Magical Encounters


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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:47 pm

AshK wrote:Jade shivers. "Wh-what was that. Also what is with your eyes?" Jade says as she looks at Lizzi.

"That is who I know when a monster is out and about," said Lizzi as she climbed on Mina's shoulder. "And that shiver was you knowing something is up. Now you two get to the parking lot. Hurry~"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:08 pm

"Oh and how exactly are we supposed to fight this monster or whatever it is like this? We don't stand a chance even by ourselves." Jade said as a ribbon thing with a heart in the middle materialized in Mina's hands.

"So how do you expect us to fight this monster?" Jade asked.
Last edited by AshK on Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:26 pm

AshK wrote:"Oh and how exactly are we supposed to fight this monster or whatever it is like this? We don't stand a chance even by ourselves." Jade said as a ribbon thing with a heart in the middle materialized in Mina's hands.

"So how do you expect us to fight this monster?" Jade asked.

"" said Mina as he didn't notice the ribbon around her hand.

Soon a ribbon with a clover appeared around Jade's hand.

"Just get to the location and you can figure that out seeing that you don't want to help each other out," said Lizzi as she licked her paw.

" are right. I guess it be up to me then since the stupid one wants to do is just ask questions," said Mina as she began to run in the direction of the parking lot.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:10 am

Maiden Miki wrote:"" said Mina as he didn't notice the ribbon around her hand.

Soon a ribbon with a clover appeared around Jade's hand.

"Just get to the location and you can figure that out seeing that you don't want to help each other out," said Lizzi as she licked her paw.

" are right. I guess it be up to me then since the stupid one wants to do is just ask questions," said Mina as she began to run in the direction of the parking lot.

"Humph! Whatever! I can handle this myself." Jade says as she runs toward the opposite end of the parking lot.

"So how does this thing work? Abra Kadabra Alakazam let's transform and go with the plan? It has to be shorter than that. Let's try this: Clover Ribbon Power Make Up!" Jade says as a green glow surrounds her. "Now this is too weird! I still can't believe this isn't a dream. I also didn't expect what I said to work."

A Phrase suddenly comes to Mina's mind as she sees the ribbon with the heart. The phrase Is this: Heart Ribbon Power Make Up!
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:41 am

AshK wrote:
"Humph! Whatever! I can handle this myself." Jade says as she runs toward the opposite end of the parking lot.

"So how does this thing work? Abra Kadabra Alakazam let's transform and go with the plan? It has to be shorter than that. Let's try this: Clover Ribbon Power Make Up!" Jade says as a green glow surrounds her. "Now this is too weird! I still can't believe this isn't a dream. I also didn't expect what I said to work."

A Phrase suddenly comes to Mina's mind as she sees the ribbon with the heart. The phrase Is this: Heart Ribbon Power Make Up!

"Whatever...die together if you want," said Lizzi as it stay on top of Mina's shoulders.

Soon Jade began to glow green and her body was transforming. Her hair was becoming a big longer and poofly to become two long strands. Her outfit then changed. Once the transformation was done Jade was now Clover Reborn.

"What? There is no way I am going to let you beat me!" said Mina trying to think of how to activate her transformation. She thought about it but soon came up with something. "This sounds cheesy as heck but okay! Heart Ribbon Power Make Up!"

Soon Lizzi jumped off Mina's shoulders.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:54 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"Whatever...die together if you want," said Lizzi as it stay on top of Mina's shoulders.

"What? There is no way I am going to let you beat me!" said Mina trying to think of how to activate her transformation. She thought about it but soon came up with something. "This sounds cheesy as heck but okay! Heart Ribbon Power Make Up!"

Soon Lizzi jumped off Mina's shoulders.

"Whatever...die together if you want," said Lizzi as it stay on top of Mina's shoulders.

Soon Jade began to glow green and her body was transforming. Her hair was becoming a big longer and poofly to become two long strands. Her outfit then changed. Once the transformation was done Jade was now Clover Reborn.

"Um okay, I look like some reject out of Sailor Moon. Oh well. I guess it comes with the contract." Clover said as she arrived at the battle site before Mina did.

"Prepare to die scum!" Clover said as she tried to figure out some sort of attack. Words finally came to her mouth. "Clover Leaf Hurricane!"

As she said that a swirl of deadly clover leaves surround and started slicing into the monster.

"Wait a minute, that actually worked! Great!" Clover said as she sent out another Clover Leaf Hurricane attack.

The Pink heart glowed as Mina was surrounded in a beam of pink light. Her hair became pink as her pigtails completely changed. Mina's outfit then changed as her Magical Girl transformation completed leaving Heart Reborn in Mina's place.

"Where is that slowpoke?" Clover asked as she continued attack the monster with her attack.

(You can pick your own attack since I picked my own. Sorry if you wanted to do that, but that attack name just came to my mind.)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:12 pm

AshK wrote:
"Um okay, I look like some reject out of Sailor Moon. Oh well. I guess it comes with the contract." Clover said as she arrived at the battle site before Mina did. She then started to try her martial arts moves on the monster.

"Prepare to die scum!" Clover said.

The Pink heart glowed as Mina was surrounded in a beam of pink light. Her hair became pink as her pigtails completely changed. Mina's outfit then changed as her Magical Girl transformation completed leaving Heart Reborn in Mina's place.

"Where is that slowpoke?" Clover asked as she continued to try to fend off the monster with her martial arts.

"Why....why....why so damn pink!" yelled Heart as she stood there and shook her head. She then began to run.

"Pink because...." said Lizzi before noticing she was all alone.

The attacks didn't seem to be doing much to the monster. Of course they hurt but the monster didn't seem to be much hurt. The monster let out a roar and then was going to swipe it's hand at Clover.

"Shut the heck up you blasted monster!" yelled a passion filled Heart as she could be seen jumping from a top a building with a pink glowing wand in her hand. She then swung it like a baseball bat. The attack hit the monster and this time it yet out a yell of pain as the spot was glowing pink.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:19 pm

"Damn it this is just like Sailor Moon and Tokyo Mew Mew, the leader with the stuffed animal always gets the best finishing attack. So I guess that means that Heart is the fearless leader! I have to try and come up with a more powerful attack if I want to do any damage!" Clover said as she tried to come up with a better attack as she was dodging the monster slashes. "Why is it always the Pink, Gold or Silver Magical girls that have the most powerful attacks and are the leaders? Clover Leaf Hurricane!"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:23 pm

AshK wrote:"Damn it this is just like Sailor Moon and Tokyo Mew Mew, the leader with the stuffed animal always gets the best finishing attack. So I guess that means that Heart is the fearless leader! I have to try and come up with a more powerful attack if I want to do any damage!" Clover said as she tried to come up with a better attack as she was dodging the monster slashes. "Why is it always the Pink, Gold or Silver Magical girls that have the most powerful attacks and are the leaders. Clover Leaf Hurricane!"

Nothing seems to happen as Clover yells her attacks. Still her fist do spark a bit of green as she was talking with a bit of passion.

"Hemf...This isn't too bad!" smiled Mina as she swung her wand around. The monster was yelling but as Mina kept swinging her want was losing it's glow. Eventually it had stopped glowing and her attacks weren't doing damage.

"What! That is it?" yelled Mina as she tries to stumble back with her sudden surprise of her not glowing wand.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:43 pm

"Out of gas already fearless leader?" Clover asked in a condescending tone. "I think I should be the leader! Not you! I will beat this monster if it's the last thing I do! Time to do a more powerful version of CLOVER LEAF HURRICANE!!!!!" Clover said as she did the same attack but this time it seemed to be a bit more powerful as it headed directly toward the monsters head. Maybe it's passion that is the key to their attacks. "I will win this! CLOVER LEAF HURRICANE!!!!!"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:47 pm

"Out of steam? Heck no. I just getting started," said Heart as she frowned and swung her wand a bit more. "As if you could ever be leader. Not with how to look....Damn stupid thing!"

Heart's wand soon sparked a bit and this made her smiled a little bit.

The punches seem to hurt but it wasn't really anything special. It left green glows on the monster but it was similar to when Heart hit the beast with her wand.

"That is your special Clo-ver Leaf Hurricane? I can so do better!" laughed Heart as she smiled and her wand seem to spark up again. She then felt the passion within her and said, "SO much better!"

The wand lit up pink for a moment and Heart ran up and give the monster a stab leaving a pink mark on it.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:54 pm

A new attack came to mind for Heart as the words: Passionate Heart Stamp Surprise! Came to her mind.

"I will so do better than you! This time the Passion inside me is burning! I have to give this attack all I have!" Clover said as her hands filled with a Nunti Spear and she slashed the air with all the passion she could muster as she formed a great big Clover-Shaped Gash in the monsters back. The glow was even more intense than before as she smiled happily with all the passion she had.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:00 am

AshK wrote:A new attack came to mind for Heart as the words Passionate Heart Stamp Surprise! Came to her mind.

"I will so do better than you! This time the Passion inside me is burning! I have to give this attack all I have!" Clover said as her hands filled with a Nunti Spear and she slashed the air with all the passion she could muster as she formed a great big Clover-Shaped Gash in the monsters back. The glow was even more intense than before as she smiled happily with all the passion she had.

"Well not if you just doing nothing to it!" yelled Heart as she was hitting the monster. The poor thing looked as if it was in pain but wasn't going to be defeated.

Soon the words came to Clover as she felt the urge to yell Passionate Clover Lovey Strike!

Heart at once blushed as an attack name came to mind but she figure she could give it a try. She raised her wand high in the air and then jumped.

"PASSIONATE HEART STAMP SURPRISE!" yelled Heart as the tip of her wand began to glow pink and took the form of a heart. She then swung it down like a hammer on the monster.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:09 am

Maiden Miki wrote:
AshK wrote:A new attack came to mind for Heart as the words Passionate Heart Stamp Surprise! Came to her mind.

"I will so do better than you! This time the Passion inside me is burning! I have to give this attack all I have!" Clover said as her hands filled with a Nunti Spear and she slashed the air with all the passion she could muster as she formed a great big Clover-Shaped Gash in the monsters back. The glow was even more intense than before as she smiled happily with all the passion she had.

"Well not if you just doing nothing to it!" yelled Heart as she was hitting the monster. The poor thing looked as if it was in pain but wasn't going to be defeated.

Soon the words came to Clover as she felt the urge to yell Passionate Clover Lovey Strike!

Heart at once blushed as an attack name came to mind but she figure she could give it a try. She raised her wand high in the air and then jumped.

"PASSIONATE HEART STAMP SURPRISE!" yelled Heart as the tip of her wand began to glow pink and took the form of a heart. She then swung it down like a hammer on the monster.

(LOL! :lol: I love it!)

As the new words came into Clover's mind. Even though it was embarrassing as apparent by Clover's blush she decided to give it a try. Holding tightly onto her spear she flipped in mid-air and yelled out the name of the attack.

"PASSIONATE CLOVER LOVEY STRIKE!" Clover yelled as her entire spear began to glow green and slashed the strike that clover did was in the shape of a clover as she slashed the back of the monster.

(Oh wow! it's after midnight! I have to get to bed good night Miki. See you tomorrow!)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:17 am

AshK wrote:
(LOL! :lol: I love it!)

As the new words came into Clover's mind. Even though it was embarrassing as apparent by Clover's blush she decided to give it a try. Holding tightly onto her spear she flipped in mid-air and yelled out the name of the attack.

"PASSIONATE CLOVER LOVEY STRIKE!" Clover yelled as her entire spear began to glow green and slashed the strike that clover did was in the shape of a clover as she slashed the back of the monster.

(Oh wow! it's after midnight! I have to get to bed good night Miki. See you tomorrow!)

Heart's attack bursted in many hearts showering over the monster. The beast let out a scream of pain as the two attack collided and soon glowed pink and green. All that was left was three coins that flew in the air which Lizzi soon appeared to suck into it's mouth.

"And that is how it is done," smiled Lizzi as she landed on the grass.

Heart at once fell to the ground with her wand in hand and huffing. "That....was...."

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