[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Sun May 29, 2011 8:30 am

As Horo sunk her savage teeth into the first of the strange pink robots, biting right through it as if it's metal armour was not there. As her teeth and jaws rendered the first humanoid machine in to, Horo found there to be a very sickening taste. She was able to taste grease and oil in her mouth, but at the same time she also was able to taste flesh and blood underneath all the metal and grease. The mixture of the hot, metallic taste of the blood combine with the thick oily taste of the grease left the most unpleasent of feeling in her mouth. Spitting out the remains of the machine she had just bitten into and battering it to oneside with a broad sweep of one of her front legs. She would send the remains of the robot flying into some of the others to cause a disturbance, though she noted quickly that it was unlikely to slow down the robots too much, they seemed to be single minded, relying on weight of numbers more than anything else for this fight. She looked off to oneside to notice some of the machines began to act in a rather bizzare manner. Had it been possible for any colour to come to the wolf's face, there would have been a tinge of red, a reaction to rather erotic display that was occuring. The wolf had some knowledge of what was going on but nothing beyond it, despite her size, she was still quite young so her mind had not really fully matured yet, and years of being a slave had put constraits on certain impluses. She blinked a moment and turned away from the scene suddenly, looking about at the others. She rather hoped that none of her allies had caught her staring at the scene. She barely knew them, but would still have found being caught staring like that embarrasing. Trying to push the thoughts to the back of her mind, she looked about at the enemies that were still about, The distraction caused by the strange scene that had played out had distracted Horo long enough for one of the humaniod machines to approach from behind her, though because Horo had been so distracted she would not notice until the moment the electrical strike from the pink robot struck her right leg. It was painful enough to cause a reaction, though there were no lasting effects on her. Glaring at the machine that had dared attack her, Horo lunged at it, smashing her large bulk into it to send in flying off, crashing into a tree and though she was not hurt, the pain had been enough for a more savage instinct to take over, thus for several minutes, she seemed to be attacking even more wildly than before, thrashing about, snapping at the robots. When her sense returned she saw she had taken down a few of the robots in her blind rage, one was still clamped into her jaw, where she could feel the same taste again. Spitting the machine out and looking around for Cat, since the entire purpose of them all being here seemed to be to assisting Cat in find this nectar of life.

The wolf would perhaps look a little intimidating at the moment, a truck sized wolf who's fur on various places, around her jaw and paws, where stained with a mix of mechanical grease and blood from the pink robot girls, though she did not look particularly aggressive otherwise. She listened to the conversation Cat seemed to be having with others while the young girl and others seemed to be floating, she heard mention of finding this nectar of life person the strange voice had mentioned earlier, and how that they now seemed to be a team, though forced together by circumstance Horo found it to be a far better idea that all of them trying to do things alone , in their own way. The idea of being part of something like a pack was also a little soothing for the wolf. Despite knowing that she was dangerous enough with her ability to become the size she currently was, she also knew she was no match for many others out there, much like the strange people she had met on the previous battlefield, so the feeling of safety in numbers was reassuring for her. The fact that those about her were proficent fighters was also reassuring. She could hear the approaching sounds of battle from what she had and the others had just escaped and when it was confirmed by Mimi's words, the wolf agreed heartily that escape was currently their best option. As she waited for the descision of the others of whether to fight or flee, she would help make escaping easier by battering down a few more of the pink robots.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Tue May 31, 2011 8:30 pm

(Hmm let’s speed this up… since I have the time now, probably going to result in smaller posts but it’ll let us move things along faster)
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Metal crushed from the blow as Ming’s overly glamorized kick impacted the MSN bots leg, as it created spider web fractures spread across the area before the metal frame gave way as she ripped through it leaving a huge gash into the beast, unfortunately the beast itself was only a limb and it was still the size of a multi deck freight train so all her attacks ended up doing was injuring a portion of it and pissing it off as it stopped playing friendly as it brought out the more dead inducing weapons from its other compartments as missiles popped out before firing and the whirling of charging energy could be heard.

The pieces that Stella hit with the milk early returned to the form that they were earlier most notably scrap metal, however she was too busy rushing in towards Ming to notice. As she rushed forward spraying the mechanical tentacles most ceasing to function as it struck. The machine was divided on how to attack missiles firing at Ming, it blasted a heat beam at Stella, the release force from her tits was a bit too much for her to withstand. As her boobs would cause her trip backwards and in a most cartoonish fashion she would find herself rolling milk spraying everywhere the rolling just enough to cause the beams to miss each time.

This would come as boon and bane to Ming as she was sprayed again… the missiles that were heading towards her fizzling in mid flight falling apart impacting the ground in a dud as the liquid touched them. The machine was not to be denied however hundreds of other chain guns and beams emerged from its bulk head due to its annoyance from missing so much. Just as it was about to fire a brilliant light that looked like a kamehameha beam tore through the air lighting up the night sky in all directions before striking it. The creature lighting up in a pillar of energy as sparkles flickered everywhere before it finally convulsed falling silent, from where the blast came from stood Ms. McCoy in a spiffy techno armor that was a bit skimpy. Her bosom comparable to even Stella’s on a ‘good’ day and oh yeah let’s not forget the UPG she had in her hands or the others with her there faces however obscured by the jets lights.

Sandra’s hacking attempt would backfire horribly, while independently they were dolls they were still all originally humans controlled and connected to the master body. She would soon find herself pushed back as her internal firewalls began to fall before the onslaught of digital attacks the bot acting as a gate way for the master body to attack her internal systems. To the others it would look like she just froze on the spot, except Mimi who could see large volumes of data being sent back and forth. While she was in a digital deadlock with the MSN mother mind the other bots physically swarmed her.

The MSN bot was growing impatient or more closely panicked for the energy reserves the White Skull beyond even its calculation. Upon realization of such a strong localized source that it had sent a customized bot, made from the remnants of the military section of the expo. None of them would see it coming after all military included stealth technology.
Before they knew what hit them it did; appearing suddenly next to horo not giving the wolf girl time to react it struck her with enough force to throw the giant beast dozens of feet through the air towards its allies, while there view was obscured and the audio was filled with the beasts torment yelp of pain it’s chest panel open for a brief moment as bolts of ionic energy lanced out towards the air born ones. That done while they were pre-occupied its hand out reaching as if to claim Sandra’s body or more closely her energy source her brain.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:03 pm

Sandra was in a panic, trying to close off all her wireless communication. They were everywhere, swarming around her, and code inside her, and if that wasn't enough...

A crazy military tech frankensteinien monster was suddenly next to her, reaching out to her!

Sandra knew she had few options... She tried to fire all of her EMP's at once, and searched frantically for that killswitch... when she got an idea.

If it let her in... Maybe, before she was finished, she could bring down the whole network with that wiping routine. She would fight to the last, but at least, in the worst scenario, she'd have a plan.

Sandra willed her jets to activate, her weapons to fire, and anything she could just to get away from the immensely freaky thing that was throwing her power sensors into a tizzy.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:31 pm

Cat once more struggled to control her emotions as Sandra's hesitation let the moment pass. She knew the Robo-girl had far more pressing matters to be dealing with right now, but yet again, she felt herself on the verge of throwing a tantrum as tears stung her eyes behind her glasses. It was a good thing they were so close to the ground, as when the energy bolts started coming at them, she felt herself slip through Lulu's arms. Disorientated, she didn't know how high they were, and screamed as she fell, but it was just a few short feet before her shoes hit the ground and she tumbled forward onto her hands and knees, the phone spilling out of her grasp to skid across the floor.

Blonde hair tumbled down infront of her face, and she could feel her white silky panties were showing beneath the short blue plaid school skirt as her bottom was poking out behind her, but she crawled forward through the legs of several different robots towards her phone, only for a heavy robot foot to come down on top of it just before she could grab it. "Noooo!", she cried, and now there was nothing she could do to stop the tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she was left looking at a pile of broken phone parts on the floor.

Clenching her hands into fists, she climbed back to her feet, narrowly avoiding a bolt that zipped inches above her head. "Mesume! Please take us now... Sandra and Bubbles just want to hang around here, but we need to do something or we'll end up going in circles", she called, and then whistled in Horo's direction. "Come on girl, we have to fight our way through them instead of waiting around for them to overwhelm us", she said, motioning for the creature to follow before she set off in a run towards the hovering Mimi, her skirt bouncing as she ducked under robot arms and jumped over the bodies of the fallen ones, although as she'd found earlier, her school shoes were not made for such situations, and then smooth surface provided no grip, causing her to slip and skid across the ground.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:49 pm

Mimi was firing lasers from where she could. Still the onslaught was not lessening. If anything it was getting worse and it seems like the mechanical girl was frozen. It would look as if she was in fear but Mimi could sense that massive data packets were swarming around the girl. it was as if they two entities were in a deadlock in a hacking war. Mimi could tell that if something isn't done then one of the two was going to be taken over and based on Mimi's analysis of what was going on it doesn't seem like the humanoid droid girl wasn't going to win. Then again Mimi didn't have much time to focus on that.

Things were going insane. Out of nowhere a massive mechanical beast had appeared and was firing bolts from everywhere. Micheal was going have to guess thiat this mechanical foe must be from the military since she recognize some of the technology from the documents that Micheal was able to view in his past life. Still it didn't help that as Mecha Mesume isn't full equipped for something like this at the moment. She floated around to avoid the bolts that were raining down on her but some of them were just too quick. Mimi was hit by one and at once was shot to the ground. Her systems were still functioning but she was going have to be careful. She ha already set her sensors to to sense electrical discharges so that will help with the predicting of where they will fall.

It was Catalina's screams that made Mimi pause for a bit. She felt fear seize her for a moment as the young girl had fallen to the ground. The small girl eventually had made it to where Mimi was hovering in place with the wolf-person in tow. The mechanized girl at once place an arm around Catalina's small body and at once fired a series of missiles from her back to hold her spot. Mimi could see now that this was a losing battle and they would have to run away. The only hope that she had was what that mysterious voice was but both her and Micheal didn't have too much faith. If anything her otherself was saying to run away now.

"You are right Miss. We need to leave here. Their numbers are overwhelming," said Mimi as her long 'ponytails' had whipped around to grab on to the wolf-girl. She was abit heavy but Mimi was able to handle it. She then tighten her arm around Catalina. "Please hold on."

"Miss Sandra and Bubbles," said Mimi as she rev up her boosters to make an escape. She fired a fury of lasers in an attempt to create an escape path. She wasn't sure how many of the droids were knocked out but the idea was to do as less as possible. Mimi then began to fly off. "We are going to attempt to leave. This battle doesn't seem favorable especially for these two."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:31 pm

Mark gave a victory sign as she noticed the monster get more angry, but she paniced when the missles came at her. Dodging in mid air was imposible, she could only brace for the attack. Thankfully she was saved but once again washed with milk! Mark landed and cursed out. "Damn it!" she exclaimed as she tried to brush and wash some milk away, it was bad enough she was wearing a trampy maid outfit. Unfortunately Mark couldnt afford stayingstaying still and clickly tried to return to with some defenders. Taking this baddy alone was suicide.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:44 pm

Horo was not aware of the new fighting machine that had approached them until the very last moment before it struck her in the side. The wolf had just finished rending another one of the pink maid-robots apart, which scattered with a spray of oil, grease and blood into several directions. The next moment all she would catch is a split second glance of the powerful looking combat machine before she was struck hard by the machine. The wind was knocked out of her body as she was senting flying through the air, landing in a heap not far away from Cat. Stunned for a moment, the wolf lay there on her side. a brief agonized growl escaping. A moment later should would recover and slowly get to her feet. She was more than a little surprised at how strong the machine had been. She was large and she weighed a great deal more than any other wolf about but this new enemy had battered her aside rather effortlessly. She pushed herself back onto her foot, wheezing rather heavily as she she could feel some bruising around her one side of her rib cage. That she had been knocked aside like that surprised her a great deal, the wolf had become used to being able to throw her bulk around essientally unopposed. Shifting about for a moment, she couldn't do anything to reduce the pain from the bruising for the moment, as she could not reach the area in her transformed state and there were still enemies around, which would make it even more difficult to do anything about the pain. As she stood up, she looked at the machine that had attacked her again, it was surprising to her that it could have come up on her without any notice at all, no trace of scent or movement, just like that time back at school with the woman who seemed to be in charge, Roberta. The wolf remembered how Roberta's ability to sneak up on her despite the superior senses Horo possessed, it spooked the wolf then and it still did. This machine being able to do the same thing worried the wolf. Staring at the stealthy new robot for a moment, she would wonder if she should attack it, but before she could, a whistling noise came from nearby, from a familiar source.

Looking over towards Cat as she the young girl tried to get her attention by whistling and calling to her. She found herself feeling slightly embarrased by being spoken too like one might do so to a pet dog, but knowing that Cat would not know the wolf's name, nor know that she could be as human as Cat was, the wolf shook off the odd feeling and lope over towards Cat as the girl seemed to dodge around and over the robot's, at least until she seemed to lose her footing and slip up then skid along the ground on her backside. Had it not been for the ever present danger of the battling machines around them as well as the importance of finding this nectar of life the voice mentioned, the slipping up might have seemed slightly comical but in this situation, the wolf loped over to Cat to protect her just in case one of the robots made a grab for Cat. She arrived just as Cat was scooped up into the arms of the girl in the powered suit who then moments later seemed to let one of the strange ponytails grab hold of Horo. The large wolf let out another pained growl, lifting her put pressure on the bruised ribs. As they began to fly, Horo closed her eyes and shifted back into the regular wolf size, realizing that a truck sized wolf would not only slow their escape down, but also she would present a large target. As she returned to the normal size, the pain on her bruised ribs lessened slightly, but other than that, did not fade away.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:29 pm

Stella soon becomes... quite dizzy as she spins around in circles, her breasts blasting forth milk with a pressure normally found in fire hoses. Once her pressure lowers enough and she stops spinning, she stumbles to her feet... looking around with a blank expression as her head swims. "D-did we win?" She asks, as she stumbles around... her heels not helping her stability. She looks at McCoy blankly... and the silent machine she had just drenched... wondering what she missed.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:20 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Dr. McCoy looked at the pair not really wanting to know or ask about what she had just seen. While she had seen plenty of weird or useless powers over the years Stella’s was definitely up there, still it definitely had some entropic reality effects if what it was doing to the machine parts it touched was any indication. However this wasn’t time for such a observation, the reality warping emanating from the expo center was increasing whether or not they could harvest it for their own ends was another matter.
“Mark or Ming why are you out here… and do I want to asking about your friend?
McCoy said to Ming before pointing over to the dizzy ditz that was Stella that was on the floor.
“Civilians are clear now” one of the other suited figures said to her before drooling at Stella’s rather exposed form.
“but as you can see there are more important things to attend to.” McCoy said
“Ground stabilizers are deploying now” another said as suddenly from the UPG in McCoy’s hand deploy ground Landers which embedded themselves into the landscape.
“Charge back up to 50%. ETA 1 minute to full charge” said the 3rd one,
“Is it really ok for us to use this as a live test? We’ve never even tried above 20% output!” one of them asked, another elbowed him “Who cares we get to see her dressed in that shooting a big gun does it really matter?” as it soon looked like most of the lab was here; most likely all the geeks were enthralled by her rather generous bosom into helping out.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Apparently on vacation
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Mimi was successful in escaping the immediate combat zone with Cat and Horo in tow the immediate enemy forces to busy or more correctly preoccupied with harvesting Sandra. Eventually or more correctly within seconds she would get far enough with the pair that she would soon recognize the area as the park grounds proper, not far from where she originally crashed err…. Landed what was only a few minutes early though at the rate everything was happening it felt like months had passed. The wolf almost falling out of her grab as it seemingly shrunk in mid flight, thankfully the system auto adjusted quick enough to grab her.
The blast of ionic energies side effects began to make itself known, while her internal refraction barriers did protect most from its harmful effects like vaporizing her it also altered the beam causing other effects. As she flew her could feel her armor getting tighter as her fat cells doubled than tripled the ionic energy causing cellular duplication. Thankfully Mimi was quick skinny and fit for her petite form on the other hand the places that generally did collect fat cells increased drastically as Mimi’s boob’s and ass among other places seemingly tripled in size… unfortunately her gear didn’t do the same being rather form fitting it instead it poorly attempted to stretch as Cat would find herself once against smothered by cleavage far exceeding her own though this time it was awkwardly unnaturally chubby.
As Sandra fought back on the digital level, most of her other functions were shut off one by one mainly her weapons, while certain functions seemingly went off like her boosters which blasted her dozens of feet right into another tree… still this bought her a few seconds. Even this wasn’t enough as the MIA weapon caught up to her pinning her against the ground with one of its hands. Still in those few seconds millions of digital attacks occurred as her system fell one by one as it soon pounded against her last firewall with the force of swarm of freight trains… she know that it would break though soon.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:24 pm

Mimi was flying around. She was glad that the wolf had changed form as it allow her to move faster. She saw that they were in the park before and at once began to scan the area for the girl that was with Mimi earlier. She wanted to see if there was any sign of the girl from earlier. Heat signatures and imprints and everything.

"I am trying to locate the young girl," said Mimi as she looked at the girls she was carrying. It was then Mimi felt what was happening and how her armor was becoming tighter. She frown a little as her bust was becoming bigger. It wasn't painful until it was being pressed against the armor. She tried to hold back her confusion but at the same time she was losing her balance due to the extra 'weight'.

MImi at once tried to adjust her balance but at the same time was flying a bit closer to the ground and adjust her hold on Cat but that was actually the least of her worries. She tried to use her powers to help loosen the armor a bit to adjust her new size.

"Ex-ex-ex-excuse me for the dis-dis-displeasure for the moment," said Mimi in a cry like tone.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:37 am

It was over. She'd lost her ability to fight back, and this monstrous thing had her pinned down. Her systems were failing, and her security was being cracked by the immense and growing network.

All she had left was the idea that, once she was on their network, she could wipe them all out. She knew it was a long shot, but, she was out of options. She left her barrier fall, and waited, ready at a moment's notice to execute that killswitch command.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:13 pm

Cat pushed her skinny arms up around the teenage girl's neck and held on as they took off again, her chest pressed up against Mimi's metal-plated breasts. She winced as more bolts flew passed them, going so close she could feel the woosh of air around her head, legs and her butt. Her blue eyes widened behind her glasses as she realised the energy bolts were hitting Mimi's armoured suit. As the metal glowed where it had been struck, she thought the energy had been blocked, only for the girl's breasts to start rapidly filling out inside the suit.

Her cheeks went red as Mimi's chubby breasts began to push against her lips, and then her nose, smothering her with cleavage once more. She felt jealous, reminded of her own lost curves, but at the same time it was clear the poor teenager was rather distressed by what was happening to get body, making Cat feel sorry for her too. With her face nestled between the breasts, she couldn't even turn her head to look around, and was left peering up at Mimi in embarrassment while bolts continued to fly frighteningly close to them.

One of the bolts whizzed an inch passed her backside, the suprise causing her lips to vibrate against Mimi's large breasts when she cried out. Feeling Mimi was already struggling because of the extra weight, she was too afraid to even take her arms from around the older girl's neck, but she squirmed and clenched her buttocks as fear spread through her and got her heart racing. "D-Do you see her yet? I'm not sure I'm lucky enough to keep avoiding these energy bolts for much-", she started to say, but was suddenly cut off as Mimi's expanding breast popped over the top of her suit and slapped against her mouth, the nipple pressing between her lips and silencing her!
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:19 am

Mark blinks at the question. "Dr.Bigtits... I dont know. I just woke up in the lab, met some robo girl and next thing I know I'm getting blasted by milk and kicked a monster" she replies making hand gestures before pulling down her skirt. "By the way, I could really use a new worebrode change" she added blushing as she pulled down her rubbery skirt. "Oh and one explanation to this whole crazy situation would also be nice" she added giving McCoy are glare.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:29 pm

Stella makes an effort to stand up, still wobbling as her head spins, causing her bare top to jiggle and bounce. She looks around at Ming and the others... her face confused. "W-whats going on?" She asks... then pauses as Mark speaks. "Um... sorry about that... again..." She mutters...

Meanwhile, Mark would feel her skin tingling once again from being drenched with the milk. But this time, the feeling centers on her breasts. She might find a blush coming to her face as the tingling intensifies, her breasts becoming extremely sensitive as they begin swelling... gradually stretching her rubbery top.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:46 pm

Horo had began to feel slightly motion sick as she was carried through the air by the strange 'hair' of the girl who was carrying Cat at the same time. She was used to running rather faster than a human could manage as well as some feats of mobility that might make a human feel motion sick but in all those cases she always ended up with all four of her feet on the ground in the end. Right now, she was just swaying about in the air, held up by the hair, with nothing solid beneath her feet. This would both spook her instinctually and create a current of motion sickness in her body. She twisted her body so that she could luck towards Cat and the girl who was carrying them. She watched as Mimi seemed to be going through some rather troublesome changes, finding it rather peculiar that the girl's bust and rump seemed to be growing rather randomly for a seemingly inexplicable reason to the point where the flying girl's breasts seemed so awkwardly chubby that they seemed to almost smother Cat. The struggle Mimi seemed to be having would certainly complicate their search for this Nectar that the strange voice had kept talking about. Mimi had seemed like she knew who it might have been, but with her current struggles, the wolf reasoned they might well need an extra set of eyes..as well as other senses, that made Horo a good tracker and hunter, but as she was, she was unable to communicate with any of them properly. Wriggling free of the strange hair that Mimi had been using to transport Horo around, the wolf would land on the ground, though the impact would create a pained growl as it jarred her bruised ribs.

After centering herself on the ground after the short but disorientating flight with Cat and Mimi, Horo would look about for a moment before finding what she was looking for. She dart into the cover of a fairly thick bush. Closing her eyes a moment, visualizing her human shape in her mind's eye for a moment. The wolf felt more comfortable in either of her wolf shapes, but this situation meant they all needed to communciate properly. Wolves were hardly know for their mastery of human speech either. It took a few moments for her wolf shape to melt and reform into the human shape she had been in before the EMP damaged and rendered the control collar she had been wearing useless, still with the wolf ears, the furry tail as well as the slightly sharper than normal kanine teeth, though there was a few differences, the colour of her eyes as well as their look was far more feral than when Daniel had been dominate in the mind. Her hair seemed to have grown much longer than it had when Horo had looked like a maid, grey and white to match her wolf fur and at first glance, it seemed so thick it might have looked like fur. The problem now was that, without the collar, she had no clothes to wear, so this is why she had hidden herself. It was not that being naked concerned her all that much, it was simply that it might cause problems communicating with Cat and Mimi, so she would hide herself as much as she could. Standing up, though one arm crossed over her chest to hide her breasts, she looked up towards Cat and Mimi, then called out to them "When you are done redressing yourself and stopped smothering the girl with your oversized chest, I think i might be able to help you find this person you are looking for" her voice sounded of someone with a distinctive English accent.
Idle MSFer
Idle MSFer
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