[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:21 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
In a split second a dozen things happened… time almost crawling to a halt at they were too numerous to count. As Horo rushed forward the ground giving way against her massive bulk, the dirt compressing as she cut sharply against the air as she lunged forward to escape.
The man in the black cloak sneered anticipating it wondering if he should cut the feet off and skin the beast, the scythe arm so sharp that they cut through the moonlight at inhuman speeds. To his surprise however before he swung his blade his true target Catalina jumped off the beast at him, gutsy little brat he would give her that. He could spare the beast as it wasn’t his goal, still he had better grab her and go before White Skull came any closer; he was one of the few people even he didn’t want to take his chances with. Stopping his swing he moved to grab Catalina with his arm, however centimeters from his grasp she was snatched away by that new 4th party… he was pretty sure she was a rock star or something… either way she would soon be dead.
The Reaper barely had time to dodge, a white light was all the warning he had but it was enough for him to throw himself to the side as a white beam tore through where he had just be standing. White Skull hands outstretched, behind him he glanced one of the mooks had been hit, his skin bubbling as his limbs twisted and turned, morphing his body distorted in multiple ways before falling to the floor looking like a blown up sex doll.
“White Skull!” the Reaper growled.
“Oh you dodged?” White Skull said looking fairly unperturbed, before looking up at the escaping Lulu and Cat. Sticking his hand out the energy condensed once more, Lulu had even less time than the reaper to react as the light began to emit, suddenly the ground began to shake violently throwing the aim off the beam still striking one of her wings, the appendages suddenly becoming stiff and rubbery as she found it much harder to fly.
The ground began to shake more and more violently as if a earthquake was happening suddenly from the expo display section where Hime and Horo has passed earlier erupted a monstrous creation of science. The MSN bots from early having finished combining with the very electronics and wiring of the expo ground itself ripped up from the earth. The strain of weapons of uncountable types and technology of uncountable number made up the creature as it focused its eyes upon them. The visage enough to give even White Skull and the Reaper pause as they could feel the danger it posed even to them.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:02 am

Mimi crashed as she landed. She didn't have time for this and the last thing she needed to do was to waste time. She then looked up to see something squirt her way and at once tried to fly back to avoid it. She kind of left the other girl there to take the hit thinking that it was just liquid. Personally Mimi didn't want to do anything to compromise her suit before she had to actually use it.

"Please stay there. I come back later," said Mimi as she seem to went off to search for Catalina. This worrying need was eating her up. It shouldn't be too hard to find the girl she left there since this suit did have some sort of tracking system. The only problem was if it worked.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:49 am

While Lulu did her best to make her flight path hard to predict, it wasn't enough. She cried out as her wing was hit, and almost tumbled into a falling spiral as it went numb, throwing off her flight. She managed to right herself, though, and continued to go up and away, Cat held tightly in her arms (which also mean the girl was crushed against Lulu's far from modest cleavage).

Around then, the walker unearthed itself. "What... the... hell!? This is what the fourth, fifth faction in this fight? How many people are after you, Cat, what can you do that's so important!?" Lulu kept on keeping on, seeking to escape the battlefield.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:13 pm

Cat's world spun upside down, and now instead of diving towards the cloaked figure, she was being pulled away, and upwards. In her previous incarnation, she was more than used to heights, but she'd always been in control. This wasn't the case now, and the sight of the ground rapidly falling away as she dangled made her feel rather frightened! She continued to peer downwards, but it was hard to concentrate on everything. She saw one person caught by a white blast, the sight of them transforming into what appeared to be a busty inflatable doll sending a chill down her spine, and she could make out the robo-girl aiming her weapons at the giant wolf. "Oh my god... ", she gasped, and then looked up, only now realising it was Lulu that had swooped in and dragged her away from the battle. "What are you doing? I could have helped!", she shouted before letting out a scream as another beam zipped just an inch above her head to strike the older girl's wings.

There was a yelp as the older girl's arms tightened around her, pulling her face right between her breasts. Cat's cheeks flushed a bright red, and she kicked her legs, the short blue skirt bouncing around them. She couldn't help but feel jealous of what she no longer had, and wasn't even close to getting back for several years, and her struggles to turn her head away just seemed to result in her face rubbing back and forth in the pop star's cleavage. "Bubbles!", she whined, just before the ground was broken by the emergence of the giant robot. Lifting a hand up from her side, she even pushed her glasses up from her eyes incase they were playing tricks with her vision, but that just made everything a blur until she pulled them back down. "What are you talking about? They're just trying to take out all the threats... ". She was so used to be targeted by villains in her role as a super hero, that she'd failed to notice the oddness of these villains all coming after a pre-teen schoolgirl. And that's when she noticed the rubbery look of the girl's wings, and started to panic, "Oh my god, Bubbles, he got you! It's the white beam! It... turns people into... dolls? We have to land before we fall out of the sky!".

Suddenly being above the fight didn't feel so safe anymore, and not just because of the fear of Lulu losing the ability to fly. She looked down again, her skinny legs dangling, with the knowledge that any second another of those beams could come up at hit her. Once more, her immature emotions got the better of it, getting scared far more easily than she knew she should have. She cursed her tiny school skirt, as atleast if she'd been covered up a little more the beams might only affect any clothing in struck. "I'm scared... ", she whined, sounding as if she was going to burst into tears any second, the pathetic tone of her own voice making her cringe with embarrassment. "You have to land... somewhere he can't shoot at us!".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:16 pm

Mark groaned as she hit the floor with a thud. She layed there nodded to the Mecha girl. "Sure... That'll be easy" she said as she layed on her back groaning as she hoped the pain would pass by, so much that she didn't even notice the splash of milk. She was surprised the fall didn't kill her, but it wasn't pleasant either way. She would try to check if she had any mayor injuries from the fall and the reason why it was raining and then suddenly stopped.
Last edited by Zoey on Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:17 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As Hime’s activated the protocol the system quickly began deactivating as she would find her limbs going limp, each of her artificial senses cutting off one by one, the body quickly turning into tomb as she touch, then hearing, then sight each cut off just in time to see the MSN bots rip up from the ground the pressure wave was enough to send her body sprawling.. No sooner then it go dark did she soon see a white light like she always heard of when people died died, as her life literally began flashing in front of her eyes, Norbert, her family, Batou, even Gyrich before it all went dark.


But this wasn’t her life Sandra essence protested as electrical energy began to slowly seep from sole tether to the mortal realm her brain super charging the body, as the flashback slowly began to rewind towards the present… but not Hime’s rather Sandra’s present. The sudden surge was enough however to kick start the system as she revived, confusion echoing in her mind as she remembered.
(You remember the original reality and you remember bits and pieces of Sandra Hime’s reality enough to know that it’s wrong but no details… as such you don’t remember how to access all the systems/abilities the body has as those are scrambled but you have minor amounts of your original power though since your just a brain it’s limited)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:03 am

Sandra would recoil if she had a body. Everything... her life... was taken from her, and she didn't even know. Now, suddenly... her life was Hime's. It was like an emotional whiplash.

Sandra took stock of the situation, and the result was obvious: BAD.

There was a huge monstrous collection of machinery that was rising out of the expo center, and the people she was trying to protect were nowhere to be seen. It took her a moment to remember she had more senses now, and she found an indicator that showed her where the wolf was, and a faint reading from the sky, where she saw a winged creature taking her charge away.

Sandra had no idea who or what that was, or its intentions, and she saw the girl struggling in its arms...

That was her priority then!

But... my parents? she thought. She pushed that aside. This wasn't the time to think about them. She had set out on a mission, and she wanted to fulfill it.

Sandra ran and tried to fly after the escaping girl, but she was nowhere near as coordinated as she used to be in the body. Her jets sputtered to life, and she careened wildly up into the air. She took a moment to get her bearings, trying to remember how Hime did it. She pushed herself forward, trying to catch up with the winged creature.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:03 pm

Stella finished the walk in a haze... moaning with lust as her breasts grew larger and larger... if it wasn't for the vision of the girl she probably wouldn't have made it. As it tells her to stay she nods dumbly... before flying backwards onto the ground spraying milk everywhere.

When she is finally able to sit up, feeling relieved no doubt, she blinks at the retreating back of the girl dashing away... and then looks to the closer one still in the crater... who she had drenched. She waves weakly to Ming. "Um... h-hi... I'm sorry about that..."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:37 pm

Lulu does her best to fly on, with a bit of trouble due to her wing, scanning for a spot to land safely in. "You could have helped? How, what power do you have? Are you a magical girl or something? Whatever it is, its probably why they're all after you." She struggles onward. "And I'm fine, wing's just a bit numb. I'm sure since that beam didn't hit me straight, I'll be fine. I hope."

As she nears the periphery of the chaos, Lulu's grip on Cat starts to slip. "Cat, babe? You're kinda awkward to hold. I'm gonna have to adjust my grip, hang on just a sec." Lulu shifts Cat around to get a better grip on her. She succeeds, but in doing so not only presses Cat's head further into her own ample cleavage, but is holding the girl by the small of the back, bunching her skirt up and making it easy for anyone looking up to catch a glimpse of the schoolgirl's cutesy white silk panties. "Much better! I still hope we can land soon, though."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:39 pm

Ming looks over to Stella before looking down at herself. "Wait... you did this?" she asks as a frown comes over her face. "Ugh!!!! Disgusting! Get it off!" she says as she tries to stand up and wipe the milk of herself. Man or female, being showered in milk isn't that pleasant. "What the heck is wrong with you?!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:25 pm

"What's a magical girl? I don't have any powers, but you don't need super powers to be a super hero!". A line that got used a lot by the Fox. Intact, Lulu's stance that a powerless ten year old couldn't do anything to help felt pretty familiar to Cat, as it was just what most people had said about her when she was that adult super hero without powers. She blushed brightly at the realisation that this new reality had much in common with the real one as far as people laughing at the suggestion of her being a hero. Twisting around, she looked down below, and saw the Robo-girl that had saved her, but then turned her weapons on the Wolf, was now coming after them, but seemed to be having some problems with her jet system. "Look, it's her... ", she said, and started to point, just as Lulu readjusted her grip, forced her breasts right back up against Cat's face, her nose and mouth both smothered by warm, soft flesh for a moment while she felt her skirt being tugged right up and getting caught around her waist.

She squirmed and wriggled against the Pop star, sucking in a deep breath after leaning her head back to make the smallest amount of space between her face and Lulu's chest, "Stop doing that!", she yelled. "Please just get back down there... if we stay up here we're either gonna get hit by that beam, or you, me and that Robo girl are all gonna fall out of the sky because you're both having trouble staying up here right now!". Drawing a deep breath, she looked down again, her stomach churning as it was hardly any safer down there, but atleast down there they could hide... up here they were almost an easy target. Her chest tightened a little, and she adjusted her glasses, searching desperately to see if she could spot Maria down there somewhere...
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:30 pm

Mimi had eventually gotten to where Cat was and saw her. She at once was overwhelm by what was happening. She had to deal with so much just to get here but it was hard. SHe wasn't sure how her system was going to hold up and was wondering if she was going to be able to get out of here. She flew around for a bit and gulped a bit as she wasn't sure if she could speak out to Cat right now.

(Totally lost right now. Just doing this for a placeholder)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:19 am

Stella winces as Ming yells. She stares at the ground, her face red. "S-sorry... I couldnt... hold it anymore with the blast of you landing. Didnt... do it on purpose..."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:16 am

As the dirt and broken ground beneath her feet crunched, scattered and crumbled as she ran as quickly as her powerful legs would allow her, keeping her eyes focused forward and charging onwards. As she passed by the scythe armed man, a sense of relief began to well up within her being, finally she would be away from this insanity and free to do as she wished, with having to fight in these foolish situations or be controlled by human technology. Although the girl on her riding on her back was light enough to be almost unnoticeable, as Cat moved about on her back and then suddenly jumped off, Horo felt the movement and looked back a moment. If wolves had been capable of facial expressions then Horo would probably have her mouth open, gawping at the actions Cat just took, leaping at the dangerous man. Slowing down and eventually coming to a halt not to far away from where Cat had leapt off from her back. A sense of relief again spread through her body as she saw that the flying girl from before had managed to catch Cat away from the man before anything untowards happened to the young girl. Looking at the flying girl for a moment, glad that someone had saved Cat from her crazy actions. Before Horo was able to decide on her next move, a white beam of light tore through the ground before fading away, leaving one of the goons that had been trying to kill them deformed into a stange and distorted puppet like being. Looking to the being known as White Skull for a moment, the source of the white beam of light, her fur began to stand on end as a shiver of fear ran through her entire body. She was entirely outmatched in this situation, she could not understand the power this White Skull character even wielded but could see that it seem to alter reality around him, proving this to be true moments later when another white beam clipped the flying girl who had hold of Cat and seemed to send her flight path reeling. Horo would make to move towards them, she might not have arms to catch them with, but if they fell she might be able to cushion the impact with her strange, fur covered back. She kept moving towards them even when the flying girl managed to right herself. Something about the young girl was familiar to something in Horo's mind, and the curiosity was overwhelming her fear.

As she moved towards the pair, she caught sight of cyborg girl who seemed to help at one moment, then point weapons at her the next moment, now she seeemed to be having trouble controlling herself. That was a small grace for the moment, one less threat. As she headed over towards Cat and Lulu, the situation would suddenly turn even more sour as she felt the ground begin to rumble violently, as if the earth beneath them was going to split open. Her ears picked out the sounds of twisting and creaking metal from the direction of the expo centre she had escaped from not long ago. The sight sent an even greater chill throug her lupine body as she saw the machine rising from the rubble. As she watched it, she could pick out bits and pieces of weapons and machinery that she had noticed during the floor show. This situation seemed to go from from bad to worse very quickly, and this latest development was the worst so far, since it had seemed to give the Scythe armed man and the White Skull pause for thought. This was not a situation she wanted to be stuck in anymore, and right now she was probably one of the larger targets on this battlefield. Turning about and moving towards Cat and Lulu again, she focused on changing her size, to transform herself back into a regular wolf, which would make it easier for her to hide and avoid attention as much as possible. The instinctive part of her mind agreed readily with this. It was easier to hunt if one was harder to see and easier to escape if the prey was too strong to be overcome. She would keep moving as she attempted to the size change, heading towards the Cat and Lulu still to check on them, at least to make sure that she was able to escape as Horo wished to be able to do at this moment. The shape shifting would changed little of her outward appearance apart from her size. She kept moving, away from the three powerful beings on the battlefield, hoping that the three would distract each other long enough, even hopefully kill one another, so that she could make her getaway.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:40 pm

The MSN bot moved, or more correctly everything in it’ way was moved as before the size of the monstrosity as whatever remaining buildings be it the expo towers or trees were shattered before the behemoth. Its tentacles seemingly grabbing any and all electronics drawing them into its bulk seemingly assimilating them as the metallic compounds seemingly melted into its body. What came next was even more terrifying as the tentacles seemingly began to grab any humans still in the area be they living or corpses as the sharpen ends penetrated the backside of there vertebrate with a sickening crunch pumping them up and propping them as energy seemingly flowed into them the peoples body transforming as their skin gained a metallic tone and there eye turned a penetrating red.

The ‘reaper’ simply looked at the creature and the fleeing Catalina before mumbling under his breath “I don’t get paid enough to deal with crap like this.” No sooner then he said that did he simple vanish, the flicker of motion in the shadows was all that notified them that he was ever there.

The White Skull looked at where the reaper had been indifferent at his departure as there was a more pressing matters at hand. The MSN bot wasn’t idle as a circular compartment opened across the front side of its bulk as a crimson ball of red light burst through the air sizzling in its passing. The White skull however indifferent stuck his hand out as the beam struck a white barrier that appeared in front of him, the ball splitting at the impact as stray bolts went everywhere in a splash effect. Creating thousands of smaller bolts they sprayed out in all directions. These bolt shot across the air inorganic material burning while organics would find themselves getting ‘hot’ in a different from the touch as it causes there nerves to relay pure pleasure.
This was just the beginning of its barrage as red pink purple lightning flashed forward from various compartments each deflecting off the shield as well. The creature swinging one of it’s leg at the skull, the White Skull shouting “FOOLISH CREATURE FEEL MY WRATH” his hand glowing a nebulous white and yellow before seemingly catching the limb his hands the screech of bending and tearing metal filled the air and the limb was torn straight off before being thrown into the distance.

(Summary – Huge battle at expo, its slightly outside of the city proper, it’s right next to a large park/forest (think NY central park). The campus of the school north of the park and integrates into the park. Cities power is mostly out due to the EMP. People that fled the expo are main running away through the park.)

At the Expo or arriving at the Expo
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
giving you all a free action for the moment as more or less you all need to rp with each other and react to what’s going on.
Ask if you have questions.

At the Park
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
You see dozens of people running past you; most clearly out of breath but the fear on there faces were as if hell itself were chasing them. No sooner did several pass did a huge metal object of such crash into the ground embedding itself like totem. The object looking like a mechanical leg or something… as suddenly robotic tentacle spouted from it intent or grabbing whatever they could be it flesh or machine.

(Oh yeah forgot KE side effects for your choice aren’t apparent yet so I’m not going to state them)
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