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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:45 pm
by Zilla
Harriet circles the block at a good clip, dodging debris and toilet paper rolls, and finally comes upon the supermarket she was looking for. She hasn't seen the hitchhiker on her tailgate yet.

"Okay... Let's make this as quick as possible," she says to Alice. "Try to fill the flatbed, but if we need to go, we need to go!"

Harriet guides the pickup through the smashed doorway. She jerks to the side, then reverses so she's at a good angle for bolting out of there as quick as possible.

Inside, the store is already a total mess. All the candy is gone already... She puts a hand on her pistol as she opens the door and dives out of the cab. "Go!"

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:49 pm
by Harri-chan
Alice reaches for the handle, and then kicks the door open, leaving her back pack in the truck, but clutching her machine gun with both hands as she climbs out, swinging it around her, and then moving around the truck to meet up with Harriet, "Do we really shoot them? Can you shoot a little girl?", she asked, glancing around, now somewhat nervous.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:22 pm
by Mendi-chan
Joseph put the pedal to the metal, speeding down the street. "Ch-... Where the hell is everybody? Well... Might as well scavenge a bit while I'm out." He says, scanning for any kind of store which would carry food.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:33 pm
by Zilla
Harriet signals for Alice to follow as she scrambles toward an aisle. "If we don't shoot them, we die. It's worse than that even, we become a threat to human life!"

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:59 pm
by Millinescence
Knight Errant wrote:((The truck came from a side road at the intersection? Or is this past it...))

Vic curses, putting on the breaks. As he does so he glances at the truck, then at the rear view mirror, then decides to focus on what he is already pointed at. He opens up again with the gatling gun at the Ford!

((It's past the intersection.))

The Ovalisks have already exited the Ford, taking shot after shot. The gatling gun provides stopping power, but they're still alive! Three out of the seven Ovies go down for good after being shot in the head. As for the rest being shot in the body? They're bullet wounds seem to rapidly heal themselves!

Roggamer22 wrote:"A party? Yeah right... This is definitely a 'fun' party you got yourself into... Support, huh? ...Alright, I guess I can try to help as much as I can with the weapons in this truck..." Richard says after thinking. He looks to the passenger seat of the car, many weapons still there after whoever used to own the vehicle ditched it for a reason Richard doesn't want to guess. "From that loud noise I can hear through the radio... I'm guessing you're in a little trouble right now too, huh?"

As Richard gets closer, he can see the gleaming skyline of the city. An old police barricade sits a quarter mile in front of him. The area around the barricade is littered with riot shields and several stray flack jackets. Several wooden barricades and two SWAT trucks block the route. There is a downtown exit just behind the barricade.

Zilla wrote:Harriet circles the block at a good clip, dodging debris and toilet paper rolls, and finally comes upon the supermarket she was looking for. She hasn't seen the hitchhiker on her tailgate yet.

"Okay... Let's make this as quick as possible," she says to Alice. "Try to fill the flatbed, but if we need to go, we need to go!"

Harriet guides the pickup through the smashed doorway. She jerks to the side, then reverses so she's at a good angle for bolting out of there as quick as possible.

Inside, the store is already a total mess. All the candy is gone already... She puts a hand on her pistol as she opens the door and dives out of the cab. "Go!"

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Alice reaches for the handle, and then kicks the door open, leaving her back pack in the truck, but clutching her machine gun with both hands as she climbs out, swinging it around her, and then moving around the truck to meet up with Harriet, "Do we really shoot them? Can you shoot a little girl?", she asked, glancing around, now somewhat nervous.

The Ovalisk had managed to get into the bed by the time Harriet and Alice exits the truck. A small, faint gasp can be heard from the bed. And then..."Sissteeerrss~!" An Ovie with curly blonde hair and a cute purple dress pounces at the girls!

Mendi-chan wrote:Joseph put the pedal to the metal, speeding down the street. "Ch-... Where the hell is everybody? Well... Might as well scavenge a bit while I'm out." He says, scanning for any kind of store which would carry food.

Sure enough, Joe spots a Sir Savesalot supermarket a bit further down the road on the other side of the street. The Ovies that were napping on the side of the road get up and chases Joe's hummer as fast as their little legs can carry them! "Mister~!" "Heey~ Mister, come play with us!" "We're Sisters~! <3" If Joe looks behind him, he'll see that two of them sport cat-ears.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:31 pm
by Harri-chan
As she hears the childish voice, Alice spins around, loose blonde hair sweeping across her back, her eyes widening at the sight of the cute purple dress, "No!", she cried, lifting the machine gun up, a hand on each end, and tries to knock the Ovalisk away from her, "Harriett, help!", she cried.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:14 am
by Knight Errant
Millinescence wrote:((It's past the intersection.))

The Ovalisks have already exited the Ford, taking shot after shot. The gatling gun provides stopping power, but they're still alive! Three out of the seven Ovies go down for good after being shot in the head. As for the rest being shot in the body? They're bullet wounds seem to rapidly heal themselves!

Vic sprays the Ovalisks with gunfire, hoping to at least knock down those not sent down permanently, then throws the car into reverse. He turns it around and heads for the intersection! Trying to avoid the downed Ovalisks as he heads back the way he came, planning to turn right at the intersection and continuing on his way!

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:37 am
by Zilla
Harriet spins when she hears Alice cry out. Her pistol is in her hand in no time, but... she might hit Alice if she's not careful! Harriet grasps the honey-bomb... so soon, but.... this was an emergency! "Hey, cutieface!" Harriet yells, hefting the honeybomb. "Here's a treat!" She tosses the honeybomb toward the door.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:06 am
by Mendi-chan
"Friggin' cats?" Joseph says, raising his eyebrow. He tries to maintain the cars top speed to make it to the Savesalot, where he should be able to jump out and take down those two with little problem. The only thing that was strange was the fact that there weren't more of the little monsters about. He'd have to be a bit extra vigilant.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:27 pm
by Millinescence
Ickle Harri-chan wrote:As she hears the childish voice, Alice spins around, loose blonde hair sweeping across her back, her eyes widening at the sight of the cute purple dress, "No!", she cried, lifting the machine gun up, a hand on each end, and tries to knock the Ovalisk away from her, "Harriett, help!", she cried.
Zilla wrote:Harriet spins when she hears Alice cry out. Her pistol is in her hand in no time, but... she might hit Alice if she's not careful! Harriet grasps the honey-bomb... so soon, but.... this was an emergency! "Hey, cutieface!" Harriet yells, hefting the honeybomb. "Here's a treat!" She tosses the honeybomb toward the door.

Alice knocks the Ovalisk onto the tile floor with her gun. But when she was about to get up, the Ovie sees Harriet hold up what looks like a honey-covered pipe bomb shaped object and tilts her head. "Candy?" She asks softly. The bomb is thrown, she stands up and watches it fly towards the door. "No candy. 'Treat' go boom." The Ovie giggles and hugs Alice around the hips and looks up at her expectantly. "Sister! <3" Fortunately for Alice, she is wearing jeans, but they now have the hormone on them! The hormone has a flowery scent and has the consistency of sweat, so it's not able to soak through the jeans.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic sprays the Ovalisks with gunfire, hoping to at least knock down those not sent down permanently, then throws the car into reverse. He turns it around and heads for the intersection! Trying to avoid the downed Ovalisks as he heads back the way he came, planning to turn right at the intersection and continuing on his way!

Three more Ovalisks go down after being shot in the head. Only one remains now. Suddenly, the rear of Vic's Caddy hits something! It's the brown Ford, blocking off the intersection! With an ominous giggle, the red-haired Ovalisk with the cat ears gets out of the box-truck. "C'mon! we have sister, nyo~!" She exclaimed. "Hurry!" Just then, about a dozen Ovies get out of the back of the box-truck and run towards the car with joyous screams and giggles. The one remaining Ovie from the Ford tries Vic's driver-side door!

Mendi-chan wrote:"Friggin' cats?" Joseph says, raising his eyebrow. He tries to maintain the cars top speed to make it to the Savesalot, where he should be able to jump out and take down those two with little problem. The only thing that was strange was the fact that there weren't more of the little monsters about. He'd have to be a bit extra vigilant.

There is a clearing in the center median, allowing Joe to turn into the store. The Ovalisks are pretty far behind, but still manages to follow him, giggling all the while. As he nears the parking lot of the store, he sees more of them playing with sidewalk chalk, marking up the walls of the grocery store with chibis, icecream, lollipops, and cute things. They stop when they hear the sound of an engine, and notice Joe. The Ovies outside the store run to greet him with arms wide open! "Yay! Playmates!" They shout playfully in unison.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:01 pm
by Harri-chan
Alice was actually wearing camo-print capris, but the material worked as a barrier. Her legs were exposed below the knees, and her tummy and lower back were exposed to. Her heart skipped a beat when the little girl in purple went to hug her, and she nearly wet herself from the fright. For a moment, she froze, her eyes widened when she saw the girl's arms were around her hips, just missing the exposed skin above them. Twisting her gun around, she nudges the end between her and the little girl, and then tries to shove her back again, "No!".

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:15 pm
by Roggamer22
Richard slows down when he sees the 2 SWAT trucks. "SWAT...? I didn't think those guys were still around" Richard thinks about what to do as he slowly drives up to the 2 trucks and the blockade. He picks up the radio, "Hello? Is there anybody there? If you can hear me in those SWAT trucks, respond."

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:27 pm
by Knight Errant
Millinescence wrote:
Three more Ovalisks go down after being shot in the head. Only one remains now. Suddenly, the rear of Vic's Caddy hits something! It's the brown Ford, blocking off the intersection! With an ominous giggle, the red-haired Ovalisk with the cat ears gets out of the box-truck. "C'mon! we have sister, nyo~!" She exclaimed. "Hurry!" Just then, about a dozen Ovies get out of the back of the box-truck and run towards the car with joyous screams and giggles. The one remaining Ovie from the Ford tries Vic's driver-side door!

Vic's eyes go wide as the Ovalisks pour out of the truck. "Oh... hell." Things were getting intense. The door is locked, bolted actually. Vic puts the car into drive, zooming forward into the horde as he presses a button, sealing the armor plates around the windows. He begins doing a K turn, sweeping his car around as fast as he can, chaingun blazing wildly, before zooming forward... aiming to attempt to to ram the Ford out of the way!

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:09 am
by Mendi-chan
"I'll play with you freaks, alright..." Joe said, swerving this way and that as he barreled towards the oncoming monsters. Not swerving to miss them, in fact quite the opposite. He was trying to run down all of them in the parking lot. Hopefully he could clear the area without having to risk getting out of his secure vehicle.

Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:55 pm
by Zilla
Harriet couldn't take it! She took as careful aim as she could at the back of her head and fired.

"Alice!!" She yelled.