the park while the middle/center area was seemingly scrambled the area littered with holes made by explosions however as a teeming mass of human flesh fled from the area “Interesting someone has a scrambler that even works on sky nets optics.” he said
Mimi however would find her eyes glued to the area of the jet crash despite the flames she could make out a figure after all her mistress did have a very specific look, her mind screaming at her to do whatever she could to help her, the urge almost unnatural to Michaels portion of her mind.

Mimi listen trying to make sense of what Hakase was saying. She knew what he was saying but was trying to figure out what was being said could have 'unlock' these memories. Still the phone rang and at once Mimi knew it was Hakase's mother. The women was fairly nice and caring mother. So much that she would meet her everytime she came to force Hakase home. Micheal would see that she had memories of apologizing to Hakase' mother for not remembering to make Hakase' go home.

Soon the monitor appeared and Mimi could see what was happening in the expo. Her eyes were in shock even though as Micheal she had seen things similar to this before but this was a massive shock. Then her eyes spotted somebody in particular. It was a small frame that Micheal didn't know too well but Mimi did however. Soon the level of shock rose. Mimi was filled with shock as her mistress looked to be in distress. She wanted to help really bad since Miss Essex may be a bit harsh on her but she felt a connection to her. Micheal on the other hand wasn't sure what to do. He seen scenes like this many times and usually he was always in the background providing information such as support or location. Surely he wanted to help but she would have been killed on the spot. Seeing Miss Essex like that made him feel bad but also she remember the suit.

"Ha-ha-hakase! I need to go there! Miss Essex is in trouble! She-she-she is my mistress!" said Mimi as she tries to raise from her bed and pointed to Katerina on the screen. Her feelings were jumbled up. "Pl-pl-please! I have to do something!"

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:08 pm
by Miku-chan
*Gwen cautiously approaches the stage as she hears the voice of MJ, her suit and ...that of Ben Reiley all cosmogony for her attention. What was going on here, and who was this Ben Reiley? Trying to screw up her courage she steps to the mic ans addresses the crowd..." now is this anyway for the most profit boys? There is much to do this evening, and I am sure you don't want to upset the bosslady now do you?" something hypnotic seems to ride under the voice, but if it is effective or not due to everything happening is a big question...Gwen wasn't even aware she was doing it.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:50 pm
by ZeroForever
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
While some of the characters were affected by the seductive pleas by the females some of them either had iron wills, were gay, weren’t even human or some combination of the 3 as they ignored them completely. Still given the situation no one really wanted to pull the trigger first, if they fired first assuming they even survived the resulting fight they would be black listed by the Queen Pin which in the underground was as good as a death warrant. As such they reluctantly each began to slowly lower their weapons.
This was until the top of the building was suddenly eviscerated neatly, as it flew off to the side as the group known as the Maidaders arrived…
A dozen females each dressed in a battle armor maids outfit, they each wore a different white mask and were clearly all mutants if past encounters were any indication. All anyone knew of them were that they worked for one person and seemingly were immortal, even if killed the same group would always return eventually. Their bodies disintegrating upon death most likely a function of the mask, they usually weren’t involved in the underground unless they had someone marked for death or wanted some technology. They were one of the few groups not on friendly terms with the Queen pin and survived, mainly because no one knew who controlled them. Either way all hell broke loose as some the mafia lords immediately headed for the exits, while others just seemingly teleported out, and the remaining fought for their lives or their bosses lives, either way bullets and energy beams of various sorts filled the air as MJ screamed expletives like a sailor and gave directions to the various employees.

Gwen’s instructions were not to help with the fight but rather get the non-personal goods out, MJ’s voice cutting out just as quickly as it had some in. That meant something expensive was supposed to be sold today and was likely to be one of the targets. The stages force field buckling under the punch of a rather butch looking maid. Considering the force field could shrug off tank cannons like it was nothing, it was a testament to her unnatural strength that a handful of punches was already causing it to flicker.
Most of the employee floor girls merely just hid under the tables, in the corners, or headed to the exits hoping not to get caught in the cross fire.
Stella however was a special elite unit as such a voice cutting into her clothing apparent emergency communication link, “Get the DA Dent out, he’s in the guest seat.” The scrambled voice said before cutting Selma and Fei li meanwhile were busy likely getting their own orders from the boss, Fei Li engaging the mutants seemingly grabbing weapons at will out of the air, while Selma had already disappeared into the crowds likely from her ability. She would recognize Dent as the man that was there target earlier today, if he was in the guest seat then it was likely the boss already was blackmailing him either though pleasure, drugs, or other. Probably a result of what they had to do earlier today, the man clearly in the dazed state sitting down unmoving as people around him were murdered in cold blood.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:24 pm
by Miku-chan
*Gwen started to panic as she felt the stage start tobuckle from the maids punch, but MJ was her life and if she said to move out with the goods, then so be it. She let the simbiot extend out to the parties on stage as she tries to activate the camilion field and pull her hidden cargo with her thru the now missing roof of the underground bunker. Something about the whole situation didn't sit well with Gwen as the Ben Reiley voice started to push for answers she couldn't give, or was unable to give.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:14 pm
by ZeroForever
Zoey wrote:Mark had been looking at the figures, managing to understand what she could before the power came back. Mark looks around glad that the power game back and surprised when Dr. McCoy came back in a rather foul mood. She turned to her. "Uhh.... Is everything ok?" she asked before stepping up, brushing some hair behind her ear. "And I think I'm ready, this isn't something you do everyday. But as long as you don't do anything freaky on my head I'm fine" she adds looking at the doctors eyes.

"What a day" Dr. McCoy sighed clearly already tired from whatever she had just come back from "If you’re in fine, let’s get this going before something else comes up." she said heading back towards the previous room as she instructed Mark to sit down.
In what sounded like the theme song to the classic x-men arcade song suddenly started from Dr. McCoy pocket as she pulled out a remote tapping it the cloaked/black figure appearing on the screen.
"What." she said in an annoyed tone of voice, clearly tired and frazzled at this point.
"There has been an attack at the expo, it seems like several factions are fighting." the figure said
"WHAT!? F@#$%" she shouted in surprised..."I guess we should have expected this but to be this brash about it and so soon. S@#& though I guess this does rule out certain suspects... I'll be there in a second." at this the screen once again turned off.
Tapping a few buttons on cerebra the device began glowing like it was from tron with neon glowing colors, no sooner then she finish did she dash out the door at inhuman speeds her voice carrying her instructions "Just sit down and it'll do the rest." in her haste she however left the door open.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:33 pm
by Knight Errant
Stella winces as the roof suddenly becomes... sheared off. Ducking down under the table as everyone begins firing at once. She probably would have sat there for some time... but she blinks as her clothing gives her orders! The DA... yeah... She peeks out from under the table... there he is looking dazed and confused.

Sighing, but knowing she has to do this... she makes her way as quickly and safely as possible through the chaos... staying low and hopefully out of sight. Hopping over to the guest seat, she goes to take the DA's hand. "Come with me, sir... we have to get moving!" Hopefully she can get him out of here before something horrible happens.

Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:43 pm
by Danarth
After the escape from the strange battle and the exit from the expo building, Horo had idly for a short time as the two portions of the mind that occupied her body, Daniel and the Wolf fought to control the actions of the body they both occupied, and the Wolf was winning. Daniel could feel the years of frustration pent up by the Wolf's mind being under lock and key by what he could only assume was the control of the collar device, and a tinge of hostility towards Daniel's presence as the body did not belong to him. Daniel was suddenly thrown into a state of shock as the feral senses screamed out of an approaching danger from above and the wolf's head looked upwards watching as the object rapidly descended from the night sky which in turn sent the wolf hurtling for cover, ducking behind a large metal dumpster in a nearby alleyway. Cringing painfully as the sonic boom from the descending plan resontated loudly in her ears, the wolf-Horo remained hidden behind the dumpster as the ground shoke with the impact of the plane into the expo followed by the sounds of crumbling buildings and the crackle of fire. The fierce and sudden assault on senses that Daniel was not used to sent his mind reeling in shock and at this point the wolf took it's advantage and forced itself into the dominant position in Horo's body. Daniel's mind was pushed to the back much like the wolf's had been and the control of the body was no longer his, although he could still see, hear and smell everything the wolf did, he had no control anymore, forced back to the point of a passive observer while the Wolf was free to do as it wished. At this moment, Daniel was not sure what the wolf would do.

As the sound of the impact of the plane into the building subsided, the Wolf would sneak out from behind the dumpster very slowly and look around, searching for any immediate signs of trouble. On the air, the smell of blood, fire and dust was scattered about from where the plane had impacted the expo. The scent of the dead and traces of fear in the air stirred the Wolf even further which would firmly place it's mind in control of the body. Then something caught in the corner of the Wolf's eye, something emerging from the twisted, burning wreckage of the plane. Daniel's mind, though trapped in the back now, forced by the wolf, found himself shocked at the sight he was beholding from the shared vision with the wolf, the child emerging from the wreckage, pristine, as if nothing that had just happened around her had even touched her. For such a young child to be so completely unharmed after such a wreck would have been completely unnatural and this registered on the Wolf's mind. It didn't want to be anywhere near this child or even this area after the insane events it had witnessed. Raising the lupine head upwards, the Wolf sniffed the air to get a trace of a place where there was no blood, fire or strange, fearful sensations. As it searched for a way to escape, the last traces of any human control of the body slipped away as the eyes which retained some human qualities changed completely to those of a wolf, leaving the Wolf completely in control.