Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening


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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:07 pm

Elliot squinted at the mirror, blinking a couple of times as he dragged himself onto his hands and knees, and crawled closer to it. Lifting one hand, he brushed his fingers over his lips before shaking his head. Still unsteady, he climbed back up to his feet and turned to see all the dresses waiting in the wardrobe, and his cheeks flushed red. He nearly toppled over again as he stepped towards them, and ran his fingers along the soft material, searching though them, pulling on one that was red satin.

"This can't be right… ".
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Kether » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:18 pm

Nephilim wrote:"Sorry about the wait. I saw you eying the bottles behind me, so I thought you were still thinking about what to get." Meryl leaned over the bar to get a better look at James' face. "It's probably none of my business, but you're looking pretty tired there. Did you have a long day?"


"It's no use, dear. You won't be able to move until your shift comes up."

Jack was flipped around, allowing him to see the source of the voice: A petite middle aged woman also dressed in a maid's uniform, though her's was much more conservative in style. That, combined with her short gray-streaked hair and thin glasses, made her look more like a librarian than a servant.

"Try to relax. We're all a little confused when we're born, but give it some time and you'll be a happy maid just like the rest of us." Jack felt himself being put up against another wall. "Just sit here and be a good girl for a minute. I'll be right back to pick you up."

The librarian maid left the room, leaving the print out maid alone once again. This time, however, there was a small mirror conveniently placed on the shelf in front of him, letting him see what he had become.

Jack was no longer a he, but he wasn't quite a she either. Sure, he now looked like a hot pink-haired woman in a short-sleeved maid's dress who was waving her butt around in the air for everyone to see, but he was still made out of cardboard. Maybe "it" would fit better?

It would respond that it doesn't want to be a maid if it could and would blush upon seeing its new shape
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Ookalf » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:31 pm

Nephilim wrote:"Sorry about the wait. I saw you eying the bottles behind me, so I thought you were still thinking about what to get." Meryl leaned over the bar to get a better look at James' face. "It's probably none of my business, but you're looking pretty tired there. Did you have a long day?"

*James sighs.* A long week, more like. My work and home life have gotten... complicated, lately. I haven't exactly been in the best of moods... But, I doubt you care about my life's story. If may change the topic, I was actually curious about those unmarked bottles you have there...
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:45 pm

It may have been the alcohol still playing tricks on Elliot's mind, but the hand he used to feel the red dress looked a bit smaller than usual. The nails looked shinier too, as if they had been touched up by nail polish.

His search for more suitable clothes proved fruitless. Everything he pulled from the wardrobe was a dress, some cute, some provocative, some just plain weird.

... But they all fit him.


Some time later, the librarian maid from earlier returned, grabbed Jack off of the wall, and slung the cardboard girl under her arm.

"Alright, new girl, it's time to earn your keep. Just follow my instructions and be good, ok?" She gave Jack a light pat on the head (not like Jack could feel it) before walking back into the bar area, where they could see Meryl still talking with James.


Meryl actually did want to know more about James' problems, but she decided it was best not to pry into his personal affairs. Not right now when he was still sober, at least.

"Oh, they're just drinks I've picked up during my travels through the world. A lot of them are one-of-a-kind, in fact. I could sell them for a fortune, but I thought it would be better to use them rather than just let them gather dust on some collector's shelf."
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Ookalf » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:54 pm

Nephilim wrote:Meryl actually did want to know more about James' problems, but she decided it was best not to pry into his personal affairs. Not right now when he was still sober, at least.

"Oh, they're just drinks I've picked up during my travels through the world. A lot of them are one-of-a-kind, in fact. I could sell them for a fortune, but I thought it would be better to use them rather than just let them gather dust on some collector's shelf."

*James nods.* Sounds fascinating... How much to drink one of those?
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:55 pm

Elliot thought that the dresses must have belonged to Meryl, but… maybe it was his impaired judgement, they seemed too small for her. After being briefly distracted by his own hand, he continued going through the dresses, oddly fascinated by them. He studied some that were provocative, but the pale blue satin dress he eventually pulled out was very much at the cute of the scale, maybe something that wouldn't look out of place on a younger teenager. It had thin little straps over the shoulders, and was not too low cut, hugging the torso before loosening as it went lower, but it was very, very short! After holding it against himself, and blushing brightly, he tossed it onto the couch and began to tug off his shoes and socks, and then wriggled out of his jeans, and peeled off the t-shirt before hunting around through the drawers to try and find one containing underwear.

"I… can't believe I'm doing this… ".
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Kether » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:58 pm

*Would ask how could she possibly earn anything like this at this point Jack's probably not much of an appropriate name either*
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:10 am

"A single shot of those would cost you one hundred dollars at the very least. Anything more than that? You don't want to know." A thoughtful expression suddenly crossed Meryl's face. "But I'm willing to lower the price just this once. On one condition."

She took a slender shot glass out from behind the bar and started to twirl it around in her fingers.

"Tell me more about why you want a drink so badly."


Elliot's jeans caught on his hips as he pulled them off of his slender, hairless legs. For some reason his chest became quite sensitive when exposed to the air of the office. It wasn't even that cold!

One of the drawers did contain underwear, but of course they were of the female variety. They all were also the perfect size for him... that is, if he was even willing to put them on in the first place.


After taking a few seconds to bow to Meryl, the maid carried Jack behind the bar and into what appeared to be a kitchen area. It was small, enough for about three people to mill about, but it had the same cozy, old-fashioned feel as the bar outside.

"Alright, you're on. Time to get to work." She stood Jack next to a grill, slapped a certain spot behind its head, and suddenly it was back to life!... Sort of.

Jack was still made out of cardboard, but it was now able to move its arms around and walk wherever it pleased. It was now able to talk too, though it couldn't actually make any sounds; all of its speech would be converted into a comic speech bubble that appeared next to its head.
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:22 am

Elliot's body was always smooth and hairless, so nothing seemed too odd as he stripped out of his underwear, and pulled out a pair of panties. They were white silk, with a very small pink lace edge to them, and he felt himself going very red as he slipped his feet into the delicate things and then pulled them up his legs. His breath was a little uneven as they settled into place, and he turned back to the dress, rubbing at his face before reaching for it. He shifted it around, pulling it over his head, his arms stretching up into it, and he shivered as the satin brushed down over his bare skin. He tugged and pulled on it, until it was settled, hugging his slim torso, flaring slightly around the very tops of his thighs so the little bump in his panties was hidden by the looser shape...
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:37 am

Elliot had no problem hiding his "package." With the way the clothes and underwear hugged him, it was almost as if it was gone entirely!

The dress looked absolutely lovely on him, perhaps more than he would have liked, but there was a slight problem. A wave of irritation would shoot through his chest every time it brushed against the outfit. It wasn't incredibly painful, but it could definitely become a problem as the night wore on.
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:45 am

Elliot blushed brightly at how well the clothes fit, especially the panties. He turned slightly from side to side, sweeping his long blonde hair back over his bare, slim shoulders, and then lightly tugged the short hem of the dress, wincing at how it was barely an inch over the underwear he'd just put on. Of course, those panties come into view as he bends to search around in the bottom of the wardrobe, the patch of white standing out next to the blue of the dress, and the top of his slim legs. One had rubbed his sore chest as he looked around, and he pulled out a pair of pink shoes with small heels on, dumping them on the ground.

The dress was whipped off again, and he stumbled about, and soon was fastening a bra that matched his panties. Hoping that would prevent the irruption, he re-dressed himself, adjusting and smoothing the blue dress, before pushing his feet down into the heels. He winced the elevated heels pushed his bottom out a little behind him, but he stumbled his way across the office, catching onto the door frame to avoid falling, and then carefully made his way back into the bar to look for Meryl.
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Ookalf » Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:47 am

Nephilim wrote:"A single shot of those would cost you one hundred dollars at the very least. Anything more than that? You don't want to know." A thoughtful expression suddenly crossed Meryl's face. "But I'm willing to lower the price just this once. On one condition."

She took a slender shot glass out from behind the bar and started to twirl it around in her fingers.

"Tell me more about why you want a drink so badly."

You honestly wanna know? *James takes a moment to consider whether it's really worth talking, then sighs.* ...Well, all right. It certainly couldn't hurt...

Part of it's to do with my work. My boss - well, it's a family-run business, so my boss is actually my father. Lately, he's been piling ridiculous amounts of work onto me, and he's constantly breathing down my neck over it, making sure I spend every available moment working on whatever report he's given me now. I'm not even safe at home! He keeps calling to nag me about this or that or whatever! And speaking of home, my girlfriend - who I've been seeing for two years, and who moved into an apartment with me a few months ago... She dumped me just last night! Turns she's been seeing my brother behind my back for ages, and just never got around to telling me. And still no sympathy from dear old Dad! He just says it's my fault for being such a whiny little ***** and works me even harder than before! I just... *Suddenly, the sound of a cell phone ringing can be heard from James' pocket. The man slams his head onto the counter in frustration.*

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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:47 pm

"Family problems, huh? I think that deserves a little alcohol." Meryl snatched one of the bottles behind her, a light blue one shaped like a brilliant sapphire, and poured its contents into the shot glass in her hands. "I'll give you a hefty discount on this one. How does twenty-five dollars sound? Trust me, for that price, it's worth it."


The undergarment did much to ease Elliot's pain. However, the way the bra stuck out from his body made him look like he had breasts on his chest. They were small, but they still had no business being on a boy! At least they weren't real... right?

"Oh, you're back!... And I must say you look quite fetching in that outfit." Meryl turned her attention away from James for a moment to watch Elliot slowly amble over to the bar. "Hm. I assumed you were a boy when I saw that card and the way your eyes kept roaming over me. I guess I was wrong?"
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Ookalf » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:00 pm

Nephilim wrote:"Family problems, huh? I think that deserves a little alcohol." Meryl snatched one of the bottles behind her, a light blue one shaped like a brilliant sapphire, and poured its contents into the shot glass in her hands. "I'll give you a hefty discount on this one. How does twenty-five dollars sound? Trust me, for that price, it's worth it."

I'll take it... *Ignoring his phone, James brings out the necessary money and hands it to Meryl.*
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Re: Welcome to The Club: An Unexpected Reopening

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:53 pm

Elliot could hardly stop staring down at the bumps on his chest, the bra's white straps showing under the small straps of the dress. His cheeks were red as he reached the bar, swaying slightly on the pink high heels. He winced at the comment on his gender, and looked down again with a groan. It was impossible protesting that, and in a way it was less embarrassing to play along than tell everyone the embarrassing truth.

"I could only find dresses...", he mumbled in shame, pressing his soft thighs closer, and tugging again on the very short dress as he looked along the bar to James, and gave him a nervous smile, not realising he was now wearing lipstick that just added to his feminine appearance. However, there was a little panic in his blue eyes as he focused on Meryl again.

"This is just a mistake, right? I must have gone in the wrong room… ", he says, loose blonde hair swishing across his back and around his shoulders as he turned his head to look back at the office door, while one hand gripped the edge of the bar to keep himself from toppling in the heels. He hadn't yet noticed how shiny the nails were.
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