[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:30 pm

(So was my character's power suit stripped off by those tentacles as well?)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:11 pm

(no, unless you flew into it for some reason....)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:32 pm

Sandra, in one of her fits of spinning around, catches a glimpse of the terrifying tower that is the MSN bot. Her scanners are relaying information she has forgotten how to interpret, but all of them show massive readings of some sort. She flails a bit more wildly, dropping in height for a moment, until she calms down, and simply hovers.

"Okay... I got that down..." she says, taking a few metaphorical breaths. She slowly turns to face the monstrosity again, and slowly brings her arm forward. She tries a few bouts of willing her arm to deploy those fearsome weapons that had been leveled at the wolf earlier, but it doesn't take. The thing is shooting beams and energy at a little speck down below, which Sandra recognizes as the guy who was responsible for her freaking out and trying to kill the wolf.

"Maybe.. I'd better leave them to it." she says, slowly spinning herself back around to check on her two escaping friends.

Sandra is getting the hang of this again, somewhat like learning to ride a bike after watching people do it all the time. The training wheels were starting to come off, as she blasted herself forward, slowly increasing her speed as she began to feel more comfortable.

It wasn't long before she had caught up with the damaged flying girl and the younger girl she had been protecting. She matched their pace.

"Hey, I'm... I'm sorry for that freaking out thing before... We can talk later. For now, I think it'd be best if I took you guys further away... I'm getting used to flying again..."

She thought back to her old method of flying.... Back before she had become some robot cyborg thing. She used to fly by manipulating electrical charges and sort of puling herself along... Maybe something like that could work again?

"Hang on..." she said, as she attempted to steer herself like she used to. It was a slower drift, definitely not as precise as she had been when she had been hard-wired into Hime's routines. It did allow for some finer controlling though. She drifter closer to the pair, and grabbed hold of Lulu around the waist. It was now a three-layer sandwich of people flying together, and Sandra had to put more into her thrusters to compensate. She boosted them further away from the fracas, definitely adding more speed than the damaged girl could. "Got a good grip?" she asked.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:37 pm

Lulu rolls her eyes at Cat's speech. "Yeah yeah, whatever, as someone who's done the whole powerless superheroing, I can tell you, it kinda sucks." She smiles faintly. "But then, I guess it is worth it, in the end. Maybe you're right, Cat..." She sees the mech-powered girl that Cat pointed out, and banks to fly in her direction. "We'll be fine, stop being so pessimistic! I mean really, that's about enough out of you." With that, Lulu presses Cat's head back into her boobs, and holds it there. Cat can still breath, but she's not going to be saying much of anything.

Lulu is leveling with Sandra when the robogirl grabs her and starts hauling them away. "Hey, what the!? I kinda wanted to talk first, but I guess getting out of here quick is good. My one wing is getting kinda tired... Who are you, anyway?" She spots Mimi drifting confusedly around nearby. "Hey, maybe we should grab that powersuit girl, too, she seems kinda adrift."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:30 pm

Cat was cut off by once again having her head pulled right up between Lulu's breasts, and this time she knew it was no accident. The problem was, the young adult woman was considerably stronger than the skinny, un-athletic ten year old girl. She struggled and wriggled with all her might, getting herself quite out of breath and disrupting her clothing even further. Her hands squeezed the Pop star's shoulders, and with the arm holding her head there too strong, she just tried to yell anyway, her lips vibrating right up against Lulu's breasts, but her words were too muffled to be understood. Her wide blue eyes rolled to the side, just able to catch a small window at the edge of her vision, beyond the fleshy mounds that were in her face, and saw the robo-girl from earlier swoop in, and blushed brightly as the girl pressed up against her back, squashing Cat right between herself and Lulu as they combined their flight powers. Now she felt jealous of more than just their bodies, as they were both able to fly, like real super heroes, while Cat just felt... useless.

As they flew further away from destruction, she was able to twist her head in order to look back, and even though she'd seen up close the carnage, and the many, many deaths, she couldn't help but find it all... somewhat pretty, with all those coloured beams of lighting flying through the air from the giant robot. Her gaze turned back to Lulu, peering up pleadingly through her glasses as she tried to pull herself free from the girl's cleavage, but knew that would only happen if Lulu eased up her grasp. She felt so powerless, not even able to speak now unless this older girl allowed her. Perhaps it was just coincidence, but held between the two girls, with her face against Lulu's chest like a pillow, and as the loudness of the expo hall fell further and further away behind them, she realised her body and mind had relaxed considerably, and she felt so calm, blushing as she wondered if Lulu had some bizarre power to make people feel sleepy by resting their head on her breasts.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:33 pm

Mimi was able to avoid most of the trouble that was happening around her and eventually spotted Cat as she was being pressed into the bust of another person. She at once tried to focus herself to fly over there but it seems as if they were coming towards her. Still now Mimi had a problem. She was in a superpower suit about to encounter Cat who she knew from the endless rants was into superheroes and the such. There was no way in heck could she allow Cat know that her maid was powering the suit much less could be consider as a superhero. Mimi was going have to find a way to mask her voice or something.

"I-I am Mecha Musume," said Mimi though a voice changer. Her voice sounded a bit high pitched then normal as she respond back to Lulu. "I am here to retrieve the mis-miss in your arms."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:23 am

Sandra nearly blows past Mimi, but as she passes, she waves her down, as she slowly lowers the pair of girls to a small clearing in the park below. She gently tones down her thrusters, but lands a little harshly. She twists herself around, putting her body in between her passengers and the ground. She lands hard, skidding a few feet before finally stopping.

She gets up slowly, and makes sure nobody else is hurt... She notices a bit of a scrape on Cat's arm, which she spends a few seconds figuring out how to treat. A little tube extends from her finger as she manufactures a medical adhesive to adhere to Cat's skin, to keep it free of infection.

"Ah, okay... Let me introduce myself. I'm Sandra Yen... or I was... Before all this happened. I can't quite get my head around it, but... When I killed off all of my functions to avoid shooting the wolf, I discovered something... Someone messed with my memories, and now I have this split timeline where... an event in my past horribly crippled me and put me in robot bodies. That's what you see now." Sandra poses for effect. "By the way... little girl... do you have an older sister.... or maybe... is your mother named Katherine?"

She sits down on the grass, motioning for the others to do so as well.

"And.... what's your story, oh one-winged-demon?" she adds.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:02 am

Mark keeps trying to clean herself off from the liquid as she starts to notice people rushing past her. When the giant tentacle leg thing crashed close to her, her eyes widened. "What the hell?!" she exclaimed as she noticed the strange contraption. "Lets get out of here!" she exclaimed as she quickly tried to run away with the crowd.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:37 pm

Cat heard the girl who called herself Mecha Musume telling Lulu that she was there to take the schoolgirl, and she wrongly assumed this was another of the bad guys, as Lulu HAD just told her they'd been coming after her. However, seconds later they dropped down towards the park, and her chest tightened. She was used to falls and awkward landings, those were both part of the territory when you were a free runner, so she was quite surprised by the stab of fear that went through her as the three of them tumbled after hitting the ground, her cry, like her words, muffled by Lulu's breasts as Sandra twisted herself around to take the fall. Finally released from the Pop star's hold when they came to a stop, she climbed to her feet, tugging her short, blue plaid skirt down her thighs with almost enough force to tear the material, any lethargy that had set in during the flight now well and truly shaken out of her by the crash landing.

"What do you think you're doing!", she yelled at Lulu as she got her bearings, her almost flat chest heaving up and down with deep breaths. "Who's going to put a stop to all that now? I was helping!", she whined, not realising how child-like she sounded, before turning suddenly as the application of the medical adhesive startled her. She looked up at Sandra in suprise, before peering down at her arm, only now realising it had been cut. She blushed, as for a moment she couldn't shake the feeling of being a kid having a band-aid applied by an adult. However, this thought was quickly pushed right out of her mind as she heard the Robo-Girl introduce herself. She felt, and probably looked like she'd just taken a blow to the head, a stunned expression washing over her youthful features, while her knees nearly gave way breath her. "Sandra...", she gasped, before blushing brightly when the girl noticed something familiar about her, and called her a little girl in the same line.

"Sandra... I AM Katherine", she admitted in a very embarrassed tone, feeling a little ashamed of her outburst towards Lulu now. She'd known Sandra ever since the girl had started at the University where she worked as a Librarian, but she was used to being almost a full decade older than Sandra, and had never before had to look up at like this before. "Something happened to me too. I woke up in that school for rich kids right over there, and turned into this...", she explained, one hand sweeping her loose blonde hair back, the other hand tugging the bottom of the untucked white cotton blouse down slightly. Sandra had been the closest thing to a best friend she'd had, despite the large gap in age. "Everyone thinks my name is Catalina, and that this rich guy called Essex is my Dad. And I don't just mean a little rich... he's got this maid called Maria babysitting me, and I got picked up from school in a helicopter. A helicopter, Sandra! And look at my school bag!", she continued, tugging the black leather gucci purse from her back, waving it around infront of Sandra.

She poked the bridge of her glasses nudging them against her nose, her cheeks bright red as she glanced up at Lulu, assuming the two flying girls were together, as part of some super-powered team. Of course, she had no idea Sandra has also been Sparker, who's popularity had made Katherine pretty jealous, just as she'd never shared the fact she herself had been The Fox with the girl, despite their regular discussions on comic books and super heroes. "I don't think anything happened to my memories, but... something is different. I can't explain it so well, but... I feel really smart". She reached an arm into the purse, and after digging around pulled out the iphone. "You remember how bad I am with modern technology, right? Well I figured out how to use this straight away. I made plans too... ", she continued, rambling on, and pulled out a notebook. Flipping over the first page, she seemed to hesitate, looking up at Sandra nervously. They could probably see her scribbled notes and basic illustrations under a heading that read 'Costume Ideas'.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:17 pm

Mimi saw that the threesome of girls had sped off and she decided to go after them. She was fortune that she kind of got a grip on the controls of her suit after the early outburst. Her mind and powers were providing to be the perfect control. The side that was Mimi really wanted to get to Catlina.

The three stopped in a clearing at a park and it was then that Mimi slowed down herself but found stopping to be a bit of a hard thing. She lower herself down with a sudden stop as she hover a few inches off the ground. A small indent could be seen where she landed but it was nothing like the other three. Mimi could hear the trailers of conversation from the three. One of them had mention how they had memories of another life. Mimi at once guess that this other girl in the mecha suit was like Mimi and Micheal herself.

"You have memories as well?" asked Mimi as she hover closer to the group. Her voice changer still on. She then looked at Catlina and recalled her name. "And you are a Katherine?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:52 pm

Lulu bites her lip as she regards the other girls. "So I'm not alone in remembering how things were, huh? One second I was sitting in my van, scanning for any crime I could stop, the next I was in a super successful pop-idol band. If any of you know what's going on, now'd be the time to share." She looks over at Mimi. "And you should land, Miss robo suit, hovering like that's distracting."

She plops down on the grass and only half pays attention as Cat goes on for a little while. "Whatever Cat. Look, you're a little kid now. I'm some kind of winged emotion eater. That means you can't be a superhero without some kind of amazing inherent power, and I have to eat emotions sometimes. Neither of us are happy with that but we're stuck for now. And she," she jerks her head toward Sandra, "has it worse, what with the whole being a brain in a metal body. So calm down or you're getting boobed again." She spots the list of costume ideas and snerks. "Cat, babe, you're like 10. The only costume you could pull off is the magical girl kind. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, you'd look cute!" She grins. Seems she's sincere.

Stretching her wings, Lulu regards Sandra. "Call me Lulu. And I have two wings, one is just a little... stiff right now. I'm sure it'll be fine. Wait, demon? Do I look like a demon? I can't really see what my wings look like."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Sun May 01, 2011 5:18 pm

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:"Sandra... I AM Katherine", she admitted in a very embarrassed tone, feeling a little ashamed of her outburst towards Lulu now. She'd known Sandra ever since the girl had started at the University where she worked as a Librarian, but she was used to being almost a full decade older than Sandra, and had never before had to look up at like this before. "Something happened to me too. I woke up in that school for rich kids right over there, and turned into this...", she explained, one hand sweeping her loose blonde hair back, the other hand tugging the bottom of the untucked white cotton blouse down slightly. Sandra had been the closest thing to a best friend she'd had, despite the large gap in age. "Everyone thinks my name is Catalina, and that this rich guy called Essex is my Dad. And I don't just mean a little rich... he's got this maid called Maria babysitting me, and I got picked up from school in a helicopter. A helicopter, Sandra! And look at my school bag!", she continued, tugging the black leather gucci purse from her back, waving it around infront of Sandra.

She poked the bridge of her glasses nudging them against her nose, her cheeks bright red as she glanced up at Lulu, assuming the two flying girls were together, as part of some super-powered team. Of course, she had no idea Sandra has also been Sparker, who's popularity had made Katherine pretty jealous, just as she'd never shared the fact she herself had been The Fox with the girl, despite their regular discussions on comic books and super heroes. "I don't think anything happened to my memories, but... something is different. I can't explain it so well, but... I feel really smart". She reached an arm into the purse, and after digging around pulled out the iphone. "You remember how bad I am with modern technology, right? Well I figured out how to use this straight away. I made plans too... ", she continued, rambling on, and pulled out a notebook. Flipping over the first page, she seemed to hesitate, looking up at Sandra nervously. They could probably see her scribbled notes and basic illustrations under a heading that read 'Costume Ideas'.

Now it was Sandra's turn to be shocked. "Wait... Katherine...? That's you?" She studied the biometrics that were being fed into her, but of course they were useless since she didn't have Katherine's to compare to. "Oh my god! I... I got it off easy compared to you." She gestures at her body, fully advanced beyond what she was capable of in her previous life. A little electric control? Nothing compared to having jet boosters, armor, and weapons all over her body. Not to mention the wealth of information she didn't have before.

"But.. you're smarter and richer, hm?" She adds. "And you're way better at technology? Heh, maybe you could redesign that garish Flying Fox webpage you have up on your monitor all the time," she teases.

She listens to the winged girl. "You look like a succubus with a useless rubber wing," she says flatly. "You were a crimefighter in your past too?" she adds. "That doesn't explain...." she turns to Cat, before realizing that she had kept her own identity a secret from her all this time. "Kat... Is there something you haven't told me about your day job? It might help us figure something out..." She seems to be reluctant to be the one to bring up her own secret identity.

She registers the notebook's scrawls as she looks at her. "Kat...." she says in an accusatory tone. "Were you... a superhero?"

She turns to the other robot, who had followed them. Her body is automatically running several scans on her, finding that it's some kind of exosuit. "Yes... I have memories now.... but they were gone for a long time. It was like, that one critical moment in my life where I was struck by lightning... branched. In one life, I recovered miraculously. In the other, tons of medical procedures were used to save me... which were paid for by selling my brain to the corporation that put me in this body. I couldn't remember my other life for a long time... not until I basically... killed the auto-running program." She suddenly registers a shocked expression.

"That's not to say I won't forget again!!!" She panics. "You guys have to remind me if I forget who I am! I'm Sandra Yen!" She exclaims.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sun May 01, 2011 5:25 pm

Stella stumbles to her feet... hurrying after Mark! She didn't have any better ideas at the moment...

Meanwhile, the maid would feel a tingle beginning all over her skin... as her outfit begins pulling tighter against her...
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Sun May 01, 2011 7:08 pm

Catalina nodded nervously up at the hovering Mecha-girl, still unsure wether she was here to kidnap her or not, but... it sounded like she'd gone through the same thing as Cat, and Sandra, and... Bubbles? Cat's blue eyes looked up at the Pop Star in suprise as she revealed that she too had been something entirely different up until that morning. Her brow creased slightly with a thoughtful expression as she carefully considered Lulu's claim that she'd been scanning for crime that she could stop. Had they been targeted because they fought crime? But... Sandra? She chewed her bottom lip, and studied the Robo-girl that contained the mind of her best friend. Her thoughts were then interrupted by Lulu has she settled down on the grass beside Sandra and proceeded to mock Cat's insistence that she would have been able to help back at the Expo Battle. Setting her free hand on a hip that was barely there, her blue eyes narrowed at the pink-haired Pop Star. "Why does everyone think you need powers to be a hero? What about Batman, or Iron Man? Look at Kate Bishop from the Young Avengers. She has no powers AND she's still a kid", she huffed, the bitterness caused by years of hearing people say the Fox was not a real super hero as she had no super powers. She was used to it, but... it now seemed harder to keep calm in the face of these sort of accusations that it usually did!

Her hands clenched, gripping the notebook so tightly the pages crumpled slightly as Lulu continued to make fun of her plans. "I have no idea what a Magical Girl is, or why everyone keeps mentioning it, but... ", she trailed off, realising Sandra was looking at her in suprise, "Yeah, it's really me...", she murmured, her voice dropping in volume quite drastically. Her cheeks went very, very red at the comparison of who had come out of it better, but atleast with the Robo-girl sitting on the grass she didn't have to deal with the embarrassment of her friend towering above her. A somewhat hurt expression washed over her face at Sandra's comment regarding the Flying Fox website, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she nervously played with her long blonde hair as she realised Sandra was coming to the same conclusion as she had with regards to them having previously been heroes, or atleast fighters of crime. Her eyes widened slightly behind her glasses, and her lips parted in a suprised 'o' shape when it struck her that Sandra was talking to her like a child. She squirmed on her feet, the toes of her polished black school shoes poking into the ground, her heart racing inside her chest as her longtime friend tried to encourage her to spill her secrets.

For a long moment, she looked back and forth between Sandra and Lulu, "Maybe... but... you were too, Sandra?", she murmured, chewing her bottom lip before letting out a sigh, her shoulders slumping. "I... was the Flying Fox", she mumbled, sounding rather ashamed of herself. "So you see, I don't need super powers. I just... got to get used to this body's balance... ", she muttered, the hand sliding down from her hip, cupping her own bottom and giving it a slight squeeze through the blue plaid school skirt, and winced from the memory of her earlier fall when attempting a wall-flip, "... and maybe get some sneakers with proper grip on, and a costume... ", she said, looking at the Robo-girl hopefully, turning the notepad around and holding it out for her to take and look over the two possible designs. "All this stuff can be got in stores so easily", she explained, "We'd find that dress in a dance supplies store. You know how I wore glasses before? Well, I was kind of faking so just took them off when being the Fox, but now I need them for real. We could get some of those ones that wrap around your head, like mountain climbers wear?", she went on in the tone of a pleading child. "C'mon, you guys did get cool powers, the least you could do is help me get the stuff I need... and then we can go stop that giant robot together... because SOMEBODY has to! ".
Last edited by Harri-chan on Mon May 02, 2011 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun May 01, 2011 11:54 pm

"Oh...Sorry," said Mimi sounding like a maid for a bit. She wasn't use to hovering much less not being as a maid. The side that is Micheal didn't mind but still this was new to Mimi at least. She tried to figure out how to turn the hovering off and she did but with a loud thud. Nothing happen to her mecha suit but the ground was a bit indented due to her height in the suit.

Mimi listen to what was being said. Words like 'Flying Fox' and 'Sandra Yen' ran though her mind. Both Micheal and Mimi were just running on full power as they were combining what they knew into something. Micheal remember seeing the site that belonged to the Flying Fox right before this whole reality shift happen and looked at all that was happening.

She listen to Catalina and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Maybe it was the female hormones or the fact that Mimi was a maid employee by the small girl. Something was making her feel bad. She slowly tried to shift her body over and wrapped an arm around Catalina in a way to comfort her. She didn't want to seem to loving but it was the maid in her that wanted to help Catalina.

"I too-," said Mimi as she realize what she was about to say before pausing. She then tried to play it off since she didn't want to reveal her identity. Mimi didn't want reveal her identity to Catalina. She knew how the young girl as been obsessed with superheros and the such. Finding out that her maid was some sort of superpowered mechanical girl may make her feel even worse.

"I too been hearing a few tales about this happening to people who claim to be heroes," said Mimi as she was trying to figure out what to say. She then guess now be a good time to reveal what she had learn earlier, "It would seems like the universe as gone though a shift. It was possible in the world where you all are from but never to this mass degree. From my observations it would seem like many heroes have been turned into maid, at least the one with powers. The one with no powers were as in Lady C- I mean Catalina's position were put in unfavorable situations."
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