Maiden Miki wrote:"Umm...Little girl?" said Marco as he looked at her. He tries to get close to her and then said as he was trying to ignore the animals, "Are you lost? Did you lost your parents on the way to school?"
THe girl giggles and shakes her head.
"Nah, I don't go to school."
Stray-chan wrote:Luke gives the girl a weird look. "Kind of a weird time to be hanging out in the park..." He looks around and sees several other people. "Huh, sure is crowded. Guess because it's so warm..."
"Yeah, I don't like the cold, so I made it warm." the girl says with a smile.
KonokoHasano wrote:"Is she trying to be Snow White or something?" Marquis asked as he stares at the scene. The whole thing was a bit... troubling on the mind. He also couldn't help but give a shiver at all of the animals present.
"Oooh! Snow White! I love that movie!" the girl says, clapping happily.
Zoey wrote:Rick looked suprised not at the girl, but at the sudden number of animals that started pouring in. "What the?" he murmered to himself as he kept an eye open.
The animals, though clearly wild, seem tame and regard Rick without fear.
Marky wrote:Alan looks around, a bit confused as to why he is now in the middle of the park...and even more confused on how warm and sunny it is here. However, he doesn't have long to ponder about all of that, as he is suddenly and unceremoniously thrown off of the deer and onto the-no-longer-cold and hard ground. Alan lays there for a moment, trying to process everything that had just happened to him, before slowly sitting up. "Ow...the hell...last time I decide to have a cold one before going hunting in the morning..." He says, rubbing the back of his head, before looking around, seeing the other seven people there...and a little girl. "Oh...kay?"
"You were gonna shoot him weren't you?!" the girl snaps at Alan.
Roggamer22 wrote:Richard watches the scene. "Huh... what's a little girl doing here by herself...?" He says to himself. He shrugs and sits at the fountain edge as well, looking at his watch. Being a little late won't hurt, after all. He decides to ignore the girl for now, not really having anything to say...
The girl smiles at Richard.
"Hi, I'm Eve! Who're you?"
Vomica wrote:Robert doing what he does best... ...he messes the point where this is odd, and more of how great of a scene it is! A young girl surrounded by animals? With snow in the distance? It's a perfect picture -- a once in a life time opportunity! He'll win awards for this picture!
...and then other people start to crowd around blocking his shot. He gives a sharp snap, "...hey! Trying to take pictures here!"
The girl giggles and poses for the pics!
Nosnits wrote:With the others in the group approaching the girl, Anthony decided it'd be best to give the little girl a wide birth. Too many people around a lost girl would only make her problems worse, as she'd probably start crying from all the strangers. That, and the fact that he was late. So, giving the fountain a wideish birth, he attempts to continue on his way.
He would... if not for that deer!
To elaborate, the buck that just arrived is blocking Anthony's path!
The girl looks at the amassed strangers and nodnods, like she had just decided something.
"Say... this town is really boring isn't it?" she asks the eight strangers.