by Whatevr89532 » Wed May 25, 2011 1:57 pm
When he gets up and starts moving, Carter finds that his jeans are a little bit looser than before. The jeans, however, have not changed sizes; his legs are actually thinning a bit. What the pants are doing is getting shorter while he runs, soon exposing a few inches above the ankles. The two bits of longer hair keep on growing, now a bit past his waist. His groan sounds a little off, not quite as low as he meant it to be, perhaps. He does manage to get his arm between the ribbon and his stomach, and when he reaches the bathroom it suddenly constricts, quite hard enough to knock the breath out of him. The arm and stomach both seem to have mass pushed straight out of them, and the latter's mass falls straight down, causing his bottom to puff out and his hips to start expanding, pulling the tops of his legs farther apart, and making his underwear far less comfortable. The hairless look to the arm that changed first seems to rapidly spread from its shoulder, bringing with it a slight tingly sensation; the exposed part of his legs now have the same type of skin.
Emma pulls out her phone to view a message, and then nearly gets bowled over by a somewhat androgynous-looking person. The sight of her briefly waving her arms to regain her balance on the heels is pretty hilarious, but she does manage to recover without dropping anything. After properly putting her hands on her hips and putting forth an irritated "Humph" in the general direction of the already-shut bathroom door, she finally has a look at the phone. After a small smile and shrug, she sends a text back and goes in, getting in line.
Within a few seconds or so the response comes back to Karen's phone, "ok. bring five bucks".
After a moment or so of sobbing, someone gently taps Jamie on the shoulder. Looking up, she would see a guy about three or four years older than her, built somewhat thin with some light stubble poking from random parts of his face, in some jeans and a colorful t-shirt. "Hey, are you alright miss?" he says, in spite of Jamie's present masculine appearance. The other thing Jamie might notice that's a bit odd is, despite the crowd of pedestrians on the street and her sudden yelling or sobbing, nobody's even glancing at them just now. She could feel their stares at first, so it's as if they just forgot about it after a few seconds.