TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence


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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:47 pm

Ash noticed Michael and the newly transformed Justine.

"No this isn't some kind of spell, Miss." Ash said. "Who are you by the way?"

"It's another strain of the Virus that has stricken this area several times in the past. My siblings and I have experienced it several times. Luckily, my younger sister found a job as a Dental Hygienist in Springfield after she graduated Southern, and my brother is going to school at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We have to do all we can to keep the virus from spreading outside of Peoria. That's the reason I wanted you two to follow me down the passage way to protect you. I see that you have started changing as well Michael." Ash said as he noticed that Micheal's hair has started to grow and was about shoulder length now. "The changes will keep happening. It seems that this strain of the virus is working even faster than the others. The others used to take a few days not a few minutes."

Micheal's hair turns almost a jet black color as his eyes become a purple color. His hair continues to grow until it's about mid-back length and stops. His face begins to feminize as his arms and legs become more sleek and sexy as his fingernails and toenails lengthen to feminine proportions. A pair of flats materialize on his new sleek and sexy feet along with black tights that go all the way up to his waist. His waist and hips fold in and flare out as his rear end raises up a bit and slants back. His face feminizes. His stomach may feel a lot of pain as the changes start to occur down there. His chest pushes out to high-B-Cup Breasts as a female school uniform materializes on him. His manhood becomes her womanhood and his arms and legs as well as chest and face are now smooth and hairless as Micheal becomes Michelle. His mind now changes into her mind as the changes complete. Michelle was now only 16 years old and only 5'7" tall. Much shorter than her former frame of 6'3" but not too short.

"Um Micheal you might want to go into the restroom and take a look in the mirror." Ash says pointing to the newly transformed Michelle.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Nikki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:55 pm

"I don't think a scientist could do something like this without magic." Justine remarks. "What am I supposed to do about school now?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:16 pm

"Somehow, the other scientists that were behind the other outbreaks did it without magic. Why are you so hung up about this virus being the result of magic? Are you wizard or witch of some sort?" Ash asks curiously hoping not to offend the new girl.

"Why do you think I wanted to take the two of you to the safe bunker? Ash asked. "It was to protect you."

"As for your schooling, usually the result of a transformation is that there will have to be personal data changed should you decide to stay with your new Gender. Oh yeah it also effects your memories too." Ash said.

As Ash said this, both Michelle and Justine remember having silly fights with their siblings when they were younger. Justine may especially remember arguing with her siblings Alex and Max on who the better wizard was and who would win the Russo Family Wizard Competition. The only difference Justine's memories show is that she was always Justine and never Justin. There however is a section of Justine's memories that will always remember being male at one time, but it is gone dormant for the time being. Also Micheal remembers being Michelle instead of Micheal now. There however is that same section of her memories that, just like Justine's, will remember being male at one time.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Nikki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:07 pm

"Alright now I'm confused." Justine says as she holds her head "Why was I talking to you again?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:38 pm

"Wh-wh-what do you mean? Who the git behind this all?" said Michelle in a British accent as she tries to walk. She could feel her hair sway along with her bust. She was finding it hard to walk due to the lost of height and new assets. She almost tripped. "Where is the restroom by the way? Could you help lead a ch-I mean lass?"

Michelle mind was filled with new memories but was wondering what was going on. She knows she been in the United Kingdom for the last three years for college but what is going on was beyond her. Even the explanation from this Ash person wasn't making sense.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:09 pm

Nikki wrote:"Alright now I'm confused." Justine says as she holds her head "Why was I talking to you again?"

Justine: "You wanted an explanation about why you were turned into a girl." Ash says. Justine might barely remember being male at one time, but it seems like a hallucination now.

Maiden Miki wrote:"Wh-wh-what do you mean? Who the git behind this all?" said Michelle in a British accent as she tries to walk. She could feel her hair sway along with her bust. She was finding it hard to walk due to the lost of height and new assets. She almost tripped. "Where is the restroom by the way? Could you help lead a ch-I mean lass?"

Michelle mind was filled with new memories but was wondering what was going on. She knows she been in the United Kingdom for the last three years for college but what is going on was beyond her. Even the explanation from this Ash person wasn't making sense.

Michelle: "Half-way up the ramp and to the left. Do you want me to help you up the ramp?" Ash asks.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Nikki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:16 pm

"That seems odd." Justine says. At that moment she flips her hair in an attempt to get some of the water off. A few droplets land on Ash.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:27 pm

"Well it looks like I'm next." Ash said.

(Okay Miki you're up. Time to transform Ash into female.)

"I knew I couldn't avoid getting wet for long." Ash then begins to explain what has happened with the past outbreaks. He was just glad that so far only three people have been exposed. He was also relieved that his siblings weren't here to get exposed.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Nikki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:00 pm

"Next for what?" Justine asks.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:29 pm

"No....I can do it," said Michelle as she walks and tries to hold her balance. The idea of breast was really making Michelle uncertain as she walks. The idea of a skirt was also making her movements a bit robotic. She follows the route given to her and eventually make it to the restroom to take a look at herself.

Ash's height began to dwindle as his hair began to becoming longer.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:40 pm

"Now how did I know that this would happen to me as well. I try to avoid getting wet, but I get wet anyway. Also why does it feel like my hair is getting longer. Why does the ceiling seem to be getting higher up." Ash said as he moved a lock of his growing hair behind his ear.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:48 pm

AshK wrote:"Now how did I know that this would happen to me as well. I try to avoid getting wet, but I get wet anyway. Also why does it feel like my hair is getting longer. Why does the ceiling seem to be getting higher up." Ash said as he moved a lock of his growing hair behind his ear.

Michelle looks at herself in the mirror and blinks.

Ash would already feel a pull between his legs that will make him into a her. Still her features were male with a hint of feminine but overall female.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:01 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:
AshK wrote:"Now how did I know that this would happen to me as well. I try to avoid getting wet, but I get wet anyway. Also why does it feel like my hair is getting longer. Why does the ceiling seem to be getting higher up." Ash said as he moved a lock of his growing hair behind his ear.

Michelle looks at herself in the mirror and blinks.

Ash would already feel a pull between his legs that will make him into a her. Still her features were male with a hint of feminine but overall female.

As Michelle looks at herself in the mirror, she will see that she indeed is completely female in mind as well as body. She begins to think thoughts of shopping and meeting guys.

Justine also begins to think thoughts of shopping and meeting guys. Both Justine and Michelle are able to walk much more smoothly now in their new female forms without practically tripping.

"Oh great, I know what that means." Ash says as he feels the pull that he knows all too well from the previous outbreaks.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:04 pm

AshK wrote:
As Michelle looks at herself in the mirror, she will see that she indeed is completely female in mind as well as body. She begins to think thoughts of shopping and meeting guys.

Justine also begins to think thoughts of shopping and meeting guys. Both Justine and Michelle are able to walk much more smoothly now in their new female forms without practically tripping.

"Oh great, I know what that means." Ash says as he feels the pull that he knows all too well from the previous outbreaks.

Michelle raised a hand to her face and then shook her head. "This can't be right. I am a complete lass. What is the meaning of this?"

She slowly then began to rub her bust.

Ash's hair was turning a grayish brown color as it went as long to mid back while her body was becoming more feminine. His hips began to widen as his waist thins down.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Nikki » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:05 pm

"Hmm is there a good mall around here?" Justine asks.
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