by Gee-chan » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:53 am
OOC: sorry I'm late, I was asleep
Tom left his informant and rejoined his absol outside. The female absol was not in a pokeball, Tom didn't like them, he thought that they messed with the way the pokemon inside would think, making them docile and obedient. Instead he prefered to gain the trust of the pokemon in the same way you would gain a friend.
"Looks like we have a job." he said, "We have to go to Vermillion City now."
Tom was a theif, had been for years and didn't see any sign of it stopping. Unlike the muggers and thugs you would find around most towns Tom liked larger prey, often burglaries on well guarded buildings where the gain was high. This job was right up Tom's alley, although there was a mention of Team Rocket in there. All Tom thought about that was that there could be some competition. "No problem" he thought as he got on the train.
The job itself was easy, an old artifact that some collector wanted. After delivering the goods and getting his money he headed to the square. Suddenly someone leaped out from behind him while he was destracted with his money. Tom went straight down and absol was soon to follow. The Team Conquest grunt who had attacked them called someone over a mobile-phone and dragged the pair into a back alley.
Carl left ICT class. This partcicular course was Applied ICT.
"Urrgghh," he groaned, "that should be called Business studies, the applied part is just an excuse to change the name and lure more people in."
Before he realised what was going on a group of Team conquest grunts attacked the school. Among those knocked out and captured was, obviously, Carl.
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!