by Mistress Guendolen » Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:17 pm
"If you're worried, get a notebook and write down your guy memories in it. That's what I'd do.... Hey, yeah, I think that is Steve." She moved closer to the patch of green. "Steve? Hey, it's me, Rhiannon. Kristine and I've come to help you out. C'mon, we're going to try to fix this mess." Hey, if "she" still remembers being a guy, why does she seem to be kinda boy-crazy? You'd think there'd still be interests in girls there.... But hm, maybe I should try to get her and Kazuki together. She'd get the niceness to stick, and he'd stop saying how much he loves me, something both weird and, now, a bit sad.
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa