Strange Shifts


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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:13 pm

Elliot found it hard to wake up. Wherever he was, he was comfy. Struggling to get his eyes open, he blushed as he saw Lisa looking back down, but something about her warm smoke caused his own lips to curl into a similar happy look. It took a moment for him to realise something was wrong. He squirmed a little in her arms, feeling his dress was bunched up, but he was too distracted by the changes to her. His sleepy blue eyes took in her clothing, barely paying attention to the conversation... that was until the photographer referred to her as Lisa's daughter. He glanced up at her friend, waiting for her to correct him... but then her other words seemed to sink in. Why would Lisa have been there when he woke up... ? His cheeks went bright, his chest tightening....
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:58 pm

"Oh! Gomenasai. I just did not get to say hello to you this morning!" Yoko unwrapped herself from Diana, her now-free hands sliding down to smooth her dark blue pleated skirt and blazer. The outfit made her look like a stereotypical Japanese schoolgirl, but she wasn’t about to let go of one of the few things she had left from her old home. “Did you see what happened to Carroll-san? All I heard was screaming… but I must admit, I am glad we do not have a test anymore. I was not prepared at all!”

While she talked, her brown eyes wandered downwards to gaze at the rest of Diana’s body. The new girl didn’t seem especially curvy or flat, just average. But the clear lack of a bra underneath her shirt was making some of her feminine figure very… noticeable.

Blissfully unaware of the conflict going on in her "daughter's" mind, Lisa gratefully shook the photographer's hand (the couple, it seemed, left while Ellie was drowsing) before calmly walking Ellie out the room. Once they were out of sight, though, the boy's former co-worker suddenly burst into gleeful giggles and lifted him high in the air with dizzying spins!

"You did great, Ellie! I'm sooooo proud of you!" She lowered the child for just a second to peck at his forehead. "For being so good, I promise we'll do whatever you like for the rest of the day. I can take you back to school... or we can go shopping! I'll even get you ice cream!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:43 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:"Oh! Gomenasai. I just did not get to say hello to you this morning!" Yoko unwrapped herself from Diana, her now-free hands sliding down to smooth her dark blue pleated skirt and blazer. The outfit made her look like a stereotypical Japanese schoolgirl, but she wasn’t about to let go of one of the few things she had left from her old home. “Did you see what happened to Carroll-san? All I heard was screaming… but I must admit, I am glad we do not have a test anymore. I was not prepared at all!”

While she talked, her brown eyes wandered downwards to gaze at the rest of Diana’s body. The new girl didn’t seem especially curvy or flat, just average. But the clear lack of a bra underneath her shirt was making some of her feminine figure very… obvious.

Diana nodded as Yoko talked about the test.. 'Y-yeah, I wasn't really ready either... Say, Yoko. Before all the screaming started, did Carroll seem... different at all, to you?" Noticing Yoko's gaze, Diana blushed and covered up her chest. "A-and, ah... What about me? Am I... different, now?"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:43 am

"Something different about Carroll-san? Oh, yes! I did!" Yoko nodded her head, her lash-grazing bangs bouncing along. "She was wearing very manly clothes today! Very strange. I never thought I would see her wearing pants at school.

"... And now that I think about it, you are also dressing very differently today, Diana. You look so... cute!" She tried to stifle a giggle as Diana crossed her arms over her breasts. "But I think you might have gone a bit too far!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Kether » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:21 am

She tries backing up to cover any any sense of dignity she still has, she blushes filled with a mix of embarassment and rage at the comment and responds hesitantly, "I.. don't flirt.."
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:39 am

When he heard the giggles, he thought for a moment it was Lisa finally cracking and revealing it was all a prank. It would have been a huge relief if that was true, and his wide blue eyes watched her beautiful face as she laughed. His small hands grasped at her shoulders as she spun him high in the air, his brain still struggling with the logic of her being able to do that so easily.

The hope that it was a prank was crushed yet again, the moment quite bittersweet as she carried on talking to him like a child after brushing her lovely lips to his forehead. Despite being able to feel his dress bunched up, and despite part of his brain worrying that Lisa was going to hurt herself by carrying him... it did feel rather comfortable in her arms. She seemed to know just where to put her hands to carry a child with ease, but where she would have picked up such knowledge was a puzzle.

"Uh... wanna go shopping...", he replied with a blush, his plan to reveal everything now on the back burner due to the latest development, but he knew he had to stay with her, so going back to school definitely wasn't an option.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:26 pm

Great. So clothes aside, even Yoko thought this was normal. Diana was not liking this... "Well, ah, I wasn't really planning to go out like this. Things just... happened, I guess."
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:20 pm

“If you’re seriously trying to salvage your reputation NOW, you’re way too late for that, Jackie. Besides, you just tried to date me yesterday. Do you think I have the memory of a gnat or something?” The girl clicked away at the computer on her desk, her lips twisted up in a smile. “But yes, I will go out to dinner with you next week. Russels’, 6:00 PM sharp.”


And so the two left the office, heading down the elevator and back onto the still-crowded streets of Lindegreen. The ways were somehow even more crowded now, and more than once Ellie was almost barreled over by some massive inattentive pedestrian. Luckily, his mother never lost grip of his tiny hand as she skillfully, carefully weaved them through the sea of giants.


Yoko tilted head at her friend’s enigmatic words, but before she could ask ask more, reality shifted.

A cool breeze from the school’s AC slid past Diana’s legs, lightly tousling the pleated skirt that tickled at the tops of her sock-covered thighs. Her arms were bare; the sweater that once covered her soft, delicate skin was gone, replaced by a much smaller white blouse that hugged her slim body. Atop her breasts sat a little red necktie and a blue collar, both of which laid tight against her lithe neck.

There was nothing for the Japanese schoolgirl to ask about, now, since Diana was wearing a sailor fuku of her own!
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:21 pm

"Ah..." Feeling the breeze around her legs, Diana reached a hand down to feel what she assumed was an unnoticed hole in her pants... an assumption which quickly fell apart as she felt the skirt now hanging over her legs. "...Huh?" This prompted to actually look down, where she found a shocking sight - rather than her usual school clothes, she was somehow now wearing a Japanese school uniform! Her eyes wide with disbelief, she started to tug at her skirt and collar, as if to confirm they were really there. "No way... This can't be real..."
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:36 am

As Lisa lowered him from her arms, and back down onto his feet, he gave his dress a little tug downwards before she took his hand. The idea was a little embarrassing, but as they stepped back out onto the street, he felt grateful that she was holding onto him. Wide blue eyes looked up as towering adults surrounded him, leaving him unable to see anything other than the tops of the buildings over their heads. He walked as closely as he possibly could to Lisa, and was quite surprised once again at how good she seemed at this. She'd always been friendly and caring, but he'd never even heard her talking about kids, but she seemed a natural at this.

"I don't like all these crowds... ", he found himself saying in a timid little voice as he almost got knocked over once again.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:11 pm

“Don’t worry, Ellie. We’re almost there. Just hold on and don’t let go, ok?” Ellie could feel that soft, adult hand clutch him even tighter as they walked through the seemingly endless crowds, but at last they arrived at a place the boy thought he’d never see again: Jamboree. His real parents often brought him to this kiddy shop to buy him new clothes, but now he was walking back into the store, a child once more… and he wouldn’t be buying any boy’s outfits this time.

The inside of Jamboree was, as usual, dominated with wood, wood, and more wood for that youth-friendly appeal. Racks of pastel-colored garb lined the floor and walls. Lisa avoided most of them, however. What she wanted something from the girl’s section… and in pink.

“Here, Ellie, hold onto this.” The woman gently dropped some attire in his hands. It was a white and pink striped dress with cuffed sleeves, a rather short skirt, and an embroidered heart over the chest. Not a hint of masculinity could be seen in its stitches.

Yoko, as always, remained unaware of Diana’s true turmoil, but she could at least see her friend was upset.

“It is fine, Diana-san! Your clothes look fine!” The blushing schoolgirl nodded her head as her eyes gazed appreciatively over her classmate’s new appearance. “You did a great job designing that uniform! I almost feel like I am back at home… Thank you. Really, thank you!”

Again, the Japanese student squeezed her friend with a hug!... or rather, she was about to. The bell rung before her arms could reach around that pretty new collar.

"Oh! We need to go to gym!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:47 pm

"Oh, ah, you're welcome... I guess..." Once again, Diana finds herself at a loss on how to respond. Somehow, Yoko still didn't see anything wrong - though, that really wasn't a terribly big surprise at this point. It was starting to become clear that Diana was the only one noticing anything. Apart from that, the reference to Diana 'designing' her outfit was fairly surprising. She was pretty sure she didn't have much in the way of sewing experience before - certainly, making a full-blown outfit like this would be beyond her.

And then Diana's thoughts were once again interrupted, this time by the bell. "Oh, right. Gym..." To be honest, she had nearly forgotten she had other classes. "Right, ah, we probably should get going..." Diana headed out in the direction of the gym, gesturing for Yoko to follow her.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:48 am

Elliot experienced another strange sensation as the intense feeling of relief at being out of those crowds fused together with the surprise of being walked into Jamboree. His mouth hung open slightly as he took it all in, the wood and the pastel clothing, the little kids, many of which were as big as he was now, and their towering parents. He'd barely orientated himself when something was pushed into his hands.

The first thing that struck him was how soft the material was, his fingertips lightly brushing against it as he held the dress out slightly so he could examine it. His cheeks went quite red, part of his mind telling him it was adorable... but that it should be on one of these little girls in the store, not on him! Swallowing a deep breath, he studied the incredibly feminine and childish garment before looking back up to Lisa with wide, blue eyes.

"You don't need to spend money on me... ", he murmured a weak attempt at preventing her from indulging herself in the store. While Lisa had never seemed overly maternal before, things were clearly different now, and he knew how excited some women could get over buying clothes for kids.

He followed after her, holding onto the dress, not really looking where he was going, and walked right into a pair of female legs.

"S-Sorry... ", he stammers, leaning his head back so he could look up... and gasp. It was a woman in her early thirties, with red hair and green eyes... and his chest tightened as he realised he knew her. They both knew her. She was Juliette, and she ran a cookery magazine, and had often hired Elliot and Lisa for photography work. She looked incredibly tall, in a pair of cream high heels that matched her cream cotton top. A short, grey skirt covered the top halves of her thighs, a little grey jacket that was left open completing the look.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:43 am

Juliette might have hired the two often, but she was far from an ideal client. She demanded nothing but the best from those who worked for her, and she showed nothing but the worst to those who dared to gave any less. But, of course, a job was a job.

"Watch where you're stepping you... Oh." The redheaded woman narrowed her emerald gaze at the child lying by her feet. She recognized this girl... Oh, yes. "Ellie. Shouldn't you be at school right now? And what's this?" Her red-painted nails plucked the childish garment up and away so she could inspect its lightly colored fabric. "Humph. I knew your mother would be shopping here. I told her time and time again that these clothes are far too cheap... Far too commercial."

Suddenly, she leaned down to grab at Ellie's hands and dragged her towards the back of the store, where the dressing rooms lied.

"It's good that you're here, actually. Now, I can teach your mother a lesson in fashion."


Yoko dutifully followed behind her American friend, her brown eyes gazing appreciatively at the other girl's rather short skirt and plump thighs beneath. While the two walk, she can't help but reach a hand out to feel at its fringes with the tips of her fingers, almost raising it up to revealing heights...

"I wonder what sport we will play today," the young teen mused to herself as they journeyed down the slowly crowding hallways of the school. "What do you think, Diana-san? I would love to do some swimming! The pool here is wonderful!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:16 pm

"Um, could you... not touch that, please?" Having Yoko feeling up her skirt definitely wasn't helping Diana's nerves right now... Neither was the thought of having to wear a swimsuit like this, for that matter. "I don't know... I guess we'll find out soon enough," Diana said, as she entered the gym itself.
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