[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Tue May 03, 2011 2:09 pm

The now normal sized wolf slinked away from the battlefield, taking cover for a moment before the wreck of an upturned pickup truck that seemed to have been unfortunate enough to get thrown about by the impact of the battle that was occuring in the area. She peered out from behind the upturned vehicle and looked about for a moment, see if she was able to spot the others who had appeared on this outrageous battlefield, most of who seemed to be interested in protecting the young girl, Cat, whom the wolf thought was familiar, though she could not tell whom she was familiar too, the memories of the two minds sharing the single body were a little jumbled and confused at the moment, and with her feral instincts baying at her to flee the battle, it confused her state of mind further. Shaking her lupine head for a moment as she tried to clear some of the confusion away though it was to little avail, two minds in one body was not a state of affairs that could make a person think clearly. As she peered out, she noticed the cyborg girl who not too long ago seemed to have been aiming her seemed to have snagged hold of the winged girl who had been carrying Cat and had carted them off towards the nearby park. Part of her mind was concerned with what might happen to the strangely familiar young girl and the wolf was not quite yet ready to trust the cyborg girl after the same cyborg girl had pointed a weapon at Horo, even if the girl seemed to be helping now. As quietly as she was able to move, the wolf would slink out from behind the vehicle and head in the same direction that the others had fled from the scene. She would see the park as she approached and the thought of being closer to something natural seemed to soothe her confused and troubled mind a little.

As she drew closer to the park, the wolf lost sight of the people she was following as they entered the park. Fast as the wolf was compared to humans, she was certainly not able to keep up with people whom were able to fly. She moved a little faster as she headed towards and then through the gate of the park. Looking around again, though she was unable to see the group that she was following but she was fortunate that unlike Daniel who had been using the body before but was rather inexperienced in the use of the stronger sense of smell and hearing, the wolf was fully able to use them to begin tracking the group. it was not long before she picked up the first hint of a familiar scent drifting on the breeze and she would follow scent towards it's source. Approaching she would start to hear different voices speaking, she recognized at least two of them but did not know the others. Slowing down and moving as quietly as she was able. She peered upon the small group that had gathered upon the grass, she recognized Cat, the winged girl and the cyborg girl but the figure in the strange power suit was not so familiar, though the scent seemed to remind the wolf of someone she may have met in passing. She picked up snippets of the conversations the girls were having but was not able to make out much in the way of details apart from the mention of Super heros, a term which meant little too the wolf, though Daniel was. She watched them for a few moments long, as the figure in the power suit hugged Cat. The wolf then decided that with a cyborg girl, a winged girl and another female in a power suit around, she reasoned that a wolf appearing in their midst could not be all that surprising. Passing under the shade of a large oak tree before she plodded her way over towards the small group, her padded feet barely making a noise as she approached them. She would head towards Cat and prodded the girl with the tip of her nose to get the girl's attention, reasoning that even if they weren't surprised by the sudden apperance of a wolf, if she growled to get their attention it could be mistaken for an aggressive action. She stopped right next to Cat after prodding her, looking about the rest of the group for a moment, most of whom she didn't really have a problem with, though when she laid her eyes on the cyborg girl who had pointed a weapon at her not to long ago, the wolf would give her a slightly more aggressive reaction than she'd presented to Cat or the others, bearing her fangs at Hime just for a moment, though did not seem to do much else. for the moment she was content to wait and listen to what the others planned to do in their current situation, though she noticed the paper Cat was holding onto and looked at them for a moment, her lupine head at one side as she looked at the sketches. To anyone who had Horo when she was the size of a truck, in her current form, she seemed almost identical apart from now being the size of a normal wolf.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Thu May 05, 2011 7:57 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
(admittedly there was more talking then I expected but it saves me the trouble of trying to gm post explain things, admittedly a bit convenient but it’s a RP)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
There wasn’t exactly time for team meetings, despite the lull in their immediate vicinity the sounds of explosions, bullets, and what they could only assume were energy beams of various sorts scattered throughout the area as did constant barrages of multi colored lights that filled the air. Stray blast blowing up trees in the area as some of the trees caught on fire, the dry air not helping as the heat increased.
In the immediate area near them and throughout the park and forest there were still hundreds to thousands of stragglers trying to flee to the city proper and behind them in the center of the expo or what was left of it was a epic battle of man vs machine. The MSN mecha despite all its weapons was giving ground the white skull clearly had the advantage the cosmic cube showing that it was named such for a reason. Missiles after missile, laser after laser it fired each attack no more effective then the last as the bounced off the man’s defense. Still its barrage was enough that it didn’t give the White Skull another chance to attack. The machine had more than a few tricks as it deployed the newly integrated Droids to gather more materials while it fought, the former humans gathering any remaining scraps before quickly expanding their search area.

Suddenly the voice that had saved them earlier spoke to them once again much clearer then before as if the interference was lessened. “Quickly you must find the one that holds the nectar of life in her bosom, only with that can you unlock that which lays dormant within her.” The voice said, somehow they would understand that the her clearly referred to Catalina “Hurry they come!” it said before cutting off once more. As the group continued to talk and talk suddenly the Droids arrived descending upon them with a cute borg like mentality.
Across the city the droids searched for machines and power outlets intent on making them part of their collective in order to gather sufficient material and power to battle their current foe, the power grid being down working against them.

As Ming and Stella fled they could see the gigantic limb grabbed a stray straggler, Ming would find her clothing turning harder and tighter as the material it was composed of quickly began to gain a shiny gloss as she would find her clothing (collar too) turning into what seemed like a rubber equivalent as she ran, the milk drying against her skin as she felt it become almost erotically tender were it was. However there was little time contemplation as one of the men near them man shouted out in horror as one of the tentacles from the broken limb grabbed him, his horror quickly turned to pain as he was tasered passing out as the electricity visibly surged into his body. As another tentacle its bladed end clearly intent on impaling him approached his rear…
Ming would find herself close enough to help, her new life’s trained sport skills telling her that she could make it if she tried, still the sudden horniness and tightening was making it hard to think straight. There was no time to think just act as the blade approached the man, plot choice
‘Save the guy’ or ‘Flee’ one or the other, will have lasting effects either way. Ask if you have questions.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Thu May 05, 2011 8:38 pm

Mark blinked as she noticed her skin get way more tender and her clothes get more rubbery. "W-what in the world's going on?" she thought to herself as she ran. Still that was just a passing thought as chaos reigned around her. She was almost freaking out, war had somehow happened without her even getting a heads up and fire and people screaming were everywhere. Thankfully some on Mings memories helped her keep a bit cool, but still this was all new.

She then saw as a man was grabbed by the tentacle monster, the poor guy. It was at that moment that Mark remembered something from Ming. A certain genre in japanese culture called... tentacle porn. As memories and knowledge of that flowed in Mark couldn't help but cry out as only a girl can. Mark really didn't want to end up any victim to a perverted machine. Maybe it was the combination of the memory and the training and a bit of Marks sense of justice, but Mark wouldn't let the poor guy suffer.... tentacle... ugh.... Either way Mark charged the creature hoping more of Mings training would kick in and she could somehow save the poor man.

"BAKA HENTAI MONSTER!!!" she shouted as she charged.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Tue May 10, 2011 10:27 am

Lulu half-listened to what Cat was going on about, more concerned with flexing her rubberized wing, trying to get it back to normal. "Succubus, huh?" She said to Hime. "Maybe I have other succubus powers. I'll have to try them out if when get attacked gain."

As Cat finished up her speech, Lulu sighed heavily. "Look Cat, I know you want to help, but we're up against super nasty powerful stuff. You saw! Without powers, there's not a lot you can actually do to help. I mean, how much help is The Punisher when Superman or the Fantastic Four are around? That magic voice seems to think you're important in a non-fighting capacity, and we, the more fighty types, need to protect you, so you just have to live with it." Her expression softens. "Look, I understand it must suck. I know, back before, the shift or whatever, my only power was guitar playing. But, and this is important, I was a adult. Without powers, there's not much a kid can do to a normal adult, let alone a magic one."

It was then that the voice returned. "Nectar of life in her bosom? I... wonder what that means?" She had a pretty good guess, and Cat was sure to be embarrassed. She didn't say anything about it, though.

"Alright, so it looks like we need to- crap, robots!" She snatched Cat up, squeezing the girl back deeply into her cleavage in her haste, and shot up into the air, her trajectory wobbling slightly due to her (now hopefully less) rubbery wing. "...cute robots. Huh. Well, we can't let them get you Cat. Let's see if I have magic..." She focuses on the feelings she'd been having earlier, and tries to channel energy a similar way. Destructive energy. She shifts her grip on Cat to free up a hand, her supporting hand going underneath to support Cat by the bottom (and inadvertently freeing the girl's face from her boobs), and gestures to a crowd of the cutebots. She releases the energy she tried to build, hoping for a fireball or beam of dark magic or an explosion or something.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Tue May 10, 2011 4:58 pm

Sandra is taken aback when the robots find them. "Well, it was only good for so long," she says. She tries to open the EMP but instead her arm turns into a knife. "Er..." she tries again, and this time a cannon appears mounted to her other arm. "Good enough" she says, as she showers them with some energy." By now, Lulu and Cat have escaped.

Sandra tries to get a feel for the gynoids' systems, the electricity that flows in them. She tries to control it's flow, shutting them down from the inside, or at least making them less useful.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Wed May 11, 2011 1:08 pm

Catalina felt rather jealous of Mimi, despite the older girl's attempts to avoid this. Her blue eyes watched in awe as the mecha suit landed, shaking the ground beneath them and digging into the grass. The arm reaching around her took her by suprise, but any embarrassment was outweighed by comic-book-fangirl-like excitement as she was pulled up against the armoured suit. Being pressed against the tough metal suit stirred up what was probably the closest to arousal Cat's young body could reach, and she brushed a hand along Mimi's ribs, something in her more intelligent mind telling her this girl was different to Sandra, that it was a suit rather than her actually body, and she squirmed from the excitement, "You're just like Pepper Potts when she-". Her comic nerd chatter was cut off as Mimi explained her thoughts on why everyone had become someone new, and once more felt herself being pushed close to a temper tantrum as her lack of super powers were mentioned. "Unfavourable situations?", she blushed, one finger poking against the bridge of her glasses, blue eyes narrowing behind them as she looked over at Lulu, "I'm not a kid! I might look like one, but I know what I'm doing! I just need... ".

It was then she felt something tickle against the back of her bare thigh, and her heart skipped a beat. Her skirt flicked about, her body twisting against Mimi as she turned around to see Horo... a much smaller Horo, but there couldn't be another Wolf prowling around the park, could there? The creature might be able to smell the fear that wrapped around the young schoolgirl for a moment, but a thoughtful look swept over her face as she glanced back and forth between the Wolf and Sandra, "I... I think the same thing happened to the Wolf. You know, becoming someone else?", she said aloud, looking around at the other girls. "She can't just be a normal wolf... she was huge back at the Expo center and tearing those bad guys to pieces. Look at her now, she just wants to-", and once again, Cat was cut off, this time by that unseen voice in their minds. She didn't even have time to express her confusion at the message when the pink droids began to swarm around them.

The notebook was stuffed into her purse along with her phone, and she pulled the straps back up over her shoulders, wearing it like a backpack, her hands clenching at her sides as she turned to face the droids with a determined look upon her face. This felt familiar to her, and she drew a deep breath, and started to move forward, the pale blue plaid tie flapping against her chest, blonde hair starting to trail behind her before she was suddenly dragged back against Lulu, "No!", she yelled as they launched upwards like a rocket, leaving the ground, and the others others behind. After struggling, her face, red with annoyance was freed from the girl's cleavage. She snarled at Lulu and then twisted, looking downwards. "Sandraaa!", she yelled. "We gotta stay together! All of us!". Watching Sandra arm herself to take on the cute robots, she groaned and grasped Lulu by the shoulder, "We take out the robots together, and we leave together, okay?", she shouted before yelping as the girl's hand squeezed her bottom while trying to shift her weight about. As the other girls began to unleash their powers and weapons upon the enemy, she felt so useless, able to do no more than watch from above as the others went about kicking droid ass.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed May 11, 2011 11:07 pm

Mimi listen to the voice that seem to be in her mind and the others. She tried to take in what was being said. The words 'bosom' and 'nectar of life' rang in her head. She tried to piece them together but they were just words to her. Still the Micheal side was already racing trying to see if there was a connecting. Her mind was working in overtime and then it hit her. She think she had a lead but right then some female cute botgirls appeared.

The name 'Pepper Pots' means something since Mimi remember Cat bring up the name before while she was serving her. Still she didn't want to make it seems like she knew anything about it.

Mimi was ready for battle but heard what Cat was saying. She was flying a bit off the ground hoping to keep her distance from the cutebots. She looked at Sandra and then said, "We should consider what Cat said. Right now it is best that we stay together. May it be fighting or escaping. It is no use to have this knowledge if it is in pieces. Also I think I may have an answer to that 'nectar of life' riddle."

Mimi was a bit above Sandra and really wanted to join Cat. She spent all this time trying to find her and didn't want to leave her so soon. She had her arm blast ready to attack but was trying to use her powers to gain a reading on the machines and try to control them to see if she can 'talk' to it for information.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Wed May 18, 2011 4:55 pm

For the moment, Horo looked more than content just to wait and see what this small and unusual gathering of people decided to do. She waited near Cat, although occasionally would look at Hime, whom the wolf still did not quite trust. While slightly more relaxed than before, the wolf was clearly watching and listening to it's surrondings as it could still here the slightly distant sounds of battle that they had all just escaped from. The wolf was all to glad to be away from that battleground, the giant robot and the people with spectacular and peculiar powers. Compared to those she had fought before, despite the fact that she could shape shift between a human and wolf form, their powers made Horo feel almost normal. Horo listened to snippets of the topics that the others in the group were talking to, she heard some mentions of some odd names, and recognized them as fictional characters from the world in which Daniel had come from, though they did seem important to Cat for reasons the wolf did not understand. The situation seemed to be calm for the moment, at least until a few moments had passed and her ears perked up and she looked about as she heard the strange voice that had spoken to them before in her head again, again saying something equally as vague and peculiar as before. The wolf shook her head for a moment as she tried to make sense of the bizzare words that the voice had spoken, though it was rather clear now that the voice truely was talking about Cat so Horo would stick close to Cat, and with any luck, the solution to this bizzare situation would show itself. Moments later, the situation seemed to change once again with the all too sudden apperance of a number of rather cute looking, pink robots. If Horo had been able to speak at the time, she would likely have said something about starting to dislike robots, whether it was because they had been attacking to much today and causing too many problems, or the idea of an artificial life form such as a robot was anathetical to her, she was not so sure, but in the end, she was not likely to end up being a fan.

She watched the pink robots for a moment, noting that their movements seemed to not only be robotic but they also seemed to lack any independence that a hunting pack of wolves needed to operate properly. They seemed to operate more like a hive, with a single minded purpose. This was a slight relief to the wolf, as it would at the least make robots actions predictable. She watched one of the other girls carrying Cat off and away and could hear the younger girl protest about this, and insist that they should all stick together. Horo agreed with this, but could not vocalize her opinion since as a wolf she had not the proper ability to speak. Not knowing what the robots were after, but guessing that after the words from the strange voice that it was Cat they were after. She kept on eye where one of the companions of the group had carted Cat off too, and made sure to intersect the path between the robots and Cat. She hoped they would listen to Cat and stick together so she would not have to track them down once more. She turned her attention to the larger issue at hand for the moment and watched the robots for a moment longer before deciding to act. Deciding the best approach would be to clear them out as quickly as possible, instead of relying on her smaller form for a more cunning and agile style. Growling a moment before focusing her mind on the ability to change her size. In mere moments, the normal wolf would shift and turn back into the truck sized form she had been in previously. Another growl escaped from her jaws as she charged towards the nearest robot, fully intending to close the powerful crushing grasp of her jaw around the robot, fighting them with her sheer bulk and naked aggression, something far more akin to a wild animal than a human shape shifted into a wolf.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Wed May 18, 2011 9:45 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Knight (force action)
She would find the mechanical monster didn’t take kindly to the intrusion but at the same time more meat was always welcomed. As she charged, as some of the tentacles quickly diverted to capture and assimilate her, each moving at speeds Mark had trouble seeing much less reacting to. Her Ming side however had no such issues, after all she was a star athlete on the Queen’s Blade team for a reason, as she instinctive would find herself weaving in-between the metallic tentacles as if they were moving in slow motion, she quickly would reach the man phasing her density to max she would rip through the holding him easily. However for all her speed she still wasn’t fast enough to stop the machine from penetrating the man, the man giving an indigent scream, the man’s skin turning a pinkish hue as his skin began to gain a metallic finish. Still she managed to stop it part way, the man however wasn’t in any condition to move on his own as move tentacles descended upon her. In the mean time however as she moved her clothing became tighter and skimmer as the rubber finished shined in the moon like, her clothes looked something you would see in a bondage flick, rather than a maid outfit.
(side effects are increased Ming mental influence as you find letting her instincts while effective at fighting and power usage, it would be increasing confusing where she ended and Mark began everything blurring together as a side effect of giving in to much at once. Still you would find yourself more assertive as Marks sensibilities on freedom take hold.)
Stella would find herself following the Chinese girl as suddenly she did a reversal heading straight towards the mechanical monstrosity. However the bravery moved her as she would instinctively follow, she would find herself being dazzled as the Ming moved the grace she moved with had a pang in her heart as if she remembered begin about to move like that in the past. Still all this action and no nookie was starting to cause her boobs to fill up again, the jugs getting bigger again as if they were reacting to something in the atmosphere. Still one of the tentacles would swing her way intent on snaring her, as it impacted her chest she would find it bouncing off, however it was enough to cause her to lactate again. The milk spurting forth on the tentacle, the mechanical limb seemingly short circuiting before falling apart as if in response to the liquid.
(side effects of your decision earlier, as Stella would find herself becoming more re-assertive, her Stan morals coming back despite her jaded self. Negative effect is that trying to reject giving into your body is causing your powers to react wildly your body producing milk uncontrollably. You would find yourself emotionally and physically unstable as if your period was in overdrive while going into heat.)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Lulu’s attack looked like an energy balls of pink hearts…. However it would be super effective on the initial wave after all the gyroids were originally humans. The initial group seemingly stopping there hostile intention before seemingly turning upon each other as the lust beam took hold of them. The group of gyroids start making out as they would suddenly would get a good view of what lesbian robot sex looked like, the oddity was enough to make even the most jaded of them pause and blush as was they were doing as the first one began to open its ----- Censored-------.
Sandra’s attempted electrical surge was effective for a quick second as several dropped from the air falling to the ground but as they recovered more swarmed into the area attracted to her energy generation powers. The creatures clearly not fickle on what they could grab as they began shooting various energy based beams at them, most missing but some clearly dangerous as the some of the trees branches seemingly melting from stray blasts.
Horo’s attack was effective after all they weren’t about individual ability, rather overwhelming those sheer numbers. Her jaw would have no problem crushing through the lightly armor figures, however as she bit down the grimy taste of oil and flesh would flood her mouth making her almost want to wash her tongue out. As a sudden zap of electricity came from one of them, landing in her right leg while enough to taser a grown man some of her size it was just a painful discomfort.
Mimi’s talking attempts were futility as she would feel like it was talking to the ‘borg’, in short there only response was a message that essentially came out to ‘resistance is futile’. As she hovered her sensors could pick up the battle between White Skull and the MSN Giant Mecha raging in the distance the shockwaves and energy signatures over there off the charts, the battle however was definitely getting close to them and in turn the city as well. On the other hand there was a fairly fresh 100 yard wide crater where she had just left Ming earlier one of the MSN bots legs that had flown past them earlier seemingly trying to reassert itself.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sat May 21, 2011 2:07 pm

Stella stares at the Chinese maid girl... amazed and jealous of her grace and skill... it made her feel all hot just looking at her. Or maybe that was the tentacles... She is finally snapped out of her daze as a tentacle bounces against her swelling bust, and she sprays all over it.

Looking down at the inert tentacle... then up at Ming, she knows she had to help somehow. She begins thinking lusty thoughts, willing the milk to build within her breasts. While doing that she runs forwards towards Ming and the tentacles... getting in range as her breasts jiggle and slosh.

"Hurry, get him out of here!" She shouts to Ming, as she brings her hands to her nipples and squeezes... sending streams of milk over the mechanical tentacles.
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Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Sat May 21, 2011 4:54 pm

As the bots continue to pile up, Sandra pays little attention to the calls for her to retreat. They're not going to get anything by just escaping again, and this threat level wasn't really something she couldn't deal with.

Sandra thinks this is a great time to turn them against each other. The winged-girl's lust beam seemed to have helped to that effect.... But Sandra had something a little more aggressive in mind. She concentrates on the fallen bots that she had deactivated and tries to get them up and running again, this time attacking their own. She uses what she knows of her own interface as a basis and tries to reclassify their fellow cutebots as enemies.

All the while, she keeps firing on the approaching swarm with blasts from her arm-cannon. She doesn't stick in one place as she dashes around them. She keeps her eyes on the swarms of bots, and tries to lead them into crossfire with each other. Even on the physical level, she's trying to get them to attack each other.

Sandra thinks she remembers something about her body being able to network and potentially assimilate technology and weapons. As she dashes between trees, she makes her way to a fallen cute-bot and attempts to interface with it.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Mon May 23, 2011 7:40 am

Mark cringed a bit as she continued to dodge her now larger breasts jiggling with each movement, noticing as her outfit kept changing and turning into rubber not really helping with her boob problem. Still even if that was distracting she had to dodge all the attacks and smack that hentai monster hurting all the innocent people. After dodging an attack Mark started to get visions on various anime and manga characters making their attacks to the arcs final boss. In a moment of epic Weeaboness Mark jumped into the air to meet the creature head on, using her density powers to make her jump higher.

Twisting in the air not caring is she was basically flashing her panties to everyone on the ground, after the jump Mark's right leg lifted into the air. "EAT THIS BAKAMONO! MINGS MEGATON... SAKURA.... CANNON!!!" She shouted as she made her leg weight thousands of tons and basically drop kicked the monster, unawear of anything else around her. She was going in for her epic shounen attack!
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Wed May 25, 2011 1:28 am

Lulu stared in awe at the copulating bots. It took a little while to register what exactly was going on, but when it finally did, Lulu burst into laughter. "What the... what the heck?" she asked, chuckling. "That's some interesting power I seem to have. Whatever, at least it worked." She shakes her head, still laughing.

"Ok, looks like we're making a decent dent in them." She adjusts her grip again so Cat can actually talk and see what's going on. "Cat, I didn't plan to start running again, I just wanted to get you out of grabbing reach. Give me some credit." She surveys the area and robots. "Well, there's still fighting going where we came from so if you really want to go in that direction, Cat, we can. But if we do, I'm hanging on to you. Fair?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Wed May 25, 2011 1:38 pm

As Cat watched the battle from above, Lulu's laugh sent waves of warm breath across her face, while the older girl's breasts jiggled right infront of her. This only added to the bad mood that was rapidly developing due to the jealously of the powers that Lulu and the others were using against the robot threat, while Cat was left feeling utterly useless, like she was making things harder for the girls instead of easier as they not only had to fight off the robots, but apparently felt the need to babysit her in the middle of it all. She just hoped it was her lower emotional maturity to blame for the overwhelming urge to burst into tears at how unfairly things had turned out.

It was only Mimi's claim of knowing who 'she with the nectar of life in her bosom' was that stopped Cat succumbing to the inevitable temper tantrum that would have been appropriate for a real ten year old. She'd been doubtful of the mysterious voice and it's instructions at first, but she felt so helpless, that she was desperate to try anything to gain the powers the other girls in the group now had. Wrapping one arm around Lulu, she cupped her free hand to her mouth and called out to the hovering girl in the power armour, "Hey, Mesume, can you lead us to the nectar of life?". Loose blonde hair whipped across her face in the wind, and she was having to drag the strands away from her lips every few seconds, which just proved beyond doubt she'd made the right decision to cut her hair short and kept in that way upon becoming the flying fox.

"Sandra!", she yelled, tugging on the purse she was wearing like a backpack, and pulled out her phone, motioning for Lulu to get closer to the ground. "Do you think you can do some fancy tech stuff to this so I can use it to talk with you and Mesume?", she asked, stretching a skinny arm outwards towards her robofied best friend, waving the phone back and forth in her hand. "Just incase we get separated... I don't want to lose you again". She blushed, feeling rather childish being held in the arms of another girl like this, when she was actually supposed to be the oldest of them all, with her pale blue plaid school skirt bunched up and her skinny legs wrapped around Lulu. "Mesume thinks she knows where this nectar of life stuff is... I want us to go with her, all of us, you and the Wolf too...", she explained, turning her head to look over at Horo while she mauled the pink robotos. "We're a team now... ".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed May 25, 2011 10:24 pm

Mimi gritted her teeth as she was hearing what the droids were saying before being hit with Lulu's strange attack. It would seems as if these machines were lacking a 'mind' of their own and thus unable to gather any information from them.

"Fury Barrage," said Mimi in a soft tone. It was something she remember Cat saying in one of her moments of forcing Mimi to view her comics. She then began to fire a fury of mini missiles to keep them at bay as she flew higher.

Out of the corner of Mimi's eye, she could read the sensors that were being displayed in her visor. Energy readings that were off the charts was being shown in the direction. She would have to guess it was from the fighting of those superpowered deities. Judging by the distance and the rate of movement, the battle was getting closer to their current location and Micheal's flight or fight instincts were kicking in with 'flight' was mostly being considered. A quick search on the web had told her that the two powerful beings were called White Skull and the MSN Giant Mecha. The worse of the moment is that she completely lost track of the young Chinese maid and that busty milk squirting woman. A crater was left in the location and the Micheal side was saying the two were in a better place but the Mimi side was more hopeful.

"Excuse me Mist-...Miss Caterina," said Mimi as she had to force herself from calling Caterina her mistress. She had to keep her facade for as long as she could in order to protect Caterina's feelings. Mimi flew up to be on the same level of Lulu and Caterina to hear her better. Luckily she was able to catch what the young girl was saying. Soon a blast from a small laser was fired another on droid, "Rosa Laser."

"I can assist in leading there. It would seems like it has move due to...an unforeseen event," said Mecha Mesume in a polite and respectful tone as she was trying to keep Micheal's negative thinking down due to Mimi's consideration for Caterina's feeling. Any indication that this 'nectar of life' women was killed would crush Caterina. She then blushed a bit when Caterina claim that they were a team. She tried to compose herself and countinue. "Though it is traceable using my sensors."

The armored girl then decided to keep quiet about suiting up Caterina's phone due to the fact that she didn't want to reveal too much of her powers. There were several pieces of electronics laying around that she could use to make Caterina's phone better then it was ever had or would be but that may be a risk.

Mimi then looked at Lulu and said politely, "I would suggest we retreat. Currently the two powerful beings from before are heading in this direction according to my sensors. If we don't move anytime soon then we will find ourselves in their tussle."
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