The Transformist (IC)


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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue May 10, 2011 1:21 pm

Carter's hair keeps lightening in shade, soon becoming a very bright blond color; it's stopped growing except for two small chunks, one on each side of his head, which continue to grow out. If there was any leftover stubble on his face, it's gone now, leaving it totally smooth. His nose has even gotten smaller now. His shoulders start to shift inward and round off just a bit; it's a small enough and slow enough change that he may not even notice it. The ribbon, meanwhile, acts like it was glued to his arm or something, and is still pulling it thinner. The hair on that arm seems to retract itself, becoming very sparse and short, as well as turning the same bright blond color as his hair; here it's hard to see unless examined closely. The end of the pile in his lap starts sneaking its way around his stomach carefully and loosely, as if it wanted to remain unnoticed. His jeans right under the pile have now turned completely to white cloth, and the faded, softer look starts spreading to all the rest of the pants from that point outward. It's even spreading up onto his shirt, starting to fuse the two articles of clothing together where they meet.

There are at least a few people watching him by this point, not yet including his coworkers, but it can't be too long before they notice too. While most of them are just gawking in the "what is going on here" kind of fashion, some teenager far off is staring in a bit of a different manner.

Fairly soon, Emma pauses in front of a Subway, thinking about going in. That last photo shoot took forever, so her usual buddies already left without her. Lunch break ends at the same time regardless of when it actually started, so she needs something fast. Regular fast food would obviously be detrimental to her career; this at least looks like a reasonable compromise...
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Wed May 11, 2011 11:19 am

He brushes away some of the blond hair from his face with a beribboned arm. Looking around, Carter finally notices that people are watching him. Quite a few, in fact. Blushing with embarrassment, he tugs again on the ribbon in vain. He stands up and walks quickly to the nearest cover he can see. The Subway restaurant across the street will have a bathroom, and he makes a beeline straight for it. He groans as he runs when he notices the ribbon snaking its way around his torso as well, and tries to shove his free arm between it and him. He pushes past a woman hesitating at the door and hastily slams the men's room door shut behind him.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Wed May 11, 2011 1:26 pm

Karen watched Emma from behind, relieved that her house mate had not disappeared beyond her reach... but she wasn't entirely just what she wanted to do next either. Her cheeks flushed red as she tried to imagine telling the woman what had happened, and she cringed at the thought Emma would simply think her some crazy kid. Drawing a deep breath, she reached into her pocket, and pulled out her cell phone. Navigating to the text messages, she picked Emma's name from the small list of contacts, and typed her message, the very sight of the childish fingers rather distracting, which led to a few mistakes that had to be re-done by the perfectionist Karen before she finally hit send.

'Just seen you outside Subway. Need to talk. Get me a steak and cheese on honey oat bread and find a table at the back'.

Slipping the phone back into the pocket, she waited nervously, her heart thundering away inside her chest, hoping this wasn't one of those rare days where Emma went anywhere without her cell phone. She was so anxious it felt like her stomach was being twisted in knots, and she had to lean up against a parked car as her legs felt so weak.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Thu May 12, 2011 6:28 pm

Jamie saw the... man? take off running, and she knew she had to move if she wanted to see what was going on. He was bolting to the far side of the site though, which she would either have to trespass to catch up, or dash around the outside of the site.

She shot off like a rocket, running like mad around the circumference of the site. She kept glancing at the retreating figure as she ran, hoping to tell where it was going. He? was gaining distance though, and Jamie's legs began to tire from the sprinting, just as she rounded the corner of the site and tore through an alleyway. She'd lost sight of him.... Slowly, her footfalls fell shorter and shorter, as she stumbled forward, gasping for breath...

She leaned against one of the walls while she caught her breath. Some wave of emotion somewhere built up within her.... and she couldn't help sobbing. "It's not FAIR!" she yelled. She sat down in the alley and hugged her knees close to her chest, as the sobs came more forcefully.

She couldn't even think straight anymore. She kept replaying the scene... the person seemed shocked and disturbed by what was happening... He looked much more manly before... and he was slowly changing... and he was panicking....

"What I'd give.... I'd give anything... for that..." she sniffed.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed May 25, 2011 1:57 pm

When he gets up and starts moving, Carter finds that his jeans are a little bit looser than before. The jeans, however, have not changed sizes; his legs are actually thinning a bit. What the pants are doing is getting shorter while he runs, soon exposing a few inches above the ankles. The two bits of longer hair keep on growing, now a bit past his waist. His groan sounds a little off, not quite as low as he meant it to be, perhaps. He does manage to get his arm between the ribbon and his stomach, and when he reaches the bathroom it suddenly constricts, quite hard enough to knock the breath out of him. The arm and stomach both seem to have mass pushed straight out of them, and the latter's mass falls straight down, causing his bottom to puff out and his hips to start expanding, pulling the tops of his legs farther apart, and making his underwear far less comfortable. The hairless look to the arm that changed first seems to rapidly spread from its shoulder, bringing with it a slight tingly sensation; the exposed part of his legs now have the same type of skin.

Emma pulls out her phone to view a message, and then nearly gets bowled over by a somewhat androgynous-looking person. The sight of her briefly waving her arms to regain her balance on the heels is pretty hilarious, but she does manage to recover without dropping anything. After properly putting her hands on her hips and putting forth an irritated "Humph" in the general direction of the already-shut bathroom door, she finally has a look at the phone. After a small smile and shrug, she sends a text back and goes in, getting in line.
Within a few seconds or so the response comes back to Karen's phone, "ok. bring five bucks".

After a moment or so of sobbing, someone gently taps Jamie on the shoulder. Looking up, she would see a guy about three or four years older than her, built somewhat thin with some light stubble poking from random parts of his face, in some jeans and a colorful t-shirt. "Hey, are you alright miss?" he says, in spite of Jamie's present masculine appearance. The other thing Jamie might notice that's a bit odd is, despite the crowd of pedestrians on the street and her sudden yelling or sobbing, nobody's even glancing at them just now. She could feel their stares at first, so it's as if they just forgot about it after a few seconds.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Wed May 25, 2011 5:01 pm

As the phone vibrated in her hand, Karen nervously peered down at the screen. She chewed her bottomlip as she saw the message telling her to bring the money... since her purse was in her locker back at the station, it wasn't among the many things stuffed into her jacket and skirt, but telling Emma she didn't have the money to pay her back for lunch was going to be a lot easier than explaining how she'd ended up as a kid! As her house mate got further and further alone the line, Karen joined the back of it after glancing nervously over her shoulder. One hand remained in the pocket of her jacket, clutching the police badge that was perhaps her best chance of proving her identity, while she peered down over her flat chest to check that the shape of her gun was well hidden under the loose skirt.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Thu May 26, 2011 1:34 am

As she's tapped, Jamie's breath stops. Going to pieces in an alleyway... and someone has found her here, at her most vulnerable. She glances up, at some gawky college-age guy who looks like an experiment in reduced pubescence, who asks, "Hey, are you all right, miss?"

If the tap stopped her breath, the question stopped her heart. Her mind locked up for an instant, then overclocked with a million emotions and questions. Would he correct himself? What made him say 'miss'? Can I trust him? What will he do when he sees I'm a guy?

Jamie felt extremely vulnerable, and stood up as quickly as she could. She'd caught her breath, and her heart resumed beating. She tried half-heartedly to raise her pitch, just in case she could keep the guy convinced she was a "miss," as she stammered, "Y-y-yes, I'm f-f-fine! Ah... Uh, thank you!" She backs a ways a way, but still studies the guy, seeing how he will proceed.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Thu May 26, 2011 4:30 pm

Carter looks around the bathroom, and so far it seems to be deserted. Still, looking down and seeing his mass visibly transferring to his hips and butt, he hyperventilates. He grabs a sink with both hands and leans on it as he looks at his face in the mirror, now framed by the two long sprouts of golden hair. "This isn't right. That woman... I never should have taken that ribbon!" He tries desperately to calm himself and breathe normally, but the tingling in his arm and shoulder tells him that there is more yet to come.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:23 pm

The guy stays where he is, and puts a hand up to his chin, the thumb just under his lower lip while the fingers hold onto the stubble below. He has a thoughtful look in his eye, and he takes a couple of seconds to answer. "Are you sure you're alright? You look to me like someone who doesn't think he has the means to get what she wants."

Carter can hear his pitch getting higher as he breathes, and when he speaks it keeps getting higher, starting from a low alto and becoming increasingly harder to mistake as masculine. His pants continue getting shorter, revealing more of what on a woman would be some rather nice legs; the left and right leggings fuse together at the same time, and the now-unseen part between his legs opens up, making it a bit draftier. The draft reaches all the way up his legs, making it clear his underwear covers very little on either side. The white color spreads rapidly up his shirt (which is now fully attached to the lower clothing), and his sleeves pull themselves all the way off his arms while the collar seems to tug itself down. What happens next doesn't quite fit what any reasonable person would expect given all the other changes: Carter can feel something like an involuntary stretching movement just inside of each shoulder blade on his back. Something grows out on either side, and a sensation similar to that of hair in the wind, but a bit different, comes from the new...whatever they are. He seems capable of some limited movement, probably to be expanded as they continue to grow.

After a few minutes or so, Emma gets through the line with both sandwiches, pays, goes to a table near the back and sits down.

((This took way longer than it should have, and I was altogether out of practice. Sorry if it's poorer than usual.))
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:50 am

Jamie blinks at the man standing before her. "he doesn't... have the means... to get what she wants?" he thinks. Jamie is confused, both emotionally, and logically. She glares at him, thinking he may be making fun of her. "What are you getting at?" she yells, a little louder than she intended. "I... I..."

Her composure crumbles as she staggers back, placing a hand on the wall for support, while she blinks tears from her eyes. "I have no idea what's going on..." She sniffles and sobs again. "I thought... you... nevermind... Just..." she can't seem to form the words leave me alone.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:48 am

Carter closes his eyes and swallows hard, trying to get a better hold on himself. He wiggles his shoulder blades, feeling the extensions move and push against the air. "Okay, now this really doesn't make sense..." He clutches his thinner neck, no longer feeling his adam's apple. "I...sound like a woman..." He opens his eyes and runs a hand along his wider hips and cups his inflated butt. "I kind of look like one too. Why would she do this to me? What did I do wrong?"
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:55 pm

Karen watched Emma take her seat at the table, while she entered a new message into her phone, 'Please don't freak out'. Hitting send, she stepped out of line and hurried over to Emma. Her cheeks went bright red as set the phone down on the table, pulled out her police badge, placing it beside the phone, before she sat down in the chair opposite the pretty woman and chewed her bottom lip, waiting nervously for a reaction...
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:00 pm

Before too long, the strange appendages on Carter's back have grown out enough to see them while facing a mirror head-on. They appear to be a pair of wings covered in bright white feathers that almost glow on their own. They aren't vertically tall and don't seem to be growing that way, but they continue to spread farther to either side. For a second or two, Carter seems to go numb between the legs, and then it's back to normal, and the underwear fits much more comfortably, but something is clearly very different. He's actually become female. As if to cement this fact, there is a feeling like something pushing forward from the inside of either side of her chest, and the white dress top clearly outlines two shallow lumps there that still seem to be growing.

The guy watches Jamie for a second or two with a look of what seems to be concern. "Well, I sure didn't mean to upset you. Maybe I can clarify a little bit...There are a lot of things in this world that are far less impossible than they seem. I have an inkling of what you want--what you really want--and I might be able to help you out with it."

Emma has the reaction that most reasonable people would have in this situation. She looks at Karen sideways for a few seconds, and finally says, "Who are you and what happened to my roommate?"
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:07 pm

Karen winced as Emma pushed her for an explanation, "I don't know how it happened... I was on patrol over at the subway station, and when I made my way back to my car... THIS started to happen!", she said, holding her arms up slightly and looking down at herself for a moment before meeting the pretty woman's gaze again. "I didn't know what else to do... ", she blushed, her hands wrapping around her sandwich, and she lifted it, taking a large bit. Looking across the table with an embarrassed expression, her cheeks pushed out while she chewed her food before swallowing. "I can prove it... ask me something only your roommate would know... ", she said, shortly before taking another large bite.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:43 pm

Jamie's heart pounded heavily in her chest. This cryptic man before her... Is insinuating something that she wouldn't dare think out loud. Is he taking credit for that person I saw earlier? she thought. She scrutinized him, determined to see what his angle was, but her excavating stare proved fruitless.

His sudden friendliness, and the possibility that he hinted at, were enough to calm Jamie down. "If you're right about this..." She looks around furtively, making sure nobody else can overhear. "I'll do anything... anything at all... to..." She suddenly stops, afraid to commit her thoughts to words.

She suddenly blushes, but she steels her resolve.

"Fix me," she whispers.
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