The Transformist (IC)


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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:23 pm

The sudden realization that comes when the feeling returns between Carter's legs returns paralyzes her. No outbursts of "It's gone!" No grabbing her crotch. She just stands there, leaning with her two hands on the counter to assist her weak knees. All she needed to know she was no longer a man was the feel of her skin against those panties. Completely dumbfounded, she can only stare at her budding breasts.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:12 pm

Judging by the look on her face, Emma seems more confused than anything else. A few seconds or so after Karen finishes talking, she says, "Fine..uh.." She pauses to look around and see if anyone's listening, then leans forward a bit and talks more quietly. "What do I wear to bed, then?"

It only takes about half a minute for Carter's breasts to reach their full size. They're not terribly oversized but certainly noticeable, especially in her present attire. Far more conspicuous, however, are the new wings, which now span at least as far as her height. They are fully expanded, but should she try, she would find herself able to fold them fairly neatly against her back. Still, they seem rather difficult to hide. She looks uncannily like some kind of angel without a halo, but seems to be quite the same as ever in her mind.

"Hmm," the guy gives Jamie another thoughtful look. In spite of his looks, something in his mannerisms and speech seem to hint at a far older mind. "There are some that would make quite a bit of trouble out of an offer like that, but I just like to make things less...boring. All I ask is you agree to accept the form you take. Once I start it, it'll go slowly, at least at first, just keep thinking of yourself as female--which I understand shouldn't be hard for you--and it will continue."
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:43 pm

Karen's chewing slowed down to a stop as Emma leaned forward across the table, and she found her gaze drawn to her house mate's chest, her cleavage teasingly presented in the snug, white vest top she wore. Swallowing her mouthful of food, she blushed brightly, forcing herself to lift her head and meet Emma's gaze. "Last night you wore a black cotton camisole top with a pair of black silk panties... I think they cost more than half my clothes put together do... ", she mumbled in an embarrassed tone. "We watched that Sex and the City movie that Beckie next door lent us... ".
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:39 pm

Carter blinks at herself and strokes a finger down her cheek. "This... is impossible." She shakes her head, letting the longer hair glide through the air and against her face. With a little effort, she stretches her wings out and folds them up behind herself. She blinks, her new gender completely lost for the moment. "I wonder if I can fly?" More stretching brings her newly feminine form back to light, and she blushes at herself. "I've got to get this fixed." She struggles against the ribbon, hoping that now it will finally let her free.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:36 pm

Jamie's heart stops. Her breath hangs in her lungs, and she starts feeling dizzy, even before the man does anything. The world seems to sway under her feet, as she stares in shock at him. All her dreams... her hopes... were pinned to this one moment in time. The impossible.... what she had been too scared to believe, what she had convinced herself wasn't possible, but her heart yearned for, was right here.

She swallowed hard, to try to start her heart moving again, and nodded. It was a slight tremor that built into a solid shaking of her head. She wanted to scream, and jump, and run, but all she could manage was a soft.. "yes."

She let her breath out, and pictured herself, as a girl. As much of a girl as she dared. She waited and watched him for anything to indicate he was doing something mystical, as the world spun under her.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:39 pm

Emma nods, blushing a little bit herself. "Y-yeah, that's right. Then--oh my gosh, Karen, it is you! How did--I mean--who--I don't even know where to start! I mean, what are we gonna do about this?" She manages to keep her voice down, just barely, but her expression is probably loud enough to make up for it.

The ribbon seems to have lost whatever made it act like a living, growing thing, and now it just seems downright flimsy, parts of it tearing with the slightest pull and the rest just falling loosely off of Carter.

"Well," says the guy, "then I'll start it." He doesn't actually look like he's doing much of anything, other than moving a hand close as if to put it on her shoulder, but then drawing it back again after a couple of seconds. Jamie, however, can almost immediately feel something stir in the pit of his stomach for a second or two. The feeling is unfamiliar, certainly not like indigestion or hunger.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:08 am

Karen shook her head slightly and shrugged her shoulders. "I... have no idea... ", she sighed, wriggling out of the red jacket, and then unwound the red and yellow scarf from around her neck, leaving her sat in the yellow t-shirt and short black skirt. Karen had never been as curvy as Emma, but she was certainly used to having more than the tiny little bumps that barely showed through her clothing.

"I was patrolling around by the train station when I started to feel funny. I headed back to my car, but by the time I got there... I looked like this", she blushed. "I... I didn't know what else to do, so I came looking for you. They sent another cop out to take a look at my car, and then I got frightened and ran. Maybe I should have tried to explain to him what happened... but they'd have probably just thought I was some crazy girl and taken me to have my head examined... ".
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:34 pm

Jamie stared at the outstretched hand in fascination, waiting for something miraculous to show itself. When her stomach butterflies flit about, she gets more and more nervous. Is this guy just a charlatan who happened to trick her with clever insight and careful wording? Is she just fragile and gullible? What if.... what she saw earlier was just monumental coincidence?

She bit her lip, the expression on her face almost pleading for more, for a sign, to not be lead-on... And her free period was almost up. She was almost due back to school, and here she was, standing at the mouth of an alley with a stranger who promised to realize her deepest, most heartfelt dream.

She kept her eyes fixed on the man's hand until it was back at his side, and then locked onto his face. Her body shook with nervousness. "Is that it?" she asked in a soft whisper. "That's.... it?!"
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:00 pm

Carter tosses the ribbon to the floor and stomps on it for good measure. "And stay off!" She tucks back some hair that got into her vision and frowns. "I've got to find that lady. If she did this, she can undo it." She nods to herself and heads out of the bathrom. She tries as best as she can to move quietly and hug the walls, but her new wings flare out ever now and again.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:19 pm

Emma says, "Well if you're crazy at least that makes two of us. I th..." her voice trails off and she gets a brief look of abject confusion, like she isn't quite sure what she's seeing..but not in Karen's direction, rather over her shoulder at the back wall of the restaurant. A woman in a white dress who seems to have..wings? coming from her back, but is trying her best to hide it. It might be some sort of costume, but then it's particularly confusing that somebody surely would have noticed her coming in, since she now seems to be trying to exit.

Emma isn't the only one who notices, either. There are a few seconds of unbearably awkward silence before most of the people just resume their conversations, though even then those looking in Carter's direction can't seem to keep their eyes off the unusual sight.

"Of course that isn't it. The rest comes with time." When Jamie returns her focus to the guy's face, the rest of his body in general, something is off about it. His hair seems a little longer, he looks a little bit skinnier, maybe...and the stubble is missing from his face. "If I meant to embarrass you, I would have done it already, but you might have noticed nobody's noticed." He chuckles..wasn't his voice a little deeper before? That seems to have been meant as encouragement, though more verbal than definite proof. "Anyway, I'm sure you have somewhere to get to. I won't keep you any longer." He makes a gesture as if opening an invisible door behind him, out of the alleyway.

((I'm assuming you meant Carter left the bathroom and then was trying to stay against the wall. PM me if I'm wrong))
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:40 am

Karen looked relieved as Emma seemed to believe her incredible claims. Taking another bite from her sandwich, she chewed and then flashed a shy smile at her beautiful house mate. However, her attention was drawn to the girl coming from the bathroom, and she shifted in her seat, twisting around avd perching on her knees, head tilting to the side as she examined the realistic-looking wings.

"Seems an odd time of day for a costume party...".
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:28 pm

Kyle really hadn't planned on staring at a construction site today, but here he was anyway, leaning against the wall of a random nearby building and looking at the geometric patterns of the scaffolding. At least he was on the sidewalk, he thought once he got a handle on his thoughts again, rather than in the middle of the street with cars honking at him. That was one experience he didn't need repeated. So he shook his head and reached into his pocket and pulled out the hotel-provided map he'd drawn all over last night, and struggled to figure out exactly where he was at the moment, and where that museum was supposed to be from here. After several seconds he turned it right-side-up and tried again.

((This is just to introduce my guy for the moment. Next action in the Subway is still pending muffinstud's reply; if I change my mind it'll go in a new post so everyone sees it.))
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Zilla » Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:09 pm

Jamie blushes as she moves forward. Her senses alert her to the changes in her acquaintance, and she can't help but stare, a bit transfixed, on his face, as she mimes a ducking through the imaginary door the opened for her. She stops just past the threshold. "There really is something going on, isn't there?" She says... a little more confidently. Her heart has finally stopped dancing in her chest, as she gives the stranger a parting look of hopeful bewilderment.


"Are you lost?"

A cheerful voice chirped from near Kyle. The voice belonged to a woman's clean face, unaccented with makeup, gracing the top of her slender neck, which flowed to her soft figure, enclosed in a wildly psychedelic tie-dye shirt. Her long, slightly unkempt brown hair waved it's way past her shoulders, held back by a daisy hairpin. She wore flared-cuff jeans, and a earthy hemp-braided belt, and her motions were extra-fluid, almost theatrical.

"Can I help you find something, my dear?" she said, peering at the map in Kyle's hands.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:21 pm

[You assume correctly, good wolf.]

Carter freezes in her tracks. She hd hoped to avoid attention, not grab all of it. "Um... I'm in a play? Sorry, I need to go. Rehearsal and all..." All attempts of stealth thrown out the window, she rushes straight for the door. Just as she makes it, her wings flare out and get caught on the doorjam. She doesn't get stuck, but she grimaces from the discomfort and she completely fills the doorway until she squeezes through to the outside.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:43 pm

"I would say so..." the stranger's changes seem to continue while Jamie leaves. Ms. Fitz might not notice it yet, but her already-long hair has grown a couple of inches longer in the back. More noticeable, perhaps, is a brief itch in both her ears--scratching them, however, will find seemingly nothing unusual to them.

Emma keeps staring for another few seconds as the unusual woman leaves the restraunt's only entrance. "Those..moved," she said quietly. "I know what good costumes look like, and that..didn't look like one." After a few seconds she shakes her head, trying to clear it. "Okay, okay one thing at a time..we need to figure out a way to get you back to normal, what to do in the meantime, and how to convince your dad you're you, and...wait, should we even tell him? What about the police force?" She's trying to keep her voice down, but clearly having a hard time.

Carter's final push through the door has her running straight into another poor pedestrian--a man in his mid-twenties who she might notice is of about average attractiveness. Her wings seem to instinctively flap around a bit to keep her balanced and on her feet, but he isn't so lucky, landing on his side and getting some scratches on his hand and arm from the concrete. They aren't life-threatening or anything, but they look pretty painful. "Oww..." he groans, while a few more people around stare. There is a small thought in Carter's mind that it would be really cruel of her to just leave him like that.

"Oh, uh.." Kyle moved the map where the woman could see it more easily, thankful for any help at this point. "I...yeah, I think I'm pretty much lost. I was trying to figure out where I am now, and how to get there from here." He pointed at the location of an art museum; on their website they were advertising an exhibit on the link between math and art, but he was just as interested to see the more permanent pieces there.

((I wasn't sure how long James/Jamie's hair is supposed to originally be. I'm assuming a little past shoulder-length?))
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